Mass Psychosis & You

I agree. We are all being played by experts. It is getting really hard to duck all the red herrings…just sayin’.


Insanity has reached a new level.


Did I read something about this in Revelations? You are not allowed to go the market without it.


I was interested in what Chris was getting at with his statements about all this fakery. I didn’t really hear anything substantive, just an alluding to the purposeful nature of the weirdness and “Truman show” look to the set. Anyone have any ideas what the motives here are?

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…actually seems applicable to the mainstream narrative. Here in NZ we are about to start a “Vax-a-thon” which I’m certain will prove this very point.
Don’t ask me who will watch this. All I can think of is very lonely vaccinated people with no internet access who want social proof their decision was the right one. If you are on the fence at this point I doubt you are giving up part of your weekend to finally decide.
Apologies in advance for linking to anything CNN.


A most excellent short read!

.... Various forms of corrupted ‘good-standing’ behaviour, the origin of virtue signaling, was endorsed and de facto enforced. The idea of victimless crimes emerged, as well as the creation of two categories, malum in se (real moral crimes) and malum prohibitum (technical violations). This meant that the appearance of good standing could be purchased through show-boat philanthropy, but also the laws themselves could be wantonly violated through the paying of bribes. Societies of scale have effectively justified and encouraged this type of social credit system, which works as a type of stratified class system: rules for thee but not for me. We see this today with the masking system. ....

Of course there’s a grain of truth in it in that some people have turned the vaccine into the devil when maybe it has some applicability to some people in some situation. Nah, I take that back. With early treatment, it’s probably at best neutral for vulnerable people…
But the much bigger truth is that everything he says fits the vaccination crowd oh so well. There’s the irrational fear promotion. The latest example is the 14 year old boy who died of a brain tumor, but tested positive in the hospital 2 days before his death. He became officially the youngest “covid death” in Alberta and the media was all over it. The devil in the vaccination story is of course the disease blown up to larger than life size. And it’s cult leaders are the vaccine and it’s cheerleaders.


Pray to see the truth and for others to also see through the propaganda.


Strategic Culture has a two part article on the origins of the great reset

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Prepare for you enthusiastic provaxx friends, family, coworkers, neighbors and strangers to try what he suggests on you. They probably won’t be able to maintain their cool, though.


Take the same discussion of cult recruiting and replace vaccine with virus and we might be onto something.


so… a perfect example of accusing the opponent of something one is guilty of


Note the ring on the middle finger of the left hand at 6:47
He should know all about cults.

This is also how I see it…Trump fulfilled his role

The vaxxed shed more virus than Purebloods, and your dose fails after 6 months. Re-evaluate your misinformation sources in the MSM


This is almost a contradiction in terminis. Once in a psychosis, re-evaluation of misinformation is impossible. The problem that we are facing is brilliantly illustrated by the post of LesPhelps and yours. No rational discussion is possible, both sides are caught in their own “reality”. I think that we also have to always check if we are still rational. Based on the discussion on this site and the often very careful balancing of data and information, my guess is that most people here are still sane, sad, angry, overwhelmed, but still sane.
I actually fully respect Les’s and others vaxxed approach to stay away from unvaxxed people, as long as they do not “other” us, force us, threaten us and mistreat us as is happening in many countries.


Wow, I was distracted the first minute and when my attention focused back to the the video, I thought he was talking about the “other” cult.

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@Barry_Silverthorn asks:

Is it possible that the government, news media and even tradespeople who build studio sets are victims of the mass psychosis as well? Will some subconsciously - or consciously - choose the path that Richard Heinberg refers to as "last man standing"? "One of the options discussed by Heinberg in his latest book is the “Last Man Standing” scenario, in which the powerful (most often the ultra-wealthy and politically connected within American society and societies of other nations) will use their assets to promote their own survival at the expense of everyone else."
The Heinberg scenario seems like a 'duh' to me. Of course the farm managers run the farm in such a way that their lives and livelihoods are not affected, or are least affected, by the strictures hard times require. In our own ways, we're all doing the same: sharing with each other the ways we are using our resources to secure our futures as well as we can - precious metals, bitcoin, land and infrastructure, stored food, bug-out bags; it's the same thing, just on smaller financial scales. Every individual in every species does the same; it's nature. I don't think that behavior is psychotic. Psychosis involves inability to distinguish reality from fantasy. The farmers are not psychotic, they're sociopathic - they know and don't care what harm their actions cause others, and so they're gaslighting us to promote psychosis in the farm animals in order to manipulate and control circumstances to their benefit. But I like @yagasjai's distinction between hysteria and psychosis (comment #12). Most of us are not becoming psychotic, we are suffering from induced mass hysteria. We will regain our minds when and as we find relief from the mass-media-promulgated fear porn. For me, the big-picture question is: when will the animals on the farm invade the farm house? Because that too will happen if the path doesn't change - it is also a 'duh'. But it requires stepping back from the gaslighting to see the picture in its frame. The "government, news media and even tradespeople who build studio sets" certainly know what they are doing, and why - at least at the decision-making and instruction-issuing levels. Maybe some of the people in front of the cameras and hammering nails don't know, or choose to not know, but the bosses and designers definitely do. All of them, one way or another, think that going along enhances their personal survival and ability to thrive. Some don't know they're just tools; others rightly understand they're the tool manipulators.

Jeffrey Epstein’s demise in August 2019 and the subsequent collection of some rather embarrassing files might have provided a nifty assurance of cooperation by otherwise reluctant movers and shakers, eh?

Prepare for you enthusiastic provaxx friends, family, coworkers, neighbors and strangers to try what he suggests on you. They probably won't be able to maintain their cool, though
I dont have any enthusiastic provaxx friends, family members, or coworkers. If they are, they probably know to hide it from me by now, LOL. As for strangers?? I do believe that prying into a stranger's personal medical decisions may earn you a black eye or two.