On the Brink of Chaos

Genocides have been going on for 1,000's of years. Slaves have been building massive stone cathedrals and monuments for the glory of some god or narcissistic for 1,000's of years. The war on nature has been going on for 1,000's of years.
Nothing has changed, they, "the Takers" believe they own you and the earth under your feet. The Takers will fight to the last nail and penny to keep their positions of authority and selfish golden splendor. These sordid people are not dumb or idiots, they known how to stay in power. They wrote the book on it.
What perplexes me is that the the Takers have upped the anti. It seems they've put all their chips on the table for the greatest gamble of all time, winner take all; betting the average persons loss, fear, and wrath of their friends, job, and family will keep 'the little expendable people' on their knees for good. Now bluffing with trumped up dismemberment of billions of people through the fears of unvaxxed vs vaxxed; blue liberal vs red Trump state; a constant 'almost' war with China or Russia, build or not build a wall to keep the dark skins out; climate devastation yes or no; shortages of toilet paper and Covid jabs; a 1984 Orwellian Ministry of Truth, and a list miles long. Any BS that keeps the people divided, while making obscene billions, creating a river of blood and death, consolidating power in the process.
If George Carlin were alive, he'd have a field day with what the masses just can't see on their own. Would HBO air it?

Witnessing the protest globally, you can sense a tipping point approaching.
This comment was below the video on YT.

"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people's door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy... but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone." - Author Unknown

Well luiting, it was. I kept myself maximum under control and let most of the time the rants run their way. Anything else would have blown the discussion out of proportion. And as I said… after the meeting I had to take a deep breath.
However, more scary were that the comments carried subtle threats of getting denounced or being labelled as morally inferior and as such any reprisal would be just fair.
That reminded me on the old (communist) STASI times where such tactics were used in order to keep you in line. Honestly speaking, this thoughts still move me now.
As I slowly see it, although the western countries priding themselves constantly for being morally far above that what the STASI system was, the highly competitive environment within the western society is feeding certain nasty human traits (such as betrayal, denouncement and reprisal) in such way that the people itself might even exceed in doing that what under the STASI system were the norm.



https://brightlightnews.com/full-interview-stillbirths-exploding-in-fully-vaccinated-mothers-dr-daniel-nagase/ [< 5 minutes]

Dr. Daniel Nagase exposes the exploding cases of stillbirths in fully vaccinated Canadian women with 86 in 6 months in Waterloo, Ontario, which normally sees 5-6 per year. B.C. saw 13 stillbirths in 24 hours. Dr. Nagase goes on to discuss the actions Canadians can take to fight the suppression of this public data by govt and public health officials.  

Fellow Canadians - please share before this is deleted…

...The College will tell you that they have an open call process that is fair and transparent for the Board Director appointments. However, I served three years as Director for a BC Board. When my appointment came up for renewal, I received a call from the NDP government staff member who was overseeing Board appointments and told me that she appreciated my work on the Board. However, new Board Directors were being appointed based on skin colour, gender, ethnicity and Aboriginal identity. Nothing to do with merit! I am not a member of a provincial political party so I am sure that didn’t help either, in this fair and transparent appointment process! ... [bold my emphasis]

One doctor I spoke to teaches at UBC and they are not required to be vaccinated (just rapid testing as required). However, this person also teaches UBC medical students at KGH and is now not allowed to teach the students without being vaccinated. This doctor also has their own practice with 20 years’ experience. Another BC doctor I spoke to is Dr. Steve Pelech. Dr. Pelech has over 33 years’ experience as UBC professor, medical researcher and President CSO (Chief Scientific Officer) of a bio-tech company. Here is a link to his bio.

Dr. Pelech is near the end of his career so he is not afraid to speak the truth without facing ramifications from his association. Actually, Dr. Pelech stated that more and more of his peers are now approaching him and sharing firsthand information as to what is happening to patients in BC and across Canada. Dr. Pelech is the Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Canadian Covid Care Alliance. They represent over 1,000 members, comprised of physicians, research scientists (including virologists, vaccinologists and immunologists) and others, including highly accomplished professors from top Canadian universities, allied healthcare professionals, and lawyers from across Canada, who have serious concerns with respect to the management of the COVID-19 pandemic in this country.


My understanding is that things have calmed down for a while, between the booster rollout and the end of the 4th wave, The numbers are starting to tick up again in younger kids, or so they say. So they are fearmongering the parents to get the kids vaxed immediately before they have a fifth wave and have to shut stuff down again. Which makes little sense of course as really, who cares if kids get Covid? Really better off if they do and gain natural immunity. Some parents are getting the kids vaxed, and of course Bennett did a photo op getting his own little kid vaxed, but I think many will not. And with Hanukah starting this weekend, there will be lots of gatherings and kid oriented activities so of course it will spread …


when is the passover? a repeat of history would be truly horrific.




Like them, once that wrath has been released by those that just wanted to be left alone, nothing will stop them until they all are terminated!
Beware what you wish for, tyrants, for it has a real bad way of coming back to bite you!


This is incredibly disturbing. Introducing the new phase of normal?


