Now We Have MORE Questions (Pointing To LIHOP)

RSBNetwork source of full coverage. They show snipers and guys on AGR rooftop in background. Tech people can hopefully zoom in. Not sure if you have this footage.

Give yourself some more credit than that. :wink: We are talking about the case where a brain stem gets destroyed by a bullet, not passing away in your sleep. I’m not a doctor, but after a quick search online, most articles are saying the heart does stop upon a normal death. So yours was a valid question.

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it’s not a valid question. the heart pumping has nothing to do with being shot and still bleeding out. what do you think happens to your blood after your heart stops, that is just can’t move anymore?

I don’t know what physics classes you had, but everyone knows that liquids seek their own level. Given a head wound with the head at the high end of an uphill angle, the laws of physics would suggest that only blood above the level of the bullet wound would leak out of the body if the heart was not still pumping. Now apologize to the lady.

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I’ve seen hundreds of bodycam videos and people bleeding out after they have been pronounced dead, bleeding out in their cars from a headshot wound as their entire upper body is upright in their seat. For you to think that blood wouldn’t leak out of a wound because the body is slightly at an upright angle is hilarious. congrats on being a physics wiz, but you should take basic human anatomy again.

What creates blood pressure? How long does it take that pressure to dissipate once the heart stops pumping? You were rude to someone who asked a valid question. That was my point. Good day.

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haven’t been up in the weeds here in the forum… but I just ran across this clip that shows bodycam footage that shows Crooks running on the roof.

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It’s good to know that I’m not completely intellectually disabled. I recognize Idk $***. That’s what makes this simple woman a wise one. Usually I’m pretty confident in myself especially when I’m just inquiring about something. However, I’m a wounded Virgo & looking/feeling stupid does something to me on a soul level that words cannot describe. Unfortunately, for a moment there, I allowed myself to take a comment, made by someone I don’t even know, personally. :roll_eyes: I was originally just being facetious. :grin: Thank you for bringing me back to reality!


Yes, that’s what I was thinking. Put the sirens on and drive around to warn Trump.

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Regarding post 346:
I’m afraid this guy’s math is wrong. He’s taking the speed of the bullet (1033.3 yards per second), subtracting the speed of sound ( 383 yards per second) and using that difference. It doesn’t work that way since the time is different for each type of sound.

One needs to take 432 feet, divide by the average bullet velocity (say 3150 fps if muzzle velocity is 3200 fps) and get .1371 seconds.

Then one takes 432 feet, divides by 1152 fps and gets .3750 seconds. The time difference will be .3750 - .1371 = .2379 seconds.

I ran the calculations, and assuming 469 feet from Crooks position to the podium, .220 seconds time difference and 1150 fps speed of sound, the average bullet velocity would be 2500 fps.

If you assume the bullet starts from the front of building 6 and the distance is more like 430 feet, then the average bullet speed would be 2800 fps.

College was a long time ago and I’m known to make mistakes, but I do have bachelors and masters degrees in math.

Added: Average velocity would be more like 3000 fps for muzzle velocity 3200 fps, but that’s not material to the way the calculations are done.

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Are you talking about the video called “Counter-Sniper Location Revealed”?

Yea, damn it. I can’t download from X as I’m not a premium member @realDJStew724 had shared it from someone else, maybe we’re lucky he downloaded it…

It was bodycam BPD BWC2-122111
I can see that Fiapop has part of it in his post in this thread 3h ago!

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Has there been any information released whether or not any of the bulletproof glass that was around the stage got struck by a bullet? Only things I’ve been able to find is Trump’s ear getting hit, the people in the crowd, the hydraulic valve/line(?), and the railing of the bleachers. I’m just curious if any shots made it very low, if anything maybe hit the stage area at all. I’m trying to understand people’s 2nd shooter theory, but I can’t understand why they missed so badly. but maybe if the stage/bulletproof glass has been struck, maybe they at least got closer than I thought, because right now the shots look like they’re all over the place, which I feel like supports Crooks being panicked and experiencing a huge adrenaline dump.

Nice work.

