Now We Have MORE Questions (Pointing To LIHOP)

Well Said. Needed to know all this.
I’m assuming they had a window in an office they could lock up or otherwise secure with an outside phone contact

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2 minutes 15 seconds later. Same body cam number, same officer, same view. EXCEPT this has been crudely altered. Look how gray and blurry it is, almost like black and white vs color AND where are the “square vents” between the windows??? Forget about the light in the window, THE VENTS ARE GONE, but you can see them in Dave Stewart’s video 18 seconds earlier. Study the vents and tell me what you find. Are the cop’s and Dave’s clocks the same? Doctored? Why?


Or, maybe he wasn’t in on the sabotage, and DID say something. And maybe he got responded to with “don’t shoot yet”. We don’t have the audio from that part of the footage.

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Nicely done! Since Greg Nicol is leaving the building only at 6:13:25, this is 85 seconds later than the BC ESU post-action report indicated (namely 6:05-6:12) as the period BC ESU sniper left his post. So as long as this vague period was in the report, it is now even longer and vaguer.

Turning to the video itself rather than screenshot, my eyes may be fooling me, but I thought I saw Greg Nicol just behind that door for over four minutes before he did open the door. I tried to evidence it here. Anyone care to debunk or confirm this?


Yes, and the second guy sweeping the windows with his gun in one hand is having a phone conversation with the other hand! So the “gun” looks performative to me. If you hear shots and are sweeping windows from which an assassin may be shooting and risking your life, would you still be holding your phone? No way.


One hypothesis is that the 6:05-6:13:22 period in which 2nd floor AGR 7 BC ESU snipers left their posts (one or both) is when they moved to 1st floor AGR 6 to shoot at Trump. They indeed would have been around there since about 11 am, in the role of ESU snipers but also of awaiting assassins. One can surmise there were no AGR employees in AGR 6 and 7. They would have no need to hide for hours, because of their cover as legitimate BC ESU snipers - they would be hiding inside that role, rather than physically inside a secret space.

A second shooter from the 2nd windows of AGR 7 seems unlikely to me, because the line from those windows through Trump’s ear does not extend to a known endpoint of bullets 1-3, namely, the top corner of the far bleacher. But a line with those properties does emanate from the 1st floor of AGR 6, around the 3rd window from East to West, and would nearly coincide with the Crooks-Trump line, providing cover from ballistic investigation for the second shooter.

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Your point about the PA State police being there and presumably having radio connection to a contact in SS command is pretty damning. Either the PA embed in SS or the SS command would be obstructing the flow of information to SS snipers on the barns.

To me it’s clear that SS command and SS sniper team leader specifically (rather than an amorphous “SS”) were either criminally negligent or sabotaged field intelligence from local LEO to SS snipers. This is evidenced in Ron Johnson’s timeline, where the delays and dilutions of info relays and inefficient communication are documented as residing with these two entities.

As to your comment about the SS snipers on barns, the northern SS sniper team may not have seen all that movement on the eastern side of AGR, because of the blocking trees. And the southern SS sniper team was facing south until 6:09:59-6:10:00, so it too would not have seen any such movement.

However, the northern SS sniper team must have seen the excited crowd on the western side of AGR 6 pointing at the roof (but not Crooks). And would have wondered what was going on. Consistently with this, Ron Johnson’s timeline says:

"6:11pm—According to Acting Director Rowe, “a member of former President Trump’s protective detail contact[s] their Pittsburgh Field Office to inquire about the radio update that there was an issue local law enforcement was looking into near the perimeter.”11

To me the SS snipers on barns were acting within the limitations of how poorly they had been placed. I would not suspect them, as much as whoever assigned/approved them to be on those barns in those orientations.


I am open to the possibility of BC ESU sniper pair assigned to 2nd floor as being the second shooter. The “invisible lair” in this case is their cover as BC ESU assigned to that empty building on a weekend rally free of employees.


If the second shooter took shots 1-3, we’d expect him to be ~12-25ft west of crooks (further from water tower), given the delayed shot 4-8 reports on source 4 vs Trump’s mic, as Chris described in his “Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters” video. Those 3 larger vents to the right are visible in the Dave Stewart during shots 4-8 and they look normal. They are not visible during shots 1-3, but a split second before and after they look normal. Second shooter would’ve had to act quickly. Tho remember that Stewart’s phone was seized by FBI (BTW, Apple has excellent encryption, but do we know if Stewart gave them his passcode?). I’m not sure if anyone has access to a video localized AI detection app (like they can run those frames through, tho might be undetectable regardless given the low res of the video and the FBI’s capabilities. Also, might be good to compare Trump’s mic vs other sources of audio besides source4 to nail down the delay offset and identify other echo inconsistencies. Does anyone know what an AR fired from a vent vs completely outside sounds like? Seems like firing indooors thru a vent would muffle the sound a lot more than we hear. Also, has anyone noted that Crooks is wearing the same outfit as some other undercover/volunteer LE? gives credence to the groomed patsy narrative.


Well, let’s see the affidavit.

What seems clear to me is that in the Grassley release of the “Butler ESU DJT Detail” plan, there is no assignment of any local LEO to the top of any AGR roof. There are diagrams, but none indicates any assignment on an AGR roof. So this looks more pre-planned than a stand-down order.

So while a stand-down order may have been given, the absence of anyone on the roofs of AGR does not require such an order to have been given, merely the advance plans per Grassley to have been executed.

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Nice catch! This clarifies the path that Crooks took to reach AGR 6 roof. It is consistent with the BC ESU post-action report, page 12. Crooks would have climbed on an AC unit noted by SpaGuy, then looping in a half circle to turn south toward AGR 6 roof (where he is seen in your screenshot is about halfway there).


They evoke the “three tramps” in the JFK assassination … plain clothes, connected to police, mysterious roles.

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Chances are that cop was not invited to the briefing detailing Building 6 as invisible or out of bounds to scrutiny


The police car got a message several minutes before. Why?
Someone have seen the guy on the roof before or had some information earlier?
240810 g

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Is that one of those little cannons that Chris mentioned, which in turn explains the remote.

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The police car, with the officer to be boosted later, arrived way before the western side people saw the shooter on the roof. We shold check the timeline. What time that patroler got the message to come to the venue and why?

Outside the parking lot there was another police car, maybe those officers saw something.


Body Camera of the officer that was boosted up, his dash cam, @realDJStew724 video for audio and confirmation, body cam of LEO coming from the Watertower.


Hi Chris, I’m very sorry because you were not wrong. The map in the article must be wrong. I just saw a video from “Police Activity” that clearly showed the entrance and it said building 6 on it. Sorry again for reporting what turns out to be false information. Keep up the great work!


I cropped the image, adjusted the color curve and scaled it up to better see that someone is standing there.

7e2b man at 2nd floor window

You are absolutely right! I just saw bodycam footage from “Police Activity” that clearly shows that that is building number 6. The map in that article was clearly wrong, and that Chris was right all along.

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