mRNA Vaccines Elevate Myocarditis Risk by 133x

Art must be the one on the right. I feel for you bro…


That’s precisely how I like it.
If it dosen’t resonate, just pass on by.

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@Steven: agreed, this needs exploration. Question to you, and other interested parties: why are you not starting forums and leading discussions, bringing your evidence for us to suss out? Nothing is stopping any of you from doing this…
As I said before, why derail discussions on specific topics with off topic discussions. It tends to backfire on those who keep doing it all the time.


Jan is right Arthur………If you really want to reach people, it would be great for you to start a new topic on Aliens…I’d probably be interested and would hope to learn something.


Today I learned that a subcontractor of mine got a hemorrhagic stroke and had brain surgery this morning ….His co-worker contacted me and commented that 34 was too young for a healthy man to experience this. My comment was…”sounds like a vaccine injury”….He replied….”Could have been”.


The child apparently had MIS. This was a recognized condition or rare potential of the virus for children before the first vaccine was ever given to even adults. I would think this is possible side-effect or co-effect with the vaccine. It seems that a young healthy Memphis doctor who was vaccinated early on, died of MIS. It is possible his was potentially initiated by the jab. As it had not be recognized previously with adults that had Covid.
I am up in the air to call foul on this article - MIS is definitely a known potential due to covid, before vaccines, and I have not heard of other MIS related to vaccinating with kids.


2020 Chris Martenson would have ripped this report to shreds. What it is saying is that on the order of 52 to 103 cases per MILLION doses administered were observed in certain narrow age ranges. That is somewhere on the order of 0.01% of doses FOR THOSE AGE RANGES ONLY. Two orders of magnitude smaller than the lowest estimate often reported of a 1% FATALITY rate for people who actually contract the virus and within the range of side effects reported in the original research. But wait. That range represents a 133% rise above baseline, so somewhat less than half of that 0.01% would have suffered myocarditis even without the vaccine.
I remember 2020 Chris Martenson issuing report after report detailing the systemic and organ damage done by CoVID (anyone remember the “honey badger?”) not to mention that he was the first person that I ever read reporting the many long-term effects for the “long haulers.”
Facts is facts. Every report I have seen, and the direct testimony of medical professionals I personally know from my church who are treating these patients tell me that virtually 100% of the hospitalized patients and fatalities they are seeing are among the unvaccinated. I’m vaxxed and boosted and if they recommend another booster, I will take it also. I know there is a risk, but I am educated enough, by Chris Martenson among others, to know that it is much lower than if I am not vaccinated. I’ll take those odds.

Hey green_achers, just wanted to let you know, we aren’t in March 2020 any longer. Almost two years later, we now know that there are four basic principles to dealing with this virus:

  1. Activity (reduction in hosp & death vs “no activity” is about 60%)
  2. BMI (reduction in hosp & death of BMI 23 vs BMI 40 is about 80%)
  3. vitamin D sufficiency (reduction in hosp & death vs insufficiency is about 60%)
  4. Early treatment (reduction in hosp & death with early treatment is about 95%).
    Vaccination is only “necessary” to prevent hospitalization or death for those who … a) are really fat, b) who don’t engage in physical activity, c) who have vitamin D deficiency, and d) who for some very strange reason refuse to consider early treatment.
    Early Treatment Saves Lives. As does prevention too.
    As for the 1% infection fatality rate - I think you’re confused about that too. The only people with a 1% IFR are above age 65.
    You can keep going with the shots, of course. Your body, your choice.
    In my circle, the vaxxed seemed to do worse than the unvaxxed-but-treated-early. The vaxxed nurses seemed to have an especially bad time of it. Really unfortunate.
    Best of luck with the shots.

