Mattias Desmet on Mass Formation

They that have power to hurt and will do none,That do not do the thing they most do show,Who, moving others, are themselves as stone,Unmovèd, cold, and to temptation slow,They rightly do inherit heaven’s gracesAnd husband nature’s riches from expense;They are the lords and owners of their faces,Others but stewards of their excellence.The summer’s flower is to the summer sweet,Though to itself it only live and die;But if that flower with base infection meet,The basest weed outbraves his dignity.For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds;Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.
The "elites" think they are better because, in general, they ARE better at some basic things: state control when provoked, and ability to provoke others (to rash action or reflexive emotions). That is how they control us. We need to practice - and every provocation and outrageous communication is, among other things, an opportunity for us to practice. If we are going to win WW4 we need to stop being such suckers for mere words to provoke us to emotion or thoughtless action.
That's what this poem is suggesting, at least to me. As long as we continue to be easily provoked to rash responses, they have power over us. That's the power Our Masters have always held over the mass of us. That is the power we need to reclaim for ourselves in order to win this struggle, once and for all.

Abrahamists, the lot of them.
Abrahamists or insouciant Materialists. The modern scourge of Abrahamism and Materialism.
A Pox upon both house for the false choice that they put before us.

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Hi Stph. I have noted in some of your posts you refer to WW4. I am just wondering what happened to WW3. I am quite sure I did not miss it! ?
Care to tell me why you use WW4 instead of WW3 (which I believe is currently underway.) Thanks! ??


It depends on which mountain you climb. Who wants to reach the summit, only to find a misogynous old man with a beard and a bad attitude?
Here Abrahamist and Evolutionary psychologist, Dr. Edward Dutton, may, or may not, discuss the evidence that Religiosity is very Adaptive.
Of cause, I disagree completely with his choice of Religion.

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Jan, I wrote my “Sonnet 94” entry, specifically as a follow-on to your entry “it is not our place”. There are a lot of things we didn’t notice between 1945 and now, although most of these were just battles or moving fronts in the war. Consider how our dilemma right now would probably not have been possible without


Rich, the biggest thing missing from the climate change models is the SUN, and it’s impact on earth’s weather. The Sun is completely MIA in MSM climate models. Additionally, I believe the data for the climate change models is also MIA, just like the NIST model of Tower 7.
No data coming; it’s a big secret, and we ain’t in it.


Rich, Co2 is not the boogey man - that’s the main stream narrative - that most scientists do not agree with. It’s the Sun and natural cycles.
Honestly, even after watching the Suspicious Observers disaster series, I thought I would rather have a magnetic excursion than a great reset!


You smell a rat, eh? That’s why I’m going to get my hands on one of those microsopes and find out for myself. Why don’t you do the same? This is worth investigating and could be the smoking gun needed to dissipate the mass formation - one or two people at a time.
If the blood samples differ as in this video, then I’m taking the evidence to every local leader I possibly can. Others should do the same.
It is time for action. They are vaxxing the children.


I’m meeting with two people today, with means, that could help fund the project. I am sooooooooooooo curious to compare blood samples.
The only thing sketchy to me was the translation. The young citizen (underground) journalist bent over backwards to provide transparency and show the audience every step of the procedure.
I love simple.
If it’s true, I dont’ think any amount of mass formation will prevent most from waking up once they see the comparisons.


I see you are a newcomer to PP. Chris’ membership took off like a rocket during his pandemic reporting (2020). Prior to the surge, the members of PP were a bit more homogenous and tilted towards the higher educated, white collar workers.
With Chris’ excellent reporting, many more people were attracted to join PP, from a more varied background.
PP probably got more trolls, too.

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Anitak, you don’t have to read the post. Skim past it. Neglect is the worst form of abuse. Ignore the trolls.


Excellent, Mike.

The Lord is ever youthful, He wears a peacock feather and plays the flute, He charms millions of cupids, He is full of dazzling splendour!
An old man with a beard?
Where have you been, Arthur?

