mRNA Vaccines Elevate Myocarditis Risk by 133x



I emailed Chris and AFLDS a couple of months ago because my sister, who was doing a clinical rotation in the ICU in N. Arizona told me that they were using the Math+ protocol and had a very high mortality rate. I was stunned. I asked her what drugs were used in the protocol and she named the standard Math+ protocol, plus Remdesivir and ventilators. She said the doctors were becoming very disheartened because the protocol was failing. My sister is a glassy-eyed Fauchinista and she had no meaningful response when I told her that Remdesivir has a very poor safety profile, high mortality. I sent her the Math+ protocol from the AFLDS website and she said thatā€™s the same form they are using in the ICU, same letterhead, and Remdesivir is on the list of interventions. I can see why the physicians are disheartened. Whoever concocted that document is intentionally combining the known toxic protocols with Math+ to make Math+ appear to be both ineffective and deadly. I looked on the PP site but couldnā€™t find the video where Chris discusses the safety profile on Remdesivir. As a soon-to-be RN, I agree, would be wise to have a full video with the studies and citations available to share before they burn me at the stake.


Maybe posted before, canā€™t be posten enough.
According to Edward Dowd, Wallstreet has its eyes set on the massive fraud by Pfizer and Moderna. According to him, vaxx injured traders are mad as hell, and shorting Moderna and Pfizer. According to him, this is just the beginningā€¦

Sorry to break this to you Arthur but you're being a bad dinner party guest.
Is this site about finding out what is going on, or is it a polite cocktail party? In no measure do I equate myself to Newton, but he was the worst dinner party guest, eva. Does a truth uttered before the event not give it great credance? (Predictive Dr. David Jacobs). Doesn't independent corroboration persuade? (Ingo Swann's observation about the sun and the SAFIRE results.) I too feel the air sucked out of the room by this egocentric narcissism of humans. A wall is built up around our obsession with our own navels. My aim is to smash a hole in that wall.

Has anyone seen strong evidence of the effect these vaccines might have on global fertility?  Maybe they made everyone a lot more frisky and fertile  ;-?

Many have hypothesized about this, from the beginning.   Chris has noted on many occasions the evidence that the spike proteins are really fond of the reproductive organs and, in fact, that the vaccines strongly impact many womenā€™s menstrual cycles.

I should think that right about now there should exist sufficient data, and possibly even published research, and certainly questions, to speak clearly toward the possible effect of the spikes, and ideally the vaccines, on fertility?

You have, perhaps, seen this (you might want to even archive it, before it goes away) or gets ā€œeditedā€:

Try searching ā€œvaccine to make horses infertileā€ and be prepared for ā€¦ a string of glowing articles (at least that is what I get).

But try ā€œpfizer vaccine to make horses infertileā€ (or anything similar) and prepared for pages of rants about Covid vaccine conspiracies, aliens, how ivermectin can make men lose fertility, etc. 

But I didnā€™t ask ANYTHING about human vaccines, much less Covid. What the hell??

Somebody seems to be VERY threatened by this question. Somebody at Pfizer. I wonder why?  Is it maybe that that was a key project of the existent CEO before he found himself a gravey (pun intended) train with Covid vaccines?

We still lack MOTIVE sufficient to explain the whole extravaganza and, especially, premeditation and world-wide syncopation.   Yes, myocarditis and other vaccine injuries and deaths are horrible.  But ā€œgross negligenceā€ and general lack of sufficient MOTIVE (to accompany means and opportunity) is not premeditation and doesnā€™t directly threaten any of the powers behind the current crop of ringleaders.

That some of us are waving toward unknown ā€œpsychopathsā€; while others may lean more toward unknown (and perhaps unknowable/falsifiable) ā€œaliensā€; and others think ā€œhuman greedā€; or even ā€œmass formation psychosisā€ (so everyone can be given the benefit of the doubt due to temporary insanity) says VOLUMES of how confusing and unsolved this thing remains.

