Now We Have MORE Questions (Pointing To LIHOP)

Chris! There is AUDIO from the police squad car DASHCAM! You can clearly hear RADIO chatter and whenever the Lift-A-Cop is in or nearby his vehicle.

Not perfect but it fills in a lot of missing audio and you can enhance the dash cam audio to confirm radio communication and when Boost-Cop runs by the squad car after dropping down.


In Crooks’ Mind

THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU’RE DOING!!! :us_outlying_islands:

I had to quickly chime in.

I’m a 34-year Army vet, and there’s an elephant occupying this investigation room that nobody is talking about:

What made a 20-year old believe that it was even POSSIBLE to:

  1. get within even 200m of Trump to attempt an assassination?
  2. climb onto a roof that one would reasonably expect to be occupied by SS overwatch?
  3. climb said roof unnoticed?

Unless he was LED TO BELIEVE and given precise instructions as to how to execute a plan within Pac Man’s wide open mouth.

This is all too audacious to believe that all those unliklihoods aligned perfectly to get him into position at just the right time and in the right position.

I’ve seen precisely timed, well resourced, painstakingly rehearsed, and synchronized operations that didn’t go as smoothly as this.

Therefore I believe this WAS a precisely timed, well resourced, painstakingly rehearsed and synchronized operation. Thank the Lord they missed.

On FIRE for God!
On POINT for Country!

MAJ Steve Lee


Uh-oh. Did this get taken down by YouTube? Anybody rip the video beforehand?

DashCam with Audio
Body Camera of the officer that was boosted up, his dash cam, @realDJStew724 video for audio and confirmation, body cam of LEO coming from the Watertower.



One of the initial video really a body cam of whoever went into the building the shooter was on you will see 2 black clothes LEO coming to the front from the back. Who are they and where were they coming from??

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Here is where I am at, thanks to Chris and the community.

Was this a real assassination attempt? 100% YES.
Was Crooks the patsy? 100% YES.
Was there 2 or more shooters? 100% YES

So now I move into what really happened?

The actual sniper was in the 2 story building, that would be the first 3 shots. They were most likely wearing LEO uniform of some type. Whether they were or were not actual LEO is unclear. ESU sniper guys are absolutely suspect. They have to be until proven otherwise. If they are innocent they know something that would blow this investigation wide open. However, based on the evidence so far I’m leaning towards SS being the primary suspect(s). Not ALL SS were ‘in on it’, just enough it to make sure that the Patsy got in place. One absolute certainty is that Crooks was central to the plan, but not as the actual shooter. It was not LIHOP, it was MIHOP.

So in conclusion what I am saying is the Left, through the SS, made an assassination attempt on Trump. Remember when investigating any ‘event’ the first question and the last question you ask is;

¿Qui Bono? Who benefits? In particular who benefits the most?

Who benefits from Trump’s death? DNC!

Addendum: Crooks is spotted and confronted by local LEO. This causes the actual attempt to be rushed. Maybe by less than a minute, or maybe only seconds. But enough that this ‘rush’ is why the actual sniper missed. If I’m the sniper and am not rushed, then I’m waiting until Trump stays focused to the front of the audience.

One other thought. Does the guy yelling ‘there’s a guy on the roof with a gun’ happen before or after the LEO confronts Crooks?


No clue. Also there are two separate times where (after the shooting) cops are trying to get a headcount because they keep saying they have guys “missing”.

Bodycam #122110 @18:23:30 officer in camo fatigues asks “Who am I missing?”

Bodycam #112125 @18:25:07 officer on roof in camo fatigues (can’t tell if it’s the same guy from above time stamp) but he is again asking for head count, he can’t find two of his people.

If you listen to the radio chatter in some parts, they are all confused asking where people are on the premises.


In your video you have no audio, however audio is heard in this video @0:15 timestamp…you can hear 'theres someone on the roof.
@0:23 in video linked you get the view from an officer walking towards the building…shown in picture from google streetview…note timestamp and you can see Crooks is standing up…the police patrol cars are just parking at the base of the water tower at this time…the timestamp of the officers body cam when Crooks is moving from AGR-4 to AGR-3 is 6:08 30s…which means he is running very fast to be on AGR-1 …

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240810 h

240810 j
Already there is another police car.

