Medical Imperialism Driven by Pure Greed: An Interview with Robert Kennedy Jr.

Great charts, thanks for posting. So sorry to hear about your grandchildren.


We’ve got some great posts going on here at PP. AO, I was so angry after reading the blog, I wrote an email to Fauci praying for his prosecution, guilty verdict and execution. And I don’t support the death penalty.
When people are being murdered en masse, where do you draw the line?


I’ll repost my letter to Fauci here:

To Fauci: I cannot say "Dr." or "Mr." in your case. I just want you to know that people are waking up and cutting out the middleman to get their information. Do you know how many people know about Ivermectin and Covid? Do you know how many people know that Remdesivir is a killer drug and inflating Covid numbers? Do you know how many people are not only waking up to the dangers of the covid vaccines, but to the dangers of vaccines in general?
Do you not understand that the more you mandate, mandate, mandate, the more push back you are going to get? Do you know how many people got the first shot and will not take the second? Do you know how many got the second shot and will not take a booster? Are you aware those numbers are growing?
One day I hope you are put on trial and lawfully prosecuted for crimes against humanity, I pray you lose that trial, and I pray for your lawful and legal execution.
You, Fauci, are a dangerous criminal.

I read rather than listened to the podcast and noticed the monologue pretty quickly. RFK, Jr. is a warrior, but he has a dark underbelly. He is completely behind the climate/green energy agenda and I saw him mock a doubter (think Planet of the Humans).
Has anyone seen the new credit cards with a carbon footprint monitoring system on all your purchases? They’re going for total digital imprisonment. The pandemic served as the jolt then conforming exercise, now come the incremental and not so incremental encroachments.
One after the other after the other and after the other.
I’ve been yelling from the roof tops, everybody has to ditch cell phones as you know them. Cell phones are the control mechanisms.
Solution: One flip phone per family kept in the family car. That’s it.


I took the test and got as many incorrect answers as possible. I so despise this abc agency.


I’ve spent half an hour searching for the vax injury forum here. I can’t discern how they are even sorted so I’ll just post this study here. If anyone knows how to favorite a topic I’d appreciate the help.
Japanese study is making connection between Intra-cranial hemorrhages and the pfizer vaccine. Though they have a very low official number of vaccine injuries or deaths reported or credited to the vaccine, they are pressing ahead with this as a direct risk from the vaccine.
While the study pulled all its punches and made no conclusive declarations, it is telling that they are investigating the link. Of particularly interesting note was that the BNT162B2 vaccine (pfizer) is called tozinameran there, comirnaty elsewhere, and who knows how many other names elsewhere. Does this imply a different formulation?


I think the Archdruid has had some good ideas about how to limit monopolies in capitalism - many of them encapsulated in his book retrotopia. One is to scrap a great deal of the laws regarding limited liability and allowing large (in terms of number of stock holders) joint stock corporations. It used to be (back around the Tudors until I think Adam Smith’s time at least) that businesses were very limited in the terms of legal structures they could employ - mostly just partnerships and sole traders. The common law didn’t recognise anything else. If you wanted to set up a joint stock company then you had to get approval from the Crown which would include a written description about how that particular company would function and normally it was for some specific time and purpose limited large project that would add a lot of public value like building a canal or railway. Also, there was no limited liability so the board of directors were also the senior management and had a lot of skin in the game. Even if you got permission to set up a joint stock company, the number of members might also be limited. These limits on funding automatically set limits on the ability for wealth accumulations to form. It wasn’t impossible, there were still very wealthy private merchant families who arose over generations to finally challenge the old nobility, but it did seem to take a lot longer. Also, even today there are some globe spanning law and accounting firm partnerships. Although, I also understand that the sheer number of partners in these results in a dysfunctional dinosaur which makes things a little easier for smaller, more nimble firms to compete. Perhaps there should also be limits on the numbers of partners in a firm. Islamic law also has interesting ideas about finance which have the tendency to limit the accumulation of wealth. Things like the prohibition against usury. I understand that you can still invest for a return but it’s as a share of the net profit (so more like a JV or partnership), not as a loan with ‘guaranteed’ interest. Even better, those laws are backed by the force of religion which maybe makes true believers less likely to ignore them or campaign to change the way they might with secular laws. Other old ideas include things like debt jubilees every x number of years.
Anyways, one of the big benefits of going back to much simpler business structures without limited liability is that vast swathes of legislation would suddenly become obsolete since the businesses to which they apply would no longer exist. To some extent things like food safety regulations would also become less necessary, since small businesses are able to keep a much closer eye on their production processes, have more incentive to do so and if they do screw up affect far fewer people. This would then also lower barriers to entry.
Not that I expect any of the above to occur unless or until major collapses in existing power centres occur and maybe we’ll slide into a new dark age quickly enough that more beneficial (to the plebes) business structures become a bit of a moor point.