Thanks Hladini,
Although I can understand enough German to do without the (machine processed) translation however not when it is mumbled medical slang like the somewhat nutty professor :wink:
I do love the simplicity and explorative mind here and, as sad as it might be, hope for this to be true. It will be a strong trigger for many!


This is why we love Chris, open for anything as long as it makes sense and is based on data so we can just tap in if we need a dose of sense making ourselves.
The only secondary thought I have is the distraction of some on-going discussions on certain topics. Again I love the diversity here and value each comment, but I just can’t keep up with all and therefor look for guidance in who is most likely rattling the cage instead of trying to make sense of every comment made. Jumping in various rabbit holes eats my energy and time and I assume of many.
I would not vote for a like button and AI to guide our attention, however we could use more structure and attention focussing. An index, tagging mechanism, proper forum and search functions are desperately anticipated in the new website on this side. As Mattias Desmet and Chris tell us, we need others to zoom out and I think this is done by better concentrating our efforts and zoom in on what can be factually presented as “truth”. The dissidents are a few lengths behind and if shady data or too fringe stories are used it will set us back even more.
My new mantra in this story is

  • Non-violent
  • Factual (official COVID deaths among sub 50 w & w/o co-morbidity is my favorite!)
  • Repetitive

Perhaps, but, what is really the hard evidence for that supposition?
The Drake Equation has a few fatal flaws, specifically, the probability of life.
One data point, earth, does not indicate a trend, and SETI has been fruitless so far.
Explain how the planet Saturn was ever a star or ever our sun?
Jupiter, if it had more mass, could have been a star and made our solar system a binary one, and even in “2010” by A.C.C. he imagined that all of these “megaliths” would ignite it.

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Primordial Agnosis is the real issue.
The true self is not the body and all of these false identities associated by it.
Your true self is not your ideas and beliefs either.
Your true self is the eternal “experiencer” that uses “individuated selves” to evolve.
Like a individual raindrop that returns to the sea, it eternally still remains water.


For that way you see the whole coin,
and not just one side or the other.
Not just the logical construct of either/or,
but both/and and also neither/nor or mu.


J.H. Kunstler succinctly and pungently applies Mattias Desmet’s mass formation psychosis thesis to the last 5+ years:

Remember: [in the USA,] the Progressive-Woke-Marxist-Jacobins liked nothing better than inflicting punishment. In fact, when you swept away all their ideological bullshit and the associated hustles, the movement was strictly about coercion, about pushing other people around, making them do as the Woke commissars willed. And there was a clearly sado-masochistic edge to all that. They relished cancelling people, wrecking careers, destroying reputations, livelihoods, marriages, families. Their political leaders had no qualms about exterminating hundreds of thousands of small businesses in Covid-19 lockdowns orchestrated by Woke heroes like Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City and Governors Gavin Newsom of California and Jay Inslee of Washington State. And, of course, their darlings of the streets, BLM and Antifa, bashed-in shopfronts, looted all the merch, and burned down the buildings with mad glee. The Europeans, on the other hand, slid ever-deeper into despotic measures not seen since the Gestapo terrorized the continent. The Europeans face the same primal source of anxiety that the Americans do: the running down of their techno-industrial economies, except their predicament is arguably a little bit keener than ours is, since they have hardly any oil and natural gas of their own to run things on, and suffer terrible uncertainty about who will furnish it for them. If they had not gone out of their minds over what has turned out to be a pretty punk-ass virus — when treated early with a menu of cheaply available drugs — and hadn’t deified the false savior vaccines, they might be a whole lot more concerned about how they are going to heat their homes, fertilize their crops, and produce things of value — in short, remain civilized.

Eastern Europe is also a part of that “continent” and the Communist Secret Police were far more recent “papers please” tyrants than were the World War 2 German occupiers.
An interesting footnote of “blindspottedness” to real history.