mRNA Vaccines Elevate Myocarditis Risk by 133x

Just want to express my concerns about the in-report advertising. I think it distracts viewers from the message, increases the risk of people tossing the video aside and generally reduces credibility of Peak Prosperity.
I know that youtube demonetised the channel long time ago. And I applaud the general trend to transfer from an advertisement based website to a subscription model. Introducing in-report advertising is a slippery slope I’d hope we stay away from.
BTW, I’m a gold bug so totally agree with the position that bullion ownership is very beneficial. It’s not the content but the act of product placement I’m opposing.
So for me, I rather pay an increased membership fee than get exposed to distracting advertisements.
Just my two cents.


When I was talking with somebody close to me about these adverse events, she said: “it is true, there are side effects, but…”.
I could not believe my ears when she continued; “these are the same as when those people would have got Covid, but much much milder”.
I have no idea how to break through that brick wall.


It does seem like a logical reason for JAMA to allow this study to be published is a form of CYA. If the VAERS data is underreported by 1 or 2 orders of magnitude, that would mean the actual myocarditis risk is actually not 133X but 1 or 2 orders of magnitude higher (at least that’s what my smooth brain infers), something that they just can’t hide. By publishing the study it can at least be said that it was looked into and some warning given.


I’m fine with it. The Bills have got to be paid.
Thankfully we don’t have advertising cluttering my already too-small phone screen.
In content advertising is quite acceptable.


I like the Wild West aspect of these forums, where people talk about whatever is on their mind. Especially now, where there is so much cesorship, and people feel pressure to self-censor. The freedom to talk about whatever, whenever is as vital to free speech as oxygen to a fire, and for this reason I want Arthur to continue to talk about whatever he wants to. We all know that in his conversation, sooner or later it will be aliens this and aliens that. So what? Don’t like it? Don’t read it.
I am a Jew and there are things posted here that are anti-semitic on occasion, either overtly or by innuendo. I don’t like it. But I’d rather know where people honestly stand than not.
Of course, it is part of free speech to tell people when they are talking too much about a subject for your taste. Don’t want to censor that either. Just saying that being on a forum where you can say whatever you want is like swimming in the ocean versus a pool. It is freeing. A lot of people prefer the safety and sameness of a pool. But some of us will make for open water every chance we get.


You wrote:

What I don't get is why a study like this one in JAMA was "allowed" to be published by TPTB.
It could be that the actual numbers are far, far higher than this study indicates. And since parents, family and friends talk - the PTB can't hide these injuries anymore. Thus, this could be a limited hang out. A way to minimize the fall out from something that can no longer be hidden. And then they could say that "well, even with these adverse events, they are still only a small percentage of the total shots given and considering all the lives saved by the vaccines ... " And so on and so on.

The only censorship I find acceptable is when spam is posted, or hate messages towards each other. I don’t see dissenting opinions as any grounds for moderation. If we’re going to do that, we’re no better than Twitter. I also don’t understand a word of what Arthur writes, let alone agree. But that doesn’t mean he can’t just express his opinion. I’m also curious about which post is so bad that it had to be removed. If it is to protect other members; I’m also an “other member” and I don’t need that protection myself.


I got an email about a week ago saying, I believe, that the new forum software was still on schedule to be rolled out to all, I believe, this coming week.  I hope that is going to solve the problem of people being able to find, and ignore, what most interests them.

Because currently it is a WASTE OF TIME to try to start a new thread for a specialty topic – currently the new thread soon can’t be found by anyone, including the person who started the thread in order to try and get some discussion going or to preserve some REALLY valuable content.  Note, I am not really flaming the existent software, either: it does a lot of things either very well or well enough.  But it sucks for wide-ranging discussion topics and valuable content (keeping in mind value is in the eye of the beholder to a considerable degree). 

(e.g., there ought to have been ONE forum for CURRENT recommendations for prophylaxis through the last two years, with subthreads as necessary. But that is impossible with current software, because the thread is "out of site, out of mind…within hours).

