Mattias Desmet on Mass Formation

I agree with you Joe2baba.

globally there is a move by the international banking cartel to institute cbdc. the project is well underway in china. you will have an account at the central bank. every penny you receive and spend will be tacked and traced. should you not go along with government policy you will have your account frozen. you will become financially invisible. you financial privacy will disappear. no more yard sales, no more little kids with lemonade stands, no more hiring anyone and paying "cash". the federal reserve will then not only control monetary policy but fiscal policy as well. if one thinks that this is not part of the plan, well just remember the quote , "give me control of a nation's money supply and i care not who makes its laws". i find it puzzling that there has been very little if any discussion of this on this site.
Im hoping for Chris to devote more time to this even though it will draw away time from pandemic coverage (though as you say the two dynamics are linked link Fall and Winter). I’ve heard TPTB in the west are working feverishly to launch their CBDCs and that they aren’t ready yet. That may be true or it may be a smokescreen to alleviate any anxiety among those who are paying attention. Too late: I’m very concerned and convinced that CBDCs are inevitable. The only unknown is timing and the look of the CBDC 1.0. But even if Chris doesn’t return to original form soon (The Three E’s) we who compose the hive mind can start doing the work ourselves. I’m done with the pandemic. The other issue is: Will the Covid pandemic last long enough or will The Trillions require a bridge crisis to reach from the end of Covid to the launch date for the CBDC? “Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor.”

It’s easy to complain.
The brain used to be my favorite organ, until I realized who it was that was telling me this.


I’m getting cross site script warnings. Are there really 24 scripts?
With all the yamering in this formum i wonder howmany are actually doing something about their contribution to the machine? LOL Like browser security?

study it

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Has Chris discussed CBDCs much? At all? I know he is aware of them, because his friend George Gammon just did a great video discussing them…
.................... CBDCs (and carbon credits) explain why Western govts keep pushing vaccine passports even while admitting the "vaccines" dont prevent catching or spreading covid. .................... my working hypothesis is that TPTB are doing everything they can to keep various content creators like Chris, David Martin, Catherine Austin Fitts, James Corbett, David Dubyne, Ben Davidson, Lynette Zang, et al trapped in "silos," so nobody sees the 'whole elephant', the big picture. They're allowed to connect enough dots to make a constellation, but not enough to describe the galaxy. What does Chris think about Climate change?    

The “Bridge Crisis” between the “Covid-19 War” and the tyrannical implementation of a “Global Digital Currency” all tied to your “Social Credit Score” and the Technocratic Totalitarian World Government of a Dominion by the “Cabal” is just the “Great Reset” and thus the total collapse of the USD as the world’s reserve currency and the demise of the “Petro-dollar”.


The “silos” are the “false identities” and “false narratives” that the “Cabal” has created for them all.
Even “Primordial Agnosis” has a grip upon the “Cabal”, making them evil incarnate.
From what I have seen or read, CM buys the HCCC “false narrative” about CO2.
It’s nonsense, along with many other “false narratives” all of, by, and for the “Cabal”.
The bottom-line: it has Always been about Mind Control and Corralling the “Cattle”.


joe2baba wrote: globally there is a move by the international banking cartel to institute cbdc. the project is well underway in china. you will have an account at the central bank. every penny you receive and spend will be tacked and traced. should you not go along with government policy you will have your account frozen. you will become financially invisible. you financial privacy will disappear. no more yard sales, no more little kids with lemonade stands, no more hiring anyone and paying "cash". the federal reserve will then not only control monetary policy but fiscal policy as well. if one thinks that this is not part of the plan, well just remember the quote , "give me control of a nation's money supply and i care not who makes its laws". i find it puzzling that there has been very little if any discussion of this on this site.
joe, The cryptocurrency issue is quite polarizing on this site. There are many avid supporters and some who avoid the issue completely. Most (including me) don't really understand the inner workings. Frankly, I don't want to understand the inner workings. I don't trust that it will be there when I need it. I was reading Jesse's comments at Jesse's Café Américain ( yesterday when I noticed his " MATIÈRES À RÉFLEXION (DESCENDING ORDER)" group of interesting posts that he has collected. One of them was about the origin of bitcoin. It is worth the ~10 minutes it takes to read! Here are the 5 reasons without the supporting analysis:
  1. Edward Snowden’s Leaked NSA Documents
  2. Bitcoin’s Hashing Algorithm
  3. Leaked Documents From 2017 also appear to show NSA Infiltrated Cryptos, Tor Browser, VPN
  4. Satoshi Nakamoto’s Odd Disappearance
  5. FBI holds second-largest Bitcoin wallet ever
What I find truly fascinating is that nobody has revealed who (or what) Satoshi Nakamoto is. It stands to reason that whoever this Satoshi Nakamoto is, he/they would be able to mine plenty of bitcoin before they let the cat out of the bag. In the 5th bullet point, the author argues that the FBI owns 300,000 bitcoin. He also estimates that Satoshi likely has 1 million bitcoin. If each bitcoin is "worth" $50K, that makes Satoshi worth ~$50 billion. He would be one of the richest people on earth. If Satoshi isn't flaunting his/her wealth, what good is it? That is what gives me pause to accept it. Something just doesn't smell right. Is it a new form of money that makes Central Banks obsolete? Or is it a tool developed by the deep state to trick greedy individuals into promoting a new form of "money" - a form that inherently can be tracked and controlled? So far, government and the central banks have been largely silent about cryptos. At what point do the cryptocurrencies get big enough to threaten the central banks? Do you really think the central banks want to relinquish the power they control? Unless bitcoin is able to completely circumvent their system, it has vulnerabilities. Even then, if the central banks issue their own cryptocurrency and force congress to outlaw the other forms, the perceived value will plummet. What happens to those who purchased bitcoin along the way at prices much higher than it's plummeted price? I guess they'll just be useful idiots (in Stalin's parlance) who deserve their fate. Grover

