Omicron Fears Mount*

“we are seeing severe illness and hospitalizations in the United Kingdom and Denmark. OHSU’s lead data scientist predicts that Oregon will have another surge of COVID hospitalizations beginning in mid-January and peaking in February.”
It’s spring/summertime in S. Africa right now, so everyone’s vitamin D is increasing down there.
We are also still generally less metabolically healthy up here in the States and Europe, so we are likely going to have a tougher time with it than anyone in Africa.

Hi Chris,
I’ve been following you now for MANY years (over 10) and have never commented before. I really do appreciate your analysis, and that is why I keep listening. However, I do think it a bit ironic to see you on the other side of the “fear fence.” For years you have warned (a fear tactic) your listeners about an impending financial collapse. And while there has certainly been a lot of good indicators for concern, if the money I put into precious metals a decade ago had been left in Index Funds, I would be MUCH better off today financially. Now others are warning the public about our hospitals possibly being overwhelmed with a new rapidly-spreading variant of COVID (a fear tactic), and you are now deriding that fear. Yes, you are using data for your message (though we are still waiting on full Omicron effects), but then again you used data for all those years in the finance sector to encourage folks to get out of the market and into something more solid or sustainable. Anyway, I just throw that out for your reflection. I know you are super busy and get lots of comments and can’t respond to all of them, but perhaps sometime in a Podcast it might be interesting for your long-time listeners if you touched on this. Once again, thanks for all you do in parsing data for us and for telling a story we don’t hear in the main-stream media.


The road to Hell is paved all with such so-called “good intentions”,
as in that misnomer of being “Affordable” in that bait-and-switch Act.
It all just ended up doing the exact opposite, and in so many ways!
What another boondoggle that turned out to be.

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  • The rapid accumulation of mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant that enabled its outbreak raises questions as to whether its proximal origin occurred in humans or another mammalian host. Here, we identified 45 point mutations that Omicron acquired
  • since divergence from the B.1.1 lineage. We found that the Omicron spike protein sequence was subjected to stronger positive selection than that of any reported SARS-
  • CoV-2 variants known to evolve persistently in human hosts, suggesting the possibility of host-jumping.

I think you’ve got it exactly backwards, Chris. The media are not doing a bad job informing us. They’re not there to inform the public, despite you wanting it to be that way. Those days are long gone. They’re doing a fabulous job of propagandizing and manipulating us. They are coordinated by the Trusted News Initiative in the service of the globalist agenda.


Right, media works for their shareholders, follow the money and ownership.


From a test mouse inside the wuhan corona virus lab maybe…

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Yet another misinformed and irresponsibly biased article. SA figures are not demographically representative of populations in Europe and USA, so using them as a guide is dangerous. Projections in the UK indicate that 3,000 to 10,000 people could end up in hospital in a couple of months. In Europe the same percentages are in play. These are low percentages but we are dealing with massive (over) population numbers. Just 0.005% of 20,000,000 vaccinated people means NOT ENOUGH HOSPITAL BEDS NOR the staff to manage them. “Code-black”, the point at which hospitals have to triage and turn patients away is close to being in effect in some hospitals within the Netherlands. Already, people needing surgery for cancer and heart-disease have to find alternative hospitals or can’t get surgery at all !!! Imagine living with the hell of preliminary (neoadjuvant) chemotherapy for six months only to be told that the surgery to remove that lump has to be delayed…
The argument that such large numbers of people could be treated with preventative medication more efficiently than vaccination is laughable given the narrowness of the treatment window. Giving the average drone the freedom or responsibility to take action alone is a recipe for total failure.
Ultimately, when the ‘sheeple’, influenced by BS rhetoric or religious idealisms, decide en masse NOT to take the vaccine and 2% of them end up in hospital they jump the health-care queue and displace people who DIDN’T choose their illnesses. That is beyond selfish and arrogant, it’s criminal. Arguably, the injustice lies in the fact that governments do NOT act to punish or incentivize these people to do the right thing.
People should stop spouting nonsense rhetoric for quick advertising dollars or social media clicks like typical corporate sociopaths and work on finding some nobility. If the hospitals and medical systems could cope with the small percentages of infection we would genuinely be able to say that Corona is “no big deal”, but anyone with an open mind and with sufficient acuity to use a calculator can see that the percentages need to be a lot smaller.