240810 k
Inside camera. Is this the same police car?
Because this officer received a message approx 5 minutes earlier. Strange.

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I struggle with this a LOT. If in fact this was a planned govt assassination, then we are F’ed. An operation of this magnitude would require significant resources.



i honestly dont think for a second there that crooks managed to take shots 1 2 and 3. even from the TMZ video, crooks is on frame barely looking through his iron sights when we hear 1st shot. no muzzle, no smoke, no recoil. there are many more videos recorded that day. i wonder how many of them were erased by FBI to help put together a single shooter narrative. I am hoping within another month or two we will see some of those footages surface with crooks still pointing the gun and not shooting while we hear shots 1 2 and 3.

Shots 4-8 as i mentioned earlier somewhere in this forum, was not part of the original plan. So it was improvisation from the side of crooks or whoever fired it. And that too i am not entirely convinced all 5 shots (4-8) came from same gun. somehow i see variations in the peaks on audio for shots 4 5 and 7 and 6 and 8 hv a shorter peak. I wont be surprised if that came from 2 diff guns at 2 diff locations.


every high profile assassinations and attempts been planned and executed by the govt agencies with or without the knowledge of the govt. make no mistake there irrespective of what you been told to believe.

V informative & thought provoking. TY, CM.

The many KEY TIMING details needing fine tuning include:

  1. Greg Nicols whereabouts. ?DJStew’s? video shows him OUTSIDE, near Bldg 6’s SE corner at 1810 (time stamp 31:22 of your “Pointing to LIHOP” post). In contrast, nwkphotography sees Greg exiting a bldg. at 1813.
  2. Capri pants & camo shorts whereabouts. ?DJStew’s? video show them with Greg Nicols near Bldg 6’s SE corner at 1810 (time stamp 31:22 of “Pointing to LIHOP”). But, they are shown on the west side of the AGR complex seconds BEFORE the 1st shot (time stamp 33:44). It seems unlikely they could stroll the distance between those 2 spots in a mere 90 seconds.

Greg Nicol’s wanderings are relevant to reducing the local law enforcement presence in AGR ?Bldg 2’s? 2nd story. Greg is said to be the LEO who photographed Crook’s from the 2nd story. If so, he was in the 2nd story perch. Was that his ASSIGNED position for the rally’s duration? Why did he leave? When?

Also, Greg may be the 1st local LEO to leave, perhaps withdrawn from, w/o a publicly known reason. Another local left about the time Crooks started moving across the AGR complex roof. Yet another left a minute later.

Have you blown up scenes from the body cam footage to look at the vents between the two windows? Why would they do that?
Same body cam, same time of day per sunlight, yet 2min 15 sec later day and night, black and white difference. You have to ask why? Why were they all inside? We are not in KS anymore🧐

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to get from the building people are saying Crooks climbed up on looks vert difficult due to the connecting corridor being to far away to jump onto…so he would have to climb up onto the building that has the red AGR pin on, the jump down onto the corridor roof…the corridor roof doesn’t look very strong…

The secret service were obviously told to stand down and not engage. There is no other reason they would not have shot. It turns out that they weren’t the ones that took crooks out. Audio analysis suggests the shooter was the same shooter as shot 9.

Have you seen this stuff?

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yes i watched it when it came out…very good…it shows the correct position of the picnic table Crooks was sitting at when the ESU sniper left to go hime at 4:27 pm (text). this text shows us that this sniper must have been positioned facing the south overlooking the roof crooks fired from, and his area of overwatch was the building 1 roof and the area straight ahead…Greg Nicols was at the 2nd window from the west on the 2nd floor facing south and his area of overwatch was straight ahead and to the south West (as shown in the morning briefing notes picture which shows the area each sniper is to cover) and the other ESU sniper was in the 2nd floor window facing west…