Omicron Fears Mount*

See the latest John Campbell video, at about 2 minutes. He also had data at one point in SA that that was about 70%.

Pretty much all the opinions I hear from BC, AB, MB are similar.
I had to intubate a couple of guys in respiratory failure this summer – the Intensivist said it was covid – I don’t argue just do my bit. I got my covid about a week after that exposure so now I’m good. But that does not mean that anyone who matters believes I’m good though.

Omicron is much less deadly in South Africa than prior strains were in South Africa. All from worldometer:

Approximate average values during the quiet period between delta and omicron:

  • daily deaths: 20.
  • daily cases: about 360.
Values during omicron:
  • 7 day average cases 18 days ago (Dec 1) (about 18 days from diagnosis to death on average): 3797
  • 7 day average deaths dec 19: 30
So cases on an 18 day delayed basis have increased by a factor of 10.5 since the minimum and deaths as of today have increased by a factor of 1.5 This suggests that omicron is 1.5/10.5 or about 14% as deadly as delta in South Africa. Note also that omicron cases may have already peaked, meaning we aren't going to get such a huge peak in cases that there are a large number of deaths even with a low death rate. I bet that there have already been a huge number of undetected asymptomatic and low symptom cases already. I have a question. Are you going to keep looking for mainstream talking points that support your story so that you can repeat them in places like PP (and not have to change your own narrative). Or are you going to look at the data and adjust your own narrative if the data warrants it? I know this sounds snarky, but I don't mean it this way. I've been there before and I'm sure there's are at least some places in my life where I'm clinging to a false narrative because changing it comes at a very high cost.

There are very few people in hospital with Omicron at the moment, the bulk of Covid patients are infected with Delta. It is too soon in the run of disease progression for many people to appear because of Omicron. To be fair a percentage of patients with Delta in our hospitals are there for other reasons and happen to have Covid.
I personally hope as the Delta is displaced by Omicron, hospital admissions will drop regardless of vaccine status.