Now We Have MORE Questions (Pointing To LIHOP)

PA is an open carry state.

However, it makes zero sense not to approach an armed civilian at that AGR area.

It did fall within the assigned coverage area for the 2nd story snipers, so the fact that an armed person was allowed to walk around, for any length of time, without an immediate answer like an approach and interview, is insane.

This also questions their entire claim that Crooks wasn’t classified as a threat, only “suspicious” because he only had a range finder. When did they know Crooks walked around armed?

Did the crowd member just think he was plains clothes? They don’t normally open carry. Was it reported to anyone?

So many questions!!


The Canadian mining engineer and well known climate-church heretic Stephen McIntyre just pointed out that FirstNet must have been involved in the communication break down at that day in Butler (here) :

Seruga states that in wake of 9/11, FirstNet was set up as a federal agency to ensure that local responders and federal responders had coordinated communications and that Merrick Garland and Mayorkas were both on the FirstNet board. We are also told by Secret Service’s Rowe that Butler local police and secret service were not communicating with one another. So what is the point of FirstNet?

If you follow the subthread started by TonySeruga, you’ll find a post by GatewayPundit:

Local Officer Radioed About Armed Shooter on Roof 30 Seconds Before Trump Was Shot, But Message Never Reached Command Post — Internet Cell Service Was Down 25 Minutes Before Shooting

And further down MaryGraceTV recounted (with respect to Jan 6, I believe):

I was walking down PA Ave well after the breach doing a livestream and there was an invisible wall beyond which I simply had NO SERVICE. It was roughly in line with the reflecting pool. Nobody was getting any signal once they passed that line.

That implies Geofencing and this might also explain why there are so few cell-phone videos suitable for audio analysis.

Among the many board members of FirstNet shown by TonySeruga, there is also a man called Mayor Billy Hewes. I’ve a faint memory trace that Hewes also occupies a leading position within Butler City police, but I’m really unsure about it.

I don’t trust this pic at all. Why is this just coming to light now? All the videos from that day and it takes this long to come out. I don’t buy it at all.


I genuinely don’t know if there’s merit to the cell phone sabotage theory or not. But it seems to me we just don’t need it.

The southern snipers turned north to deal with some threat. They must have said on the radio that they were doing that. Command knew 60-90s in advance of the shooting starting that the southern snipers thought there was some imminent threat so serious that they were going to abandon their southern watch to help the norther snipers who were probably saying that they didn’t have good visibility on a critical roof.

Cellular problems didn’t cause any problem there. And cellular problems didn’t cause any problem with Nicol and Butler sniper M doing something weird in their overlook location.

In case not seen Gateway Pundit reports crooks cremated.
Burning evidence is a DS MO to close case.

BREAKING: Trump Shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks’ Body is GONE — Body CREMATED Just 10 Days After Trump’s Assassination Attempt | The Gateway Pundit | by Anthony Scott


Well, 60-90 s to decide if that person on the roof might perhaps be one of their own. But the (induced) com chaos started much earlier.


Yeah, they might have to take time to try to figure out who it is. But if the southern snipers thought they might have to deal with the kind of problem you need snipers to solve, then Trump should have been off the stage.

That is so true, but did the command center actually gave that order? And if so, when?


I know diddly squat about how they normally do things and how it should have been done. But I suspect that it actually happened in the other direction, i.e., the snipers thought they had a threat, decided amongst themselves that the southern snipers would turn to be able to deal with it, and they of course communicated that to command.

If everything was on the up and up, we would have had the radio logs or transcripts or whatever weeks ago. My thinking is that anything other than radical transparency should be taken as a confession of guilt.


I suspected the “van” and explosives guaranteed FBi jurisdiction.



Comm disruption is being saved for election. It would be noticeable at Rally.
You are probably right about comms.

good point.


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I don’t think he was walking around carrying a rifle. That’s either a shadow or photoshopped. I live in PA, and yes we’re an open-carry state, but I’ve never seen a single person (in my life) walking around carrying a long gun let alone an AR. You wouldn’t get very far without being stopped and questioned by LE. Open carry is a holstered sidearm.

As for the cell coverage, I’ve been to AGR and the Farm Show property three times, and each time I had no issues with cell signal anywhere on or around either property.


If that pic is pulled from this video, then it doesn’t show the rifle in the video.


I recommend to take at least notice of the hypothesis of the Swiss physicist Hans-Benjamin Braun here.
Albeit there were probably related forces at work wrt NorthStream, a discussion of that affair should rather not be mixed into this thread.

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Taking one frame from a video that has a shadow that may appear to some as a rifle to support your theory is deceitful. Taking snapshots of multiple frames showing the same alleged rifle would be needed to support your theory. I challenge you to do that. In the video the subject is seen swinging his right arm as he walks, and there is no rifle, so I already know you won’t be able to meet that challenge.


If cell service was down, how were BC-ESU sending texts and pics around?

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Lenz, the chief of Butler County knew and heard 60-90 seconds that he was on the roof running and he sent a message to local that “we don’t have assets on that roof.” Unfortunately, apparently, he did not think to tell the SS command center even though he had been communicating with SS prior to this. Really really unforgiveable



all this sounds like perfectly timed negligence, although Lenz might not been part of that game. By what means he sent a “message” to local that “we don’t have assets on that roof” ? Radio?

When I saw him in the D Stewart video, two things struck me as odd immediately:

(1) He was talking on phone while clearing windows with a gun
(2) He knew Greg Nicol and chatted with him at the southeastern corner of AGR 6.

Why I thought (1) was off was the opposite of your thought, Chris. I thought not that the phone call was so important, but that clearing the windows was “performative” - that he could not really be worried about them, perhaps acting for cameras and bystanders.

That they meet immediately after with GN, who clearly is not worried about further shots (gun down then holstered, exposed to roof) while other LEOs in background are, further suggests they are part of a team and may have a common understanding that no further risk of a shot exists.

As you point out, there is no excuse for Capri pants and green camo shorts to have been on the West side and not have screamed to 2nd floor snipers about Crooks on the roof with a rifle, when bystanders there already had been for 50+ seconds.

Looking at your close-ups, his shaggy face contrasts with his apparently brand new Capri pants, which have no wrinkles. It’s almost as if he bought them for that event. The shirt also looks new (a very thin fabric that would wear out fast but has not worn out). He also seems to be wearing AirPods to communicate discretely.

After the shots, why did these two move to the East side of AGR 6, if not about the windows? They were the only ones to do so from the West side, other than D Stewart earlier. And they moved quickly immediately after the shots. At the corner of AGR 6, they seem keen to watch what LEOs are doing. But as soon as GN jogs toward them relaxed, they recognize GN and chat with him - some sort of a team?


I don’t know if you read my post above closely (503), but if FirstNet was in a role of a “federal agency to ensure that local responders and federal responders had coordinated communications”, they had the power and the means to manipulate all sort of communications, allowing this one, and delaying, altering or even blocking the other one, with Geofencing certainly included. Much like any man in the middle can do.

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