lovely explanation / confession by the head of the BIS - all in 1 minute!

The models predict a linear or exponentially-increasing carbon dioxide load entering the atmosphere for the next century at least. The reality is that fossil fuels are a finite resource.
I hope you are aware of positive feedback loops central to the climate models? We don't need to burn another single barrel of oil for CO2 to continue to be emitted for another century if positive feedback loops kick in -- for example, melting of methane clathrates and polar tundra. A slight nudge in temperature releases a bunch more greenhouse gases which then contribute to further warming and a positive feedback cycle continues until a new warmer equilibrium is reached. This seems to be how the climate has behaved in the historical record. Historic CO2 levels These charts has been around for decades and clearly show the relationship between global temperature and CO2. The cycles are generally caused by orbital periods or solar cycles, but the intensity of the transitions between different climate quasi-equilibria is caused by positive feedback loops. Of course, you are welcome to challenge these charts if you wish based on your scientific understanding. I find it odd how so many AGW-deniers are so quick to point out the hubris of the climate modellers and their audacious attempts understand the global climate, yet the deniers seem equally confident in their conviction that AGW is BS and that they are the ones who truly understand how the climate works; and that humanity could not possibly have such an impact on the big ol' world. Who's really full of hubris? A logical approach to the issue would be to take the precautionary principle and conclude that we should not be radically altering the main greenhouse gas concentration (after water, but that doesn't count because of its very short residence time) considering how closely it is tied to temperature. Especially since we are running out of fossil fuels and we will, one way or another, dramatically reduce regardless. Sorry, I'm not going to jump on the anti-AGW bandwagon simply because the elites are using it as a tool to bring in global communism. They use many tools to control us; that doesn't mean the tools aren't based on reality. You want to have a discussion about how we are going to deal with scarcity of fossil fuels? As in, should we let capitalist economies deal with it by allowing prices to rise and the market to sort it out itself, versus communists taking control and dictating how much gasoline each person will be allotted based on their social credit score? Sure, that's a great discussion, let's have it, rather that clouding the debate with this groundless attack on AGW. I don't seem the point of it or what good it will do.

i agree but my observation is from reading this site it is populated by largely white, middle to upper middle class individuals who are boomer to gen x with afew others scattered around. these people are not “digital” . their future is now. the later generations have realized that this system is of the boomers, by the boomers and for the boomers. this should provide some insight into why the policies that are being enacted are what they are. well it won’t post the link. i have had that trouble here before. google “average age of us congress people”
from my observation the discussions devolve into nothing more than endless fud mongering. the forum posts on digital assets disappear in a sea of covid posts. of course this site is devoted to gold and silver and homesteading so there is unlikely to be any discussion from the top.
it seems a few here understand how important the digital asset space is to individual sovereignty but most are unable to make the connection between money and control.

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Covid has shown us that we have a DUTY to ourselves, our children, our friends, to society, to question THEIR data and THEIR conclusions. Especially when THEY control who gets funding and who gets published. Why have TPTB been so afraid of letting other sides present their theories? Suppression of ideas = politics, and an agenda, not real science.



