Omicron Fears Mount*

But plants reflect green light to your eyes and keep the rest, no?
EDIT: De Nada.

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Today is the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party. I believe we still have it in us!


This tweet:
Contains this graphic:

Which shows increasing deaths. The scale is logarithmic and the cases seem to be peaking, so deaths might still be low, but it’s likely not a common cold.


The crowd murmurs in shock and awe…
“Who are you, so wise in the ways of science?”—Monty Python and the Holy Grail


What a bizarre graphic. Expressed as a “percent of Delta” and then on a log chart.
So I really had to squint at it to detangle the likely signal. At first glance it looks very bad, which I believe was the intent.
However, it’s actually very good news.
1 - Cases are already at 90+% of Delta.
2 - Test positivity is already past 100% of Delta.
3 - Hospital admissions are just 50% of Delta
4 - Deaths are just 10% of Delta
5 - and most importantly because they are least subject to shenanigans - excess deaths appear to be just 8% of Delta. In other words -92% as lethal!
So far.
That’s what I was finally able to derive from that horribly displayed graphic.
Edit: Turns out people complained and so the FT crew redid it in linear form, which is far easier to interpret - at least for me.

Not quite so scary anymore, is it?


I have always found this odd, J & J has always been the odd man out in this vax - a - palooza. I don’t trust any of them but I have to say that the mRNA frightens me a lot more. In terms of adverse events I think the mRNA vaccine has had far more.

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  • I went to, but couldn't find this article. Do you have a link to it?

For the beginning [March 2020] I sized this up and decided I would take extra of the clinical grade supplements I already take; add extra zinc and vitamin C [to what is already in my multivitamin/mineral supplement], and go everywhere I could go to intentionally expose myself to low viral loads. I’ve never gotten sick. I’ve been very fortunate not to get sick from anything, including a cold, for years.
Can someone develop antibodies simply by exposure without getting sick? I’ve never heard or read anything about that. But when “everyone” around you has the common cold, or the flu, and I don’t get it, am I developing antibodies without being sick?


In that situation you probably wouldn’t develop antibodies however you can develop T-cell immunity which is arguably (and I would argue it is) more important.


Thanks Chris. You did a better job of explaining it than I did. I was trying to point out that although there were some deaths, early trends suggested there would be far fewer than in other waves. However, I would argue that the deaths point to a severity somewhere in the ordinary flu range rather than common cold.

LONDON — Symptoms associated with the Covid-19 omicron variant could be similar to those that normally accompany a cold, but experts are warning people that they should not underestimate the risks posed by the more transmissible strain.
One British study has now suggested that omicron infections could be associated with symptoms that make it easy to mistake it for an everyday illness like a cold


One last point, I don’t believe Obama had bad intentions, with his ACA.
Dutch Philips Health drank champagne

Many thanks.

Here’s an example of CDC’s communication strategy for monitoring and manipulating you. It describes its strategy of monitoring for trends in “misinformation” and then combatting it through overwhelming communication campaigns, and directly assisting social media platforms on what to censor. It also reveals a campaign I hadn’t heard of, but apparently there are now over 15,000 members of the growing COVID-19 Community Corps, a group of your fellow citizens being empowered by the CDC to persuade you to listen only to them for authoritative information. And get vaccinated, of course, without listening to disinformation about ivermectin, HCQ, etc.


That article is a good find. T-cell immunity would explain why I continued to remain well despite my unvaccinated exposure to the people with the SARS-CoV-2, and a blood test that didn’t pick up any antibodies [because I hadn’t been sick to produce them].
As a licensed healthcare provider, neither my state nor the federal government could restrict my driving wherever I wanted to go during the “lockdown”, and I carried the papers from my state’s governor and the U.S. government [classifying me as an essential worker] that backed that. I drove to several locations in the state; enjoying life as much as I could during the down time.


“For instance, in the last six months, I have several friends of many years who have told me: 1) I will “just die-- like the rest of the unvaxxed” and, 2) that I have “no right to go to the hospital if… sick,” and 3) that I am “just selfish” and “contributing to the death of who-knows-how-many” others, and 4) that I am just buying into “stupid conspiracy theories” presented on non-mainstream media source”
You need to lose some people who have been in your life, and find some better friends. If I had a “friend” that to my face or in text or email communicated any of what you say above, I would tell them to perform some expletive to themself, and never communicate with me again.


Chris, I was scratching my head about the first one but the one the second one you posted is way clearer. Thank you.


This morning I received an email from Alex Berenson saying “Covid is over”
The next one in the in-box was from the Oregon Health & Science University saying

We expect an omicron surge
Omicron appears to be spreading much faster than other variants of COVID-19. While early reports showed less severe cases in South Africa, we are seeing severe illness and hospitalizations in the United Kingdom and Denmark. OHSU’s lead data scientist predicts that Oregon will have another surge of COVID hospitalizations beginning in mid-January and peaking in February.
Their model predicts a peak of 3000 hospitalized patients in early February.

Though I was gullible enough to vote for him the first time, I had to conclude he was a sham the whole time. If you research his career you’ll find that each of the people he ran against on his way up had personal information made public to torpedo their campaigns. He clearly had deep state help. I should have suspected something when my broker at the time (with Merrill Lynch) told me instructions had come down from the top that everyone needed to support Obama. If you examine his college career you’ll find that he was AWOL from Columbia for more than a year. Nobody who graduated with him had any memory of him being there during that time. Where was he? I suspect the CIA. His mother was CIA in Indonesia.


FART-21 the latest virus mutation evolves to evade host immune response.
To end this pandemic, beans, cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower will be taken off the grocery shelves. Social distancing is recommended.
New longer test probes are used to identify positive cases.