Thank you Chris and especially Mr Kennedy! true heroes!

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Hi Chris,
You may already know of this site. Seems to consolidate a lot of information. Also event 2021 seems informative for what I’ve watched so far.
Dubai Tom

This clip was wild. Recommending everyone to look at 4h02min and forward, including Steve Kirsch’s presentation.

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Haha, I did that too. I was proud of myself. Of course, the grader is corrupted and gives you credit for what is actually the wrong answer. Many of the questions did not have the actual correct answer among the choices.


Very illuminating interview - thanks to Chris and Mr. Kennedy. You are both inspiring and courageous! I want to support Mr. Kennedy’s work and have ordered the book.

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Great RFK Interview. Thanks Chris. This clarifies the times we live in. Just having gotten out of the hospital (7 days) fighting this Fauci weaponized virus I completely concur with RFK and the larger picture of destructive megalomaniacs like Fauci. He is no good guy. Total power and manipulation. One of many. Part of a larger machine that is killing us.


Chris, thanks for bringing RFK Jr to this platform. I heard him live a few weeks ago at an Amish gathering (open to English) and was as mesmerized by this interview as I was then. He gives me hope and he really clarified everything so succinctly that I wish I could share it. I’ll definitely buy at least one copy of the book and would avoid Amazon is there is a way.
Chris, kudos for being a mindful interviewer and letting RFK Jr speak. So many interviewers break in and over talk guests. You were superb!


I am sorry to hear of your travails but very happy to hear that you made it out of the hospital. Did you avail yourself of early treatment that failed? Did the Delta come on so fast that you could not get ahead of it with known protocols? Were you given some of the effective treatments (monoclonals for instance) in the hospital? Thank you, Jim

@Mike from Jersey I really never gave much thought to the overall vaccine debate. But a co-worker had an autistic child. Later, when I found out that some people allege a connection between vaccines and autism, I told him about it. He told me that theory had been debunked. I didn't think much more of it at the time. Later, I looked into the "debunking" studies. They were complete nonsense. They compared "vaccinated children" with "less vaccinated" (but still vaccinated) children and did not find any "statistically significant" difference in autism levels.
AND they often put aluminum in the "placebos" (i.e. they only don't include the attenuated virus)!!!!!!!! THAT is your "vaccine science", folks. It was astonishingly corrupt well before the covid jabs. Unexplained autism epidemic? Oh, we have no idea, but it's definitely not injecting children without a blood-brain barrier with aluminum and other toxins, dozens of times, there's no way that's the cause!

It isn’t that they’re adding aluminum to the placebo control, it’s that the control might be all the extra shit in the vaccine, including the adjuvants like aluminum, just minus the antigen.


Yeah, exactly, so children get sick at the same rate as with the aluminum shots that do include the attenuated pathogen.


I enjoyed the interview with RFK, Jr., far more than I imagined when I started it. Considering the politics of the Kennedy family, I was prepared to discount most of what he said. However, he certainly wove together several threads to create an intricate story. I might listen to it again.
However, he never addressed a question that I keep asking myself: Why are “they” pushing the vaccines so hard? Is it money for Big Pharma? Is it all about control of our lives? While one can make a case for public health, I consider this a weak one in view of alternative preventatives and treatments.
Why are the powers that be so intent on a showdown over the vaccines?


The vaccines give the govt a new way to control the population.
e.g. – let’s say the Fed and US Govt declare they’re resetting the currency – and wiping away sovereign debt, as well as the corporate debt of any company that has over 100 employees. Will they forgive mortgages, helocs, small business loans? No. We’re gonna own nothin’! And like it! Except some people might not like it. They might protest. As with Occupy Wall St. in 2011.
The most likely explanation is graphene oxide in the ‘vaccines’ will absorb energy from millimeter wave directed-energy weapons, making the Active Denial System even more effective at dispersing a crowd. Imagine if the bankers could zap any crowd, any where, as long as there’s a 5G tower nearby…