New Research Suggests The Coronavirus May Be Far Worse Than We Thought

I guess I’m supposed to believe the Diamond Princess cruise ship with 130 reported cases has multiple times more cases than any other country on the planet. I don’t believe that…

For anyone who doesn’t know what’s Chinese hot pots dinners are, you get a tabletop cooker (electric or gas canister) and boil some soup stock and add thinly sliced meats, veggies, etc. all the food is boiled. This is similar to Japanese shabu shabu. So eating hot pot itself is not a problem.
The transmission is due to the gathering of the entire family at the table for an extended dining experience, in close proximity. And traditionally, elders use their own chopsticks to get food to put on another person’s plate, etc. Close proximity for transmission is the issue. So if you are Italian having a family meal, a Greek kissing cheeks, a Middle Easterner or African sharing a meal and eating with your hands…
Also, for those looking to pronounce Wuhan, it sounds like “woo-HAN!” (hard emphasis on last syllable). Hubei sounds like “who-bay” with a slight lilt almost like a question but not quite, at the end.
Thanks for the update and valuable information, Dr. Chris.

Your observations regarding the cruise ship is found. But the US could not diagnose a case even if there were many. The criteria to perform the test, is outside the range to test for human to human contact - the criteria allows that it is not a human to human and only acquired from the source ( china - or wuhan ) or direct exposure to an confirmed diagnosed person. since there are only 12 people in the US chances are you did not have close contact with these… so even if it came in on another person or contact with such person. you would never get tested by the criteria. Other than this you must have had travel to china in the last 2 weeks and since we have been quarantine for inbound china travelers for about 10 days now, you have no chance to meet the criteria here… Why as the US CDC thinks - this criteria is appropriate is beyond me. maybe they want a fire that they cannot control.

They are putting sick people who (I believe) test positive in “convention centers,” and very sick people who test positive in isolation “prisons” from which they can’t get out without someone else letting them out. What this does is protect the population from the sickest people. It does not protect them from the people who have tested negative mistakenly (false negatives) and it does not protect the Chinese against asymptomatic transmission.
Then I guess they also ask contacts of sick people to quarantine themselves (a quarantine is something a healthy person undertakes, to see if they will become sick over time).
It may be that they know that symptomatic people transmit a lot more efficiently, and that they know hospitals are way beyond being able to take care of more than a sliver of the critically ill. In that case I can see that they might be doing the only thing that can be done. But I have not seen evidence that the “convention centers” are for quarantine: they don’t house people who are waiting to find out. They house people who already know they have the virus (correct me if I’m wrong).

When people panic, there is a chance the economy might crash in ways it otherwise would not. It’s not entirely impossible that some people think they stand to get rich by not revealing the scale of the problem, but the more likely public health motivation for reassuring people is to not cause undue suffering and death from premature or unnecessary economic collapse. And in the case of the airline doctor, well, that’s pathetic. Agreed about causing us to lose our confidence in institutions. Conflict of interest is a real thing. A poll by MSM showed that the majority of people think this is going to be a major disruption, so the message is getting through no matter what the words are.

wow. 130? last i heard it was 60. Anyway, the cruise ships might be a perfect pressure cooker for spread of the virus with all the close contact and you may not expect the average town to be such a good incubator.

Since they were truly able to place them on quarantine and test them as soon as they spiked a temperature, they have been able to “see” all the positives. My guess.

As we are witnessing through Chris Martenson’s sleuthing and Adam Taggart’s & the rest of the PP team putting things together, we are living in interesting times. My heart breaks for the Chinese people who are suffering tremendously due to the “human error” involved in the handling of this outbreak. I keep them in my prayers.
Therefore my sincere gratitude for this information that PP has provided during these past weeks. It is a true test for one’s spiritual grounding to remain aware of the risks, to use the gift of time in order to take action and prepare, and to remain at peace. Thank you all so very much.

