Mattias Desmet on Mass Formation

And they used all of the stolen high-technology developed by the Germans that they gained from “Operation Paperclip” to stay in complete control all ever since.
The Banksters and Industrialists all hated Hitler because he freed Germany from their grasp and their control of the whole nation and so they both conspired to completely destroy him and exact a revenge for his defying them!
Demonization of the victims has all continued by them ever since “they” alone really won that war.


Call it the jab, not a “vaccine”, because it doesn’t prevent any disease but only increases them!
Don’t support their false “narratives” and their vile, evil “agenda” of murderous depopulation.


Best interview yet, Chris!
some evidence showing higher CO2 is better for plants and if we let CO2 get too low we’d have a problem.
I am all for reducing pollution. Clean air, soil and water are critical. I am just not 100% convinced on people being the main driver of “climate change” when the climate has gone through changes the entire time the planet has been around.


Notice that even Isreal has even been sacrificed by this same “Cabal”, yet?
“911” was a joint Mossad/CIA psychological operation to fund the WOT and protect Israel.
That was a different subset of fanatics or Neo-cons than the “Cabal”,
of which has no problem sacrificing their own to obtain total Dominion.


LBL, I’ve seen you wade into these waters often enough that I honestly wonder if you are revealing your full hand here.
I assert that whatever Hitler might have done to unite Germany, he personally inspired and oversaw a totalitarian regime that enslaved and starved tens of millions of people because of some label that stuck to them, resulting in the death of 11 million of them, partly due to starvation and heavy labor, but mostly due to industrialized mass murder. 6 million of them were Jews.
I’ve seen you bring up the Blood Passover story (Jews in the middle ages sacrificing young christian boys so they could use their blood in an alleged twisted Passover ritual) on PP before as well as make one other reference that I don’t clearly remember to what my best guess would be an attempt to align yourself with a general hate of Jews.
Segueing from a post painting Hitler as targeted by the banking class into a post on the Militant Sect of Judaism in the context of your past posts has me wondering if there is more to this story. If I am correct in my suspicion that you have ill will to all Jews, then you are subtly promoting a story that has in the past resulted in just the kind of totalitarian facilitated mass atrocities that we are trying to avoid. If not, please be direct and allay my suspicions.
I don’t contest the fact that there are many ways in which powerful Jews are damaging the world or that the Israeli government, in it’s attempt to avoid another holocaust, re-enacted it’s trauma on others, leading among other things to a slow rolling holocaust in Palestine. But I do hold that critical analysis of the behavior of some Jewish people can be cover for a generalized hate. Your mention of Blood Passover in particular, something that if it happened at all, happened many hundreds of years ago maybe a couple of times and seems to be of no relevance to our current situation has me wondering.


I come to PP to get factual information that’s in short supply elsewhere. I really respect how Chris takes apart the data. As well, the presentations of the psychology of the pandemic such as mass formation. What I don’t come here for are conspiracy theories such as those related to cabals of Jewish bankers, assertions that Israel/the Mossad were behind 9/11 etc. I really don’t understand why these comments are posted here; to me it really detracts from the credibility of the site.


You wrote:

I really don’t understand why these comments are posted here; to me it really detracts from the credibility of the site.
There was a time - not long ago - when I would have agreed with your comment. But increasingly, things are happening in the world which are neither logical nor readily explainable. People are trying to come up with explanations so that they can understand the world around them. I listened to the "mass formation" interview closely since I thought it made some real sense. Some other posts, I have doubts about. But overall, I want to see more comments, more proposed explanations, more fitting of the facts to an explanation of what is happening rather than less.

That’s why.


Because it exposes the true hand behind the seen “puppets”.
The true “blood libel” is “The Hoax of the 20th Century” by Butz.
“The Holocaust Industry” by Finkelstein reveals the true motivations.
“The 13th Tribe” by Kunstler and DNA analysis shows that “Ashkenazi are not semites” and have no legitimate right to Palestinians or Arabs lands and their dispossession and genocide.
But, “facts and data” are irrelevant to those in “mass formation” or “psychosis”.


Unless comments such as yours are disavowed by the PP admin and others rise up against them I will have to conclude that these sorts of conspiracy theories are welcome here. In that case I obviously am not and will make myself scarce. Hitler, a good example of the power of mass formation was really adept at getting people to believe that everything was the fault of the Jews, Roma and the others he wished to eliminate. Not a big surprise to see people grasping for reasons and who’s responsible during the Covid insanity. But this stuff belongs on dark web sites; sad to see it here.