We canā€™t strike the root if we arenā€™t even looking for the root.  And the root is not ā€œvaccine injuriesā€; that is the smoke left over from a smoking gunā€¦but where is the gunā€¦and who fired itā€¦and WHY?

I stated my thesis above:  there is potential for world-wide rage, on an incomprehensible scale, being directed SPECIFICALLY at the United States

Porcine Zona Pellucida, or PZP, is a fertility-control vaccine given to female horses on the range through an injection via remote darting. PZP is scientifically proven, with over three decades of use, and is recommended by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) for use in federally protected wild horse herds. This tool is a humane alternative to roundups and removals and the most promising strategy for managing wild horses in their wild habitat.


Why the need for fertility control?

mountain lionWild horses in the United States no longer have free-range over vast western rangelands. Instead, pursuant to the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act (1971, as amended), they are confined to Herd Management Areas (HMAs) or Wild Horse Territories (WHTs) on public lands that are managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) or U.S. Forest Service (USFS) for "multiple uses." Such uses include commercial industries like livestock grazing, oil and gas extraction and mining, as well as recreational pursuits, including wildlife watching, ATV use, hunting and fishing. Although mountain lions and wolves can and do prey on wild horse foals, due to hunting and government predator ā€œcontrolā€ or kill programs, these species are not present in sufficient numbers to regulate wild horse populations, except in a small number of areas.

The BLM is mandated to manage public lands for multiple uses, and is not permitted to allow the range to deteriorate. If left unmanaged, wild horse populations might eventually stabilize near what is known as their food-limited ecological carrying capacity. However, reaching this level would result in deteriorated range conditions that are ecologically unsound.

cowThe conditions that America's mustangs live in today are anything but natural. The vast majority of wild horse populations have been genetically manipulated and socially and behaviorally disrupted by a constant cycle of roundups and removals. Their ability to migrate freely to adjust to changing environmental conditions is inhibited by fences that confine them to artificial habitats known as HMAs or WHTs. They must compete on our public lands with other uses backed by powerful economic interests. Under these circumstances, the idea of natural regulation is just that: an idea that is unfortunately divorced from reality.

The AWHC's goals include securing a fairer share of resources for wild horses on our public lands and protecting predators in order to restore a more natural ecological balance on western rangelands. However, we also must also deal with modern realities, which means that wild horse population growth on our public lands must be managed in some form. Does the question then become which form of management available today is the most humane, minimally intrusive and preserves natural behaviors?

The answer today is PZP fertility control. This proven technology provides a safe, humane, cost-efficient and effective alternative to the current wild horse management approach of roundup, removal and stockpiling of horses in government holding facilities.

etc. (see link at top)

Sounds ā€œprogressiveā€ and kindly enough to meā€¦just not very connected to WEF concerns, power, and corporate profits, compared to some alternatives I can think of.


Anyone shorting Blackrock and Vangard?
As far as evidence of a broader agenda, perhaps this will help:

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I am not saying aliens donā€™t exist, nor that they have not visited. I think we have probably seen their bodies and at least tried to master their technology. Steve Motley, a retired marine who made lots of patriot oriented podcast commentary during the Trump era, and who is now passed, spoke several times in 2017 about his coming across photographs of the bodies in a file, in a deep storage, secure military facility that he was tasked with re-organizing at one point.
As with Dave, I find talk of aliens to be a distraction at this point in time. Making the leap from, they exist to, they are the puppeteers, seems entirely specious to me. If they were our spiritual fathers, i.e. so close to being the near-Gods as Arthur posits, then they wouldnā€™t have crashed their ship(s) on our planet the way they apparently did. Just not very god-like IMO.



I understand the interest in aliens and it makes for interesting speculation sometimes. That being said its just that, speculation. Where do you go with it?
Some people go pretty far and they construct really complex narratives that they recite with full authority. How do they know all this? Of course they cant know, they are making it up or repeating something that somebody else made up. What do you say to that? Usually nothing.
Now if somebody were to say, ā€˜you know Iā€™ll bet there are aliens and they might be meddling in human affairsā€™ā€¦ Iā€™d probably agree [ sounds possible ], but beyond that I cant speak to something I dont know.