I am not much into “aliens”, myself, as I don’t find it very practical and I am having a hard enough time staying focussed as it is. However, I’m grateful to Arthur Robie for having brought Cliff High to my attention.  Cliff sometimes speaks about “The Bugs”.  I’m not sure if he actually thinks space aliens are behind all this or if, instead, he is only saying that the ruling elites are effectively “aliens”.  If so, his “aliens” are my psychopaths and sociopaths:  who are very, very much established by science and history as being “out there” and behind things such as we are currently experiencing.  Cliff High is sometimes a little too out there for me, so I have cut short a few of his videos.  But as a whole he has considerably enlarged my world view on a myriad of very grounded topics I otherwise had little or no knowledge of and which subsequently stood up pretty well to a little independent sleuthing and to relevance to our current world situation.  So, for me, if Robie can’t post on a busy thread, where his content won’t get swept away in minutes, he might as well not post. And if he couldn’t post, I never would have found out about Cliff High (who is currently, along with UKColumn providing some of my best world news).

So, no, I don’t want want Robie to go away.  If he posts only about space aliens I want to be easily able to skip past those specific topics.   Or perhaps, first sort my reading material by newness, ranking, subject heading, and author…and then read about aliens and other strange stuff without fear that the content will disappear within minutes.

To sum it up:  With current software, independent threads don’t work:  they lack persistence, the site lacks search capability, and the fixed subthreads are royal pain to navigate to …only in order to find out that nobody has posted anything to them in years.


I haven’t actually watched this video yet, so I’m not coming from a fully informed position. I just wanted to put it out there that I am 100% okay with sponsor mentions in videos and podcasts as long as products/services have been vetted and are worthwhile. I heave learned about many useful things I wouldn’t have otherwise encountered through podcast mentions.
I’m in my mid-30s and I know for many people my age and younger, mentions from respected people are important. I’ve talked with my sister before about how we seek reviews and recommendations from favorite bloggers and podcasters. Maybe someone will come along and dismiss me as an ignorant millennial, but ?‍♀️ (PS - us older millennials are really tired of Boomers lumping us in together with today’s college kids.)
Keep on alien-ing, Arthur. I used to think it sounded crazy, but I guess my Overton Window has shifted over the last few years. It’s easy to skip over posts you don’t want to read.


Chris gotta eat, so I’m cool with adverts in the public facing videos.
One thing I didn’t like when I first started paying (back when Chris still had a business partner) was that there were adverts still shown when I signed in. Something about gold as I recall.
I think there ought to be a line drawn between those who are paying and those who aren’t.
Especially troubling are the tracking cookies that tend to come as part of the deal of being shown adverts.
Anyway, thats my 2 cents


The entire problem with Arthur’s “argument” lies in what I highlight below;

Offer me your reasons for this planet-wide, cross culture, plandemic. So far I've heard Clause Schwabb, mass psychosis, greed, national rivalry, perhaps an artifact of the hive mind of the internet Limits to Growth What else? None of these are complete and sufficient. The aliens glue all these disparate causes together.
Who says? Arthur says. In his authority, he states that there can be no earthly explanation for what is going on. The Ethical Skeptic, who posts on twitter and has a website, wrote a very insightful piece recently that addresses this kind of rhetorical gamesmanship; ......Sciebam – Consensus Through Appeal to Truth (Implicit Embargo) In similar principle, much of what is conducted in the name of science today, is not science for the most part – rather a technical process of career qualification through methodical and linear confirmation bias, a set of activities which I call sciebam. Such activity contrasts itself with the discipline of science along the following lines: Science (Latin: scī́mus/sciḗmus -‘we know/we will know’)1 – leveraging challenging thinking, deductive falsification, straightforward complexity, and consilience to infer a critical path of novel comprehension† – one prosecutes (pursues) truth. Sciebam (Latin: sciēbā́mus -‘we knew’)2 – exploiting assumption, abduction, panduction, complicated simplicity, and linear/statistical induction to confirm an existing or orphan understanding† – one is holder of the truth. †See The Distinction Between Comprehension and Understanding (The Problem of Abduction) At the heart of sciebam, resides what is in essence an embargo of specific ideas, avenues of research, and methods of investigation. Of course most researchers do not typically perceive their habits in such fashion, so it often takes an outsider to come in and shake things up. To in effect, sweep out the cobwebs of sciebam and renew an interest in a passion for true discovery (see The Strategic Mindset).
Arthur's entire argument is essentially an embargo on the possibility that the explanation for everything we are seeing lies in the actions of men and women. Not only that, but it's non-falsifiable because I can't prove, "not aliens". My model is that we have a supranational power structure whereby the intelligence agencies are the cops, the framers, and the corrupters. Bankers are at the top of the corporate structure, and the media, pharma, and of course defense industries have been woven into this money-based, supranational structure. The guy hanged in the Paris jail is evidence of all of this... although he had been a low level operative in the all important compromat arm of the supranational beast, he was now a liability. I connect many, many dots in making my model. I will provide one such dot; I used to listen to (now retired) orthopedic surgeon Dave Janda quite a bit.. he's a wonderful, honest guy. He was in DC during the Reagan years as a medical advisor and one of the senior senators took him under his wing. I'm sorry but I can't remember names.. and I can't put my finger on the interview.. it was years ago. Anyway, this senator could see that Dave was innocent and naive, and he gave the Dr. very clear advice: Unless the dinner party is at the White House itself, if you are invited to a dinner party, DON'T GO. The implication was that this was where compromise started... you could be drugged, taken upstairs, and photographed in bed with... who knows. When the Epstein thing broke, Dave's contention was that the way the world really works is Epstein x 1000. This then is a brick in the wall of my model, which does not require aliens to intervene. Psychopaths? Yes, and thank you STPH. Aliens, not so much.  

