Now We Have MORE Questions (Pointing To LIHOP)

anyone have access to the floor plan of AGR buildings? how its connected, where is stairs? Folks working at local town planning office? public library? Where to find such information?

Boosted up cop knew full well where to look from some radio communications thats been muted. He probably rushed to the scene of crime to build up plausible deniability on the actions taken by local law after all the reports of kid on the roof.


I found it here. couldn’t find any on butler police site.


On Further investigation, I can see it is the top of the light. Sorry for leading you all astray.


The most glaring part of the bodycam cop’s behavior is this: Once he sees someone on the roof with a gun, why isn’t he calling it out on his radio right away? All he had to do was get on his radio and say “Man with a gun! Get Trump off stage now!”. That takes 10 seconds. Then, to be generous, lets give everyone another 60-120 seconds to make sense of the communication, reply asking for confirmation, etc. then getting Trump off stage. Its a severe breakdown in the very basic procedures of protecting the primary asset. Why does he just run around?


At 1:45 into this video at 18:08.20 someone comes on the radio and says there is someone on the roof. I believe this is the video from the patrol car boosted guy drove in on.


I saw this link on youtube with the full body cam videos


Check out beard dude at 14:06. He has a badge hanging from his not-so-convincing Trump supporter T shirt. Kinda sticks out, so maybe seen on the west side before the shots? Anyway, ZZ top and friends probably had badges showing by the time they were hanging out with Greg at the corner of building 6. So maybe not so weird that they come in “hot and heavy” guns drawn in plain clothes when the rest of the LEOs don’t know if there’s a second shooter.


Here’s why boosted-up cop knew there’s someone on the roof immediately upon arrival at parking lot.

In this video (first 10 sec) someone on the cop/car radio in that “there’s someone on the roof”. So off he drives across the grass field.

Video by YT Butler Eagle channel. Credit to someone on the thread mentioning this YT channel. Sorry I can’t remember who.


If you look at the cop from the prespective of the Dayve Stewart video he is definately talking on his radio we just don’t know what he said. He also asked one of the guys on the roof later on if everyone was on the same channel. Speculating that he may have been on the radio trying to communicate just that and he put himself in position with the highest ground and between Crooks and the stage.


My man!

Just wait. Great Video I am finishing up

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Nice, thanks for putting that together. Same result I got. Interesting to see just how soon after being boosted up (and scaring Crooks) the shots happened. I think Crooks was pressured into firing before he was fully ready. That cop might have saved Trump and changed the course of history.


I am totally mystified by those three plainclothes cops. WTH were they doing/thinking? I will say that being in plainclothes is an opportunity to slack off since your supervisor generally doesn’t know what you’re doing and expects you to ignore minor infractions of the law and focus on felonies and serious misdemeanors. It’s not unusual for plainclothes officers to not be heard on the radio for a whole shift and to have no arrests or tickets. So if you are inclined to goof off, practically no one will notice, especially if you’re goofing off WITH your plainclothes supervisor. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: (This is why I turned down an offer to supervise a plainclothes unit. Not into games.)


he’s got mad shit. The word ‘mad’ being local slang. Muni cop sees a man with a rifle on roof with President Trump speaking 130 yards away. Muni cop knows that the location has a direct line of fire to where Trump is speaking, and can hear Trump on the stage speaking. The walkway roof between the 2 buildings is lower than the other 2 roofs. Why didn’t muni cop attempt to gain access to the walkway roof again close to the side of building 6 where he would be protected and try to stop an assassination? Why not run in to the building to gain access to the widows of the second story building where snipers were suppose to be?

Pretty sure he saw Crooks (and his equipment). Why else would he say he did? How else would he correctly know what Crooks had with him? The bodycam isn’t on his helmet, it’s somewhere on his torso, so what you see in the clip isn’t what he could see in the moment.

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You can see the building numbers on the doors on some of the aerial and bodycam videos. The diagram shown in that article is from the Butler County Operating Plan or After Report, I don’t recall which. It apoears they just assigned numbers themselves for planning purposes. Chris is correct in referring to it as AGR building 6.


I can’t understand Boosted Up Cop at all after he drops to the ground. In his place I’m sure I would’ve done something much different.

  1. Cops are intensively taught that warning shots are an absolute no-no. In Philly we were even threatened with arrest for aggravated assault for firing a warning shot, even if no one was accidentally hit by it. Nevertheless, I would’ve been sorely tempted to fire off three shots into the ground to alert everybody and take my chances with the Police Board of Inquiry. (However, the sound of those rounds would’ve been largely swallowed up in the alcove. I don’t know if the USSS snipers or anyone else with a line of sight on Patsy would’ve heard my shots or which direction they came from or what they meant. AND I wouldn’t want to fire my warning shots in view of any snipers lest they conclude I’m the threat!)
  2. My first act would’ve been to draw my Glock and be prepared to shoot Patsy if he appeared on the roof looking down to shoot me. My second act would’ve been to press the emergency button on my radio (which would temporarily block out all other radios) and announce a shooter on the roof and to get Trump off the stage.
  3. Then I would’ve looked for a way to get a shot from my Glock at Patsy, either from the ground with enough elevation to see him, from the retaining wall, or finding a better way up on the roof.
  4. I would’ve yelled at the State Trooper on the picnic table under the trees to take a shot if he had one. But Troopers are “better” than local cops so I’m not sure he would’ve listened to me, though I bet he would’ve loved to shoot a bad guy and be a hero. I also don’t know how much of the roof and Patsy he could see from where he was.
  5. I would NOT run to my car to get a rifle or anything else. No time. I would expect Patsy to start shooting momentarily because he knew I had discovered him.

Wondering if Greg is gonna get Jack Ruby’d.



I am suspecting a strategic decision was made to simply go with blanking-out (omitting) the audio track for the local LEO bodycam that covered the crucial shots/shooting audio - rather than to try to make second fake audio track that was compatible with the Stewart video/audio track - given that folks are already sniffing out problems with the Stewart audio-track.

Getting the true audio if consistent with the Source 2 and 4 audios would sinch the 4-shooter hypothesis - I think.

they might be on file at the county in the permit department “blueprints” might take a drive for someone in the tribe somewhat local, an hour in line and 25 cents a page photocopy… but in theory they should be public info…