If they were our spiritual fathers, i.e. so close to being the near-Gods as Arthur posits, then they wouldn't have crashed their ship(s)
The evidence is that they are ridgid parasites, fast thinking and persistent. But they are not flexible. Think termites. I watched Charlie Hall describing tall Whites. Charlie has 5 Masters degrees. This, his flat aspect and lack of insight speak loudly of schizophrenia. (Yes, I am sure he did see his aliens. The same way my daughter sees her "friends") Charlie relies on his wife to keep him on track. Source. Give Charlie a break, he walks a different path. Dr. David Jacobs however, is not Charlie Hall.  
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Well I donā€™t know if myocarditis is intended depop but lets look at the current resultsā€¦ singapore population already hit depop went down by 4% 2021
US population is almost there we grew the lowest since 1776ā€¦ .01% and this is when American was locked down at home with nothing to do by watch netflix and screw and too scared to go to the phamacy and pick up next months birth control and still the lowest growth ever?
Life insurance claims non covid deaths up 40% in 2021ā€¦ what is 2022 gogin to be 40% greater than 2021?
DOD whistle blower says miscarriages up 300% and infertility up 500%
we now the spike concentrates in the ovaries and impacts the menstryal cycle
new studies show your immunity is impacted likely permanentlyā€¦ cancer and other issues flaring up
add on a 3rd and 4th booster of spike protein and even the NIH says is toxic
and add a yearly booster for everyone after that according to the FDA exposed in project vertias
and we know the greater the spike the greater the side effects ā€¦ as we say in data science 2 points make a line, 3 points make a trendā€¦ I donā€™t see a positive trend hereā€¦ I know Chris doesnā€™t think this the intent ā€¦ but the results are pretty alarmingā€¦ and we still donā€™t know know the effects on kidsā€¦ yet we are jabbing them as fast as we can. what if infertility risk to those that havenā€™t gone through puberty yet is even worse?
I donā€™t think we would need a different pandemic or vaccine to achieve depopā€¦ spike seems to be doing a pretty good job at this intentional or notā€¦ and this is just what we see in a short time < 1 yearā€¦ if you were a fictional james bond SPECTER evil organization and actually wanted increase depop ā€¦all you would have to do is just ratchet the booster frequency up as needed " yearly/6/4/3 months"ā€¦ā€œsound familiar?ā€ to increase spike levels higher and higher in bodies to drive more side effects until you hit your targets.


I will observe that Clif High is very strategic. He knows that - most often - the Indirect Approach results in more success, with less effort. If success is what you are looking for, you might consider changing strategy and using an indirect approach - rather than repeatedly charging across the field directly into the machine gun fire.
Case in point: the Wehrmacht used the Indirect Approach to great success in France: instead of directly assaulting the Maginot Lineā€¦as you are repeatedly doing hereā€¦they went around it. In his book Strategy (1960), Hart argues that the best approach to win is the indirect approach. Although Hart never truly defines the term indirect approach, he bases the tactic off militaries advancing along the line of least resistance.
This operational technique was good enough for Guderian & Rommel. Just saying.
4 Likes Findings In this cohort study of 2344 US veterans hospitalized with COVID-19, remdesivir therapy was not associated with improved 30-day survival but was associated with a significant increase in median time to hospital discharge. 30 day mortality: (remdesivir 12.5%) vs (control 10.6%) hospital stay: (remdesivir 6 days) vs (control 3 days) "Routine use of remdesivir may be associated with increased use of hospital beds while not being associated with improvements in survival."
So you can see why hospital administrators love Remdesivir. Lengthened hospital stays means more revenue. Double, actually. So who doesn't love remdesivir? Ok, sure, the patients don't love it. You can even see the trend-to-harm in the 30-day mortality number. But patients don't have a say. Hospital Admins do. And these days, they get to set the treatment. Because - "health" care is actually just a top-down harvesting mechanism. "For the good of the shareholders."

