Mind Control Tricks Revealed!

The Annual Summer Wef Meeting Or How Blackrock Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Ccp

Did you know: The WEF Annual Meeting of the New Champions (“Summer Davos Forum”) has been held each year in China going back to 2007, with Tianjin and Dalian taking turns to host. WEF also holds several regional summits each year in the region.
Here is a revealing piece on Robert W Malone MD, MS's Substack:
“Fine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtue.” –Confucius (c. 551 - c. 479 BCE)

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I think any negative marketing is a great idea…have to stop letting this happen without a fight… in fact I’d go with NAZI… it might even be accurate and true… who knows at this point… but soo many Nazi ties and fascists’ tendencies to ignore…Schwab’s daddy was a Nazi he ran the factory that made the gas for the showers… as interesting enough…the Nazi’s tried to set a base in Antarctica they called NEWSCHWABENLAND weird huh? … Soro’s adopted dad was a Nazi and help him steal money from the jewish people… somehow after the war Soro’s family gave him 8 million $ to start his mutual fund thats now worth billions…it wouldn’t be hard to associate WEF actions and collaboration with corporations as fascist as its the definition of it government and corporations merging . and the great reset and 4th industrial revolution are starting the align with conspiracy theories of the 4th Reich… dig further you’ll find IBM and Audi and mercedes past funding of nazi’s… evidence of bankers “federal reserve which Gates granddaddy was part of " shipping gold to Nazi’s… in fact there are so many correlations I could easily 'imply” causation and start a whole new conspiracy theory or great fiction novel that the WEF is master plan the return of the 4th Reich from the Nazi survivor descendants…in my fiction book I could even imply with very little twisting the vaccine deaths and sterility are are a 2.0 version of ethnic cleansing for a master race… “only the elites don’t get the poison death shot”

Self Censoring

Chris it is painful to watch you speak on the public channels with how much you are visibly filtering your words and walking on egg shells. So sorry for that! However, I’m glad you are on those channels, so someone like myself could discover your dialogs. I wish you continuing good luck!