Other Forensics of the Assassination Attempt

EVIDENCE: [GATEWAY PUNDIT EXCLUSIVE: Photo Taken by TGP Reporter Appears to Show Trump Shooter Thomas Crooks’s Drone Flying Over Butler, PA Rally at 3:54 PM] (GATEWAY PUNDIT EXCLUSIVE: Photo Taken by TGP Reporter Appears to Show Trump Shooter Thomas Crooks's Drone Flying Over Butler, PA Rally at 3:54 PM | The Gateway Pundit | by Kristinn Taylor)

Kristinn Taylor
Jul. 26, 2024 7:30 am

ARTICLE on The Gateway Pundit on 7/26/24 7:30 a.m. by journalist Kristinn Taylor (who also took photo evidence).

Article Title: "Crook’s Drone Flying Over Butler, PA Rally at 3:54 p.m.”

TIMESTAMP: 3:54 P.M. Gunman’s drone flying over gathering crowd at Butler Rally at 3:54 p.m.

Hercules 1 SS snipers reoriented from facing South to North 1:35 before shots fired (per NY Times videos)

WHY? Either preplanned or somebody said something to them!

Chris, in your 8/1 “Step-by-Step” video, you explored communications with the Hercules teams, but not this significant but unexplained action.

NY Times 7/16 article with videos:

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I wonder if Crooks used his drone to scope out to roof features from above to figure out his way up onto the buildings and path to the final roof position. If this is true then that might explain why he decided not to bring the ladder he purchased. But it also means that he knew, in advance, that he would be unhindered from running along the roofs to his final shooting position. How would he have known this in advance? How would he have know there would not be any sniper teams on the roofs of the AGR building? How did Crooks know, in advance, hours and perhaps days before, that he would have easy access to the “mouth of the Pac-Man?”


I think you’re right, but it seems even a tad worse than that. If Crooks had made his move into the firing position a minute or two earlier, he presumably would have been spotted by the snipers in the building behind him. Somehow, without any apparent means of knowing what was going on in that building, he chose the exact right time to make his move, right when one or more of those snipers mysteriously left their posts.


Flashed line up with suppressed shots which you can hear when played back at 10% of normal speed, per Cullen

Trying to be really careful with this topic. As I know, it may get on the nervs of some here. So I apologize in advance to those who feel distracted or think I am on the conspiracy side. I am not!

I still would really like to see a medical record of the ear injury and the treatment in hospital right after the shooting. Just so we can stop all the speculations. I am sure also his voters would want to be sure there is no other damage (ballance or hearing), which might have been observed during his medical treatment, no? So why hiding the medical records? Trump being holding back these medical records does not help with these speculations, as many of you already noticed.

So is there any evidence of a clear wound that I missed? Pictures that I have seen and compared did not show really a wound. Maybe because it is smaller than I would expect and is covered with blood? I am willing to accept that, although this would conflict with this document saying of the 2 cm wide wound. Currently I am still only seeing blood on his otherwise seemingly “normal” ear. Where exactly do you think is the part with missing tissue or an open wound on the ear ? Please mark it eactly.

Thank you in advance for being patient and polite with me on this!
I just want to get this out of the way.

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I can clearly see the recess in Trump’s ear at about 10 O’Clock. Skin heals, shrinks and fills in. I wish Trump and Rep Dr Ronny Jackson had not used the phrase “Covered in blood”, it is hyperbole. When you look at Evander Holyfield immediately post Tyson ear bite, much more of his is missing than Trump and the amount of blood is roughly the same - not that much! Look at Evander’s ear after it has healed. Looks MUCH smaller than the fresh bite. I would love for everyone to stop whipping this dead horse and work on finding out the plot, players and resultant justice to perhaps stop more evil doings in this fragile world.


Try this link, I was able to view it using the Braveheart browser. You might consider trying it if you can’t view the videos at the link:


Crooks looks to be walking 3.75+ MPH across roof – in Copenhaver video – not running (depending on his route).

I calculate the Building 6 metal roof panels to be 2 feet wide, center rib to center rib. From photos I counted about 73 panels (74 ribs), from Google Maps I measured the building roof to be 146 feet long.
146 feet / 73 = 2 feet per panel.