Long incubation period and long time to death. Basically, if something doesnt cause symptoms for a week. and then takes weeks to kill you after that. You cant get the answers you seek like you are tracking ebola. That is what makes this virus different. Its inherently hard to track and trace. So, the above questions would follow.
The answer is it just got going , the numbers are always small and slow at first and then mushroom. Just because you start with only one person, doesnt mean you can contain a virus with an R0 of 4. We are barely 10 days into this thing. I am sure there are dozen if not hundreds already sick in the US. But not close to dying yet! So, no one is thinking we have a problem here because its barely been around for these people to get sick mind seek help… ( and they would get nowhere if they did as they would not meet criteria for consideration and would be told to go home its just the flu. ) Just you wait. Its here and its done deal. Just takes one case - or one contaminated seat on airplane bus or taxi… to get the fire going… just give it a bit to kindle

I haven’t seen this addressed anywhere. SE Asia is the Sex Tourist capital of the world. Those same cities are highly trafficked by businessmen on business who routinely order up ‘entertainment’.
Air traffic outside of China between these major cities and resorts and to the rest of the world are still operational.
Standard preventative measure to prevent STDs would be ineffective against nCoV and there is likely to be a near 100% transmission rate. The sex workers tend to be younger, so more likely to be asymptomatic or slightly symptomatic, therefore passing the coronavirus to dozens or even hundreds of clients who then fly home or to another business destination where the cycle is repeated.
It is likely there are thousands of coronavirus hot spots in every corner of the planet from this alone.
This transmission vector continues to operate in the present, so there are currently hundreds to thousands of infected sex workers continuing to spread the coronavirus.

Mainland Chinese culture is notorious for people spitting in public. I happen to live in an international tourist destination beach area in Thailand, and I’ve heard numerous unpleasant stories from local Westerners and Thais alike about this in their experience with mainland Chinese tourists.
For me, since about January 27th, I became sufficiently alarmed about this new virus to start diligently wearing N95 masks in public. However, just a couple evenings ago, I decided to go for a walk on the beach without wearing a mask, because I figured that, with the moderately strong onshore sea breeze, I would be relatively safe from possible infection as long as I walked near the water, keeping any remaining beach-goers downwind of me. Unfortunately, just as I was walking past a Chinese tourist, he spat onto the sand near me - something which I hadn’t considered in my decision not to wear a mask. I was furious with him, but I took some comfort in the knowledge that he was downwind of me, and hopefully none of his spittle managed to reach my body (or my airways).
This episode reminded me of the whole mainland Chinese cultural acceptance of public spitting, and because the virus is apparently present in saliva, I can’t help but wonder if this is significantly contributing to the disaster currently ongoing in China. If the virus, as reported recently, can survive on surfaces for several days, then I’m sure people spitting in public only serves to efficiently distribute the virus onto the surfaces in the immediate area, for someone else to touch or brush up against, for further human transmission. Not to mention that the act itself of forcefully spitting very likely aerosolizes the virus for further spread into the air nearby - exactly as expressed in the video above. To that end, I can’t help but wonder if unknowingly infected people who spit in public represent the “super spreaders” that the infectious disease experts have been warning about.

What is odd, is the media and drs and who warning about conspiracy theories of how bad this is. Yet , they keep telling us “don’t worry about this , worry about the flu it kills 10 thousand or more each year”
Yeah, I will tell you what, telling me to worry about the flu is the real fear mongering - hurry go get your flu shots… it kills. Well I will tell you what I am not friggin worried about the flu at all; It kills only 1 out 1000 infected… it doesn’t scare me a bit… However , i will start to worry about a virus that even by china published numbers is more than 2% - So that kills at least one out 50 people… Do you know 50 people , through work , friends , family? at least one of those will die!!! but don’t worry about this worry about the flu… !!

