Omicron Fears Mount*


This absolutely has me disgusted almost beyond reason:

If Trump had put out anything nearly as tone-deaf or divisive, the howling from the CNN-set would have been 140 decibels and non-stop.
And rightly so. There are so many ways that second sentence is a total and complete fail. Alexandros did a good job summarizing:

I don’t see how we recover from this. “They” - as predicted - are doubling down.
Data says omicron is exceptionally mild compared to delta. And the vaxxed catch it in even greater proportions than the unvaxxed. This means the entire premise of the “YOU HAVE TO GET VAXXED!” is completely shredded.
In a normal world, adults would reevaluate their stance, adjust and move on. In clown world, these buffoons simply double down on their idiocy. I can’t imagine them coming round. So I think this all gets worse (perhaps a lot worse) before it gets better.
Did I mention I am disgusted by this?


Don’t give Grandpa muppet too much credit Chris… He does look the baffoon but his handlers are a clever bunch. Gosh I wish I knew their timeline. It would help me know where to concentrate my efforts, break ground on another house for my mother-in law, build a barn and drastically expand the gardens… so many things and seemingly so little time.



This Omicron subplot has been a good encapsulation of why this site is so valuable.
Within hours of its breathless unveiling Chris was there explaining that this was either The Big One that guys like Geert had been warning about or a nothingburger and noted the lack of evidence of a problem straight away.
The background in Mass Psychosis helped me to prepare mentally for that Whitehouse statement and this:
“Denmark says the pandemic’s toughest month is just beginning.”
The governments of the world are going to make Omicron into not just another variant, but the absolute worst of them all. Far deadlier than anything we’ve seen before.
So you’ve had a good few weeks of lead time to prepare for that outcome in whatever ways you’ve needed to. My family have been making a point of enjoying… those parts of the outside world that we know we will soon lose access to for a while again.
Having this minor degree of control is actually pretty comforting.
But more than this, Chris’ comment made me want to relate a feeling Ive had about navigating the growing craziness.
I see the next several years being filled with social interactions not unlike having a disheveled homeless man run up to you on the street waving a banana at you and screaming, “Its a call for you. Take it. TAKE IT!!!”
How you will respond in that moment is all about context, your personal comfort levels and tendencies and even your mood. But you must realize that a situation that has a non-zero chance of ending up in a stabbing.
You can’t just righteously yell: “Thats a frozen banana you moron, I’ve got useful things to attend to, so bugger off.” Telling the truth can now have very negative and even deadly consequences.
I keep thinking about how to build my “de-escalation” and deflection skills. How do I conduct myself in ways that help calm the nutjobs, (or at least not inflame them further) while telegraphing to all the other people with their eyes firmly on the floor that I see whats going on here too?
Wish I had a bunch of answers to offer, but maybe the braintrust here can recommend resources on dealing with people who are in that “on the ledge” state of mind so as to minimize the chances of harm (directed in any way).
I think this may be a survival skill that we are overlooking somewhat.


Revolting, repulsive, repugnant, detesting and out-right offensive. I cant wait until tuesday. As a governor, or government to make such claims that are clearly unwarranted it beyond reprehensible.
But this disgusting excuse for a white house administration is just a crime against the majority that never voted for them and even those few that did. Its a real disaster. And there is nothing that this administration does that doesn’t prove that they hate the citizens of America, mainly the true American patriots that love and gave their health and lives for our way of life.


Yeah. Omicron is going to overwhelm hospitals with cases of the sniffles.
Malone’s “Omicron Today”: This College of London study shows that the top five symptoms reported for omicron infection are runny nose, headache, fatigue (either mild or severe), sneezing, and sore throat. This study is in line with what the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, and European countries such as Spain and France had all updated their advice. The authors recommend that the National Health Service should also amend their advice on Omicron. This study is important because it is more evidence that 1) symptoms are more mild and 2) more evidence that Omicron has evolved to infect the upper respiratory system more readily than the lower respiratory tissue (see my earlier substack article on this topic).
The part in bold is key. The new location is what makes it less lethal. I'm 50% convinced this is an engineered airborne vaccine put into circulation by the CCP to give "free vaccines" to the Mainlanders, and it managed to sneak out of China (as these things often do) and now it is airborne-vaccinating the world. If true, then the CCP is probably really annoyed this got loose. So what happens when all the breathlessness blows up? It won't affect the hypnotized 30%, but the 40% in the middle might really start to question. Note that only 32% of the "fully vaxxed" (themselves just 72% of total pop 18+) have been "boosted." Call "the hypnotized" about 22% - of the 18+ group. Notice how they made the "booster dose" column "percentage of fully vaxxed" rather than percent of population. This tricked me before into thinking booster uptake was higher than it actually was. Booster uptake sucks. from here:

Is that statement even real? I poked around the briefing room trying to find that quote. I couldn’t find it…Coming from the White House, it doesn’t have to make sense, but “…severe illness and death…for the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.” just sounds stupid. If true, I’m beyond disgusted, I’m feeling backed into a corner, which rarely has a good ending… “Let’s go Brandon!”. Aloha, Steve.
Edit: I just read the entire transcript of Brandon’s commencement speech to SCSU looking for that quote. Didn’t find it there, but Jeez, our President is a moron at the podium. Xi and Putin must be licking their chops, while the rest of the world is wondering- like us- WTF?
Edit 2- found the quote in his remarks on Dec. 16 after meeting with CV-19 (lack of) Response Team. Transcribed slightly differently there: “For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm.” Quite possibly worse blathering than the commencement speech…
Admin: Here’s the direct link:


They can change the definition of “covid,” and the craze continues ad nauseum.


Hey guys if you live in a blue state do you have an exit policy to get to a red state before its too late? Just remember, when you move here, don’t vote for the same shit that screwed up your last state.


The statement is real. Checked it out myself. Could scarcely believe my eyes.



Sure, on paper or on a computer screen, perhaps.
But, all such gains are realized only when and if it is in your own hands.
The rest is illusion and delusion.
Some have still not learned the lessons of speculation from 2008 and 1929.
When the “Cabal” is no longer either able or willing to prop it all up,
the mother of all multiple bubbles will burst all at once and quickly.
It is not a mathematical matter of if, but, only of when this will happen.


Where’s the disclaimer?
“This post has been sponsored by Pfizer”!


I have a parent that has NPD, as this story has unfolded in the last two years, I can’t help but notice the paradigm. One of the best ways to deal with a person that has this disorder is to minimize or go no contact. Certainly, that can prove to be difficult with the mass. Unfortunately, it might be the healthiest thing mentally to do. You have to remove yourself from the programming and get on with your best life.


I had this great talk with my older sister - it was on a beach - about 15 years ago. “Hey, so we kinda figured out - Dad probably has NPD.” Everything fell into place. It explained literally everything.
I agree - breaking contact and living your best life really is the answer. There really is no “fixing” NPD. Ultimately, that’s because the people suffering from it don’t believe they have a problem.
At the same time, a spiritual teacher tells me that we choose our parents before we are born. We have a plan coming in. Our parents set us on our life track. She asked me, “why do you think you chose these particular parents?”
That was an interesting question. Empowering, actually.
The gang in charge most definitely remind me of “stuff I have seen before growing up.” Interesting. Maybe that’s why I’m “mostly immune” to the bullshit propaganda paradigm.


“The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.”

--Henry Kissinger

  “The vaccinated we do away with immediately. The unvaccinated take a little longer.” --Biden's handlers ..... 'Listen up, my weather forecaster, Sal, tells me your red state is gonna a get hit with a real bad tornado, tomorrow, 10 pm. When yous die, we list yous as a unvaccinated covid death. Capice?'

Yup. The data in U.K. shows more than 2/3 of those in our hospitals with Covid have not been vaccinated. 90% of those in high dependency wards or in ICUs are unvaccinated.
I think that everybody has the right to choose not to be vaccinated. But perhaps they are also choosing to prevent others (who have not chosen to get, say cancer) getting the full attention they deserve. Our medical staff are on their knees and still have to show compassion to these ‘victims’.
S.A. has the opposite conditions to U.K. Summer there, younger population. They have a population of 60 million in a land area 5 times the size of the U.K.

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I don’t know about the proportion of vaxd vs unvaxed in hospitals, but I do know Pfizer’s own trial data shows higher call cause mortality in the trial group than the control group. If the person needing a hospital bed is there for vax-induced cardiac reasons or cancer because their t-cells were crushed, was it really better for them to have taken the shot? Unfortunately, people are unaware that they have chosen to take on the extra risks when taking the shot because there isn’t adequate informed consent.


If the vaccines work, what’s going on?
And if they don’t, why on earth would anyone not at very high risk from Covid agree to participate in further rounds of this failed experiment? Much less allow their kids to be vaccinated?
One question. One that leads to a hundred more.


My circle of medical friend’s experiences confirm this trend Ra just mentioned.

Those being admitted to the hospital sick from COVID are 80%-90% unvaccinated. Almost none got any early treatment.
So it is the impression of most of my traditional medical friends that the vaccines greatly reduce deaths from COVID. --- And the many diseases that we admit to the hospital with thrombotic origins are not linked to the vaccine. This may be right or wrong. We don't know and nobody seems to be trying to know, either. (MI, Strokes, PE, DVT, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Sudden Cardiac Death, etc.) Too bad we don't have solid numbers on the morbidity and mortality from the vax.