From the video I timed (however crudely) Crooks speed crossing behind 8 panels/ribs to be 2.9 seconds.
8 panels x 2 feet = 16 feet distance / 2.9 seconds = 5.52 feet/sec
5.52 feet/sec * .6818 = 3.76 ~ 3.75 mph

Walking pace is generally 2.5 to 4.0 mph. A walking pace of 3.75 mph or faster seems reasonable for a lean, lanky, 20-year-old in a hurry. Also, just from appearance alone, to me it looks like a quick walk based on the level, smooth and steady head movement. This assumes he is moving mainly parallel to the building 6 roofline, if also moving towards the building 6, his speed would be correspondingly faster.

Former Secret Service agent gives detailed breakdowns 1) of standard security preparations 2) of standard security procedures, and 3) of security failures at the time of the attempted assassination.

Notes: unexplainable understaffing, multiple suspicious security failures, the role of DEI in these failures and that these problems were both ongoing and egregious.

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Chris this is how traditional AR15 break down upper and lower with captive push pins… you wouldn’t unscrew the barrel.


What is there to speculate about? There is literally no plausible alternate theory as to what we all observed and overwhelmingly proven by facts. Only the most low information or TDS person would somehow think he did not get shot. To these types, I say Trump derangement syndrome. Seek professional help.

Plain evidence rundown against your TDS nonsense (why am I even bothering?).

  1. All captured on video/audio by many people.
  2. Hundreds of witnesses.
  3. 1 dead, 3 injured including Trump, all supported by piles of objective medical and forensic evidence.
  4. Crooks dead with rifle and some evidence he did some shooting. What person would stand on a stage and let someone fire a rifle at his direction to “stage” an assassination attempt and cause murder/injuries to his supporters?
  5. Trump has immediate GSW to ear, blood smeared on face and clearly on his hand seen in photos.
  6. From these recent photos there’s what appears to be a scar several CMs long along the top of his ear. That would be consistent with prompt high quality medical care and cosmetic surgery using a skin graft and/or glue to re-attach skin pealed away. My dog suffered a similar injury and had the back skin of his ear peeled back. It was re-attached and healed fine with no noticeable scars.
  7. If this was staged the SS, FBI, and local law enforcement would be the LOUDEST advocates of this theory to absolve themselves of dereliction and make Trump appear like a foolish madman responsible for murder and injuries. The fact this has not occurred is a key piece of information that your TDS has blinded you to reality. To support this point, 2 days ago Senator Kennedy asked the FBI acting director this direction question. “Any doubt a bullet struck President Trump?” FBI answer was “There is no doubt.”

So I will reiterate, if in the face of all this evidence that Trump was indeed shot in the head by an attempted assassin, one believes this was staged, one should really go speak to a therapist and get professional mental help because your world view is skewed beyond normal healthy reason.

And another point, FAR more important. Obama never timely provided his credible and true birth certificate (I think it was well into his 1st term or maybe his 2nd term, and clearly not credible), and for 4 years we’ve been lied to about Bidens mental fitness and medical records withheld or deceived. These are FAR greater issues that the details of Trumps obvious GSW to the ear. What do we possibly have to gain by seeing the exact nature of his GUN SHOT WOUND…?

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Big thank you for that info on the local hero. AR 15 (Armalite Rifle for those unfamiliar with the acronym) probably shooting .223 or 5.56.

These are the kind of details that put pieces in place on a vast jigsaw puzzle.

Hi BigTim,
I kindly asked for being polite. It is not fair to accuse me of having mental health issues.
I am just asking for evidence. Which is what the whole Citizens Investigation is about, right?

Regarding your 1. and 2. point:
I did NEVER say that the shooting did not happen!!! It happened for sure! I am not ignoring the facts of video and audio showing that. But non of this proofs 100% if a bullet really nicked or grazed his ear.

Regarding your 3. and 4. point:
And it is clear and very sad that people have been injured and killed. So stop also accusing me of ignoring this. This is not the case! Could be all accepted as coleteral damage and to support the narrative.

Regardng your 5. and 6. point:
All I am saying is that there is not much evidence for the wound itself (not enough FMPOV). You did not add any pictures and mark the spot(s) for everyone to see the exact location of the wound and the resulted scar you want to have seen. Please do. We need evidence, not just words.


Thank you Ray, it’s all a team effort!

