Mattias Desmet on Mass Formation

More interesting than the Drake Equation is Fermi’s Paradox. Which leads you to Zoo Theory and possibly Simulation Theory.
Humans are as of yet physiologically unable to decipher this puzzle. We’re getting close to one hundred years of modern scientific observation of the phenomena. Physical Evidence has merely served to further obfuscate the mystery. Whatever is it is, it presumes itself on a higher level than we tiny humans. They wield the laser pointer, we chase the dot.
All observations have lead to one simple conclusion: the goal is deception and insidious seduction. There’s a reason why the Overton Window concerning UFOs has remained consistently focused on the ET narrative. It serves the perpetrators of the conspiracy.
I believe that Robey is referring to a deep-occult narrative. One that ties back to the ethnic conversation below. I don’t feel like expounding on that topic or adding to that conversation because it’s prone to irrational emotionalism instead of logic.
What I don’t understand is how Arthur reconciles that story with the ET story? They are not congruent, in my opinion.
ET is an answer seeking the question.


Stph: thanks for the reply and the link. To have such an eye-popping collection of charts in one article is great. That is one I will be sending to others in my never ending quest to help wake people up.
While poetry is not my thing, I get the gist of what you are saying. There have indeed been less obvious battles waged against us, continuously since 1945. And they will continue until the masses take the blinders off.


Great article.
Everyone should read it.
Kunstler explains Desmet’s theory in a way accessible to all. For instance, this passage explains:

As Dr. Desmet lays it out, the disconnectedness of contemporary life, its lack of meaning or purpose for many, leads to unendurable anxiety. All that inchoate fear seeks desperately to attach itself to some real object, some thing or some force that can be comprehended, fought, and triumphantly overcome. Finding such a target produces an intoxicating sense of communal connection, purpose, and meaning, driving actions that are often crazy and also absolutely impervious to rational debate.


Bruno, we haven’t even got the basics right.
I am like a reformed smoker, a real prothletiser of the New physics. And boy oh boy, did I believe the hornswaggle offered up as truth by people who professed to know everything about everything.
Often I have made lists of the follies of mid-wits in their persuit of fame on these threads.
Don’t tempt me to make another.
Allow doubt into your models. Start with the Thunderbolts Project on YouTube. Advance onto Dr. Pierre Robitaille, Sky scholar, YouTube.
Once the door is slightly open, keep working the hinges and soon you will have escaped the Overton window built by people who just make stuff up.


James is a wonderful wordsmith with a clear eye.
But is that enough?
I lean towards Clif_high for two reasons. He is paranoid and a Norman. The Northmen have conquered the world, using us Saxons.
There must be a reason for their dominance. I have a model for why this is so, drawn from a very old encyclopedia Britannica article, which I am afraid will offend the delicate souls of Peak Prosperity. Therefore I self-censor. ( No. You cannot unwrap your present.)
The line between genius and insanity is thinly drawn.


It all does provide for “plausible deniability” when “they” claim that “they” just don’t know what “UFO’s” are:
“They” do know and also so do I!

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This is From Dr Mercola's website Dec 5. The 1st link below may expire in a few hours. Hopefully the 2nd and 3rd wont.


  • Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., a molecular biologist and toxicologist, has called for an immediate halt to COVID-19 mRNA and DNA vaccines due to multiple safety concerns
  • There’s credible concern that the COVID jabs will cross-react with syncytin (a retroviral envelope protein) and reproductive genes in sperm, ova and placenta in ways that may impair fertility and reproductive outcomes
  • In the case of the COVID shots, important animal studies that help ascertain toxic and systemic effects were not done. We’re now seeing danger signals that are not being heeded. Preliminary safety results of mRNA COVID shots used in pregnant women, published in April 2021, revealed an 82% miscarriage rate when the jab was administered during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy
  • CDC data reveal more than 300 children between the ages of 12 and 18 have died from myocarditis, a now-recognized side effect of the COVID jab, yet the shot is now authorized for children as young as 5
  • Since the COVID gene therapies do not prevent infection, but only lessen symptoms, they are actually a treatment, not a prevention. And there are far safer and more effective treatment available, including nebulized peroxide, ozone therapy, and hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin regimens
Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., is a molecular biologist and toxicologist and director of toxicology and molecular biology for Toxicology Support Services LLC. April 23, 2021, she delivered a three-minute public comment to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).