Definitely check this out. This is Rohanā€™s attempt to get both sides of the argument. Very non committal on certain things, which is fine.
His take:

  1. supports healthcare mandates for vaccines
  2. New Zealand and Australia did the best overall the last two years
  3. Has not seen evidence it was a lab leak.
  4. Omnicron was predominately a unvaccinated problem for hospitalizations and death.
  5. Did not seem to provide references, except a study from Israel with dubious interpretation IMO
    Anyway give a listen, this seems to be ā€œ The other sideā€ which is always good to hear. ?ā€?
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Thanks for the response.  I was beginning to think nobody appreciated my bringing up the box making ticking sounds in the corner of the room.

The studies must be there or, at least, there should now be enough statistical data so that the question can be explored systematically and scientifically.

If close examination of the data doesnā€™t at least give a strong hint at a problem linked to the clot-shot we can back up and find another candidate question.  But I appreciate your data points, and I think finding out - yay or nay - whether people have been sterilized against their will is the most useful question to ask right now.  It would change the complexion of the whole debate right away I expect.  ā€œSomeoneā€™sā€ kid ā€œmaybeā€ having a ā€œlittleā€ myocarditis is a little less personal than your own child having just been INTENTIONALLY fixed, like a stray dog, unable to ever make you a grandparentā€¦and your lineage definitely going extinct. 

Hopefully Chris will think so too, or somebody can find some good studies.

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I am no Rommel, as I am no Newton, to be sure.
I offered up our old Saxon religion because it is who we Are. (If you donā€™t identify as a Saxon, this discussion is not for you.)
After this event, whatever it is, we need to revert to our true nature. And that is a Matriarchal society with Freedom as our Prime Value.
The Abrahamic religions are moot on the subject of Freedom. They might claim Moses leaving Egypt as a prime example of their innate desire for freedom, but they do not thunder from the pulpit every Sunday about Freedom being their prime value. Their schtick is meekness and obedience, very Patriarchal, to be sure.
Obedience is their prime value. Freedom is ours. The two are not reconcilable.
I donā€™t know what things are like in your family, but in all of mine, it was the womenfolk who organized all the celebrations.
All we need to do is to follow our instincts after and if we survive this injection.
And why did we offer up our children for sacrifice? Because we have been taught to be meek little lambs.
Give me a bad ass drenger any day.
May Rommel rest in peace.


Iā€™ll add my 2 centsā€¦.I have not read a single one of your posts since I saw the trend that they were mostly off topic. (Itā€™s been quite a while). Unfortunately I automatically skip over you. I do feel sorry for you if you have a legitimate point to make, because your communication techniques are not working. I do respect your intelligence, but have to prioritize my time and listen to people with comments that are on topic. Maybe you are so much smarter than me, that I will never understand youā€¦.but in any case Iā€™ll keep trucking along and listen to the other very smart people on PP who have mastered the art of communication. (A two way street)


Iā€™m not a fan of ads in the video. It takes away from your well-deserved credibility. I donā€™t feel comfortable sharing videos that start with an ad. I would be willing to pay more each month if you can lose the ads.

