Omicron Fears Mount*
As it relates to Omicron, two recent small but interesting preliminary studies show that 80% of the omicron cases were double vaccinated.

  • The propaganda for 'vaccine booster' is enormous in the UK. More and more people are seeing through it now because the narrative is fraying around the edges.
Trust in the UK PM Johnson is falling steeply since many exposés were leaked about his MPs' and aids' Christmas parties last year. 'Partying' was breaking his own Covid regulation. Now many of his own MPs (around 100) are rebelling against him and his further restrictions to deal with the Omicron varient. Just maybe, the UK is on the edge of seeing the propaganda for what it is: Fear Mongering


I read a very reasoned analysis about the Omicron variant. I can’t recall if it was in a post here or somewhere else. Key points:
It was lab created, as evidenced by the large number of mutations which diverged from the original variant, not any of the current variants.
It was introduced to South Africa by Chinese diplomats, apparently accidentally.
Omicron is mild in effect but highly virulent.
The conclusion was that it was developed in China as a prophylactic measure to get things under control there. They did not want it to spread outside China since if China is unaffected and the rest of the world is affected the Chinese continue to have a competitive advantage.
Not provable, but a reasonable theory that fits the observable facts.


Interesting data…I can’t see the dislikes anymore as YT has disabled them, but they are still in my YouTube studio back-end.
As of a few minutes ago, it was a pretty typical like/dislike ratio.

Over time that 99% should settle down at about 98.5% favorable if it falls in line with prior episodes.
So I’m not sure what you’re seeing, but I’d be interested to know if there’s some sort of a disinfo campaign running…?


“This is really why the media and the governments are terrified. COVID might just be over.”
This is terrifying because it is clear the people behind covid aren’t done. If this peashooter is out of ammo, what weapon will they reach for next? Personally, I’d rather keep “fighting covid” than find out what’s around the next corner in the fun house.


This is based on work by a person who goes by, “Ethical Skeptic”. His or her point is that if you look at the mutation evidence we have, including the existence of Omicron, that an alternative hypothesis that the lab leak dates back to early 2018 better fits the data. Here are some recent tweets, along with a link to ES’s original long form piece from Nov. 15. The money chart is way down the piece as exhibit 7.4, showing how it’s unnatural to expect all of the mutations to happen so fast… but that a longer timeline has more explanatory power in this respect.
Some tweets

As I understand it his premise is that by following the normal evolution rate of a virus it must have diverged back in 2018. If Omicron is lab created it could have been made after the initial COVID scam started.


aether22 I can’t read it ……

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Kwame Anthony Appiah. Kwame a British-Ghanaian philosopher, cultural theorist, and novelist whose interests include political and moral theory, the philosophy of language and mind, and African intellectual history AKA, The Ethicist in the venerable Grey Lady recommends reporting physicians. WTF!
In the link, go down to the last response, after the Dog drama. Sure it’s buried but it’s there.

I have been following McGilchrist’s work for years and it has helped me to understand the limitations of reductionist thinking and why it is so difficult to reason with those who don’t think contextually or holistically. They see only what is concrete and fail to make connections, develop insights, and have foresight. Holistic thinkers have those all-at-once “ah-ha” moments of real insight and then gather the data to support. They integrate both left and right hemisphere functions more effectively. Reductionist thinkers dismiss holistic thinking because it is less accessible to them. Not recognizing how much they lack insight, they make serious errors in judgement and are often surprised by turns of events.
This distinction is not new. The ancient Greek philosopher, Plato, discussed different ways of knowing in his Divided Line Analogy. The ways of knowing, in ascending order, are illusion or conjecture (eikasia), beliefs (pistis), analysis (dianoia), and holistic insight (noesis). McGilchrist is able to explain the brain neurophysiology behind this, and its implications for our culture.


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Here we go, reverse psychology at work, mRna ones are forwarding CDC warnings of J&J jabs causing Guillain-Barre-syndrome, clotting and God awful other bad things and therefore they made the best choice in chosing mRna and everyone else should go take those boosters immediately to protect themselves from Omicrook and Delta and all rest of the variants, go figure ?.

Ian McGilchrist’s book, “The Master and His Emissary” has an honoured place on my bookshelf.

