New Coronavirus Ro of 4.1 = Massive Contagion Risk

Very sad news for East Asia. But good news for the rest of the world. This explains a great deal. Take a look-
God bless,

It is good news for the Asians, if this works out like i think now, because we can provide with food, masks and all the other things. Personally, it is unthinkable to let them rot. I pray for them too.

Alex. I’m going to be a little pc about my comment even though it is not really my style.
Go out an buy whatever firearms that you feel you need to protect your home. Do it now. Not sure why you would need permission.
What good is tactical training if you have no firearm in your possession? Serious question.
Where I come from, it is the man’s job to protect his family…at all costs.
For those of us that live in out areas. There will be no call to 911. There won’t be time. ETA at best from our sheriff’s dept. would be 30 minutes or more.
If you live in a highly populated area and shtf, police will be overwhelmed beyond belief.
When seconds count, and help may never come, you better have what you want and need at that moment. Your families lives may depend on it.
Get what you need. Today.

Hard to imagine that the Chinese would target themselves.
Or it was an outside attack or it was an error.
Either way, the normal people are not to blame.
We can help…

As an employee I have already decided I will call in sick when the time is right by my parameters. By that time a number of others will be ill in society and maybe hospitals busy so it wouldn’t look suspicious. I already have some holiday leave locked in for a few weeks from now so hopefully the timing will coincide… In Australia employers are expected to provide a safe workplace. I’m not sure how you would measure the risk in each workplace but nobody can stop me from being off sick, and in the midst of a situation like we are fearing but hoping won’t occur I doubt anyone from work will come knocking on my front door to check up on any validity of a sick claim!

I would not take him out of college, or rather, try and convince him to leave, he is an adult. But, I would send him a good care package and keep in touch with what is going on. You can even wait and not put the care package in the mail yet, but have it ready. Include in it some masks, gloves, elderberry syrup 2 bottles of the concentrate, a forehead thermometer, one of those fingertip oxygen percentage/pulse readers, asprin or naproxene ( or whatever you use), electrolyte ( maybe just a premade salt/sugar to add to water ? ), canned soups and a hotplate, pot and can opener if he is in the dorms.
Just have it ready. I have a package ready for my college student, who is in an apartment, the student doesnt know I have this ready. It is not time yet. I also have the recommended buhner herbs, in tincture form, for the corona type viruses, as our family uses and is used to herbal healing, so it would get used. I still need to write out directions, write out reminder of how to deal with steps to try and keep from getting sick, how to treat being sick at home, and when to know to go get help ( trouble breathing, Oxygen low, etc…) as going in too soon can just get a person sicker. But, I will treat my young adult as another adult and as hard as it is to have them away, the risks are not high enough to try and drag them out of their program.

Nobody going to take my question? The US had 61,000 deaths from the flu in 2018. Yet no panic
I just spoke to a doctor and he says this is just another type of flu virus. Nothing special. Death rates are similar any other flu.
So I ask again - why are we shutting down the global economy over what is clearly just another flu virus

Thoughts about your questions:
Where is your Dr based, what are his qualifications, is he an epidemiologist or virologist? Do you trust him/her with your life no qualms or questions ever???
‘The US had 61,000 deaths from the flu in 2018. Yet no panic’. That we are aware of. This does not mean the system was not under strain and that some of those deaths were not caused by the system being under strain… or that the system was close to breaking point. See comments on the site from members who work in hospitals about the JIT system and narrow gap between beds in supply and beds needed, on a normal day.
‘I just spoke to a doctor and he says this is just another type of flu virus.’ Perhaps so, but so was the 1918 Spanish Flu. Coronavirus are similar yet different to each other. This one has not yet been figured out - or at least that information has not been made public.
‘Nothing special’ What is his evidence for making that conclusion…This seems to be early days (questionable) at this stage in China, and certainly so in other countries it has spread to. Some of these other countries may give us better numbers to work from to figure out how special (dangerous) it really is.
‘Death rates are similar any other flu.’ Can’t really make a conclusion about death rates without accurate figures. These seem to be questionable in this situation. Does he know something the Chinese don’t about their death rates and how these compare to any other flu.
‘So I ask again – why are we shutting down the global economy over what is clearly just another flu virus’ - I have no idea, only personal suspicions (some fact based, some ‘conspiracy theories’). So = Ask China. They seem to have a reason/s for a very serious quarantine and lockdown situation that’s highly damaging to their image and economy and likely soon the world economy.
The information we have so far is neither timely, accurate or comforting. But actions speak louder than words.

Hi there I’m quite into herbal medicine. One natural anti-viral supplement that should be looked into is olive leaf extract. As far as I know there’s quite a lot of scientific evidence to support it. You can buy it as a supplement. I have tried it when I’ve been ill, but it’s hard to gauge how much of an effect it had. I have no idea whether it would have any effect on the corona virus, but from what I’ve read it has quite a wide spectrum of antiviral activity.
Here’s somethings on the internet I’ve come across about it.
Olive Leaf extract has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects. Oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol are considered as main polyphenolic compounds in olive leaf. Oleuropein is converted into elenolic acid in the body which may prevent bacteria and viruses from replicating. Olive leaf extract has been shown to be effective against herpes, flu and colds, bacterial infections, vaginal yeast infections, malaria, and hepatitis. In 1969 scientists showed olive leaf constituents are strong in vitro inhibitors of numerous viruses, including parainfluenza, pseudorabies, herpes, and some forms of polio. Almost every virus tested, including several cold and influenza viruses, was inactivated when exposed to a constituent of olive leaf extracts (OLE), calcium elenolate. Olive leaf extract (Oleuropein) has been patented in the United States for antiviral activity against viral diseases, including hepatitis and herpes.

Can you provide any of your updated thinking in light of the report that doctors in Thailand are, indeed, using an HIV treatment med to treat patients? In light of your very awesome explanation above, this also seems weird…‬

You could buy a 25 pound bag of rice, 20 pounds of pinto beans or black beans, some sugar, maybe some peanut butter. These items have a very long shelf life (particularly rice) and are quite inexpensive. Maybe a jug of water too? Hard to determine how things will unwind. Will PG&E even have workers willing to keep the power going? How about the water company? Anyway, good luck to you.

I appreciate your responding to my post and am sorry I did not see it sooner. And yes, I can still remember enough of the general biology and bacteriology classes I had as an undergrad to understand about 90% of what you posted.
I will be keeping an eye on this, also.

I’ve been looking into olive leaf extract as well for additional immune support. But there are so many different companies selling this online it’s really hard to know which ones are actually selling high quality stuff. Do you have any brand(s) or products you can recommend? TIA!