mRNA Vaccines Elevate Myocarditis Risk by 133x

I found this article to be terrifying. This child died from symptoms that sound surprisingly like vaccine injuries. It appears that 100+ children have also experienced these symptoms. This article attributes this death to a prior Covid-19 infection. Of course this is designed to encourage Wisconsin parents to inject their children. But if this death was actually caused by an mRNA injection, then isn’t this referenced article in the MJS encouraging more child injections which may result in more injury and death?
We are dealing with pure evil.


This is new narrative I was afraid of… vaccines don’t prevent infection and transmission and injuries pilling up… soo…how to spin this back to vaccines… Um. previous mild Covid is later discreetly causing injuries “not the vaccine”,… since the vaccine “prevents serious covid and hospitalization” it could also prevent you from impending unknown long covid injuries coming so you " just follow the science" so you need to get a booster ASAP to prevent serious unknow covid injuries coming from your prior mild covid infection… which of course will lead to more covid injuries which will lead to more boosters… which will lead to more covid injuries which will lead to more boosters… which will lead to more covid injuries which will lead to more boosters… which will lead to more covid injuries which will lead to more boosters. they are not going to give up the shot no matter what… and if you don’t get the booster… you are putting a burden huge on the medical community, the insurance company and your employers so you are a really bad person… so they have no choice to mandate so no booster… turned away at the hospital for anything broken arm etc… no booster you dropped from medical insurance at any price… no booster… employers will individually mandate the shot like Columbia sportswear and Nike … because they “CARE” about the health of their employees… and you are uninsurable anyway… how can the employees have insured and uninsured workers? what if you get hurt on site… you have no insurance…


If it’s helpful for #42 and #48, here is Chris’s September video comparing IVM & Remdesivir.
Shameful that someone doctored the FLCCC’s protocol at your sister’s hospital, Barbara. I hope she shares your update with her supervisors and on up the chain.
My 81-yo aunt spent a month in hospital quarantined with Covid and was put on Remdesivir pre-shot rollout and managed to survive. I don’t know how she is doing in comparison to prior this “treatment”, but my blue-pilled, multi-masked, triple-jabbed father has decided he’s going to take Remdesivir should he ever catch CV since it “worked so well for” his sister despite my sharing much of Chris’s (and Berenson’s early) work with him. Hard to accept that he’s one of the 30% willing to stay hypnotized. EDIT: Steve (#46), I’m going to share that video with my dad; astonishing Remdesivir info, especially in pediatrics.


We’ve reviewed this elsewhere already. The study isn’t faulty at all.
It shows that - right in the “results” section - a trend to benefit in mortality - the single most important outcome for patients.

Results Among 490 patients included in the primary analysis (mean [SD] age, 62.5 [8.7] years; 267 women [54.5%]), 52 of 241 patients (21.6%) in the ivermectin group and 43 of 249 patients (17.3%) in the control group progressed to severe disease (relative risk [RR], 1.25; 95% CI, 0.87-1.80; P = .25). For all prespecified secondary outcomes, there were no significant differences between groups. Mechanical ventilation occurred in 4 (1.7%) vs 10 (4.0%) (RR, 0.41; 95% CI, 0.13-1.30; P = .17), intensive care unit admission in 6 (2.4%) vs 8 (3.2%) (RR, 0.78; 95% CI, 0.27-2.20; P = .79), and 28-day in-hospital death in 3 (1.2%) vs 10 (4.0%) (RR, 0.31; 95% CI, 0.09-1.11; P = .09). The most common adverse event reported was diarrhea (14 [5.8%] in the ivermectin group and 4 [1.6%] in the control group).
Translated: if you got IVM, there was a 1.2% chance you died. If you didn't, there was a 4.0% chance you died. P=0.09. If you want lower P values, then next time - recruit more patients.

Thanks DaveF,
The study showed benefit from Ivm, but it didn’t reach statistical significance. This is spun for an uncritical audience that doesn’t actually read the paper as “it was useless.”
Assuming that my understanding is correct that the study authors WANTED to show no benefit, I can imagine them in a frantic meeting saying “Uh oh. That damn ivermectin is working. Quick! Let’s stop the study before it reaches statistical significance! Stop enrolling people right now.”


