Mattias Desmet on Mass Formation

Somebody posted a pic of that meme on one of the PP threads. I don’t recall where.


Still waiting for the deadly Trump variant to come along


Great explanation of why the great reset cannot work ……I feel honored to be a custodian over a small part of God’s creation. And am constantly humbled by the miracle of life.


Sobriety and reality reveals a population too well prepared for understanding, to deal with the harsh truth. Nothing impedes learning so well as knowing.


Hypnosis and indirect communication are topics near and dear to me. My thought is, if you are trying to work with someone in a trance or a highly polarized view (and we are all in trance, pretty much all the time, of one sort or another) there are two general approaches:
(1) Meet them at the trance level: e.g., using hypnotic language patterns, embedded suggestions/commands, confusion, metaphors and “stories”, evocative images, etc. to pace and lead them to more useful beliefs and guiding myths.
(2) Help them wake up from trance/enchantment, by asking them questions requiring them to explore the deletions, distortions, and generalizations, implicit in their language patterns. Socratic method would be useful. The NLP meta-model (effectively the inverse of hypnotic language patterns) is useful for coaching in general and getting people to recognize and relax the restrictions in their linguistic and conscious representation of reality (recognizing that subjective reality is a representation, only, and not objective reality; that every memory access is accompanied by a memory rewrite; that the majority of communication, even with ourselves, is incomplete or based upon unconscious complex equivalents with a tremendous amount of assumptions, smoke and mirrors, occurring out of consciousness)
What I think needs to be avoided, in most cases, is a direct, “conscious” discussion. When people are stuck in a non-helpful subjective reality or behavior pattern, addressing it DIRECTLY (by appeals to “facts”) very seldom works and will, more often than not, make the psychic-rigidity/polarization even worse.
I strongly suggest that if you are going to use “facts” to influence someone you (1) come up with a concise, non-polarizing “patter”, script it in advance, and stick to it. You should expect some challenges (perhaps accusations that you are a “Trump” supporter or “anti-vax”) and try to have polished responses that don’t provoke the other person, but perhaps challenge them to, just a little, to engage their logical facilities and explore the facts a little more deeply. Pay attention to body language, and your own body signals; try to come from a place of authentic goodwill toward the person you are communicating with.
I think this is what we should be discussing and sharing: how to help people wake up or techniques to use the trance people are already in constructively to an enlarged world view and greater capabilities.
I think it deserves consideration, that lack of “social connection” and lack of “meaning” (purpose) are probably co-factors where the “loneliness” factor is probably prevalent and idiosyncratic. I am guessing that a strong enough purpose will go a long way towards inoculating people against being drawn into a “cult” / mass-formation.
This is a fascinating topic. I’ve been a participant in some large (100-200 person) group trances, and even some unconscious hypnotic inductions. But the scale and audacious use of things like media / propaganda, unconscious symbolism, etc. really took me by surprise, I must say.
My thanks to Doctors Desmet and Martinson for this excellent discussion and enlarging my world view! It will be interesting to see how this helps change and improve my own behavior. None of us has a lock on reality. All of us are mostly operating on an unconscious level, with most of our patterns out of awareness. If we work on ourselves, and our communication skills, while recognizing that the response we get is substantially feedback on the style of our communication, body language, etc. I’m sure we can make a positive difference. This is an exciting, and consequential time to be alive!


Wendell Berry’s Life Is a Miracle
— antidote to the anti-human agenda of those who wish to enslave us


I am a sceptic to 5G and COVID being connected in any way, shape of form. However I saw this crossing the wire and I’m totally inadequate to judge it.
If 5G has influence on our immune system, it might also help get us in a certain mental state or is it? Is this legit ? What does it mean?

I reject any theory that denies free will and let's genocidal maniacs and there minions off the hook as being hypnotized (Desmet himself admits that people under hypnosis can't typically be turned into murderers if they weren't already capable of it). Sure, the masses can be manipulated, using modern psychological warfare to effect a "banality of evil" as Arendt described.
Thanks... I haven't heard of this banality of evil. It seems to me what Arendt is getting at is that we all have the capability inside of us to create evil. Given the right circumstances, anyone can commit atrocities — just like the Nazi's. I think that's a very terrifying thought.
How does mass formation fit into human evolution?
I've been wondering lately what exactly is it that causes someone to be against the narrative and others to be for it. The personality? Circumstances? Maybe that's just the way it has to be. If everyone is against the narrative, the world quickly turns to shit. If everyone is for it, the world stagnates and cant adapt to change. Maybe it's a way for society to do a slow and controlled burn of a dying system. Like a forest fire that clears the deadwood and makes room for new life to emerge.
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Yes, some of this higher frequency technology can be weaponized
and targeted to induce feelings of panic or anxiety or fear,
using the side bands.


