Mass Psychosis & You

Could this phenomenon be causing adverse vaccine reactions I am wondering? It makes total sense to me. Personally I don’t know of anyone with an adverse vaccine reaction but I have found that those on the internet who claim to know a number of cases are very negative of the vaccine. Those who got the vaccine with friends speaking doom and gloom are going to essentially be set up for this phenomenon. Also I remember hearing (maybe it was from Chris) that the girl who ended up in the wheel chair after the vaccination trial was found to have no explainable reason physiologically so may be psychological?

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“But it requires stepping back from the gaslighting to see the picture in its frame.”
One bigger-picture question on my mind is whether the majority of humans have an awareness on some deep level that we’ve arrived at the squeeze-point of the energy/economy/environment funnel and that there is no painless way to pass through it. Are we moving from Denial, Pain and Guilt, to the Anger and Bargaining Stage of grief, and is that being played out through the frustration of lockdowns, mask-wearing, vaccines and all the drama and division that surrounds these things? Is it Covid vaccines that are turning people against each other or are we 7 billion people acting out over our collective grief? And are we easily manipulated in our grief? I suppose this is Fourth Turning material.
“Howe and Strauss predicted that the start of the Fourth Turning would have been 2005, plus or minus a few years. With this in mind, it appears the 2008 Financial Crisis was the trigger for the move into the current Fourth Turning. They predicted a climax coming around 2020 and the resolution, including a “Great Devaluation” as the economy is entirely restructured for a new set of circumstances, around 2026.”


The weird thing is, I only know a few people that are unvaxxed, but most vaxxed persons I know are pretty respectful. Many of these are actually quite critical about the current situation. For now that is, I think that this winter will be very telling. For bow I consider myself lucky (I typed this on my phone while drinking a nice Belgium beer in a cafe the refuses to check for the corona pass?


I do think people are waking up to the way they’ve been played over the dangers of Covid. It’s clearly been hyped. Whether that’s part of the larger frame of moving through stages of grief over human over-use of resources and the planet – I just don’t see it. Yet. Hopefully that comes sooner than later so we do less environmental damage, but I don’t see it now.
As for the perceived “frustration of lockdowns, mask-wearing, vaccines and all the drama and division that surrounds these things,” I know people on both sides of these issues and what I see on the side of those frustrated is that, first, many of them did not think lockdowns and masks were appropriate to begin with, and most of the rest did not think it made sense to continue the requirements so long. Average small town and rural Vermonters knew the basic lack of crisis within a couple months; most went along with the requirements all the same. But they’re done with it, now.
In my small church of about a dozen people, there are only 2 who are trying to get the rest to agree to go back to zoom for awhile, given Vermont’s current record rate of positives and hospitalizations - and this is, too, in the context of our little village of 570 people having witnessed a 30-day ICU stay and death this week of a local, unvaccinated plumber. Two members of the congregation have already retreated to zoom participation as the daughter is high-risk. I don’t know which way one member leans who has been away for awhile. But the rest are very certain they’re not going back into lockdown, nor do they want to retreat from in-person to zoom services.
What I find interesting is that those who want to continue meeting in person are perfectly comfortable with those who are concerned about infection choosing to participate via zoom. But those who are afraid are not ready to let go of their effort to make the majority abandon in-person services.
To the extent our church dynamic can be seen as a proxy for people’s general behavior and attitude, I don’t see them moving from denial, pain, and guilt toward anger and bargaining over excess resource use, I see long-festering frustration at the time and duration of the lockdown being expressed as determination to not acquiesce again, because those same people are not reducing their consumption or newly espousing environmental concern they haven’t previously.
I think that what I’m seeing is a sign of the great middle of America saying “no” to lockdowns and forced vaccinations. My perception is buttressed by trends across the country, and Western world, where people are refusing even at the cost of their livelihoods. I expect governments to conform, in time.