Yes, plus:

Why the P-value culture is bad and confidence intervals a better alternative


Three common misuses of P values

and Statistical Bullshit There should be a p-value associated to a p-value... Edit. This is a horrible video, but very informative

The article fails to mention whether the child who died or how many of the other children with severe “illness” had been vaccinated. I wonder if there is a way to find out? Absent of this critical information, the article is just more propaganda.


A couple of things I notice in this write up at the BBC.

  1. The queen is asserting her right to keep her vaccination history private.
  2. Having the queen and royal family test positive happens just as the UK is pivoting back to “normalcy.” Even if she were NOT truly infected, this would be a great PR act to shape public opinion.
  3. We never really know how the elite are being treated. If a medicine showed suggestion of benefit, but was not “proven” nor widely accepted as “the standard of care,” would a member of the elite be offered it? Probably. Only commoners cannot be allowed to use medicines that are probably helpful, but “unproven.”
    Because we love “science” more than your life.

this is a fun site to send your friends to visit if they confuse correlation and causation.
some of them are very funny!

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Mpup, maybe so, but MISC is a real entity and was reported before vaccinations were available, esp in NY metro area. Fortunately it seems to be pretty rare, but it is a horror show when it happens.


I have heard similar remarks. This assertion seems to come from people who took the vaccine and are now realizing that they got conned. They were told that these snake oil vaccines would make them impervious to Covid 19. They knew that long term studies had not been done and that they could be accepting negative long term consequences as a result. So they took the snake oil and paid the price. After “breakthrough” infections became too numerous to deny and long term consequences became real, the reality of what they had done began to sink in. No one likes to admit they were conned. So they mitigated their growing sense of regret by reframing the negative consequences as positive. I heard both, “I did the right thing and got the shot” and “I am glad I got the shot because (when my vaccine fails to prevent a Covid 19 infection) any symptoms I have from an infection will be milder than if I had not gotten the shot.”
This is typical con man behavior. After a con is run, there is a high probability that the mark will try to punish the con man for wrongdoing or, at the very least, seek restitution. To avoid this, the con man always has a post-con narrative, or two, handy. Yes, the con man might admit that the snake oil didn’t work and express (false) sympathy. But, the money he received from the mark went to a good cause, to put benefit his poor children or sick mother, for example. This is the con man’s “right thing” defense. Another tactic is to convince the mark of the futility of retribution and get the mark to accept the loss as being not so bad because it coulda been worse. This is the con man’s “even if it didn’t work, there were some benefits” defense.
These vaccines were simply a massive example of the age-old con game. Works nearly every time and will probably work just as well on the next coronavirus scam as well. Unfortunately.