@Terminator I have a book on 5G sitting on my coffee table to read (once I finish RFK’s book) that is written by Dr. Mercola called EMF*D. I watched a video that he did on the basics and it turns out that 5th Generation WiFi is VERY different than the previous versions. It runs at a different frequency that just happens to be in the range of the frequencies that the parts of the human body resonate in. Therefore, it is said that exposure to 5G can actually be used to alter your health. Like I said, I haven’t read the book yet, but I have heard it is supposed to be excellent because Dr. Mercola and his team are one of the few physicians who has actually reviewed and studied it. I think it is worth educating yourself on it. There was a group at Polyface Farm the last time I visited there giving talks about 5G and how it works. There are ways to neutralize some of the effects of 5G, but you have to realize that you need it to begin with. It is probably another area we might all want to give a little thought to. There have to be more towers that are closer together for 5G wifi to work. It is amazingly fast (which we all love), but it also puts out a lot more electromagnetic frequencies because of this and there are already studies about the harms that can be done to humans by EMF. There is a lot to dig into to really understand all of it. The talk I heard at Polyface went for an hour and the woman who gave it said she had only scratched the surface.


What is real 5G?


Hi Rich,
I wish I could say that we agree. The carbon dioxide issue is a real bone of contention with me. Why? That’s what TPTB are using to control us. They continually fund studies that promulgate that carbon dioxide is the boogey man. Is it totally innocuous? NO! However, it isn’t the main driver of our recent warming.
The IPCC assesses the validity of model predictions about twice a decade. I was astounded when in 2014 the 5th assessment report (AR5) came out and changed the data set to allow solar influences beyond total solar irradiance as well as other galactic influences like cosmic rays. I’ve read a handful of papers that followed the new data set. Not only did the authors all assign the majority of causality to solar influences, like Dr. Zharkova, they were able to more accurately predict past climate changes. Models based on atmospheric carbon dioxide cannot make that claim.
Even though there were studies and papers that produced superior models, when the IPCC met for AR6, they produced a similar report as in the past with models predicting steadily increasing to exponentially increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide driving earth’s temperatures considerably higher for at least the next century - no consideration for Peak Oil limits. Political pressures caused the IPCC leadership to cave in. I haven’t checked to see if the current data set allows the AR5 changes or not. It really doesn’t matter since it will get ignored anyway. That’s why I haven’t bothered.
If you look at the membership of Klaus Schwab’s “World Economic Forum” (WEF), you’ll see many of the political leaders in Europe along with Bill Gates and George Soros and other folks who are members of the <0.01% club. These are very successful people who have amassed great fortunes. The WEF publicized the slogan, “Build Back Better” back in January, 2019. The plagiarist in Chief adopted this slogan as his own. (Let’s Go Brandon!) So did Canada’s Trudeau (Let’s Go Brandeau!) and Britain’s Boris Johnson (Let’s Go Borjohn!) I’m sure that’s just a coincidence. /sarc
The WEF has the coordination and political clout to force substandard science (known as ScienceTM) on the rest of us. That’s what’s happening with the climate change issue. They are pushing substandard science that fits their agenda. It isn’t just in climate change. Why is it that ONLY the vaxxine can be considered a treatment for Covid? What happens if you get on any of the main social media sites to say that the vaxxine is dangerous? You’ll get blacklisted or removed. They’re not interested in promoting any truth that goes against the agenda.
So, what’s the WEF agenda? Here’s a link to one of their websites. This link shows you 8 of their main planks that should happen by 2030.
If you haven’t heard about this, it would behoove you to look at it. I liken it to a Corporate Vision Statement. This is where they want to go. This webpage was produced in 2016 and some of the interim steps haven’t occurred. Their first point is particularly offensive. They are describing a one-world-government based on communism. (Has there been any State-based communist government that has been a utopia for the working class?)
Of all the members, we are probably most familiar with Bill Gates. When Bill was at Microsoft, he was a ruthless monopolist. He either crushed or bought out competition as best he could. He was forced to step down from Microsoft and then devoted his time and money to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF.) It’s easy to think he is a philanthropist until you consider his actions. One thing that happened by moving most of his money to the BMGF is that it was exempt from taxes. He still gets to play with it and support the causes he wants while investing the rest to grow for the future. As an example, he invested a considerable amount in BioNtech in September, 2019. (Talk about lucky timing.) In October, he hosted Event 201 - which was to evaluated the world’s governments’ abilities to respond to a coronavirus pandemic. (Talk about lucky timing.)
We need to go back a while to see that the BMGF funded some of Fauci’s NIH Do you think Bill gave Fauci the money with zero strings attached? Even just suggesting that future funding may not be available would cause someone like Fauci to bend a wee bit. After all, multiple sources of funding is better than being dependent on congressional whims. Is Fauci bought and paid for by Bill? His actions certainly suggest that he is.
So, did Bill change his stripes from being a ruthless monopolist to that of a caring philanthropist who wants to save humanity? He pushes vaxxination as the only solution to the coronavirus. (Doesn’t Fauci do this too???) Too bad the vaxxine doesn’t work as well as a vaccine. Pfizer/BioNtech (a company BMGF is invested in) gets paid for every dose government buys. Then, he suggests that the rich governments donate these vaxxines to poor countries. His actions on this front suggest his stripes didn’t change.
Does the mainstream media and giant social media websites question Bill Gates motives? Do they allow anyone else to question his motives? Would they respond the same way if it were Donald Trump doing what Bill Gates is doing? (We both know the answer to that.)
So, to wrap up this rambling post, how do you know who to trust? The real science we used to marvel at has become ScienceTM that feeds an agenda. The WEF has tentacles throughout the “Free” world. They are working toward a One World Government that is Communist with their leadership in control. They are using whatever means they have available to destroy the economy so they can build back a world that fits their needs. (If that isn’t a monopolist’s wet dream, I don’t know what is.) They are promoting the idea that carbon dioxide is causing the recent warming. They want to restrict all of us from using fossil fuels so they can continue to fly their private planes hither and yon.
With robotics and artificial intelligence growing exponentially, do they really need to feed all the useless eaters of the world? Could that be the sole intent of the vaxxines? Can you think of a more elegant way to reduce population and still have plausible deniability when bad outcomes from the vaxxines occur? After all, there are no long term studies to provide guidance. Think about it.