One other aspect that I have not seen mentioned is that there were snipers present from at least two counties - Butler and Beaver - which are politically quite different. Butler is heavily Republican, Beaver leans Democratic.

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One other aspect that I have not seen mentioned is that there were snipers present from at least two counties - Butler and Beaver

Butler, Beaver, and Washington Regional SWAT according to the Detail they released on Grassley’s website.

There is a “Butler County Regional SWAT Team” but I have no clue if that’s the same thing, or different from “Washington Regional SWAT Team”

  • which are politically quite different. Butler is heavily Republican, Beaver leans Democratic.


I hope you’re onto this Full Video Chris? Peekaboo’s Police Car Cam with Faint Audio after 1st Minute.

But you Never, Ever Hear the Expected Radio Call GUN,GUN,GUN. Or He’s got a Rifle and pointed it at me Warning Radio Call?
@18:11:00 you can faintly hear Yelling from the Cop who was Peeking up on the Roof and had an AR15 pointed at Him. “He’s Laying down”


Greg Nichols was the Bald, Bearded Sniper who took Photos of Crooks from the Second floor of the AGR Building.

He exited through the Eastern Door of the AGR Building, @18:13:25 almost TWO MINUTES after the Hail of Gunfire @18:11:32 Crooks Unleashed from the Rooftop, Probably almost above him? Maybe?

Big Questions, Why wasn’t He in the Sniper Overwatch position, second floor Window? Official Storyline has one of those Snipers looking for Crooks outside, but He’s still inside? Until one and half minutes after the Shooting ends? :person_shrugging: that’s Unfortunate Timing.

18:13:53 Sniper Greg runs back past the AGR door and Car? To go look at the Podium side of the Building?

@18:14:52 Bald Greg goes back to the Door.

Bald Greg can’t get back into the Building until it’s opened from the inside @18:15:24
Back to His 2nd floor Window, to see if His Sniper Rifle is still there? :exploding_head:

So it looks like Greg was the Sniper who forgot his Keycard, when He went to look for Crooks and had to be let back inside? :face_with_monocle: But He didn’t exit the building until almost 2 minutes after the Hail of Gunfire started on the Rooftop, almost right above Him? When He Heard a hail of Gunfire, WTF wouldn’t He run straight back to his Sniper Weapon and Position? :man_shrugging:
Wasn’t that the most important Place to be. Especially if you left your Rifle there and Shots have been Fired?

Thanks for all your Hard Work and Effort on this Crazy, Unexplained Situation. You’ve Helped me pass much time Analysing this through you. And your work on Covid previously.

It’s made my Immunotherapy Treatments for Bladder Cancer, pass more quickly and distracted me from having Tuberculosis Solution in my Bladder to irritate an Immune Response and create an unfriendly environment for Cancer Growth.
I Really shouldn’t have had those Pfizer Australia Vaccinations.

Thank You Paul.


I was simplifying it a bit in that comment to avoid un-necessary detail. Whilst the heart will pump for several minutes, it won’t pump ALL the blood out because, after about 1/2 the volume is lost. the ‘preload’ or input pressure to the heart will fall to zero so no more will be pumped out. This would likely happen within a minute or 2 of the injury.

A Radio Call Saying something like GUN, GUN, GUN or Shooter with Rifle on AGR Rooftop, etc?

that could have foiled the actual plan.

Remember, whatever had followed, none of this was meant to happen. Trump was suppose to be dead and the remaining Trump supporters would have been forced to rally behind little nikky or someone else. In that chaos, none of what we find today wouldnt hv seen the light of the day. Congress not grilling anyone, cheatle not resigning and nothing. all the phones probably erased of all the videos or magically gone missing.

So all these bodycams were least likely to get to the hands of public and they would have had plenty of time to build a very nice narrative and suck everyone into it without any opposition.

So anything you see that seems irrational or out of place was meant to happen that way. May be radios were taken out during those precious few moments. May be there was some stand down order issued and fbi is busy fabricating new audio source as we speak. Hopefully trump stays alive and wins the presidency and investigates this whole circus and shed enough light into the picture.