David Icke ?

Arthur's entire argument is essentially an embargo on the possibility that the explanation for everything we are seeing lies in the actions of men and women. Not only that, but it's non-falsifiable because I can't prove, "not aliens".
I don't particularly want to argue against falsificationism or your 'model', which does sound interesting enough, but I don't know that science (even mathematics) is necessarily about proof and there are other positions in the philosophy of science besides falsificationism. What particularly comes to mind is the 'demarcation problem', of how to distinguish between science and non-science. That has always been particularly problematic and I don't know that even Popper wanted to defend any such sharp distinction there. HP

Have you ever been at a dinner party where one person decides that educating the other guests is more important than letting the conversation flow where it may? They hold forth on why “Nuclear power will (kill, or save) the world” for 10 or 15 minutes until people have had enough and subtle, and eventually less subtle, feedback will be given that people have heard what the speaker has to say and are ready to move on.
Sorry to break this to you Arthur but you’re being a bad dinner party guest.
If the speaker’s point is novel–Aliens are putting hubrids on the planet to take it over! So run back to the OverMother!–people are content to listen a little longer. And PP is a tribe of curious minds. But for me at least, the novelty has worn off.
You are big on freedom, as you’ve told us many times. I like freedom too, but I like liberty, “the responsible use of freedom,” even more.
Some self restraint on your part to not post more than one off topic post per thread (make it a long post and fill it with everything your heart desires) would probably solve all of this, yes?
Just sayin.


First, I agree - the JAMA paper was allowed probably because myocarditis is now a well-known thing, a lot of people have experienced it, and so the already-public knowledge forced them to provide a modified-limited-hangout, or else lose all credibility.
Steve Kirsch says myocarditis incidence is roughly 1:100 among teenage boys. And that’s clinical diagnosis. Who knows what the sub-clinical incidence is? What do they call it when an action - or at this point, lack of action - foreseeably leads to lots of people getting injured or dying? Even the getaway driver is on the hook for anything that happens in a bank robbery. There is no mild myocarditis. “In order to play hockey, you need to risk a 1:100 chance of heart injury.” With zero potential upside. It is totally evil.
Here you can see google trends myocarditis vs a baseline I picked - inflammation. Myocarditis is widespread. It was unnoticed prior to the vaccines. And each new query represents (I claim) a new myocarditis diagnosis. “WTF was that!!?”
Curiously, inflammation has been steadily rising. Hmmmm. I digress.
Myocarditis incidence is maybe a third to one half the incidence of inflammation.
Ya think inflammation is relatively common?
Regarding censorship & tangents - I’m easily pulled off topic into the weeds on some fascinating new thing. Near Infrared light is my current off-topic thing. I digress. (see?) The other day, some troll appeared and did their troll thing and I was all ready to get yanked off topic (and was - “site revenues” - sigh) and then Morgan popped it and I felt great relief. I know, more discipline would be better. Hopefully the new site will help address this.
As for space aliens…the bug…Clif High…even Clif talks less about the bug now, and more about what’s happening. Probably gets less pushback. Clif is a strategic thinker. Smart guy.
Its clear there is an organizing force around the current world reformation effort. It’s also clear (to me) that aliens do exist. I mean - universe is a big place, right? If you were Creator, would you put all your eggs in one single basket? I wouldn’t. He didn’t. At least, I don’t think he did. (Probably not the right pronoun, but I’m part of the patriarchy so…oh well. Plus the Creator can-o-worms. Oops. I digress.).
Ultimately, here is my point:
If it is aliens, then what?
If it isn’t aliens, then what?
Closer to home, and perhaps along the lines of Clif High, I think its more directly useful to “out” people like Jake Sullivan (the nat sec advisor to “Biden” - WEF guy), as well as Ron Klain (another WEF guy) and their not-even-quasi traitorous external affiliations with Klaus and his Great Reset, who has clearly said the US won’t be a superpower in not-too-long. And now, a Wag The Dog War with Russia. Overseen by Jake Sullivan.
A new Henry Kissenger. And I don’t mean that as a complement.
The one place I think “aliens” are directly useful to us here-and-now: providing a very visible example for a new type of energy production. Those spaceships aren’t powered by Pratt & Whitney ICEs. They’re a living, breathing example of what the Plebes could have if…cheap, repurposed energy sources (excuse me, I mean Early Treatments) were available to the public rather than the ones that foster harvesting, slavery, and centralized control by You Know Who.
Early Outpatient Treatment for COVID19 = Cheap Above Unity Energy. That’s the parallel.
There. Enough Overton Window exercise for a day?