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no problemā€¦ Ive spent the last 2 years trying to figure out what is going on after putting boots on the ground and watching my government support Antifa take over my city and attack honest citizensā€¦and stand next to the media and watch them report the complete opposite of what we both saw on the 5 o clock newsā€¦ IE i realized something was very wrongā€¦ ā€œBig thanks to Klaus Schawb going on video confirming iā€™m not nutsā€
From there I moved on trying to figure out what was really going on with COVID and being open to debunking ANY covid theoriesā€¦ā€œ0. its a natural bat infection that kills everybody ā€œnopeā€ 1.its all about vaccine companies making $ on snake oil- nope doesnt logic black rock owns the vaccine company and banks and federal reserve and they out they print trillions without effort they dont need to put this much effort into a few hundred billions advertisements 24/7 bribes threats?, 2.its all about a covid passports and digital ID- nope the could have added + test, antibodies, religious, medial to covid passports and required them for work and gotten 10X further to this goal but they stuck with vaccine onlyā€¦ Why?. While $ and digital passports may be on the list of goals even important goals they are not the big end game ā€¦ My cousin asked what in the hell is in those shots they want so bad for everybody on earth to have one?.. Depop one is the only one I canā€™t yet debunk. if anybody can help point out something I missed Iā€™d like to hear it as i would dearly love to put this one on the crazy wall with the others. So far I see too many signals pointing the same result, to much effort to get everyone on the planet a vaccine that DOESNT prevent infection and transmissionā€¦ for a virus that is the equivalent of a bad flu. with a 99.98% survival rate for the initial bad version forget omicron?. Suddenly the word cares about Africans who donā€™t even have a covid problem after playing lip service to decades of starvation, aids, malaria, ebolaā€¦? Now we need to spend trillions on shots and mandate for every human for the flu? sorry doesnā€™t make senseā€¦ Klaus Schawb is on video saying no one is safe until EVERYONE on the plant is vaccinatedā€ Unicef is now parroting itā€¦ Why do we have to do this again and why does he careā€¦?..with ALPHA 99.98% of people are fine, if shots actually improved results 10X that 99.998% with Alpha people are fineā€¦ sorry doesnā€™t pencil out as a global emergencyā€¦
As for data and statistics I think England and Northern Europe are now seeing independent signals they donā€™t like. some papers about reduced immunity and more infections and hospitalizations for vaccinated vs unvaccinated. some other clues to this in the web rumors " hence the immediate dropping of covid restrictions and its not all political" But Iā€™m pessimistic that even if the data points that way they will every admit it, even if they were totally innocent a government would never make it public and work hard to bury it or work hard to blame it on something else like LONG COVID for example and we see this trend already in prestigious medical journalsā€œType%202%20heart%20attacks%20are,order%20do%20this%20extra%20work.
and my personal favorite from the WEFā€¦ global warming is reducing frequency of sex and and infertility yep thats right lock you in a room with a willing playboy centerfold and turn up the heat 5 degrees and youā€™ll say no thanksā€¦ due to warmingā€¦ yeah i buy thatā€¦and BTW where do i sign up for that double blind study?
So why in this hypothetical fictional scenario would an innocent government help the bad guys" SPECTOR" hide this and get off scot free? Well at the very least you are admitting to your people you are incompetent and a sucker good luck getting re-elected , but even bigger is one role of government is to keep civilians civil and society functional, letting the civilians know the government ā€œeven if they themselves were misleadā€ had recommended or mandated something harmful to ALL its own civilians and their kids would result in a people grabbing torches and pitchforks and going Mad Max in the streets on its own government and corporations. BLM /Rodney King/Kent state riots would be nothing compared to thisā€¦ do you think there would be a government building or medical manufacturer factory left standing any where in the world if this kind of data if true this got out to the public? Their internal argument would be admitting this would be a potential catastrophic societal collapse and denying /burying it would be less damaging to the citizens. After all damage has already been done either wayā€¦ giving them incentive to burn down the cities wouldnā€™t bring any good result, it would be better to keep the economy, medical community, government intact to try and mitigate the damage vs having everything fall apartā€¦ I suspect any good data any scientist /doctors would continue to be buried and discredited by any means necessary. The only hope here would be for it to move into common knowledge due to people seeing something happen to ALOT of people they know and talking without official studies that will never come and civilians to put pressure on the government to take action.
My current fear in this James Bond SPECTOR scenario would be this isnt over and they are not going to let this goā€¦ its clear the end game is to vaccinate everybody one earth by any means necessary and they are all in and no turning back. So will they create some future spin on mild covid turning into long covid causing all these injuries and so everyone needs a regular booster to prevent their mild covid into becoming long covid?.. which of course will drive more injuries resulting in more frequent boosters etcā€¦


Hi, could you do a video on this study, and point out how it is faulty? Thanks!
Efficacy of Ivermectin Treatment on Disease Progression Among Adults With Mild to Moderate COVID-19 and Comorbidities: The I-TECH Randomized Clinical Trial | Complementary and Alternative Medicine | JAMA Internal Medicine | JAMA Network

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