Howdy Tribe,
I need help, and data. My cardiologist wants to diagnose me with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and refuse a medical exemption to the COVID vax. Male, mid-30s excellent fitness at time of COVID, no family history of heart disease of irregularity. Average BP 115/75 before and after COVID.
I am a career military member, and I am pursuing a medical exemption from the COVID vaccine mandate. I had a severe reaction to COVID when I had it in 2020. My heart stopped and I passed out. At that time my fever was 104, but it broke after passing out. When I came to, my wife was on the phone with 911 and the paramedics arrived about 2-3 minutes later. I immediately put on the pules/ox monitor beside my bed and my HR was in the mid 20’s and quickly rising. After an ambulance ride and some blood work it was classified as a syncope episode and we moved on.
Almost immediately after recovering and returning to work I noticed my resting HR rarely went below 75 and hovered around 80 most of the time. This is a stark contrast the to mid-50’s resting HR that I had enjoyed my entire life to that point. In the spring of 2021 I was diagnosed with ocular migraines which began in winter 2020/21. Since COVID my heart has had an aching feeling and sometimes there is a sharp pain in my chest. We moved duty stations in summer 2021 and I’m on my second primary care manager (PCM) since arriving at my new duty station.
I have undergone chest x-ray, worn a heart monitor, eco-cardiogram, stress eco, and just a few days ago a L/R heart catherization. I will have a cardiac MRI soon.
The eco and stress eco were abnormal and showed a significant enlarged heart as well as overly thick walls and septum. Due to the fact that I have always had an inverted T-wave in my EKG’s the cardiologist has decided to diagnose hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. When I asked him how he could differentiate between a cardiomyopathy and viral induced myocarditis he was visibly uncomfortable and said, in his opinion this appears to be genetic. I then asked how it could be genetic when 17 years of combat, military training, extensive fitness competitions and other generally stressful living had not caused chest pains or elevated resting HR, yet immediately after COVID both those things happened. He stammered and then was silent.
He seems to be receptive to data, but like most practicing doctors he probably works 100hr weeks. The attacks on licenses and head hunting of doctors who step out of line puts him in an unenviable position. I am dissecting the recent 133x myocarditis risk study. What other data do you have or know of to help me prepare for my next meeting with the cardiologist? What questions can I ask to provoke genuine curiosity from him? I want to lay it all out in highlighted fashion and provide the supporting documentation. Since he started his own practice in order to be “independent”, I think he might be able to consider new data and I want to make it easy for him to do so. All I can do is give my cardiologist an opportunity to exercise his integrity muscle. If he does or doesn’t remains to be seen.


Matt, sad to hear. What will you do when he isn’t showing integrity? That seems a very relevant question to figure out…


Matt, In any package meant to help educate your doctor, I would include this conference abstract;
This abstract.. and sorry but there is no paper behind it.. outlines the blood test results of a cardiology practice including 566 patients, before and after double vax. The data presented are four component tests from the broader (I believe 11 blood results overall) PULS test matrix. The four component tests presented are all significantly elevated, and the overall effect is for the PULS model to predict an increase in 5-year heart attack risk growing from 11% --> 25%. This is super important because it shows that, while overt risk of clinical myocarditis from the shots might be "low" at 1:100 or 1:1000... the fact is, almost EVERYBODY who gets these shots is suffering from some level of sub-clinical damage. Most concerning to me based on the reading I have done is the HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) data;
HGF increased from 42+/-12 above the norm to 86+/-31 above the norm post vac. These changes resulted in an increase of the pre vac PULS score of predicted 11% 5 yr ACS risk to a post vac PULS score of a predicted 25% 5 yr ACS risk
Assuming that these +/- ranges are 3-sigma ranges, the fact that the before and after 3-sigma ranges literally don't cross over means that EVERYBODY was affected in this way as a result of the shots. HGF is suggestive of T-cell infusion in heart tissue; Title: Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor c-Met Instructs T Cell Cardiotropism and Promotes T Cell Migration to the Heart via Autocrine Chemokine Release Effector-T-cell-mediated immunity depends on the efficient localization of antigen-primed lymphocytes to antigen-rich non-lymphoid tissue, which is facilitated by the expression of a unique set of "homing" receptors acquired by memory T cells. We report that engagement of the hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) receptor c-Met by heart-produced HGF during priming in the lymph nodes instructs T cell cardiotropism
Look.. I realize how messed up the world is that a chemist from the semiconductor industry has to be the vector for this information... but that's the world we live in right now. The bottom line is this: If you get the injections... there exists the strong possibility that some of the mRNA, i.e. the spike protein Antigen, is going infect and then present on your already swollen heart tissue cells, which will induce the autoimmune cascade, of which HGF is one player, that results in myocarditis. I wish you the best. Don't get these injections. I hope you are taking 10,000 IU vitamin D3 daily sir.