We need some focus on the next stage of the “killing fields.” We need some discussion about what happens to those who were/are unfortunate enough to get admitted to the hospital where the Fauci protocol is administered to near death, or worse.
Some of us survived the Fauci protocol and need a common voice.
I would like to learn more about the side effects of Remdesivir to those who survived the Fauci protocol and eventually “recovered” to some extent. Never to be their former selves?
There is little research readily available in the mass media regarding those who survive Remdesivir poisoning/pneumonia followed by ventilation. Those few of us who were resilient enough to survive “run death is near” have nowhere to turn with what has been so predictably labeled as “long covid.” Although long covid may be a component, remdesivir poisoning is the most likely culprit of our condition.
How many years were taken off of our lives while navigating the killing fields in the name of treatment? What can we expect? What can we do to minimize the effects? Will my sats ever return to a consitent level above 95? What about the cough, the fatigue, lung and kidney pain?
Why with Omicron do so many who are admitted to the hospital without respiratory symptoms ultimately end up suffering on a ventilator?
I would love to see Chris embrace this topic and report on what we can expect as our futures continue to unfold.


Here’s a trial where a hospital treated hospitalized COVID19 patients who had “acute kidney injury” with a very cheap, common NAD+ precursor commonly known as “niacinamide.”
Total mortality among those hospitalized COVID19 patients with “KDIGO levels 2&3” fell by some 83%.
So - reading between the lines - perhaps, niacinamide might be useful?
At the very least, it is a place to start your literature search. I take 2x500 mg niacinamide per day. But not for kidney issues.
If it were me, after searching the literature and making sure there were no bad interactions, I’d get one of those kidney function tests, then try some treatment for a month, get another kidney function test, and see if any change occurred. (In fact, this is exactly what I do).
As with all things - in the current world, “Doctor Yourself” is really our only option. There is literally nobody who will care about your health outcome more than you.
Especially not Pharma-hypnotized Western Medicine. After all, they’re the ones who gave it to you.


Yes sure. Please do.


Here two good brains express their outrage and puzzlement about the conditions in Canada.
I’m just sitting here thinking the thing that may not be named.
Growth is a painful thing. I went off my face at Eo when she told me about modern snake-oil, vaccines. Now she has my respect. I understand peoples angst, having experienced it myself.
Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that deals with how we know what we know.
Samuel said:

"It ain't what you don't know that will get into trouble, but what you know fer sure, but it just ain't so." (Please correct)

Don’t know if this video has been shared before but it is interesting. It refers to the Grand Jury (Germany) recently held as a model. It is offered as a model to be used by other countries throughout the world with the evidence already provided by the initial Grand Jury. This video is specifically of the discussion given by Dr. Bryan Ardis and references Dr. Kory and others who also testified. He pretty much lays out the entire story on what he calls the “killing fields & crimes against humanity.” He specifically highlights the murders resulting from the Remdesivir and ventilator treatments.
Dr. Ardis specifically states Remdesivir was used to mass murder patients in the hospital to sell the public on the idea that Covid was a virus leading to death.
Mel K & Dr Bryan Ardis On The Global Medical Killing Fields & Crimes Against Humanity 2-15-22