Mind Control Tricks Revealed!

Arrgh! And they will pretend that preventing dissent is “good science.” And many will uncritically believe them.


The Voice Of The Deep-state In The Trump White House

A very nicely researched and written article at the Brownstone Institute. (I cannot verify the information upon which it is based, but it appears to be very well done.)
It Was Birx. All Birx.
In two previous articles, I looked into the shady circumstances surrounding Deborah Birx’s appointment to the White House Coronavirus Response Task Force and the laughable lack of actual science behind the claims she used to justify her testing, masking, distancing and lockdown policies.
Considering all that, the questions arise: Who was actually in charge of Deborah Birx and whom was she working with?
She didn’t work with, or for, Trump.
Everyone was afraid of her reaction.
She seemed to be the voice of an invisible group of people, not identified.
What was driving that policy, once she took over? As Birx writes, it was the NSC (National Security Council) that appointed her, through Pottinger, and it was her job to “reinforce their warnings” – which, I continue to speculate, were related to the accidental release of an enhanced pandemic potential pathogen from a US-funded lab in Wuhan.

She dictated policy to the entire Trump administration

In his book, Atlas observes with puzzlement and consternation that, although Pence was the nominal director of the Task Force, Deborah Birx was the person in charge: “Birx’s policies were enacted throughout the country, in almost every single state, for the entire pandemic—this cannot be denied; it cannot be deflected.” (Atlas, p. 222)
Group Think in Task Force Meetings.
Atlas was surprised, indeed stunned, that “No one on the Task Force presented any data” to justify lockdowns or to contradict the evidence on lockdown harms that Atlas presented. (Atlas, p. 206) More specifically, no data or research was ever presented (except by Atlas) to contradict or question anything Birx said.

“Until I arrived,” Atlas observes, “no one had challenged anything she said during her six months as the Task Force Coordinator.” (Atlas, p. 234) [BOLDFACE ADDED]

Atlas cannot explain what he’s witnessing. “That was all part of the puzzle of the Task Force doctors,” he states. “There was a lack of scientific rigor in meetings I attended. I never saw them question the data. The striking uniformity of opinion by Birx, Redfield, Fauci, and (Brett) Giroir [former Admiral and Task Force “testing czar”] was not anything like what I had seen in my career in academic medicine.” (Atlas, p. 244)
Her authority and policies emanated from a hidden source The explanation of Atlas’s perceived “puzzle of the Task Force doctors” that makes the most sense to me is that Deborah Birx, in contrast and often in opposition to the other doctors on the Task Force, represented the interests of what I’m calling the lab leak cabal: those not just in the US but in the international intelligence/biosecurity community who needed to cover up a potentially devastating lab leak and who wanted to impose draconian lockdown measures such as the world had never known.   Who exactly they were and why they needed lockdowns are subjects of ongoing investigations. In the meantime, once we separate Birx from Trump, from the rest of the administration, and from the others on the Task Force, we can see clearly that her single-minded and scientifically nonsensical emphasis on silent spread and asymptomatic testing was geared toward a single goal: to scare everyone so much that lockdowns would appear to be a sensible policy. This is the same strategy that was, uncannily in my opinion, implemented almost to the letter in nearly every other country around the world. But that’s for the next article.

Hey THC, heres how you can tell I’m an INTJ. You state INTJ’s make up about only 3% of the general population (2% of men, 1% of women). 
But 2% of men, 1% of women would make INTJ’s only about 1.5% of the population. Oh, we can be such analytical bastards!!?


Thank You

I’m having a hard time deciding if this or the rats in a cage video had the most affect on my understanding what the fuck was going on to society.


Covid Vax Paper - Easy To Understand

This paper was posted on another excellent site. I am currently in the process of reading it. I feel nauseous. For a scientific paper, it is easily understandable. I am nowhere close to being a scientist but I have no doubt, if I took the time to look up some of the bigger words that I’m unable to parse out while reading, I would have a full understanding. However, it isn’t really necessary. The writers of the paper brought the information down to a normal person’s level of understanding. They even go into explaining how AI was trained to sort different blood samples.
Chris, I would be very interested in your take as a scientist.