Politics of the highest echelon and its occult form :
the world satanic elite , you can also call them as the committee for the meeting of the Antichrist ,Trump called them the deep state, at the moment it consists of about 10,000 people , from the famous ones are Merkel, Macron, Biden, Boris Johnson, Sarcazi, Bill Gates, Zuckenberg , Sergey Bryl and Larry Page ( the owners of Google and YouTube),Pavel Durov , the Bush family, the Clinton family, the same Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Baruchs, Leibs, Coons, Schiffs,Oppenheimers, Ruperts,Waltons, Dupons, Goldmans,Morgans, Carnegies , practically all the royal and imperial families of the world (the most important of them are the Windsors), and other surnames .They are behind the world wars , they created and spread the coronavirus , now their goal is to create a single unified world and a single world government. All spiritual life will be concentrated within one church,they need it to ensure the arrival of the Antichrist (Dajjal) and prevent the second coming of Jesus and the last judgment ,thereby ensuring the end of history beneficial to Lucifer and insignificant for humanity ,such conditions are allowed by God ,when Lucifer (Iblis) disobeyed God and did not bow to Adam , God could have killed him, but Lucifer (Iblis) asked to leave his life, and for this he will experience the creation of God - man in particular and humanity in general, Lucifer(iblis) (he can not, like any demon ( jin), communicate directly with a person, but through the rites of magic there can be a connection) . For humanity there are 3 variants of the outcome , the first arrival of the Antichrist and such a fall of the spirit that it will not be awarded 2 the coming of Jesus and then the last judgment will not be and all will be erased into dust , except for approximately 190,000 people who helped the devil to defeat humanity and the second variant of the Human spirit on the scale of the planet will be so strong that they will not be able to bring the Antichrist , but will immediately be 2 the coming of Jesus and then there will be a last judgment , and the devil and his servants , it is clear what will happen to them . Well, the last option they will achieve the coming of the Antichrist , but humanity in general will fight for itself and God will let down Jesus and we will win and there will be a last judgment .They are fighting for eternal life for themselves, and for us they want to leave the option that we will all be wiped out and not even bother with the last judgment . The outcome depends on each of you , and your life after death .This information is for you , why in fact the “world elite” and more precisely the satanic elite, or even more precisely the committee for the meeting of the antichrist, is engaged in all this .And our task is to stop them . And let me remind you that the world is being developed by industrialists , scientists , farmers, teachers. And Satanists have always killed and slowed down industrial progress .( People like bill Gates, Zuckenberg, Sergey bryl, Larry page were accepted there after they created their companies )
Explanation : Atlantis is a world of people who were giants and lived a lot , presumably the whole earth was inhabited by them , but it is not clear , the Bible and the Koran simply say that they were all here , and how many of them were , it is not clear . It was drowned by the flood of Noah, the great prophet who is both in the Bible and in the Qur 'an (Noah in English in the Bible, Nuh in Arabic in the Qur 'an, GOD in English, and ALLAH in Arabic) The first philosopher , Plato , spoke about it for the first time , and he called Atlantis and those people Atlanteans . For believers, they should be called correctly, the people of Noah, but temporarily we will use the term of our enemy in order to know him. For those who do not know, the Illuminati teach their children that they are descendants of the Atlanteans, to whom a man came , whom they call the prophet of God and drowned them (well , how do you like the coincidence , even the Illuminati teach their children that the Atlanteans were drowned by the flood of God) , from whom the prophet came , what was his name ? here it is clear Noah or Nuh in Arbs). Plato and his disciple Aristotle created Western philosophy (Aristotle, among other things, was the teacher of the first great conqueror, Alexander the Great, or also known as Alexander the Great, it was Aristotle who taught that ordinary people should work and sing and dance after work, dance and sing (remember the anology on our entertainment programs + sports, worked, drank beer and to the TV, sleep with work again, questions about the meaning of life ? Aristotle , initiated into the mystery of the mystery from his teacher Plato , did not want people , but as he called people , social animals , to ask deep questions , such as the question - what is the point ? . And Plato (as the British mathematician and philosopher Alfred North Whitehead said, "the whole philosophy — these are notes in the margins of Plato) he started talking about Atlantis after he visited Egypt , thanks to his teacher Socrates , where he was accepted by the priesthood ( in the Egyptian priesthood , knowledge was secretly transmitted that is known in the Bible and in the Koran as black magic or just magic or witchcraft , namely , the sorcery that allowed them to have a connection with the radiant ) , which Plato was initiated into the mystery of the world , or simply , into the teaching of Satanists ( Satanists came from the bible , so then this there was no term , but for us it is Satanism , although they call themselves Luciferans , after all, Latin is the language of magic, so they use Latin, that is, they call their boss Lucifer ), the priesthood of Egypt went (migrated) from Babylon, and it is from Sumer, Satanism lies from there (there is a legend that a stone of knowledge was discovered in Sumer, which contained information on how to contact the subtle world , an invisible world filled with jinns (they are demons) and angels, but this is only guesswork from where the priests of Sumer got knowledge , how to contact the radiant and receive instructions and promises from him , because he seduced them with eternal life (radiant in the Bible and the Koran , seducer and tempter ) . And I will remind those who do not know that all secret and secret societies , such as the Illuminati , of which there are already more than 40 million in the world ( there are a lot of Illuminati , it 's like a sect , without secret signs and tattoos . they think they’re special, but they’re like an army or militia in the hands of the top of the shadow government, just slaves, and they think they’re enlightened, special, yeah…) or the Jesuit orders , and similar organizations practice ritual sacrifices , and similar satanic things , naturally they are also slaves , and they themselves do not know , no one will give them eternal life , and they work for the top of the globalists , who do everything for the sake of eternal life ( who get the mark of Lucifer ) the main ones there , according to various sources , are the royal family of the Winzors , the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, but this is not very important, because whoever is in charge, they have one goal.It is worth explaining that all these people were not immediately villains , and they receive a mark only after 40 years (except for rare exceptions ) , not earlier . before that , they are prepared if he is his own , well , for example , Rockefeller , before that time he is corrupted by all sorts of orgies , alcohol, drugs and quietly attached to blood , for example , murders , and then they are faced with a choice of you or with us ( they were also corrupted . this is a necessity , so that the new ones do not rebel against their own order and do not say . we will not bring the Mashiach to power , we are normal people , but no , that 's why they are prepared carefully , and up to 40 years , and then some do not accept this order , because even among those who grew up in this environment , there are those whose hearts remain normal , not cannibalistic , and learning the truth about the world , they refuse to follow in the footsteps of Satanism and pursue this policy , as they call the new world order ( presumably one eye on that pyramid of the dollar , not only the all - seeing eye , the global order watching you , but also this is a reference to dajjal (aka antichrist, aka Mashiach), who will be with one eye , if they bring him into this world , ( according to their plans , there is a place in Tibet called Shambhala , it is from there that they think to meet him ) , then those who refused to follow in their footsteps , and pursue a policy of globalists or a new world order , they are removed (even in the Rothschild family , there were those who at 40, learning the truth , refused to follow this , and they were removed, do not think that they are all the same people, but most agree they become Satanists , and continue this terrible, non - human policy) , the same as from the outside , for example , bill gates , and his microsoft , he is quietly called to all sorts of business meetings , where he gets acquainted with him , then they check him and quietly begin the path , nasty like orgies , drugs , and the like , given that all the intelligence services of the world and all secret societies like the Illuminati work for them , they then know how to corrupt people, then it comes to blood and if a person begins to take part in ritual murders , etc . , then he 's all of them , before they can put him in front of the fact earlier , they say you’re with us and into eternal life , well , or you can refuse , and then you won 't have eternal life, and there won 't be life here , because you will be killed , so bill you have 2 options , or you and your microsoft are with us and for this eternal life for you , or you’re against us, and you won 't see eternal life (they think they will win ) , and in this we will kill you, so bill gates , the owners of Google larry page, Sergey bryl, the owner of Facebook, Instagram Zuckenberg , and even Durov , the owner of telegram , thought , yes , it 's better to have a tit in your hands , than the last judgment in the sky , which you still try to achieve .This is a matter of their conscience , they immediately turned from great inventors into Satanists and enemies , our enemies, so everything is social.networks with coronavirus have made one decision , to crush all dissent , because all social networks . who owns the networks ? when they created them, they were normal people, smart, and now they are Satanists. regarding steve jobs, according to some information , they did not send recruits to him , considering him a tyrant , but if you open the Forbes list, even the official one , you should understand that the top of it was recruited, about how I showed above, but they have enough tools , for example , the Jesuit Order has a satisfied large agent network and recruitment tools , naturally those who recruit, also just do the job , they don 't really understand what they are doing , what they were taught , then they do , like all the intelligence services of the world that the NSA, CIA, MI6, FSB and D.R. what the boss said was done .There are not many of them in the leadership , about 10,000 people , but these 10,000 bend the whole world ? they created and spread the coronavirus, then forced them to wear ordinary masks against it, not designed to protect against viruses, depriving a person of freedom, and then they force them to do vaccinations, from which people feel bad . And many say , no , the world is free , there are no globalists , read Satanists , sit on your ass straight and don 't twitch .Or even better, they describe the most influential people as villains who have one goal, more money and power, and a chip in everyone’s head, naturally a normal person will think that this is all nonsense, because the goal does not justify the means … Here are all the people of power, loved fame, to remain in history, so that everyone remembers them, everyone knew them, every easy form of immortality, that once there was such a person as Caesar, Mark Anthony, Charlemagne, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Napoleon, … does it remind you of anything ?The authorities are hungry for glory , remember the portraits of leaders , statues to them , and how Brezhnev loved glory , how many orders …And we are told, broadcasters, they don’t need fame, because money loves silence, power loves silence … Just money and power have always loved publicity, so that everyone would know who is the coolest, even there is such a sin, vanity is called.No, they don’t need fame and publicity for just one reason, because the stakes in their activities are much higher than money, power and fame. We must understand this , because they are serious people , and just to think that they are doing evil and life will punish them for it is not necessary .