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People who play God and modify viruses need to be punished.
people who force or coerce others to get unneeded, barely tested medical procedures need to be punished.
people who suppress cheap treatments or preventions need to be punished.
people who deny natural immunity need to be punished.
people who fire medical staff in the middle of a pandemic because they made a personal medical choice, causing reduced hospital capacity need to be punished.
there are a host of reasons people need To be punished and choosing not to get this shot is NOT one of them. Decided to get a vaccine is very personal. You gave the gall to call us sheeple for asking serious questions about vaccine safety? You want a shot, get one. Hell, get 7 or 8 per year for the rest of your life. Just don’t try and force your twisted crap on the rest of us. We aren’t buying.


Why would people with the sniffles and/or a headache have to go to the hospital?


Here are links to two charts I picked up on Twitter tonight:

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Ultimately, when the 'sheeple', influenced by BS rhetoric or religious idealisms, decide en masse NOT to take the vaccine and 2% of them end up in hospital they jump the health-care queue and displace people who DIDN'T choose their illnesses. That is beyond selfish and arrogant, it's criminal. Arguably, the injustice lies in the fact that governments do NOT act to punish or incentivize these people to do the right thing.
If said governments did at least one of the following (preferably all of them), I'd say maybe you're right:
  1. Admit that the early treatments (single drugs, but especially multidrug, sequenced therapy) worked.
  2. Promote said treatments and serve as logistics/legal coordinator to smooth their adoption and delivery.
  3. Promoted the importance of early treatment to the public and frontline health care workers.
  4. Admit that immune system support and other prophylactics work (vitamin D, quercetin, zinc, vitamin D, exercise, stress reduction, healthy diet).
  5. Promote everything mentioned in 4 heavily.
  6. Developed and publicized an open, honest and data driven argument as to why vaccines might be helpful and for whom their risks outweigh the benefits based on age and current health status.
  7. Encouraged, but did not coerce them to get a vaccine.
  8. Developed and publicized an open, honest and data driven argument as to why vaccines might be harmful to those who are some combination of younger and healthier.
  9. Discouraged these younger, healthier people from getting a vaccine.
  10. Were open an honest about the prevalence of vaccine injuries, supported the vaccine injured using their full resources and limited/ended various parts of the vaccine program or perhaps the entire program if the true injury risks turned out to outweigh the benefits.
But wait, they're doing the exact opposite of almost every one of those with the possible exception of 6 and 7. How am I supposed to trust them when they seem to be spouting coercive, non-data driven, emotionally manipulative BS on these issues. And two final questions:
  1. Just how much of those people clogging hospitals are vaccine injured?
  2. Just how many fewer covid patients would be hospitalized if 1 through 5 were done well?

Remember China building a hospital in a week or setting up Covid wards in the conference centers? Heck Trump even sent the hospital ship, which still exists by the way. We’ve had almost two years and we’ve done nothing. If the fear, fear, fear, hospital bed shortages are real why is the only bureaucratic solution vaccines?
From a science/health standpoint everything the bureaucrats are doing makes no sense. They aren’t looking for solutions they are only interested in control.


They’ve fired staff members first due to cost cutting layoffs caused by the shut down of elective procedures and then from people refusing to get their clot shot. They brought this “hospital emergency” upon themselves and the rest of us due to their ineptitude. Are they incompetent or evil or maybe a bit of both?


Number 6 and 7 are “possible exceptions”?
How so?
I see quite otherwise.


Not necessarily incompetent or evil, they’re just capitalists. So long as healthcare is based on the profit motive, health of the people will never be the priority.


When you can print currency out of thin air there is almost no limit to such bribes.
And for those all “unwilling to be bought”, they will use coersion and even murder.
JFK and many others are clear examples of the lengths the “Cabal” will go to secure their interests and agenda.
Carrot and stick, the dark method of corruption of body, mind, and spirit for literally thousands of years!

  • Developed and publicized an open, honest and data driven argument as to why vaccines might be helpful and for whom their risks outweigh the benefits based on age and current health status.
  • Encouraged, but did not coerce them to get a vaccine.
The only exception is that they aren't doing the exact opposite of these two. After all a one-size-fits-all "get vaxxed" policy is partly in line with a "get vaxxed or not depending on your risk stratification" strategy. I know it's a stretch, but I wanted to give them credit where credit is due!