Now We Have MORE Questions (Pointing To LIHOP)

New stabilized video of Crooks running on the roof and getting into shooting position. Skip around to about 17 minutes if you don’t want to hear the commentary:

Fact: They heated the hate, put DJT in the bullseye.
Fact: One can carry long gun on the street in PA.
Fact: Iranian known threat.
Fact: Colossal failure by SS.
Question: Negligant or worse?

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I messaged him (Greg Nichols) with a proposed fix.

His TDOA, visually, estimates origin of a shot as the intersection of ellipses. Some of the ellipses estimated intersect at near tangencies, so any slight change in one ellipse could move the location of the intersection quite a bit. As a result, having precision in the assumption or estimates underlying each ellipse is important for estimating the location of a shot via TDOA.

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SonjaX6 correct me where I am wrong please, but it is my instancing the 3100fps is the muzzle velocity at the end of the barrel. Inertia immediately kicks in once the explosive gases no longer push the bullet and after 400ish feet a nominal value of a approximately 2900fps is reached therefore an average of about 3000fps, since we don’t know that exact caliber, how hot the load was, barrel length, etc. these are some numbers for 5.56 which is the caliber Crooks’ Dad says the missing rifle was.

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In my spreadsheet I was using back-of-the-envelope calcs assuming that average velocity was 94% of muzzle velocity. I saw on one webpage that most AR-15s have a muzzle velocity of 2800 to 3200 fps, and found one chart like what you have. I interpolated for 150 yards, and just took the average of muzzle velocity and velocity at 150 yards. If I was looking at your chart I would have used 92%. I’m sure other people can do better.

That is just one mfr. different manufacturers have different values, until we know what was being shot, the values change the distances. Plus a different shooter with a different round changes the location. Many assumptions are being made on the variables, which the FBI is not releasing as of yet and when they do d will we believe them? We all need to keep digging😉

No Reference on the video you made of the blood when you mention seeing greg coming out?

We know that Trump is not well informed. He is getting information from the SS. There is so much lying coming from the government.


:warning:RED HERRING: wrong Window

Diversionary videos show reflections in the 2nd window to the right BUT

BODY CAM BWC2-122110 shows clear sharp flashes from the 1st window to the right at 18:11:22!

As far as I can tell trajectory angle, tree cover from counter sniper, no cops present, Chris‘ Audio analysis- everything fits :sweat_smile:

I hope so bad CHRIS MARTINSON picks up on this. I guess he freaks out, about the missing piece to his brilliant analysis.

All credit for the discovery to NOBODY100

All the best my friends!

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Well done. There is no way boosted cop saw anything in that 1 second, let alone all the detail he boasted about

That officer did say he saw him right by the book bag. I found that very strange because the videos from the west side of the building show him crawling up the roof about 30 or 40 seconds earlier if I have it correct, than the time the officer would’ve peaked his eyes over the roof. I had a hard time believing that the shooter didn’t crawl much further away from the book bag in those 30 or 40 seconds.

I’ve got the roof siting times on my graphic.

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Hope this is a helpful shot of the height of the roof from the building connector. Also, I believe the roof slope is 1:13.

Right but I believe the videos from the text side show him near the bottom of the roof starting to crawl at least 30-40 seconds before the boosted officer saw him for that one second

If you’re referring to the videos from the west side, I should add that timestamp as well. I can figure out the time based on Trump’s speach.

I added the “He’s On The Roof” timestamp.


I am sure somebody’s probably raised this already, but, the municipal officer who drove up and eventually got boosted up to see the shooter, wouldn’t it have made a lot more sense to just go back to his squad car and run the siren I mean the whole point was he should’ve been warning somebody on the radio and then Assuming the squad car had a siren that would’ve gotten everybody’s attention. What he did was just irrational? Why would he run into the line of fire. I give him props for what he did, but you have to really criticize for him for what he didn’t do.

I saw this post that offered a fair opinion after reviewing several posts on the guy.

I agree. Here’s a guy who is on patrol way outside of the immediate area and he’s probably wondering where the other 25 people are including the snipers and the Secret Service. I gave him a lot of credit for even being willing to put himself in the situation.

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