Now We Have MORE Questions (Pointing To LIHOP)

If you look at a couple of the other videos that were released from Butler township police, you will see that the other side of that window is an open area. Anyone going in door 9 can see to that window. So it’s extremely unlikely anyone would be shooting at president Trump from that window.
The other windows on the south side of the building are closed off, though.

Oh jeez. My brother and I were assigned to the same Inf squad in the Army. They are small teams made up from small departments. Nepotism is not uncommon in workplaces. Some people prefer not to work that close to family, other like it.

These new videocams & dashcams are ‘remakes’. Compare these new ones closely (surroundings, people etc) to the spectators videos & timelines


Only if it was no inside job. Remember Sherlock Holmes: it does not matter how unlikely it is, if it is the only logical explanation. Or so. :wink: have nice day

I calculate that the shooter was still at the bottom of the roof assembling the gun, probably pointed down when the officer was boosted up.

This is a video remake. If you check the original spectator videos (times, surroundings & people) you’ll see that the police vehicles & a cop were still parked at the water tower at this time. All the new releases I’ve seen so far are either ‘edited’ or full reenactments.


I think eveything „stays or falls“ as we say in German, with finding the position of the so called second shooter, who actually was the first who shot, as Chris Audio Analysis pointed out. Chris said they sound like they were coming from inside the window.

I predict we will find him at the first window to the right. Unlike in window 2 from the right we se no reflections but muzzle flashes at exactly 18:11:22 (Fallen Cop Body Cam)! Professional comparison between the reflections of window (2r) and window (1r) are still not available.

There are not many options from where the hidden shot could have come. It must be somewhere at building 6. also due to the lack of police there.

I think they wanted to do the same script as with Kennedy but they fucked up. Now we show them the brain power of the people. Lets not get them away with it, right?

Thanks for reading my post!

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It is really a moot point since the purpose of my post was to demonstrate that @in2thinair jumps from one false water tower theory to the other.

Yeah, once you think horse, it is easy to see that was what it was. A motorcycle rider wouldn’t look like that.

South barn sniper took the 1st 3 shots. I saw this live streamed that night. 1st shot aimed at about 8:30 o’clock, 2nd shot straight ahead from her midsection, 3rd shot pulled in tight to her body & aimed at about 7:00 o’clock ish. There is a lot of information that is being hidden/covered up & the media is assisting. Oh, BTW during a live streamed news reporters interview in the parking lot about 10-20 minutes after the crowd dispersed, we heard 5 gunshots. As the shots were being heard the reporter turned to her right (towards the AGR bldg) and said ‘there’s more gunfire’. This was a live streamed broadcast! There’s so much more - even about the guy who was shot in the middle bleaches (twice) but this is a big cover up because of mistaken identity. Even I could tell it was not the same guy due to the body mass differences.

My heart breaks for you. A friend many years ago said ‘Noni Juice’ was helping cancer patients. Check out the benefits, side effects & warning. Hope this can help you. And I hope you used the parasite cleanse…very important.
Praying for your recovery.

I read about this weeks ago. Also, are people aware there was a sniper convention that week in Butler? Snipers from Canada from Ukraine speaking Russian too.



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The picture on the news report of a larger dark haired, bearded/moustached Youtuber who 2 days prior made a threat to ‘take out DT’ (or similar phrase) & he was sitting up in the middle bleachers behind DTs left with a gun. He was shot (3rd shot by South barn sniper & 1 more shot) in the chest & liver. ‘Shooter down’ was called after all the shots we heard. HOW DID THEY KNOW FOR SURE? I knew immediately when i saw parts of him that he was too thin to be the Youtuber. oops mistaken identity. The group police carried him out across the middle bleachers (1 cop holding his arm with a blue glove on). They have changed his appearance to look like the guy walking off the 3rd bleachers BUT he’s pictured (edited) being carried off now in the 1st set of bleachers. I watched 12 hrs straight of this event trying to figure out where those 1st 3 shots came from as they sounded like they came from behind the middle bleachers from the right side (lawn view) between the tree & pole. I saw live streamed video of the South barn sniper taking 3 shots & the aims all different. Someone found the video of South barn sniper taking the 1st 3 shots…just that now this video looks like the shots are all straight ahead BUT you all know where the 1st shot went

This is excellent work.

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I don’t think it was a window, too obvious. My guess is the vent between the two windows. He would have been directly lined up with Crooks. They may have cut this fake vent for this exact purpose. He could have easily made this shot with iron sites and wouldn’t have needed a big hole to see through. All video on that side is compromised and not to be fully trusted.

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Thank you for correcting my diagram, Phase Five. On reconsideration I believe the difference in height between the connector roof and Building 6 roof is about 21". Based upon it appearing to be just above the camo officer just barely being able to step up to the upper roof and at the same time being just above his knee height. Also I recalculate the roof pitch to be about 3.25’ rise per 12’ of run. Yes, at an eye height of 21" above the connector roof he would easily be able to see a prone body towards the peak of the roof. I will try to remove my diagram and post. I do agree that it seems incredible that he could see such detail in the second or less that he had his eye high enough.

Greetings. What’s a good German site that discusses the culprits behind the Nordstream 2 bombing? Every few months articles come out in the US about culprits, it’s never the US military/CIA. But both Biden and Victoria Nuland clearly stated before the sabotage that the pipeline would not work if Russia were to invade Ukraine.


Here’s the Butler Pa shooter Thomas Crooks carrying his gun around the building in plain site! This kid did his practice shooting at the same range the Homeland Security used for their practice & other law enforcement officers used too.

He thinks he’s on assignment to help the Secret Service or the FBI. A few minutes from now when the professional shooter shoots right over his head he will be dead for his trouble!


This was resleased to the public today by Fla Congress-person Paula Luna Thank You Paula…

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