On the Brink of Chaos

Rumour has it that there are carbon nano-particles in pills that you might be prescribed.
So, in the interest of science,
Dissolve your pills in a lass of water. Wait for everything to settle and then place a magnet on the glass. If you see a black cloud ascend to the magnet, guess what You have been swallowing.


Had adverse drug interaction from antibiotic and other things at the hospital. Read Dr. Hoffer and Dr. Ashton protocols. During acute phase, I could only do flush-free niacin. Still did well and got great calming effects. Bonus was hair grew longer and thicker. Combo with vitamin C and taurine. Taurine lowers glutamate, excitatory chemical to brain, as well as great heart/kidney benefits. (Lowers blood sugar so try with food.)
Now couple of years later, can tolerate some regular niacin without huge flushes. If the floxxed symptoms flare, I go back to vitamin C, FF niacin, and taurine combo. Great relief of the sympathetic symptoms.

I had 500 mg capsules. I noticed the change after a week on 500 mg 1xday. I am 74 kg. I’m not saying it took a week for the effect to take place. I just didn’t realize it had happened until a week had passed! “Whoa. No anxiety! I didn’t even know I had anxiety!”
I take 2x500 mg now. Sometimes I flush, but mostly not.
I expect that people have different levels of deficiency depending on their individual situation. Hoffer has a ton of good information. If niacin doesn’t fix something instantly (and in some people, it took weeks), perhaps you can add other things, per Hoffer, to see what works.
Lots of good information here - although you do have to know what you are looking for:


I am certain that the ones that soaked up this strategy must be celebrating by now… but I guess their end-goal will be the collapse of the pension system(s).
Interesting to see the CPS strategy originated 1966 - at the time the ideas of the Frankfurt School were solidly “incorporated” into the American society.
So, what I am seeing is… the ones who were in the university age in the mid 60th… are now 75+ years old. -> That matches the age of our “gurus” behind the scenes (aka Soros and co) and their students are now in their mid 50th -> that matches many of our political and NGO leaders.



...“We haven’t been able to convince enough people to vaccinate,” Schallenberg said in an effort to rationalize the draconian decision. “For too long, I and others have assumed that you can convince people to get vaccinated.” Incidentally, Schallenberg, who descends from a long line of blue-blooded Austro-Hungarian nobles, was hand chosen to replace Sebastian Kurz as chancellor last month as the latter became embroiled in a testy corruption probe. Immediately following Schallenberg’s appointment, wily Covid-19, perhaps seeing a golden opportunity for a power play amid the chaos, surged in the country. What the new Austrian chancellor seems to have forgotten, however, in his desire to play medical dictator is that people have a right to self-autonomy over their bodies. Strongly encouraging civilians to receive a vaccination is one thing; forcing it upon them by coercion – on pain of financial penalties and even imprisonment in the event they cannot pay – is crossing the humanitarian red line. That much, at least, has been determined by the United Nations. ...  

Not sure if this has been posted yet. Worth a listen - half an hour.

Melissa Ciummei, a financial investor from Northern Ireland, has serious concerns that injection passports will be used more like data passports to control participation in society.

