Mattias Desmet on Mass Formation

That’s a powerful video, Hladini. And it would be more powerful with a bit of editing.
My appeal is for a pathologist to collaborate with a graphics artist and an advertising specialist to produce a colour, side by side slide, simply labeled “Vaccinated blood” and “Unvaccinated blood.”
(Perhaps we could have the donars be pretty girls, whose images are included, to make it Real)
Visuals cut through the crap. We typically have about 5 seconds of attention time.


How dare you!
(Is “Bigot” still a thing? “Conspiracy Theorists” is just too clumsy.)

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I don’t think Fauci thinks this is good for the public. There is an insider who claims that Fauci never wore a mask at work (his emails confirm this), he told the lab techs to tell their families to get the vax, but not to take it yet for themselves. When questioned he got angry and red in the face. Stated he did not take the vax because he is too important.
What he did to the foster kids should have landed him in prison with a life sentence. Some of those children were forced against their will, fought back and ended up with feeding tubes.
What he did to the puppies is another example of how far he will take ‘atrocious.’
I want to see this man convicted of domestic terrorism and genocide, and then a proper hanging.


And they want to vax the kids.


Everything you wrote is true. I don’t doubt the climate change push is about control. It’s an excuse to get control over the commons and reduce the number of useless eaters so the elites can continue eating as much as they want.
I still believe that the underlying mechanism of greenhouse gasses warming the earth is true. However, I don’t think the effect is of the magnitude the powers that shouldn’t be claim it is. Their models are questionable and they don’t fund anyone who wants to test their validity. You only get funding if you are on board with the climate change panic, not if you want to determine if the panic is at all justified.
I agree that the timing of the climate change propaganda is suspicious, coming at exactly the time when peak oil says we are on the downside of the peak. Climate change measures are an effort by the elites to insure that there will be fossil fuels for them to enjoy while we are sacrificing to “save the planet”.


They just changed countries.
American bankers and industrialists admired the Nazis, and before WW II they were quite open about it. It became impolite to express those views during and after the war but there’s no indication that they really changed their views.


How can something this obvious have not been reported on before? The differences between the alleged vaxxed and non-vaxxed blood samples are grotesque.
Surely, millions of blood samples must have been examined under a microscope in the past year. Something this obvious would surely have been noticed and reported on.
I smell a rat.


Although it’s important to understand the past in order to know where the future is going, I’d love to hear more about the future explicitly. How do Mass Events normally end? How many ended without atrocity? What kinds of atrocities? Are most Fourth Turnings actually Mass Events? By understanding this we can more clearly know what to expect in the future.
BTW, I’ll just mention how much I hate the “pro vax” and “anti vax” labels. That’s like saying “pro painkiller” or “anti painkiller”. Just because you have one bottle of chemicals and it has a label “vaccine” does not mean it shares ANY properties with a second bottle of totally different chemicals that is also labelled “vaccine”. It’s the CONTENTS OF THE BOTTLE, not the label, that actually confers it’s properties. The fact that it’s labelled vaccine is simply the human aspiration for that concoction of chemicals (“we hope it helps prevent disease”) but the ACTUAL properties in reality are due the the CONTENTS of the bottle. I’m so tired of people talking about “vaccines” (pro or anti) as if they are all the same thing.


All my life I’ve said that the Germans lost the war, not the Nazis, they just changed names and countries.


Please explain where the Arctic ice has gone and what happens when it is gone? No modeling required only surf boards. You do know what methane is yes?


Grover and Rich: here’s why this debate is so important to have right now: If CO2 is NOT a significant factor, then AGW is just another long con, and the appropriate response should be eye rolls ? and shrugs ?. They’re all, “But it’s an emergency!” To which I say, “good luck with that.”
TPTB want to frame us. The real perp is the ?. See? Temps are falling already!

Anyway, I know where I’m gonna deliver my carbon footprint! They want to link my vax status to my carbon credits? Better yet, they can microchip my?. That’s why I’m buying precious metals - to get out of their corrupt system, before they burn it all down.
If AGW is all a big elaborate lie, then why do we need Teslas? Or Elon? We should still mine Lithium and Cobalt, at a leisurely pace, to make Priuses.
I WAS a true believer of the climate change narrative, for the past 20+ years, because I WAS a Dem. (It’s like, if you grow up in NJ, you HAVE to like Springsteen.) But then I watched this video, posted last week by PP member Audrey Doepker (h/t),,

which led me to and

My mind was finally open to hearing a different point of view, because I'm SO TIRED of all the covid lies, fear, and manipulation.

Problem: Grand Solar Minimum means less crop production. How long till food shortages lead to riots? And how will TPTB control the masses, if people don't obey the climate lockdowns?    

No matter how little - or not so little , the earth’s temperature has never been stable. Maybe if we had data for a couple million years , oh wait we do have some of that data. I am not saying that people have zero effect, but it is not a do or die crisis and its nothing we need to be punished for. Its just excuse to enslave , empower the rich, and control resources, nothing more.