…and human nature is a variable that can’t ever be tract properly. Your analysis Chris has been awesome and it must be very discouraging to you to not have remotely close to data that could give a better picture. Still, there is enough there to caution everyone and that being the case is a worthwhile exercise for you to share, guilt free and without regards to those who’s job it is to discredit so they protect their own books. I for one will just stay away from crowds. I keep a bottle of hand sanitizer in my coat and I use it all the time. Too much actually but I believe it is better to be looking at my sanitizer being spread on my hands than to look for it. If a Virus such as this can settle on a door knob and live days there having a good ole time until the unsuspected comes by, turns the knob, then catches a sneeze, or scratches the side of my lips or up my nose then having the sanitizer before hand, still coating my hands might still give me a chance of surviving. Two years ago my Lady and I had double pneumonia and I honestly felt we were dying it was so bad. I will avoid these symptoms if at all possible. I still have so much to accomplish in my life, like just sitting on the screened in porch and lazily sleep a couple of hours and enjoying this part of my day. Thanks Chris, really do appreciate your efforts. I never leave home without a mask or gloves and still, I’ll get the funny looks even in the Doctors office. I honestly feel they are looking me up and down as some kind of threat to their operation. We do live in strange times but, that’s ok, to each its own, right?

Think on this for a second. Half (47.1%) of all Chinese men have a smoking habit. (Smoking has been proven to make the ACE-2 problem worse). Plus - Asian males have been proven to have up to 5 TIMES the ACE-2 Receptor cells in their lungs. I believe this is why the pandemic is so much worse in Asia. (And will likely continue to be).
Remember - SARS also entered through the ACE-2 Receptor cells. And the death rate for SARS ended up being (tragically) 96% Asian.
These are very important points - and Chris is aware of them. I wish he would emphasize this in his videos - because it shows why this thing may be far worse in Asia than anywhere else.

Australia researchers just managed to grow up 2019 Cov in the lab. Viruses can be grown in vitro but must be in a cell culture, not a Petri dish. This will mean much faster detection as specific antibodies can now be created. Detection possibly in minutes like for a simple blood type test.
The current detection method is by PCR which is a complicated method in which sections of viral nucleic acid must be replicated. Takes several days.

A couple from Southern California is blogging about their experience being stuck on the Diamond Princess.

Here is the problem in a nutshell,if we start wearing mask and gloves to early we burn presage resource, before thy are needed. On the other hand we start wearing mask and gloves to late thy will do little or no good.This is going be one hell of a judgement call!

In the video it was said that a release of sulfur dioxide is occuring, and it’s being stated that this pollution is the result of burning organic matter, given the context this point is raised around we are left to infer that it’s bodies. That doesn’t have to be true at all, I can think of a half dozen other things that could be responsible, for example burning of refuse, or better yet it could be the burning of diesel fuel on refuse, or it could be the running of diesel generators. All of these are almost certainly happening, they have to be disposing of the used protective gear and contaminated matter, and in these situations the easy way to do that is pile it up, pour diesel on it and light it.
I’m not saying they aren’t burning bodies, they certainly are, at least 2% above their normal rate right now, what I am saying is that I am getting wary of what you are talking about.
Some of the horrible things that have happened in human history happened because we have some deep seated biological programming that responds in predictable ways when faced with a threat, in particular the threat of disease or plague. This response is a genetically programmed survival mechanism that an otherwise reasonable person would not exhibit until they are triggered by the right environment. You are pushing people towards this mechanism with suggestive reporting, I would very much prefer that you present cold hard facts.

You are getting cold hard facts. You are the one who is inferring. There is a sulfur dioxide cloud like you would get from burning bodies.
I would direct you to the Chinese authorities for further info. Good luck !
Blog the answers here please…
SUNNYVALE, Calif., Feb. 10, 2020 /PRNewswire/ – Cepheid today announced that in response to the rapid outbreak of a new coronavirus strain, the Company is developing an automated molecular test for the qualitative detection of 2019-nCoV. The test will be designed for use on any of its 23,000 GeneXpert® Systems placed worldwide and is expected to deliver point-of-care results in about 30 minutes.