“I do think people are waking up to the way they’ve been played over the dangers of Covid.”
Maybe in the short term - but the long-term dangers of covid are still unknown.
Certainly, the late, lockdown measures were ineffective against an aerosolized virus - more theatre than anything practical.
Personally, I’m trying to avoid both the jab & still minimise exposure to the virus - even though I’ve probably had it twice…

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I don’t want to be injected with a substance that is generally not known , to the people who make it and inject it, what the long term health effects are. I was not co opted by a cult, I researched, after sitting on the fence for a long time, and came to the conclusion from my own risk assessment, that the injection is not in my best interests.
I am a 61 year RN/RM & endorsed immunisation nurse. I am intelligent and curious.So CNN , fuck off.


What a wonderful episode chock-full of profound ideas and truths. I thankfully stumbled across Dr. Chris during the early days of the pandemic, when I know something was NOT right, but I could not place my finger on it. I could sense it, like most of us could, however, I had practically no knowledge of virology, public health management, virolgy, or anything related to a pandemic. I am school teacher, so viruses were not on my radar (beyond trying to avoid colds and flu yearly).
The lessons and information I have learned through this channel have been tremendous and for that, I am forever grateful to you, Chris. Thank you for shepherding us through these uncertain times.
I am so interested now in the psychological information being presented. Now that I am an amateur epidemiologist (hehe) I guess I can add psychologist to the list soon. Chris, you have such an amazing gift for being able to take information from all directions and synthesize it and present it in a though-provoking and intelligible way. I totally agree with you- understanding what is happening is paramount to living a resilient and happy life. I believe, as you have mentioned before, that we have a choice about whether we want to participate in a divisive and cruel society. I certainly do not.
Imagine a world where the main stream media and culture celebrated such brave and intelligent souls such as Dr. Martensen, Dr. Kory, Dr. McCoullough, Jordan Peterson, etc. These brave men may not know the impact that are having. As a Catholic, I believe your impact will be revealed in eternity. Thank you for your courage. I believe you can help to usher in a new age of morality that is so desperately needed. We need to recognize objective truth and goodness. You are helping spread that message.
I have to go back and read the comments for this video. Have a wonderful weekend all!


We breed Marino Sheep in Australia. Early into the drought two years ago we had some hard decisions to make… keep all of our breeding stock and buy in feed, or Cull, by way of selling for slaughter 70% of our stock so that we could “manage” them with the feed “resources” that we forcast or estimated to be available to us. We did a combination of both in the end…
Then if we look at the Club of Rome, Limits to Growth it would seem that our current predicament in relation to “resources” on the planet has been forcast for quite some time. Seems like the WEF has taken up that banner.
Now to change perspective. The Therapeutics Good Administration in Australia has banned Doctors from prescribing Ivermectin. No treatments for you… from our “management”…
Why did we Cull and Manage our Sheep in this way? Because it had to be done or they would have all starved to death. We reduced the number of Sheep and provided rationed feed to the remaining to get them through. The two levers Chris has talked about before.

  • we have 2 beautiful children and want them to have a future.
  • we plan ahead.
  • we hope that we will be able to provide them with a good farm to inherit.
    Do TPTB think this way about the Earth?
    Just some food for thought…
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Broadcast in 2008, this series accurately portrays all the stated goals of WEF. B. cumberbatch plays mathematician who inadvertently aids in the development of TIA total information awareness. “Instant data of every persons complete history nearly instantly.” He uncovers genocide on groups via vaccines, diseases, and mysterious deaths of scientist. All resources being controlled and directed in large cities. Available on different sites including BBC tv.
Included are:
digital ids with total surveillance moment by moment
self driving cars w override so they can be shut off should a person take control
inability to purchase, enter buildings, ride public transport w/out id
mandatory and ethically tailored vaccines w built in electronic ids
the goal of both business and government merging into one
thinning the herd of undesirables
Highly recommend watching. The last scene of the series is unforgettable. Think of it as a tutorial.