From my own personal experience, having an inflammatory condition, combined with stress from the pandemic, resulted in a serious depletion of NAD+, that gave me a great deal of anxiety. I didn’t even know I had this underlying anxiety until I started the niacin; once I got over the flush, it was like I had been carrying around this weight which was just suddenly gone.
And this is with my meditation and exercise and a reasonably good diet, a normal BMI, and so on.
Note that Bill W noticed the same thing about his life-long depression, which left him 3 weeks after taking niacin.
That semi-magical change in my own situation is what really triggered me to do all this research on niacin. What’s the mechanism? What else does it address?
Right. So we know that the shot (+ boosters) is effectively an induced inflammatory condition. (Remember how those PULS markers more than doubled post-vax?)
It would not surprise me if there were knock-on anxiety issues for the vaxxed much as I had from my own situation due to the NAD+ depletion. NAD+ depletion => anxiety & depression. And who knows, maybe anger too.
More boosters = more NAD+ deficiency. Just a guess now.
Perhaps - they just aren’t themselves. And they don’t even know it. Just like I didn’t know it.
I’d like to hand them all a bunch of niacin. It might help.
“The flush just tells you that the niacin is working!”
I know. Not gonna happen worldwide. But maybe I can help my friends.


Dave, how much total niacin per day did you take before noticing an improvement in mood? I can’t seem to get past 200 MG despite a very slow incremental increase. I know this is considered a very modest dose. I want to try again but the flush, even at 200 MG, it took me a week to tolerate. I know better than to block it with a salicylate.


@Susan, try to combine Niacin with Melatonin. I would start with taking 3mg Melatonin and see if you can handle the Niacin better. If there is no change you may up to 5mg.
Take the Melatonin 30min ahead of the Niacin.
Would like to hear of your experience with that.
P.S. The Niacin tolerance is depend on a number of factors i.e. body weight. This could be one reason your tolerance is at the lower side.

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After reading Hoffer this summer, I decided to try niacin for my anxiety. I’d tried for years to manage it various ways, including SSRIs after a very intense panic attack about a year ago. (The SSRI side effects were even less pleasant for me than the anxiety, but I’m glad I have some on hand in case someone needs it for C.) I started with smaller doses (less than 250 mg total per day) and now I take 500 mg 3x a day. I do still flush some, but not much as long as I diligently take it on time. The flush was very intense for me at first - even painful. But I keep it up because my mood is so, so much better.
It’s important to take it multiple times a day if you want to mitigate the flush. Hoffer usually recommended his patients take it 6 times a day. Have you tried taking small doses multiple times a day? If you have tablets, not filled capsules, you can try dividing your pill into even smaller doses and spreading them out throughout the day.


Hi Susan, re niacin, for me at least, I felt the positive effects of B3 right away.
For about a week I had been feeling a gloomy grey pressure around the head that’s usually a harbinger of incipient low grade depression; I took 250mg B3, felt a flush, went to bed, and felt better in the morning–as if the pressure had been burned out of my skull. A good clean feeling.
After a couple more days at 250mg, I stepped it up to 500mg, which I take right before bed with 6mg melatonin and water, and usually fall asleep before the flush even kicks in, so I don’t feel it very often. When I do feel it, it reminds me of going to sleep w a sunburn, so there’s a vague association with stickball summers–not the worst thing as we are heading into the shortest days and winter.
Generally speaking, I feel pretty sunny mentally, even though like everyone else here I have a lot on my mind. I credit the B3 bc I can’t think what else it might be–and I don’t take any other meds, alcohol, etc. I haven’t gone beyond the 500mg because there does not seem to be any need to. I generally get out for a 5-8 mile walk every day, and that generates a pleasant drowsiness at night that helps me get to sleep without too much delay.
The people in the video below were suffering from extreme manic-depression and schizophrenia, and appear to have been greatly helped by mega doses of vitamins, and got back on beam with proper nutrition, exercise, and therapy. It also appears they were able to get off pharmaceuticals altogether: the vitamins provided the positive benefits without any of the nasty side effects.
Short video on Hoffer, vitamin & nutritional therapies. Vitamins B3, B6, B12, C, zinc.


It sure is time!
In order to accomplish that, we’ll need to have a healthy, truthful and uncensored debate about the following first:

  1. Vaccine injuries. What proportion of people suffer a significant vaccine injury? Is there any pattern to injuries in terms of age, gender, general health, comorbidities, prior infection or accidental intravenous injection of the vaccine? What are the long term prospects for vaccine injured people? How much can their injuries be reversed?
  2. Vaccine effectiveness. For how long and by how much do the vaccines prevent infection and transmission? Is this significant enough to make the vaccines effective public health measures? If not, how is it possible to justify mandates.
  3. Prophylaxis and immune system strengthening. What prophylaxes and immune boosting supplements/lifestyle changes are available to reduce risk? How does their risk mitigation compare to that of the vaccines? How do their risks compare to those of the vaccines?
  4. Prior infection. How effective is this in terms of impact and duration in preventing infection, transmission and severe disease as compared to the vaccines.
  5. Pandemic severity. How dangerous is covid to different groups of people? How do early treatment, prophylaxism, immune boosting and vaccines impact this risk? How does the pandemic compare to previous pandemics for specific groups stratified by age, health or gender?
Once we've had these debates in a meaningful and honest way, then we can debate mandates. I have a sneaky suspicion that, if done in this manner, the debate will last a minute or two and will result in near unanimous agreement against mandates, but then again, what do I know?

Chris said,
“Three times is enemy action. But 3 raised to the 5th is way more (than)
enemy action… The health authorities have come up with coin flips that are
all tails. And this tells me that this is no longer just incompetence, but there’s
something else running… They’re not changing, they’re doubling down, they’re tripling
Sounds like the Cloward-Piven strategy:
The strategy of forcing political change through orchestrated crisis.
‘The “Cloward-Piven Strategy” seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the
government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into
crisis and economic collapse.’


I keep remembering those fanatical eyes…


This is why you NEVER give up your guns.