my thoughts on TPTB:
they dream big, but often fail.
they drop bombs, grab their loot, declare victory, then change the subject, never looking back, nor admitting error, but always blaming someone else
they dont follow the pottery barn rule: they break the stuff, then make the commoners pay
Iraq: “Shia? Sunnis? Kurds? How come nobody told us there were all these different groups that dont get along?” That was ONE country. They screwed it up so bad, even the war-loving MSM turned against them (eventually).
None of this bodes well for their NWO, CBDC linked to social credit score, which is far more complex. Step 1 was Covid, and it’s clearly NOT going as planned. TPTB seem to lurch from lockdown to censorship to mandate, every time provoking a strong pushback. They probably WILL wreck the system, like they did in Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, and Syria. That’s the EASY part. But they won’t be able to fix it.
from WhoWhatWhy:

Gen. Wesley Clark Shocker on 9/11 “Policy Coup”
In this stunning but little-known speech from 2007, Gen. Wesley Clark claims America underwent a “policy coup” at the time of the 9/11 attacks. In this video, he reveals that, right after 9/11, he was privy to information contained in a classified memo: US plans to attack and remove governments in seven countries over five years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran. He was told: “We learned that we can use our military without being challenged …. We’ve got about five years to clean up the Soviet client regimes before another superpower comes along and challenges us.” “This was a policy coup…these people took control of policy in the United States….”

The policy coup was the implementation of “their” own “Program for a New American Century”, as sub-set of the “Cabal”, or “Them”.
They didn’t fail but achieved exactly what they wanted:
The instability and destruction of all of Israel’s enemies.
Only Iran still remains in their sights now.


This is important info, hope Chris covers it!
These really are explosive!


The alienation, lack of meaning and purpose, and the fears are all manufactured by the “false identities” created by the “Cabal” specifically for that purpose.
A rootless, confused, and fearful population is far easier to control and manipulate with constant and repetitive propaganda from all of the mass media the “Cabal” possesses.


The term “alien” doesn’t mean an “ET”, but, it did mean “German” in 1945.
That is where and when the USA stole this and other high-technology from them under cover with “Operation Paperclip”.
That’s what all “UFO’S” are that have been seen ever since then and the video from that naval jet confirmed their existence.
The websites and sources you had referenced didn’t answer my questions at all?
How about providing all the specific video or text links to backup your assertions?

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In general: I think Mass Formation has entered society at a much deeper level then only Covid-19. As Mattias says, the 4 preconditions needed for MF have been there for a while (short overview at The multiple ways and extremity of polarisation in ‘western’ society nowadays would seem to indicate that several ‘movements’ have found fertile ground to grow in.
Some links that may be of interest (from the priceless RebelWisdom):
The matter with things - Ian McGilchrist:
Is reality all in your head - Bernardo Kastrup (the first half):
Check out the ‘Sensemaking’ lines in the Playlists of RW also very interesting.
How to advance in this stew? Not sure, but getting back to the local, focusing on where control and potential influence lies. Working on underlying values.
One of the challenges is that we seem to be confronted with constricting convergent approaches that are prescriptive (the ‘Narrative’) and should better focus on enabling divergent approaches that open up and give freedom and agency (like integrating the nine noble virtues seem to be a good place to start.
Many questions, little answers…


