Now We Have MORE Questions (Pointing To LIHOP)

@cmartenson regarding the mysterious rifle handoff you referenced in today’s excellent video.

This below needed editing and this edit is on 8/14. In post analysis it was NOT a rifle handoff, but a halligan type entry tool that can easily be recognized on close inspection. What I wrote below about the rifle, is now known incorrect. However that handoff is still shady AF.

Original post below:

The weird rifle handoff has only 1 of a few plausible explanations, but looks shady AF. The only legit explanation I can conjure is the alleged injured operator had to leave his rifle in someone’s custody while he was getting treated or left to get treated, although we never do see him enter or exit the building. One might presume the uniformed officer was on radio to higher authority about his securing the rifle and handing it off to the camo operator guy, but that handoff is very odd. I think that is the most likely scenario, but rather odd. The other explanations are nefarious.

Note, I looked but did NOT see any blood smears or drips on that polished cream colored floor when the medics arrived. Note, I’ve recently had minor cuts on fingers and toes and left a trail of blood drops thru my house. A cut on the hand, especially one that bleeds enough to create a mess in a bathroom sufficient to raise the alarms and warrant several stitches, would almost surely leave a trail of blood drops unless wrapped fully, which is possible. But where is the blood trail?

I find it ultra bizarre that 4 weeks in we don’t have information about this alleged injured cop and the stories we have been given are debunked.

Could be the actual professional assassin’s blood, injured from cutting himself as he hastily crawled out of his prone shooting position above the acoustic ceiling tiles, resting on some metal platform up there for hours, scurrying down to not be caught, cutting himself… That would be a good reason to not reveal his identity or injury now 4 weeks later… and why we never see him enter or leave to get treatment thru the most obvious parking lot doors where the medics are and where an ambulance could be waiting…

We could compile videos of those on the other side, the west side of the AGR#6 to eliminate people coming/going from that door. There is also the interior hallway that presumably joins the buildings. I was trying to see an obvious pathway during the medics arrival, joining those two buildings but could not see one.

We also saw a lot more people enter AGR6 than seemingly leave. I have not counted each person but it seems that there should be more people inside than we can account for in the videos, unless they are hiding in a room or they went to the adjacent buildings thru interior passages.


There is some wiggle room for Greg Nicol, imo, but not much. I agree with your deduction that GN would be the ESU sniper without the access card, assuming that story is true in the first place. The gap between the shots and his exiting the building could be explained by GN, having returned to the window after having been let in, awaited for SS to exfiltrate Trump safely and then lingered to potentially stop any further gunman or mass shooting.

Good luck in your battle with cancer. Here are two inspiring stories, one about Stamets’ discoveries about mushroom ecology (and turkey tail being very effective for bone cancer), and another about Doctor Nicholas Gonzalez and his focus on diet - btw, I understand that sugars and carbs are turbo fuel for cancer cells. Good luck!


I’d be curious if Nicols actually said “access card,” or physical key. I haven’t studied what he said and it may have been lost in translation aka telephone game. I haven’t studied the building either but the few doors I have seen did not appear to have an access card, but instead old fashioned key type locks with big interior horizontal bars to open from inside.


My understanding is that David Dutch received two shots, to liver and chest - thankfully he is out of hospital. James Copenhaver was shot in the arm and abdomen - also out of hospital.


Thank You for thé Prayers.

I’m by Far not the Worst condition in the Chemotherapy Ward. But I’m still going for Treatments in the Chemotherapy Ward.
My Health has been Terrible since the Pfizer Vaccinations. Sudden onset Chronic Fatigue, Migraines, Inflammation, etc. I was an Healthy Australian Army Sergeant, BlackHawk Crew Chief. I retired 2015. 2020s have Sucked. To the point of having a Kidney removed and Bladder Cancer Treatments and Surgery.

Sorry to Vent, but once you start listing some Crappy Medical Life Évents, where does it Stop?


Don’t stop. Vent. You are allowed here. I am so sorry this was DONE to you.

If you are open to alternative treatments. Ivermectin and fenbendazole are good options. Horse and dog dewormer, but apparently quite the duo vs. cancer.

If you want to start your own thread, lots of people here know incredible things.


There are a few posts that carry out the math your allude to. Here is one, here is another.