Hi Staygrey,
In think that it is definitely possible that TPTB follow the same logic. The thing is: we, the people, are not their flock. We are not their possession. We are not their means of production or the product itself.
Sheep could be kept for meat, wool, cheese. Humans can create. Every person “culled” by empathyless persons suffering from a grandiosity complex, could have been the essential in a live changing breakthrough technology that would have bettered the world of billions, now we will possibly never know. Every child damaged or killed, is a reduction in the creativity pool of our species, a lost opportunity.
It reminds me of a story I read about an Hamas official. Hamas was actively recruting suicide bombers. When his son was approached, the official intervened: other children could blow themselves up for “their” good cause, but not his son.
Is killing and lying and cheating good if the goal is good? Does the end justify the means? This is a deep ethical question, and I’m a stounce follower of Kant’s “formulation of humanity”, explained nicely starting a 6:30 in this video
Additionaly, Friedrich Nietze, that guy whose thoughts were raped by the Nazi’s also has an opinion about TPTB:

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I was in a cult way back when. It was generally recognized back then that the Moonies were the least interesting members of cults. Lots of fear and not a lot of thought.
I didn’t think his analogy to anti-vaxxers stands up. For one thing, the anti-vax circles I travel in are data-driven and not fear-based. We are creating an island of sanity in the midst of swirling mass hysteria. I can only conclude that CNN put him on because he served the narrative.

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Yes DaveDD I agree with your thoughts from my own moral standing… Even “if” that is their thought process… as Chris would say… It didn’t have to be this way.


Nope. If anything, it’s historical. But where ymmv is around the tatics they use to control their populations.

Chris, I believe that you made a minor mistake around the 37:00 mark.
As a cinephile, I’m familiar with Rotten Tomatoes, and this clarification is a reason why I no longer frequent their website (except like a wikipedia).
On the left side is the Tomatometer and on the ride side is the Audience Score. The Tomatometer measures the reactions of professional critics and the Audience Score measure the reactions of general audiences. In this instance, 90% of critics loved the film (denoted by a “fresh” tomato rather than a green splat) and only 4% of audiences loved the film (so low that the icon is spilled popcorn).
Why this distinction matters: severe polarization between these meters may be an indicator that propaganda is being deployed by the critics. Of course, there are genuine instances of critics “getting” a film and audiences missing the artistic value.
If I see a polarity like this on Rotten Tomatoes, it’s usually a sign that the film can’t float on its own (people buy movies, not critics).


Grandma always said “crazy people make sane people crazy”

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"Could this phenomenon be causing adverse vaccine reactions I am wondering? It makes total sense to me. Personally I don't know of anyone with an adverse vaccine reaction but I have found that those on the internet who claim to know a number of cases are very negative of the vaccine. Those who got the vaccine with friends speaking doom and gloom are going to essentially be set up for this phenomenon. Also I remember hearing (maybe it was from Chris) that the girl who ended up in the wheel chair after the vaccination trial was found to have no explainable reason physiologically so may be psychological?"
To be truly open minded I think this has to be considered as well. So many people have so much fear of getting the vaccine, and then many injured claim that doctors can't find anything wrong with them. Seems like this mass hysteria could be affecting all parties in this adventure. I learned years ago from Dr Sarno that pain is most often mental anguish, I don't see a reason that much vaccine injury could also be a manifestation.

Pandemic Blunder: Fauci and Public Healthwill automatically appear in your library when the download is complete.
Looks like a Kory type thing. Have just started it.

The Rotten Tomatoes data is even more revealing than Chris notes. The “Tomatometer” is actually the positive votes of reviewers, i.e., the media. They voted a 91% “positive”. The audience score is separately stated and is presently 2% favorable (vs. the 4% favorable at the time Chris screen shot the site).
So what it shows is that very few consumers like or recommend a movie that almost all of the media loves.
Chris is correct. Our national psychosis is being driven by the people who own and operate our media. Whose interests they are pushing is a separate question.


Hey Chris and fellow peak prosperity subscribers,
First time poster here from Canada. Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the content on your channel. It has allowed my family and I to maintain a rational, data centric view of this world full of misinformation.
I came across this video on YouTube this morning and thought it might be of interest to you and the other members here. The psychologist being interviewed talks about a phenomenon called mass formation and in my humble opinion, this explains a lot of what we are seeing on a societal level. It does so without delving into the more “conspiratorial” end of the motivations for the seemingly nefarious events that we see taking place. Although I do agree that there are some serious conflicts of interest at play, human kind has shown a consistent track record of doing terrible things during these types of mass psychosis events in the past and I do not doubt that we may be witnessing this take place today.

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