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Like your rant.


This article, straight from their own website in 2017.
New $460 million effort takes aim at MERS, Lassa, Nipah

The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) launched today at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, with $460 million in funding and an initial focus on developing vaccines against MERS, Lassa, and Nipah virus. "What CEPI is doing is providing a proof-of-concept approach to making world better prepared for new infectious agents," said Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy... Osterholm served on the planning committees that helped CEPI develop its initial vaccine targets. The governments of Germany, Japan and Norway, plus the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust have funded CEPI with an initial $460 million, and the organization plans to raise $1 billion within 5 years. CEPI's inception came 1 year ago at the 2016 World Economic Forum. From February to June of 2016, three task groups consisting of experts in the field of public health and vaccine development met to develop initial targets and goals. So far, 80 organizations and more than 200 individuals have collaborated to create the organization.


Hi Dr. Martenson,
Any idea how the isreal national news article determined that the rate was 133x background rates? Could you show how they calculated it step by step? I’m not skeptical of this finding by any means. I’d like to know so I can help others trust this information. I would really appreciate it if you could explain it.


Or perhaps paragraphs? It’s probably just me, but my eyes go sideways trying to read it.


In Arthur’s defense, I think that the alien topic doesn’t get the attention it deserves.
In fact, I would assert that the conversation is convoluted ad absurdum.
Why is the topic important?
For me, hearing someone talk about aliens as if they were extraterrestrials is on par with hearing a child assert that babies come from the stork or that presents come from Santa Claus. Ergo, it displays a functional ignorance. Like not understanding the debt-based monetary system, but still using money.
Ultimately, the alien topic is quite humbling, because it teaches the same fundamental lessons found in Ecclesiastes:

  • There is nothing new under the sun.
  • The relentless human struggle for power/control/dominion is nothing more than vanity.
Charles Fort talked about how the planet was owned and how likely it was that a small cadre of elite humans were placed in "charge" of the rest. That was over one hundred years ago (Book of the Damned). Like the Swiss bankers in Davos. How many times have they sat in the middle of World Wars without having their borders crossed and banks raided? In closing, I would rather listen to Arthur's speculation on aliens than the endless blathering and speculation about Sars2. It's similar to the alien discussion, actually: mountains of data and analytics, yet not a solid answer to the question of, Who? Seriously. Even if you had a Why?, you still don't have a Who? P.S. It's easy to identify the people who have studied the UFO/Alien topic and reached sincere insight. They always say the same thing:
I never wanted this information.

As I have said, I don’t discount the evidence that aliens exist and that they have visited. That aliens are the only explanation for the corruption of man, and the conspiracies of a few with power and money… I have seen no evidence other than arm waiving like Arthur’s appeal that humans just couldn’t manage this alone.
Let’s do the evidence thing please. I am open to having my mind changed about the role of aliens. I don’t believe they are needed to explain what we are seeing in the world today… the actions of bankers/WEF + our intelligence agencies seem to offer enough explanatory power.
Today I consider it a distraction. But if it’s true, then I really need to understand that this is so because I need to know who my enemy is. What is the evidence stack here? Thank you, Jim


The game isn’t over yet.
I was surprised to hear a piece on NPR today that appeared to be questioning the boosters.
If I recall correctly, marginal benefit from jab#3=30%, and marginal benefit from jab#4=10%. Major diminishing returns. (And that’s not even counting injuries.)