you saved me a lot of time


he obviously has the mass formation right. noam chomsky wrote “manufacturing consent” a long time ago. the work of edward bernays has been seminal.
it is nothing more than an assertion that because totalitarianism has failed in the past it will fail now. there is no scientific evidence to support that. on top of that there needs to be better definitions. what is totalitarianism? sheldon wolin has posited that what we now have is “inverted totalitarianism” thus it is a totalitarianism vastly different from what existed in the past. that past relied on “strongmen” inverted totalitarianism does not rely on a single individual. it is actually a form of mass formation.
i am avowed “conspiracy analyst” . i completely reject the label of conspiracy theorist as being a marginalization. conspiracies have existed since the garden of eden. they are a fact of human existence and are operating on many levels in all arenas of human existence.
for mattias to think that this (plandemic response) is some kind of natural evolution of some kind of group think belies and astounding level of ignorance. as mentioned above rfk’s book details the current modus operandi. that said one only need to look at history to see that what is happening globally is not random.
in 1913 the international banking cartel took control of the us monetary system. “give me control of a country’s money supply and i care not who makes its laws.” attibute that quote to whoever you wish it is still true.
the roundtable group was started in london in 1909. this was still while the british empire was extant and exerterd control over large swaths of the planet. in the us it mutated into the cfr. since then there have been many such organizations such as the bilderbergs, wef, trilateral commission etc. these groups are cross pollinated. the early 20th century was pregnant with movements to concentrate control in the hands of a few. not least of which is the eugenics movement supported by the rockefellers. bill gates sr. was an avowed eugenicist and close with the rockefellers. bill jr. has continued the tradition. bill jr has far outstripped his father in terms of effectiveness and vision.
jr. has virtually taken control of global health by using the billions of his foundation. this has been well documented in rfk jr.'s book and elsewhere.
bill clinton’s mentor at georgetown carroll quigley in his book "tragedy and hope " clearly explains the thought processes of the “controllers”. they see themselves as completely altruistic and far superior to the masses. they are crafting a world that they believe will be far more sustainable, ie far fewer people with far less self sovereignty. this is not a completely new idea. the founders of the u.s. recognized that the sheeple could not be trusted to steer the ship of state and thus created a system to keep them far away from the levers of power.
this has gone on far long and could go one even farther so i will sum it up. it is naive to think that this is some sort of hypnosis at the top. mattias is ignorant of the historical facts. what he has done in elucidating mass formation is a step in the right direction but he is in effect ignoring the fundamental issue. he is thus wittingly or unwittingly a tool of the controllers. it is necessary that every aspect of the conspiracy be brought to light. otherwise we are just pissing in the dark


one item i missed. was the concept of “global neo feudalism” michael hudson has written about this copiously.
in medieval times the serfs were tied to the land. this along with slavery was a very messy and time consuming system which required lots of resources.
in modern times serfs are now tied to the currency. serfs have no control of their currency they are subject to the policies of the owners of the currency.
globally there is a move by the international banking cartel to institute cbdc. the project is well underway in china. you will have an account at the central bank. every penny you receive and spend will be tacked and traced. should you not go along with government policy you will have your account frozen. you will become financially invisible. you financial privacy will disappear. no more yard sales, no more little kids with lemonade stands, no more hiring anyone and paying “cash”. the federal reserve will then not only control monetary policy but fiscal policy as well.
if one thinks that this is not part of the plan, well just remember the quote , “give me control of a nation’s money supply and i care not who makes its laws”.
i find it puzzling that there has been very little if any discussion of this on this site.



it is naive to think that this is some sort of hypnosis at the top.
I watched a number of Mattias interviews and I went away thinking that it's clearly not Mass Formation at the top, but Mass Formation certainly helps explain the day-to-day for most people. And I certainly think there are politicians who are not "leaders" in any actual sense and are far enough outside any inner circles that they are part of the masses. I went away thinking that Mattias had said (implied?) that Mass Formation was being used as a deliberate tool for control. So I didn't think he said the actual leaders are hypnotized. Maybe he did say that and I missed it? That was just my impression.

But, those same answers require the willingness and ability to see both the individual trees and the whole forest and have the perspective of the height of literally hundreds and thousands of years of factual history.
Therein, lies the rub!


As long as you do all believe in their “false narratives”,
the “Cabal” are secure in their dominance and control.
“Mass Formation” is deliberate and requires “false identities”.
Primordial Agnosis afflicts the controllers as well as the controlled.
If “They” knew who and what they really are, they wouldn’t be so evil.
So, here we are, again, with another “mass genocide” and “Great Flood”-
putting the survival and advancement and Prosperity of Humans at Risk.