Mattias Desmet [01:09:44] Exactly. And then that’s also why, personally, I do not think that ultimately what we are dealing with is a conspiracy. It’s an ideological problem. That’s what I believe. Ultimately, of course, people conspire from time to time and so on. But ultimately, we are dealing with the problem at the level of of a of our own. We are dealing with an ideological problem. I think people are grasped and a certain ideology, a certain view on men in the world. And that is this view of men in the world is the real problem in this situation. That’s what I believe.
"For instance, also totalitarian leaders typically also hypnotized by their own voice and their own theory, they are hypnotized. Gustaf Le Bon sees that, and not everyone sees that sees it as well. They are hypnotized by their own ideology, "
of course “they believe their ideology” everyone does. he is naive to think that this is not a conspiracy. does he think " they get togeter in davos for the skiing? do the bilderbergs get together to drink 12 year old scotch? what about the cfr which hillary admitted told the government what it “should be doing”?
the following is a quote from david rockefeller whose family donated the land for the u.n. .
whose family funded eugenics movements, whose family founded the modern pharmaceutical industry etc. etc. etc.

“For more than a century, ideological extremists, at either end of the political spectrum, have seized upon well-publicized incidents, such as my encounter with Castro, to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal, working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists,' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.” ― David Rockefeller, Memoirs yep i am wrong and mattias is completely wrong. no conspiracy. nothing more to see here move along. ps i apologize for the large bolding. i did not do it that is the way it copied. this site has issues with posting links and copying. apologies

Professors Meadows and Meadows and Dr. Jorgan Randers developed their Model and found it was good.
It’s results displeased everybody. So they set about tweeking the inputs to see how beneficial they could make the output.
They found that if we diverted all capital from industry into agriculture by 1982 then a lifstyle similar to that of 1898 could be achieved.
Their 2000 edition comes with a CD with the program on it so that you, yourself could twiddle the knobs yourself to see how Your favourite solution came out.
(I’m betting Clause hasn’t done his homework).
The way to attack the Limits to Growth report is not by calling them rude names.
I have endlessly repeated on this site that the way to attack their model is to attack their Assumptions.
Their assumption is that we are confined to the surface of this planet. Whence comes this assumption?
From Einstein and his bent nothingness conjecture. It might astonish people but there are other models that recieve little air and less funding.

Thank you for the transcript. You have a point, indeed, I can see why you said he was naive. Maybe it’s a case of not wanting to see or comprehend evil?
This quote:

totalitarian leaders typically also hypnotized by their own voice and their own theory
I mean yes, but that’s not the same kind of hypnosis as Mass Formation … that’s the con man believing the flattering parts of his own con. But the con man still knows it’s a con.  

Since you had asked, all those that have blind faith in all of the “false narratives” have it but less so than the “Cabal” that created them all.
The sun supplies 99.99% of the earth’s energy but humans are the ones all causing all of the global warming?
Hubris, indeed!
Bad science is worse than even no science, especially, when politicized.


The former gives him the benefit of the doubt, the latter, not so much!

Covid has shown us that we have a DUTY to ourselves, our children, our friends, to society, to question THEIR data and THEIR conclusions. Especially when THEY control who gets funding and who gets published.
Please do. I'd love it if you were able to debunk all the ice core and other data that show such a strong relationship between CO2 and temperature. Then we wouldn't have to worry about it. I just haven't seen this debunking. Let's do that -- let's separate what is true versus not, and link this to how the elites are using it all against us. Simply because we don't like what the elites are doing, doesn't mean that everything they tell us is by default wrong. Also I'd love for you to show me the numbers that humanity isn't overpopulated, and that we could still support 8 billion people without the energy slaves of fossil fuels. I went through the exercise myself and saw with my own eyes, the numbers relating ecological net primary production per hectare versus the energy required to sustain a person. The reality is stark -- without fossil fuels or some miraculous energy replacement, humanity is grossly overpopulated.
The sun supplies 99.99% of the earth's energy but humans are the ones all causing all of the global warming? Hubris, indeed!
I believe that greenhouse gases cause the planet to be 33 C warmer than it would otherwise be. The sun may indeed provide 99.99% of the planet's energy but greenhouse gases are the reason it's warmer. Since we have significantly altered the concentration of the most important greenhouse gas, it stands to reason that, yes, humanity has indeed caused an impact on the climate. To suggest that we have caused "all" of it is a simplistic political statement.
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“it seems a few here understand how important the digital asset space is to individual sovereignty but most are unable to make the connection between money and control.”
The money and control question is a poignant insight and spot on. Some think crypto currencies will liberate; others view CBDC as the ultimate form of power and control means. One get potentially get rich by speculating in crypto, but as a solution to maintaining personal autonomy, IMO it’s likely a trap laid by TPTB, along the lines Grover mentions.
The digital world is very very important in the plans by the elite to increasing exert control of the masses removing/abrogating individual sovereignty. Metaverse kinda sums it up for me. Like the scene in the Matrix - all these individuals in 10x10 cells with their digital universe and virtual reality, and probably some Soma - happy and content in cages they can’t see.