Now We Have MORE Questions (Pointing To LIHOP)

I agree. The Butler Township Police had 9 officers associated with the rally, all doing traffic control off the rally site. They did not have any security or emergency response assignments, and did not attend the morning operational meeting. Yet this patrolman ends up being the first one to lay eyes on Crooks. Rather than focusing criticism on him, it should be focused on those who had security responsibilities and were already on AGR grounds.

BTP Vehicle

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B is 18:08:31
240811 180831 i 1C forest
Between C and E 18:08:46
240811 p1

Thanks, but B is only intended to show the detailed transitions from the varios roofs. If you are suggesting an additional time stamp between C and E, those are intended to show the first and last sightings of the continuously visible path between those two points.

Are there two “Greg Nichols” and “Greg Nicols” and if so what a weird concindence?!

I thought Greg Nicols was the suspicious counter sniper that worked for the police?

In my opinion, that is where a lot of “help” came in. He expected Trump’s head to be exploded, then he would detonate the bombs (maybe to draw attention elsewhere to allow him to escape). Maybe AZ plates not tracable to him. I honestly think he thought he was getting away with it all because he had powerful inside help. Idiot!

When pieces of the puzzle all come together it is obvious he had someone helping him. For starters, all of the numerous improbable-to-impossible security defects points to that inescapable conclusion.

But furthermore, his IED van was parked miles away and disarmed. Yet Crooks had the remote. There are only three plausible explanations.

  1. He forgot, which is really not consistent.
  2. He intended to use it as his escape diversion and someone else was supposed to drive it to the southern location, park and arm the device, and Crooks would do his shooting, then detonate the weapon as a diversion.
  3. The van was parked in the neighborhood to the northeast near the highway directly en route to the local hospitals. It may have been intended as a secondary attack on Trump’s escape but I haven’t worked that out, how would he get to it and why was he carrying the transmitter.

I think #2 is the most likely explanation for the van, and Crooks may have been waiting around openly for his contact to bring the van to the rally.

Hopefully @cmartenson picks up my comments on the van analysis.


Isnt the fact that donald trump media stock was shorted by 200m dollars the day before the happenings by different companies tell a big story about a conspiracy? Or is it just me


we only know that they say that that remote was found on that roof…
there are very few certainties about this remote…

Just a coincidence. @greg_n has done some great work on writing programs to locate the shots based on audio data.


I have asked before for the responding officer’s bodycam (to the white van) footage.

Source of photo and Billy who took photo:

They also (at about 10:00 mark) talk about white van and interviewed this woman Melly Hokah? who had a friend near van call her to tell her FBI and bomb squad showed up at her door.
Hard to find any white van info.

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video 122111
This videocam is a remake, Compare to the original live spectator videos. No cars or officer by the water tower. Most of the videocams coming out now have been remakes.
Also remember from the originals July 13th, the boy was under the sniper window (that was when they hid the fact that anyone was in those AGR bldgs.) The live stream videos from the grassy side show him on that side when the shots were fired. No way were we looking at the boy way over to the Paved Parking lot side of the bldg. They had to change to the parking lot side due to the world wide live interview of the red bearded guy seeing a guy in Tan clothing bear crawling up the side of the bldg with a gun/rifle. When I saw Greg at the corner of the bldg with this TAN camo pants, gray shirt & bald head, I wondered if the poof of hair the spectator saw fly up was a wig.

What I found weird was that they found the devices in his cargo pants on the roof AND put them back in his pockets so the other guy could also take them out!

Don’t forget they saw the boy park his red car where the police were parking. This is where the apparently found the 2 bombs (hence clearing out the crowd & turning off the gas (& I figure that’s why they brought in the dogs). (Kinda like Jan 6th) What I found strange is: Vehicles have license plates yet the needed to run (biometric) finger ID & DNA - on someone who didn’t have a criminal record - to ID the boy because he did have ID in his cargo pants.

Crooks car is a very odd report. Videos immediately afterwards show no car in the NW parking lot. And videos also show he walked to the AGR buildings.

It’s a lot of confusing obfuscating information or mis-information being floated.

I don’t actually think that was Crooks.

Crooks’ car seems to have been parked at the Sheetz. He was seen walking from that direction to AGR by a dashcam.

I know they released the info as if it was Crooks they were referring to, but I don’t think it was him.

If anything, maybe it was someone else and it’s just convenient for them to do so, or they just made it up in their preparation for faking a lone gunman scenario.

There is no picture or description associated with that first messaging about someone seeing them up there.

Not that it mattered anyway since the snipers completely abandoned and/or neglected their posts.


But we are told Crooks parked a van a couple miles away.

So how could he, alone, drive and park 2 vehicles. I suppose he could have walked, Uber, bicycle, etc. But it just needs to be explained.

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For sure.

The list of unanswered questions just keeps growing.

Why were there explosives in the van, but yet, Crooks’ transmitter wasn’t even turned on?

Why were there supposedly explosives in Crooks’ home?

Why have some people stated that his home was eerily clean and then others stated it was like a hoarder’s house?

So many pieces don’t make sense! And contradictions keep happening no matter what the issue being discussed is : one statement will be made and two weeks later, it’s actually the opposite.

Disinformation is in high gear.

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that must have been to ensure that the guards/officers/medics who dealt with his body did not accidentally blow up part of the neighbourhood :slight_smile:

Oh, like Greg the sniper’s wife, Michelle?

How exactly did she get on that same assignment with her husband?

It stinks!!