You mean, aside from:

  1. Hundreds of witnesses personally observed an assassination attempt with a rifle, which killed 1 and injured 3 including President Trump?
  2. Many witnesses captured this on film.
  3. Trump immediately reacted when struck, touched his right ear, it showed blood, and he went down. He has spoken about being shot. Is he lying? Where did the blood come from? He is clearly bleeding from the ear, blood dripping down his face, smeared on his face, and on his hand. Is that fake blood? Is his doctor also lying?
  4. A photographer captured a bullet passing near his head. Did Trump orchestrate or allow a rifleman shoot at his head?
  5. A mountain of forensic evidence shows that SOMEONE shot 8 rounds at Trump.
  6. I can see a small scar on his ear post surgery. Can you or have you bothered looking?
  7. I’ll repeat, if this was faked, the SS, Feds, and police would be screaming the loudest at this and prosecuting Trump for murder, conspiracy, assaults and battery, etc.

So this is such an inane proposal it doesn’t warrant serious discussion among intelligent adults.


Sorry but you give me the impression, that you did not read properly, what I have written in my previous post. Please try to grasp what I mean before you use a quote and just try to reply to it with random bullet points. And did you even read the rest of my last post?
I already wrote that I do not neglect that there was a shooting at all. Did you read this? Then why do you repeat yourself with bullet points of evidence for the shooting? I did say there is not much evidence for the specifically THE EAR WOUND. I did not say there is no evidence for the shooting. Please try to understand what I mean. I am trying to be very distinct here.

Man I know all that. Still gives no detailed evidence on how the wound exactly looked. And this is what my last post was about. So why repeating all that ?

Did he lie before?

That is exactly what I also want to know and many others too. Where is the wound the blood came from exactly. Can you show it. For me it could be on 3 different spots on the ear. Which would be the darkest red ones. So which of these three exactly is the wound? Let me know.

Yes, but where exactly on the ear? Can you point at the exact spot in a picture please?

I did not say that, but these are good questions.
Why bother about his red base-ball cap and play relay race between SS Agents with it, while they should rather take care of their protectee going down the stairs?

I don’t know how near that bullet was passing. Do you? Who knows how far from his head this bullet in the picture really is? Is there evidence for exactly how far off his head this bullet was?
You repeat to play the conspiracy theory card here. I want to emphasise I did not. I just want the wound evidence. Where did I say that no shooting happened or that no bullet was near trump?
But ok if you want to play the conspiracy card: Maybe he did allow to let them do some precise shots a few feet off of his head. Would be not impossible to do so for a professional sniper with a good scope. And accepting coleteral damage among spectators, is not unusual if there would have been such a plan. As it even helps selling the narrative.

Where did I deny that ? I did not! You are so much derailing here.

Nice you saw the scar. Again just words. Where is it? Show it!
I did look at multiple pictures, where trump had taken his bandage off. And no, I did not see any scars or marks. I did bother a lot. I even compared his ear before the shooting and after he had taken his bandage off. Does look pretty much the same to me. So if you want to convince otherwise. Show me that picture with the scar and an arrow to it. Make it precise. This is all I want man, really. Thanks!

Of course they would. But did they find out yet?
But man, I did not say it was faked. I just want to see some evidence of the ear wound or scars, which you want to have seen. And if it was faked, it could still well be that even the SS, Feds and police have been tricked and convinced by it. This is not an argument. Nor evidence for anything.

You bring up the whole conspiracy proposal thing. I just said there is not much wound evidence. At least I have not seen anything exact or clear with exact position and size. And trump did not release any medical report yet. Which in turn brings others to speculate about it. Which in return, yes, can lead to conspiracy theories.

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Thank you so much! That is all I am trying to do. Have you watched the Cullen/Cain video on Rumble yet?

No. I’m not going to entertain or waste any of my limited time researching the obvious. He got hit and instantly bled and dropped down. Other people were instantly shot by the same or consecutive bullets. There is literally no other plausible explanation than he was struck by a bullet. That is supported by facts, forensics, audio, visual, eye witnesses, photographs, videos, a dead shooter, etc. I also see a picture of him recently with what appears to be a scar on the top of his ear. If you want to live in the delusion or require proof of the actual injury, you do that. I don’t entertain total nonsense in my world.