Three short minutes
I have watched Dr. Malone’s mindset shift since his interview with Bret Weinstein and Steve Kirsch. He has overcome what I perceived as reluctance to see the evil - no doubt because he was part of the system that spawned it. To see him now say that global totalitarianism is a bigger threat than the virus is humongous!


Let others read those provided sources for themselves and ignore your ad hominem attacks.
“The Program for a New American Century” exposes how the Neo-Cons needed a False Flag like 911 to initiate their program.
“The Patriot Act” was another nail in the coffin of American freedom and a misnomer.



That has been the goal of this vile “Cabal” for thousands of years.
Unless we stop them, and their evil plans, we will be exterminated.
Life, Freedom, and Prosperity vs. just their foot stamping on a human face forever?
It is a fight for literally everything!


… any “perceived” conspiracy theories. On the contrary, I see us, as decent and caring human beings, having a moral obligation to explore and discuss any and all perspectives; to look under every stone and in every crevice to find the truth.
I started out here at PP thinking in a manner similar to what you are portraying. After years of participating in cogent discussions & debates, I discovered that there are many uncomfortable truths - things that I wish I did not know. But I also know that I am far better off knowing what I know, than not knowing.
We at PP are truth seekers. We cannot possibly learn and grow without a full, broad spectrum curriculum of exploration. We cannot and should not look away from any subjects that cause discomfort. My lived experience is that it is often within our discomfort that we discover our true selves, warts and all. That understanding is a prerequisite for personal growth.


I support free speech and I think everyone should have a right to express his true beliefs. That being said, I personally do not believe in a conspiracy of the Jews. When I look at the names of TPTB, the global “elites” or what ever you want to call them, most of them are anglo-saxon protestant names. Jews are strongly represented but are no where near the majority in those dark circles.
I also think that those beliefs encourage a prejudice against Jewish people in general which is stupid. Ive known alot of Jews in my life and not one of them was part of any plot against society, and if anything they were as much the victim of globalization as anyone else [ maybe more so being strongly tied to small family businesses ].
So, again, although I believe everybody has a right to his/her opinion, and I strongly oppose censorship, those ideas are a bit troubling.


And the fact is that the people in control come from a wide array of religions. Fauci, Gates, Bush, Dulles, Rockefeller and numerous others are/were not Jewish. Yes, some of the evil individuals in the world are/were Jewish. It is wrong to categorize anyone based on the actions of others in their tribe or, for that mater the actions of their country. I don’t want to be associated with the crimes of the US government, which continue as I write.
I have many friends and acquaintances who are Jewish, both here and in Israel. Every one of them is a wonderful person whom I value and respect.
I have no doubt that there is an evil cabal. I also have no doubt it knows no national borders nor religious/ethnic boundaries.


I agree completely with what Brushhog said. I would like to add that a big benefit of free speech is that you get to find out exactly what people think. If someone is racist or harbors thoughts you find abhorrent they won’t be hidden by their inability to express them in public. You can then make an educated choice about with whom you choose to associate.


You wrote:

Hitler, a good example of the power of mass formation was really adept at getting people to believe that everything was the fault of the Jews, Roma and the others he wished to eliminate. Not a big surprise to see people grasping for reasons and who’s responsible during the Covid insanity. But this stuff belongs on dark web sites; sad to see it here.
I basically agree with that. But I am loathe to censor people. Right now, the Captive Media (CNN, MSN, The New York Times, etc.) are responsible for huge numbers of deaths in the United States due to the misinformation that they have been spreading about Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, the vaccines and other things. But I would not seek to censor them. And that is because they are self destructing. Just recently CNN announced plans to fire large parts of their announcers and staff because CNN's ratings are plummeting. I am sure it is the same with other disinformation platforms. Large numbers people are putting two plus two together and realize that these so-called journalists are liars. One did not need censorship to accomplish that. It is just happening on its own. And imagine what would be happening if social media and YouTube stopped censorship. There would now be a mass movement to "right the ship of state." So I am just not big on censorship. I do believe that if we stop this madness and we ever get to the bottom of it, that I hope that there are prosecutions of the journalists who knowingly participated in this. Deliberately and knowingly spreading misinformation about effective treatments during a pandemic is murder - plain and simple. Journalists were prosecuted at Nuremburg. It would be appropriate now. The same is true for so-called "health officials." And the excuse that "I was just trying to advance my career" is no better than "I was just following orders." Finally, I agree with brushhog. I have known people of every race, nationality, color and creed who were good people - and some who were bad people. I don't buy into racism or the persecution of religious believers.