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It is still happening in the US (NY State) as well. A local radio station I listen to has been aggressively running an ad campaign aimed at women of childbearing age, assuring them of how safe and effective C19 “vaccines” are before and during pregnancy. I physically cringed when I heard it!


Video Format

In videos lately I don’t care for the subtitles and cuts to images, and pans on images. (Reminiscent of Maajid Nawaz and Del Bigtree.) I already look at too many things that scatter my attention and make it more difficult to concentrate. I prefer Chris’ older style with slides when needed. It’s hard for me to watch the new style.


no different than 9/11

so the question then becomes how do we reach critical mass to effect change and not just coping mechanisms if we are such a small minority? there have been so many indignities foisted on us yet people are still “woke”, not awake.

I agree, and will add in the spirit of constructive feedback:
The jumps to stock footage are distracting, especially if I’m following text on the screen that Chris is reading and commenting on. I see no benefit to it.
The pop-up text is also distracting. Either keep it onscreen continuously as closed captioning or use it very sparingly for emphasis.
George Gammon’s video editor does a nice job of this, putting up just a few words at just the right time. I suggest looking at a couple of his videos for examples.
Other than that I’m very happy with the high quality of, and great content in, these videos.

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Agree. I watch the videos, rather than listening to the audio, when Chris is covering a more complicated topic that benefits from charts or simply requires me to pay closer attention. Subtitles would be okay in hard-of-hearing format, but in bursts it’s distracting. As for the stock images, Chris is engaging enough to follow without them!


I remember when he did that montage. He also played a parody song on the air. I think it was called something like “You Need Gravitas” and it was to the tune of “Feliz Navidad.” I searched but couldn’t find the parody. It was pretty funny.

Terrific Piece

Great piece, Chris! I loved that you mentioned Cialdini’s book “Influence”. Should be required reading for everyone! I was fortunate to read that book during a great course I took in college many moons ago (1982) taught by Professor Zimbardo, called Persuasion, Mind Control, and Manipulation. We had lots of guest speakers, including an ex-Moonie, an ex-con artist who had spent time in jail, and Senator John McCain (who was a P.O.W.) What Zimbardo wanted us all to take away from the course was that, even learning all of this, if anyone asked you “Could you ever do things like what the Nazis did, or get sucked into a cult, or be manipulated by someone?”, the only true response would have to be “I don’t know.” There are so many ways that human beings can be coerced and controlled and manipulated. It’s helpful, of course, to study various techniques, but that doesn’t guarantee at all that we still won’t get manipulated. Ugh!


I love both the Myers-Briggs and the Enneagram for understanding how I and others view the world differently and behave in ways that may look the same but come from very different motivations. A fascinating subject! ?. (INFP)

I come out as either INTJ or INTP depending on the day so pretty evenly split between judging and perceiving which actually does fit me. I like the big 5 personality tests too. The ones that split each of the 5 factors up into 2 components as well.

Chris Live Now With Coach Red Pill


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Perhaps there should be a special category for those that know anything about Meyers-Briggs in the first place let alone their personality type! It’s a bit like that biblical passage that we are all parts of the one body and all parts have their role. I believe we have a role at this time to uphold the “truth” as best as we judge it to be the truth. Our role, as dangerous as it might be, is to be an anchor for those who have been deceived.
It makes sense that the totalitarians slanted their mind games to those who would influence others esp medical doctors and other health care professionals.

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Mind Control Video

excellent, concise analysis of the goverment’s methods. i would appreciate an indepth and intelligent (which only you can provide) analysis of instilling the fear factor. this had to come before the massive jab propaganda and conditioned global populations to receive and accept the next steps. MKultra at work. may the universe in its wisdom save us all.

Sign me up for my jab! I want to protect my community from ruinous inflation!