Nobody wants to defend the aliens. No evidence… just talk. Meanwhile, I don’t see aliens, I just see lots of people captured the old-fashioned way, with money, and “status”.


it is still surprising this video is still up. They must want it out. Why?

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Two years later, bad reporting is still bad reporting. Chris taught us back then how to read this kind of reporting. A study that focuses on two mRNA vaccines finds that they elevate the risk of myocarditis at about the same rate as regular vaccines. Specifically cites the smallpox vaccine, one of the oldest, and one which almost every one of us has taken without incident. A risk that was well-known and well within the risk deemed acceptable in the approval of all of these vaccines.
Headline reads “mRNA vaccines elevate risk by 133%.” This is factual, but misleading. A 133% increase of a very small number sounds bad, but it is still a very small number.
As for the risk groups, you left off one of the biggest: age. Those of us over 65 don’t have any way to alter that fact, and sooner or later every one of us is going to reach that point. If we are lucky.
We also have a very sedentary and obese population. I would rather not write all of those people off. Now, I agree with you 100% that getting the vaccine while maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle (to the extent that one has control over that) would be foolish.
A few years ago, I got severely deficient in vitamin D without knowing it. I’m active, spend a LOT of time outdoors, and eat a lot of wild game. My doctor was very surprised, and so was I. 4000 IU in drops on my toast or cereal in the morning brought me to normal within a few months. Then COVID hit. Dodged a bullet there, maybe, I’ll never know.
I suspect there is a lot more vitamin D deficiency than most people realize, but it looks from what I’ve read that there is not a whole lot of benefit in mega doses, especially after infection. Being deficient is very bad, being in the normal range is good, but other than that, there isn’t a lot to go by.


That’s a factor of ONE HUNDRED you were off by green achers - 13300% not 133%.
Could this be a case of seeing what you want to see, not what is there?


Where to begin?
“The Phenomena” has evidence dating back thousands of years, incarnating in hundreds, if not thousands of iterations.
The current wave has evidence going back 8o+ years.
Not to sound like a jerk, but have you ever read the Hynek report? This is the basis of modern scientific observation regarding aliens (fully funded by the USAF). He invented the Close Encounters classification system.
Have you read this very basic, and very available evidence?
Again, not to sound like a jerk, but it’s been my experience that the “masses” comprehension of aliens/UFOs has been wholly formed by media in the forms of pop culture stories and entertainment. Basically, no one’s ever done any scholarly reading.
My research has also indicated that this is purposeful. Most people who again are left with unanswered questions.

Humans represent a tremendous biomass. We're an asset to somebody. - Richard Manning
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There is a dedicated thread.
The Definitive UFO/Alien Discussion Forum – Psyops or Legit?
One could say it’s an echo chamber…from lack of member involvement.
It’s Arthur and I, mostly.

Thank you for responding Steven - I have always appreciated your contributions here. My question for evidence is very specific… I don’t question the existence of alien life, or of their visits here. I question whether there is any real evidence that they assert any kind of control over us.
Arthur started this with a post that has been removed… a post that implied NDE’s are somehow the result of aliens playing tricks on us… on our brains. Why should I believe that aliens “inhabit” people, or “control” us in some way through our leaders? Thank you, Jim

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You’re right, that is what Chris said. My bad on that. But now that I went back and read it, I cannot find anything in the paper that supports that number. It is not given as far as I can see, and there don’t seem to be any background numbers presented from which one could calculate it. I see that the number was also given by the Israeli publication, but no indication as to how they came up with it.

Are the ideas, evidence and commentary presented in a way that is engaging? Is it encouraging more people to participate? Or is it too esoteric?
I do think there is considerable interest here at PP. I also think it is up to those who are the most interested in specific areas to lead by producing content that will encourage more participation. If there is one fabulous legacy example I could reference to emulate, it would be Mark Cochrane’s forum:
On that forum we had a knowledgeable, passionate, highly credentialed person start and lead an extremely long running discussion that was positively amazing to read, watch all the pro and con interactions, and be a part of discussions.
So my question to you and others who care about this topic (hello Arthur) is can you take the ball and run with it? Can you create engaging information to draw others into the discussion so that it is not an echo chamber? If you want it to be, you have to take a lead in making it happen.
If this is your passion, give the tribe incentive to participate, explore, discuss and learn!
Edit after posting: you will note it was ME that created the Definitive UFO forum to help you guys get started!