It’s what they Do. It’s their modus operandi.

seems to me what Arendt is getting at is that we all have the capability inside of us to create evil.
Typical blame the victim tactic. "Now see what you made me do!" The second world war was a Banksters war, same as all wars. Hitler deposed the banksters of their right to print money. Which resulted in Germany's "astonishing" economic recovery. The Banksters paid their shills, the prestitutes, to stir up anti-German hysteria. Heaven forbid! Nope. I may be capable of evil, but I choose not to go there. Some day I might choose to change my mind. The great crime of the Germans was Slavery. They, (here's looking at you, Himmler), had read the Oera Linda. They knew that slavery was and is our greatest anathema. Freya said that if we take slaves, we would become slaves. And ain't that the truth?

of what lies in store for us. The climate scientists dare not go where they must. It is repeatedly scoured into our memory; cycle after cycle.

set to allow solar influences beyond total solar irradiance as well as other galactic influences
Every 13500 years civilization, the planet and the sun run slap-dab into a reversal of the polarity of the Birkland current that feeds the sun. Resulting in a micro-nova, at best. The magnetic field that comes with the auroras reverses, and all hell breaks loose. The stars ahead of us on the galactic carousel have already gone micro-nova. We're next; hold onto your hat. I bring no glad tidings. Ref: Suspicious observers and the Thunderbolts project on YouTube. PS. Mainstream science has become political. Who woulda thunk? Gotta keep the cashflow up! In fact, a good case could be made that there exists an inverse correlation between cashflow and the Quality of the science. There must, therefore, be a sweet spot that yields the best bang for the buck.  
"The fault lies not with the mob, who demands nonsense, but with those who do not know how to produce anything else."

The “banality” of the constant “war propaganda” all ever since then has been the only “real evil”.
Until and unless the West finally learns that everything that has happened since the end of that tragic brothers war,
is all “exactly why” we all are really where we are right now,
so there is all no hope for any real recovery from that “suicide”,
that was really all planned many years before by these same Banksters.
“Whom the Gods would destroy, they first do make insane!”


There is a science called bio geometry that can definitely mediate the 5 g effects.


I’m a little late to the comment section, however, there is a smoking gun video that could be the “bomb” that dissolves this mass formation. The video demonstrates taking little prick blood samples from 8 different fingers, 4 vaxxed and 4 unvaxxed, then putting the drop of blood between two slides, onto a dark background 40X microscope and POW!
It’s a sucker punch; the difference in the blood samples perfectly explains why athletes are suddenly collapsing, and we can expect to see a lot more deaths in short order. The vaxxed blood samples look like jelly.
We need billboards with side by side color photos of vaxxed v. unvaxxed blood with free centers set up around the country for people to come in and test their blood.
Need corroborated samples, photos, expert, special microscope, affidavits, and meetings with every local leader possible.
Bring the scope and do a live demo when meeting with the local leader. Plan it out, bring influential people, and MAKE them see.
Here’s the video. The translation is terrible and at times non-sensical, about 50% of the translation is understandable, but all you need are your eyes. The blood sample demo starts at just under 11 minutes.


Great description: Extreme science. Sometimes I think the magnetic excursion is the real agenda behind all this nonsense.