000 wrote: Please explain where the Arctic ice has gone and what happens when it is gone? No modeling required only surf boards. You do know what methane is yes?
000, Here are a couple of graphs of Arctic Ice Extent and Area over the last dozen years. I got this from Looks to me like there really isn't any linear trend showing any need for undo worry. Ice diminishes due to 24 hour/day sunlight during the summer and then it comes back during the cold dark of winter. It is cyclical. (Didn't CNN tell you that?) Then again, I probably don't see things the same way you do. If you take your surf board up there, wear only a Speedo and a pair of Fauci flip-flops to prove you're convinced that global warming is real. Have someone else video the entire time you're in the water so you can prove to us that you indeed know what methane is capable of doing. See the color associated with 2010. That's the approximate color of your skin in less than a minute in that water. Have you heard about shrinkage? Grover

Let’s try this theory: Imagine people living in simpler small-scale societies. Group cohesion was important for survival. People were also living in the environment for which they evolved, not the modern urban environment VTGothic describes. Social isolation, lack of meaning, free-floating anxiety and non-specific agression were much rarer and when they did develop, they indicated something was very wrong and was threatening group survival. Group cohesion and meaning were still present to some degree even then. I propose that the solutions offered and ultimately adopted by the community where much more likely to actually address the problem that was the source of their anxiety. The mass formation united them in addressing the problem.

richcabot wrote: I still believe that the underlying mechanism of greenhouse gasses warming the earth is true. However, I don't think the effect is of the magnitude the powers that shouldn't be claim it is. Their models are questionable and they don't fund anyone who wants to test their validity. You only get funding if you are on board with the climate change panic, not if you want to determine if the panic is at all justified.
Thanks for the explanation. I agree that carbon dioxide has some influence on atmospheric temperatures. You also described the mechanism behind ScienceTM succinctly. The real problem is that fossil fuels are so energy-rich that every drop that is economical to extract will be extracted and consumed. The real question is "who will consume the fossil fuels if the Great Reset is allowed to occur?" They're only pushing the climate change issue to get us plebs to stop using as much. Monopolists don't care how much they have as how much you have. That's their driving motive. Grover

Awesome description of just what is wrong with modern urban life.
I want to add a few points:

  1. Our current biological equipment evolved to live not in an urban environment, but a wild one.
  2. Once we are disconnected, we lose track of our purpose, feel separate and isolated and therefore believe this body and life is all we have. From this comes fear of death and the attempt to insulate ourselves from it. As societies complexify and inequality develops, those with more resources acquire knowledge about how to exploit our vulnerabilities to sell us shit we don't need. This, of course, brings us further off balance. The perpetrators are just as vulnerable to this as those they exploit. We get sidetracked in to trying to meet our need for community, meaning and purpose with stuff.
  3. As our society devolve, our basic needs of connection, healthy food, and an environment that is clean and to which we are biologically tuned are met less and less. This leads to trauma. Trauma gets further cemented as parents become so dysfunctional that they abuse their kids in multiple ways. Of course, unresolved trauma just reinforces itself as well as the cycle of commodification of everything described in 2).
  4. Things continue to devolve until they break. At this point, a new story and a basic body of knowledge learned from direct experience about how to live in a better way becomes important to make sure we settle on something more functional next time

We’ve got to get back to the garden…
Wholesome meaninful purpose, hard to come by in our modern world. Simple living for those hardy few that make it through. Sink in the dirt my brethren and come clean.


@ DR & Grover,
the matter of climate change pops up routinely here, so I like to refer back to a thread from July - World Getting Colder?
There I mentioned the studies of Svensmark which are base of the documentary The Cloud Mystery ->
and even better, for the ones that have a sense for mathematics the works of the brilliant Ukrainian professor Dr. Zharkova ->
Additionally to the magnetic behavior model around 50:00 min she describes the SIM effect (higher oscillations of earth’s orbit) – that lead, despite cooling, to a higher number of weather extremes (also heat waves & droughts while the earth is getting colder).
Watch this two videos, they are an even more solid & scientific presentation of that what’s in process as the one of John Casey. They are for my opinion much more science based and do not have that type of political twist American speakers always weaving into their presentations (which I dislike).


if such a thing existed.

because I WAS a Dem.
It's not what on the label that counts; it's what's in the bottle. Then again, I'm rather attracted to Distributism, where the workers and Only the workers have shares in the enterprise. And then again, I also fancy Guilds. (Not your wishy-washy Unions. Guilds- with teeth.) Guilds that can negotiate with other guilds. But I always return Home, to Freya. For I am a Freyan. All men must be out of their parents house and married by 24 years old. And it is the Tribes responsibility to provide the newly-wed with a house, for free; because the couple are going to produce children, an asset for the Tribe. Therefore the Tribe has a responsibility towards the Family. They are not left out as prey for the Banksters. It's all in our Oera Linda.

Thanks Hladini
The bloodcell comparison is almost to “good” to be true. Is this verified anywhere more clinical ? I mean the video is a bit shady to say the least, not something I would disqualify it for but certainly something that needs more examination by the broader medical community. I would support a crowdfunding for an established doctor to review/proof this!