My model is that in biological warfare, you must first develop the Off- switch in case things spin out of control.
The Omigod strain might be that off-switch, considering it’s rate of infectivity and non-lethality.
Two Chinese diplomats visited Botswana, the site of the release of the Ohmigod.
Am I saying that the Chinese did it? Not at all. This event would take the services of a Master Geneticist. None of that calibre are found amongst humans. Messing around with genes, sorry, Morphic Fields is what Mantids Do.
Are they done with us yet? Not at all. They have got something else up their gowns. They didn’t spend all those resources to just turn around and go home.
But they are up against our Intuition. We have got to fineness our talents. Some third party has guided us to remote viewing for a reason. The competition for Earth-like planets is fierce out there, but anyone who overtly tries to take Earth will invite military opposition, Not from Us, mind you, we are hopelessly primitive. But from Others.
When Is-Be was asked about the Domaine’s weapons, She said “Very Destructive”. My intuition tells me that 911 was a very restrained response to our attempt to nuke them on the Moon. References, various, Dr Judy Woods, Forensic Architect. We thank “Dr. Judy Woods” for her insights.
Problems started for us when our Red Dwarf star, Saturn wondered too close to the sun which robbed Saturn of its Birkland Current. (Red Dwarves are very big, BTW.) The Red Ionosphere that shielded Earth and Mars from the prying eyes of Others was ripped away. Unfortunately, Mars did not survive the ensuing chaos as the repulsive electromagnetic forces stabilized our orbits. Venus was ejected from the sun and is still cooling down. Do you know how much matter is ejected from the sun when it burps? You’re are about to find out.
Bonus question, “Why are plants Green”? Green is the colour best suited to absorb red light.

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You are so lucky to have discovered Iain’s work years ago! However, I now have the opportunity of discovering it (in the process of reading the book).
I find it fascinating.
And his point that reductionist (or narrow attention) has its place is also important. Think cutting vegetables for a recipe, careful focus on the sharp knife! But the proper tool must always be used for each job. As you say, often the reductionist view is used when it is not appropriate.

When I was in Med School in the 90s, we were taught “the art of medicine,” i.e. there are many different ways to treat a patient, and we should respect his/her wishes, in creating a therapeutic alliance. It was the bio-psycho-social model, which celebrated our uniqueness, and considered each individual in the context of their family, home, and work environment.
And then Obamacare came along. It forced us to adopt electronic records, and began a long process of training us to check boxes, and follow orders. Many doctors spend more time staring at computers screens than they do looking at their patients. The doctor-patient relationship was severely damaged. Most independent practices were bought up by large hospital chains. Practicing medicine became all about following guidelines. ‘The experts say you must do x,y,z. If you comply, you get a bonus. If you don’t, you get a black mark on your record.’
What the admins call “quality improvement” is really just social engineering on the whole medical field, including nurses. The goals are to increase prescribing of medications, make medicine into a series of algorithms that can be done by robots, train doctors to follow orders, and reduce the art of medicine into an industrial process, or assembly line.
It has been a huge disappointment to me, both as a provider, and as a patient. I quit when I saw early treatment was being strongly discouraged, to corral the masses into this DARPA gene-drive experiment, which CLEARLY violates the Nuremberg Code, and the Hippocratic Oath, and common decency. I’m not sure if I will go back to practicing. It would have to be for a group that does what’s best for their patients, and not a cog in the authoritarian system.
One last point, I don’t believe Obama had bad intentions, with his ACA. I do believe, as his star rose, a team was put together, then sent out, to “befriend him” – Biden, and the Emmanuel brothers.


Same thing happened to teaching when they passed NCLB. What used to be a mix of creativity, performance art and compassion turned into testing, rubrics and rigidity. It has taken a couple decades but the new teachers churned out of our universities have adapted to the “new normal.”


Arthur, I agree the Omicron mutations must have been inserted for a purpose, but it’s more likely that purpose is part of a binary weapon. So, an accelerant, not an off-ramp. I haven’t looked closely at this variant, I’m just speculating. But, we know TPTB are increasingly desperate to force compliance, and surely have some deadly surprises in store for us. The bankers are not happy with the slow pace of vaccinations thus far. The economy is failing and they need an excuse (virus) to blame it on, and a reason to shut down mass protests.