Medical Imperialism Driven by Pure Greed: An Interview with Robert Kennedy Jr.

I’m curious too. Another question: Why not just approve the vaccines, seeing as most people wouldn’t care, and make them mandatory for all? Too obvious even to those who were excited to get vaccinated? Can’t figure this one out.

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    For people who haven't heard and read the well-documented evidence, what U.S. West Coast radio personality and anti-fascist researcher of over 55 years Dave Emory says here will sound like Looney Tunes. The link is set to open in a new tab:
    I've been following Robert F Kennedy Jr since the H1N1 Swine Flu. I've been following Dave Emory longer than that. As you can hear, Dave believes that there's abundant evidence to show that the United States lost World War II and that a global organization of Third Reich alumni set themselves up in the American Hemisphere, where they'd already established at least one network with the help of Francisco Franco, whom they'd put into power as the eventual fascist dictator of Spain by masterminding the assassination of his political rival in the army and the Falange, the Spanish fascist organization. Dave cites classic American anti-fascist researchers to evidence his historiography which at its basis shows that I G Farben and many of the leading figures in the NSDAP, Hitler's party, set themselves up in exile in the Americas and used the global connections of I G Farben and Nazi-allied German industry gradually to take over the major Western financial institutions. Many of the leading virologists connected with U.S. bioweapons research and research into mind control came from Nazi Germany and Mikado Japan (Group 731), all now long dead, of course. All this research and all their financial infiltration were and are connected one way or other with either the fascist networks centered around Chiang Kai-shek or those centered around the Third Reich in exile. Robert F Kennedy Jr has intuited some of this global web of fascist networks, and this web is the elephant in the room. A synopsis of the above broadcast to which the above audio file is the archive is available at Dave Emory's archive site (where more is accessible), here (opening in a new tab):

It’s extremely frustrating when you’ve spent five decades researching the evidence. I attended the first Earth Day celebration in 1972 in Boston. There’s abundant evidence from the work of extremely well-qualified scientists in climatology and astrophysics that CO2 forcing is far too weak to account for any of the imagined phenomena, which are held up to us backed by doctored evidence and outright lies, anyway. Robert Holmes, PhD Climatology, destroys the dogma that the climate of Venus came about because of a Venutian “Greenhouse Effect”, the “discovery” that started the panic over an Earth “Greenhouse Effect” that was the proximate cause for launching Earth Day and the current Neo-Malthusian Movement. Listen to Holmes in a new tab from here:

I overlook it when its the misunderstanding of a warrior such as Robert F Kennedy Jr, confident that one day he’ll come around after we’ve been able to lift the blanket of censorship from all the critical issues. I think he understands that it would be a disaster to put the brakes on the Industrial Revolution (social-scientifically a single phenomenon). What he does to save the natural habitat isn’t the same as ending human evolution and putting us all on the feudal estates of Green Agenda overlords. I’m not being the least facetious, by the way.

It might surprize you when I tell you I’m a Marxist. The self-described “Marxists” these days are the so-called “Eco-Socialists” (vomit), who don’t seem to have a clue that Marx and Engels were almost rabid Anti-Malthusians who valued the Industrial Revolution as the engine of human progress and evolution. Piers Morgan, who’s a climatologist and a PhD astrophysicist besides being the brother of the rightful U.K. Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn (equally benighted with belief in the climate hoax), who’s interviewed in Marijn Poels’ documentary film The Uncertainty Has Settled at length, had some unflattering words there to say about the Eco-Socialists and about the threat that climate panic poses to (in just those words) “the Industrial Revolution”. I have Marijn Poels’ permission to extract the full interview into a separate YouTube(c) video and post it, but Piers was hit by some con men two months ago who created a bit of a scandal by falsely accusing him of accepting a bribe from them. For that reason, I’m waiting until the “scandal” dies down. This link below will open into a new tab and is my favorite exposé of the panic-mongers, although I detest Andrew Bolt’s politics. I’m afraid that’s true of almost all the climate realists I know. The great majority are similarly conservatives.


I put this to the Belgian virologist and vaccine-developer Dr Geert Vanden Bossche and am waiting for a reply. As a non-professional, I don’t want to speculate but it’s hard to deny the sincerity of the British physician and the abundant testimonial evidence.

After having thought some more about this and viewing it again, I’m certain that it was staged. And I don’t know why I didn’t realize that before. Objects can be stuck to the skin of “crisis actors” with spray-on glue. The nurse looks suspicious. Why did someone create this fake? In order to have people recommend it in order to discredit them and discredit skepticism in regard to the vaccines. Here it is again (opens in a new tab):

great interview, thanks to DF for reminding me about it, I think I missed it the first time. good to watch as RFK’s book is out.