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However, once a week for nearly a year?! With AR15 ammo being about .50 cents per round… E.G. 100 rounds is a reasonable amount to fire per session and costs $50. 43 sessions would run him over $2100 as a reasonable basic ammo training cost. Could easily be 5-10x that if he were really hard core on training. The guy worked at some basic job, I think in a nursing home or something. Who was paying for his ammo? Dad? Perhaps he was tapping into dad’s ammo stash? Perhaps something more sinister.

Dude kids will spent $2000 on a gaming PC, $100 on a mouse, $100 on a keyboard, $250 for a headset, $70 for a video game, etc.

And I’m supposed to believe a person hell-bent on assassinating someone will be hindered by this?

Is a pile of debt a big deterrent for someone looking to go out in a blaze of glory?

What do you think he needs to “fund” that hobby and practice from August to July? Maybe $5000 at the absolute maximum? You don’t think he could get approved for a credit card and max it out?

What level of debt do you think is a deterrent for someone looking to do something this awful? Do you think if he was $10k in debt that he would’ve gone “fuck man what am I doing? I can’t leave all this debt behind”

It’s an odd level of compelling and costly dedication.

Sure, but he lived with his parents. It’s really not that expensive. If people are passionate about something, they’ll find a way.

Having said that I have a friend who has a passion for shooting and has shot hundreds of thousands of rounds and he shoots probably almost weekly. But he also has a lot of guns, a large income, and has been doing so for decades.

If you want to be convinced that debt will stop someone looking to die, then that’s on you. Also I’m not sure if you’re aware, but there are ammo sales all the time on the internet. He could’ve easily bought a bulk amount of 223 ammo, like 500 rounds for $200-300. He used his dad’s cheap 10 year old AR-15. This money thing isn’t really convincing me of anything other than this guy might have gone into debt over it.

So true, shooting a lot is not itself a sign of anything really. Even with Feds training there. Not uncommon. But having a Trump rally in your home town, remarkable abilities to exploit huge glaring security vulnerabilities (that would not be known to the public), bombs at home and in the van, drones, range finder… And being killed trying to assassinate Trump. That overall picture looks pretty bad… Like, yes, he had some foreknowledge, expert help (bombs? A van registered in Arizona? Etc.), aware of an able to exploit the rooftop security lapse while also going unmolested for hours on the grounds and 10-20 minutes on the roof?

Cool, I’d still like to just know more than to have the information of “omg they went to the same shooting range!!!”. Yeah I get it, as I’ve explained, if a place has very few shooting ranges, that will happen. If there is a really good range in that city/town, people will drive out of their way to go there. I’d just like to see something, CCTV footage, eyewitness, something other than “they went to shoot at the same range”. Right now that doesn’t prove anything to me at all.

Here’s photos of cops injured hand. Also link to video showing him getting injured when climbing over chain link fence:


It’s certainly worth investigating where Crooks got his ammo and/or money for ammo. Credit cards have clamped down on high limit approvals since around 2020 or so. A 20 year old with limited credit history and average job might qualify for $1000 line. While I agree debt to a suicidal person is irrelevant, do we have evidence Crooks was suicidal?

I submit the balance of evidence is that he was not suicidal and thought he could escape. Exhibit A is the IED van as a diversionary tool, requiring a partner.

Agreed going to the range 43 times in as many weeks is not a smoking gun. Neither is going to the same range as Feds and local LEOs. And neither is having a Trump rally - the very many he wanted to kill - 30 minutes away. But you have to admit that’s quite the coincidence for all of this to line up, AND security had inexcusable lapses in basic security, AND Crooks somehow exploited them in a very open fashion.

The first time a ‘lone’ rooftop assassin with a rifle shoots and hits a President in the head in 62 years, and tens of thousands of SS detail events guarding Presidents past and current… What are the odds. 1 in a Billion?

Assassin goes to same gun club 43 times as FEDS/LEOS, wants to kill Trump, Trump comes to town, SS has the worst security day in living memory, and Crooks is able to exploit their failures… Not plausible.


It’s certainly worth investigating where Crooks got his ammo and/or money for ammo. Credit cards have clamped down on high limit approvals since around 2020 or so. A 20 year old with limited credit history and average job might qualify for $1000 line.

Okay man…$1000 CC limit to buy like a bucket of range ammo for $200-300 is out of the realm of reality I guess.

While I agree debt to a suicidal person is irrelevant, do we have evidence Crooks was suicidal?

To me this is akin to a suicide mission.