TL;DR bureaucracy is the enemy, evolution favors the victims not the oppressors. This is far from over, but there is an end.
I think that everything going on globally is based on acceptance of the primary lesson of the 20th century and the myriad tyrannies that dominated throughout:
A nation can commit innumerable atrocities, face the repercusions, and then just apologize for 50 years and the world will forgive them.
There is no equal opposite reaction to exterminate the villains, there are only a select and public few who are truly held to account. And the majority of the functionaries of atrocity escape justice by insulating themselves from the consequences of their actions. Bureaucrats who are “just following orders” do this all the time. Organic automatons plugged into a system that demands injustice through a thousand individual oppressive acts that compound the “othering” until each bureaucrat is only responsible for one one-thousandth of a share of one life being reduced from private citizen, to ashes in an incinerator. And who can claim murder by bureaucracy if one functionary has such a miniscule portion of the blame? How can you hold those people responsible? So the bureaucracy escapes the justice they deserve and continue to live on and target other groups similarly “othered”. And only wait to enact the final solution on a population when someone of sufficient popularity and vehement vitriole, a true believer, comes to power.
The mechanism for such tyranny already, and always exists in a bureaucracy. They are designed and conditioned to narrowly follow the law. Conscience is beat out of them by limiting their power and reach unless they follow the law exactly and the orders given to them within the limits of that law. If law is blind, those targetted for persecution are colorless in the eyes of the bureaucrat. They are without ideology. They are purely points of data that must be reduced or expanded by any means. Bureaucracy is the purest form of social liberalism. Bureaucracy is the idealized economy of liberalism. All bureaucrats are given a rank, all are given ration tokens (i.e. $$$) proportionate to their rank, rank increases by following rules and following orders. Communism seeks to bureaucratize a whole population. Fascism seeks to promote the bureaucracy to pre-eminence. Theocracy seeks to bureaucratize morality, laws and morality become synonymous and punishments are harsh. All sin is a capital offense, and all laws are designed to root out sin. And in every form of government this bureaucracy forms and grows as crises are discovered or created, and people seek an external moderator between individuals.
This bureaucracy proves at every moment of history to be the source of all persecutions and tyranny. A force without conscience, without personal interest, and without regard for evidence to obediently follow their orders within the established rules of a society created through innumerable systems of governance. Without a doubt, bureacracy is the greatest threat to the people because it is so persistent and unsympathetic. But this is the one institution that flourishes under any system of government regardless of the ideology.
This is why it is so difficult to remove injustice. This is why tyranny never truly is removed. This is why Germany can implement similar laws that once targetted Jews, to now target “unvaccinated”. These bureacrats can remove the guilt of their own obedience by playing such a small role in the demise of any individual.
“If they only got vaccinated they could have been allowed to work”
“If they only were working they could have paid their taxes”
“If they had only paid their taxes, they could have kept their property”
“If they had kept their property, they could have had food and shelter”
“If they had food and shelter they wouldn’t have to be on the dole”
“If they weren’t on the dole, they wouldn’t have to live in our centralized poverty centers”
“If they weren’t in our centers, they wouldn’t have such poor health”
“If they didn’t have such poor health, the virus wouldn’t have weakened them.”
“If they weren’t so weak, employers would hire them.”
“Since employers won’t hire them, they are burdens of the state.”
“Burdens of the state must be reduced as the economy falters”
“The economy is faltering because the work force is depleted.”
“The work force is depleted because the virus is reducing public health”
“The vaccine is the ONLY solution for stopping the virus”
“All citizens must be vaccinated to stop the virus”
“No citizen can work or socialize without the vaccine”
It takes only one more step and one more creative political solution to reduce the burdensome populations that require subsistence from the government, and that is eradication. Each step is an individual agency enforcing a narrow rule that compounds to a final outcome for those who choose not to comply, or are unable to comply because of some unchangeable biological characteristic.
It is a consistent phenomenon that Conservatism molds biology (fear and selectivity of phenotypes and cultures), and liberalism molds behavior (individualized choices, attitudes, thought processes and styles). Both are homogenizing forces that over a long evolutionary timeline lead to subspeciation via selection. Unvaccinated is a behavior, a behavior of critical thinking, of rebellion, of perhaps fear or alertness. With the unemotional force of bureaucracy targetting this group, and society so complacent in its persecution, we could see how the evolution of the western world at least would trend toward a slavish obedience to authority and intellectual complacency. We can see how a population made up of such a mentality could easily forgive itself of any crimes it has committed against the unvaccinated, where fifty years of self-flagelation might be enough to convince our western world that the abomination they have and will commit to, is justified or forgivable. After all, the survivors are the ones who write the narrative and every villain strives to justify their own actions.
I don’t think this will stop. I don’t think those committed to the current course will allow any variance from their current policy objective. I think they will redouble their efforts and when faced with the reality of their own guilt or failure, they will lash out much more violently and ruthlessly. And in 50 years they will blame the weakness of the society today that allowed the horrors to unfold, they will say they’ve learned, they will say they’ve atoned, and they will say that its actually the fault of [insert ideology or culture] to create another atrocity.
This is evolution. Today though, we are the victims of its oppression.
Many though will be surprised to discover that it is more often the victims that evolution favors. That the meek are the ones who inherit the earth. That a slave as a tool is more useful and more sought after than the master, and by that dynamic the slave outbreeds the master and eventually usurps them. That the survivors of eradication are the strongest of a persecuted population and those traits are more prolific in their rebound. And selective pressure actually STRENGTHENS the selected trait. So when all is said and done, critical thinking and resistance to authority will actually be much stronger traits amongst the human population. So take heart, it will be difficult times ahead, but it has an end and on the other side is a new start.


“The chicken shit falls from the top down.” Always has. Always will. As soon as the rats realize that the source of their troubles are not each other, but these professional politicians, the sun will rise again. We need to turn on these professional politicians. Right now, these professional politicians believe they run the show and own the place. The US Capitol Building belongs to the people. It’s our house; not theirs. They are just guests. However, these professional politicians believe they own the place. The American People need to visit the Capitol Building again. This country was founded “of the people. by the people, for the people.” Time to water the tree of liberty and toss these professional geriatrics to the curb.


This testimony really makes one wonder - where is the humanity in our health system? In our regulatory bodies?
The COVID Vaccine “Shattered My Life”

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She asks whether they will issue a clarification to the conclusion that the vaccien is safe and effective.
New England Journal of Misinformation | Dr. David Healy

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.... Look at that again. The government of Austria is now planning to throw people in jail if they don’t pay a fine for not getting vaccinated. How can they consider themselves a free country? Now, lets consider this: Do you think anyone in Austria thought it would come to this? Do you think anyone in Austria would have gone along with this if the government had told them it would reach this point? If people knew this from the beginning, then there would have been a revolt. But, this ratcheting down of freedom has taken place in stages. It’s the same way the government has spoken about vaccinations, and how the goalposts have endlessly moved. ....

I’m a fan of Clif High as well; many would consider him a bit out there, but in the last six months, his reports have been pretty accurate. Back in the day? Not so much. He’s now on telegram at scifi world.