I didn’t mean it literally, that he’s depressed. I mean it more like a figure of speech, like the way I described the cop that jumped up on the roof as being “suicidal” for running into a big open green field, wearing a full black uniform, and not taking cover behind any trees knowing there is a guy on the roof above him with a long gun.

I submit the balance of evidence is that he was not suicidal and thought he could escape. Exhibit A is the IED van as a diversionary tool, requiring a partner.

He isn’t suicidal, he just made an IED van. :+1:

Assassin goes to same gun club 43 times as FEDS/LEOS, wants to kill Trump, Trump comes to town, SS has the worst security day in living memory, and Crooks is able to exploit their failures… Not plausible.

Dude I get it, I understand why people want to jump on this as some sort of smoking gun, the coincidence is just too good yet again.

I’ll keep waiting until there is possibly more proof presented for this. You somehow want me to believe buying ammo should have been a deterrent for this guy, but a few paragraphs down you want me to think he went to this shooting range because he had to get together with the Feds to plot this out. Pick one man, what was he - a guy too broke to afford practice ammo, or a guy that was being trained by the Feds?

If it was an inside job, then politics most certainly could have been a factor, rather than just incompetence. In fact, the “negligent” team, led by Greg Nicol, was from Beaver County, which just happens to be much less Republican than Butler County. (Of course there are also many Republicans who despise Trump.)


Yes. It doesn’t seem to be there anymore. I don’t know if it’s been removed, or if the numbers next to the comments change a lot…

Please look at this and say if this is the video you found fault with, and if so, please say exactly where.

Read this, and join their facebook page

So help me out here – an entire local police department conspired to help assassinate Trump, because the county they have to do their jobs in, is majority Democrat?

This is what you’re going with?

Here are the facts about the van, as I believe them. And questions:

  • Registered to Arizona.
    How does this occur? Crooks is a 20 year old living in PA.
  • 2 IED bombs.
    How many white middle class suburbian American midwest guys have this knowledge, as a % of population?
  • The 2 IED were connected to a remote receiver. It was in the off position. Crooks had the transmitter in his pocket. Van was parked 3 miles away.
    Make that make sense?
  • Didn’t bring a drivers license on his person, but brought a rifle with serial # traced to his dad.

Are we to believe Crooks was Jason Bourne level of super sophistication and intelligent, making IEDs, droning, rangefinding, and defeating all security measures and exploiting an open roof?

Or a forgetful dumb nerd with bad aim who forgot to arm his IEDs, forgot his license, uses a gun registered/traceable to his home address, etc.

Which is it, super spy or Mr. forgetful?

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I have no idea, you’re the guy that was saying it’s impossible for an employed guy that lives with his parents to go to the range every week. Now you think he’s a super spy. You’re the one confused here, all I’m saying is I’d like a bit more evidence other than “Crooks went to the same range as the Feds that live/work there”

Doesn’t require the entire dept. A handful of senior Feds and locals could design security gaps sufficient to MAKE IT HAPPEN, and sabotage normal policing (leave roofs open, instruct key spotters to slow-walk information thru unusual channels like text and email to create plausible deniability, assign competent officers elsewhere, perhaps relay bad or dis-information about locations, training exercise, [note a lot of audio on badge cams have been redacted, some officers shown to tell others to turn off badge cams, etc. etc.) to ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN, AND COVER IT UP under the general guise of “whoopsy,” level of incompetence. Four weeks later we don’t have official fundamental factual information on number of shells, type of ammo, who were the police shooters and calibers and locations, and a host of other basic info, the with holding of which is highly suspect and shows signs of deception. And let’s not forget we were lied to and stonewalled about nonsense like the roof slope, it was covered but then it wasn’t, and so forth.

The boosted up officer came after a 6pm radio call and arrived after 8 minutes at 6:08pm having driven from traffic patrol miles away and across open fields, and was somehow the first officer to put eyes on Crooks on the roof. That’s not suspicious to you?


Please show me when I ever said or even implied that wasn’t suspicious to me? Why are you now putting words in my mouth because I’m just saying I’m going to wait for more evidence? What’s wrong with people on this fucking forum, why do we need to believe every goddamn conspiracy theory? I GET IT, I GET WHY IT LOOKS SO WEIRD. You keep believing this shooting range theory, I’m not stopping you, for like the 10th time, I’m just going to wait to see if more proof can be presented.

I’m tired trying to discuss this with you, I have no idea what you want me ot say or do.