Other Forensics of the Assassination Attempt

In your former post you had enough time to give me 7 bullet points of what you thought would be evidence for spot and size of the bullet wound or scar. Non of these bullet points did help much with that though.

You could have sent just 1 or 2 pictures with an arrow to the wound or scar position instead. Would have been much quicker, I am sure. But you chose to entertain. And you did probably not just entertain me with constant derailing instead.

And be sure I am not here for entertainment. I take this all very seriously. I try to get more and clear and precise evidence. That is all. And I think the wound of the former president, who was clearly the target of this assessination attempt, (staged or not) is pretty much important. At least as, or even more important as, the wounds of all the others being injured or killed.

You can not say it is obvious. This is not how forensics work. Imagine there is an autopsy and the pathologist says at the end “Why do you need any more details about the wounds, its obvious, it was a shooting, there was blood, there were witnesses and a video.” That is so ridiculous!

So many are asking “if Crooks was shot from the front or from behind, was the bullet entering near the lips or more towards the eye where the shot came in?” But details about Trumps injury do not matter? Why is there even no medical report of Trumps injury, yet?

For an event of that importance (former president being shot) you need each and every detail. Also for getting any connected evidence more straight or more rigid. For example “Was he struck so, that the bullet path/angle might be influenced a bit and therefore our backwards trajectory caculations might be wrong? Shot might have come from a slightly different position then?”

I will not ask you for more of your precious time though. Keep the derailing for yourself!

I don’t have a picture and cannot locate one easily. Saw a video of his ear a few days later, looked like a scar a few CMs long on the top of his ear. I’m not bothered to go find it. It’s a video 100 posts above this. Any picture is a moot point because we KNOW he was shot, as all the evidence proves it. And any photo “from the internet” could then be challenged as having been altered or photoshopped.

So NO, not going to do that. It’s a waste of time. Since YOU seem to need to be convinced, YOU need to bring a plausible alternate theory with some evidence.

What could have caused this injury at the exact moments gun shots rang out, bullets are seen striking the bleacher railing, and killing 1 and injuring two people in the audience on the exact trajectory as the ACG building #6 location, at or close to the shooter on the roof or very close to that trajectory. I’m not going to waste further time “proving” he was shot. YOU must show evidence something else caused his obvious injury. Here is the obvious public photo of unimpeachable integrity taken seconds after the event and published so we all know it’s not altered. So, what is any alternate theory?

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i used the web form and sent the same information but i dont if it will make it. So i will summarize here"

AGR roof has an elevation of 13 feet [plus or minus from slope of land]
Trump is on a 3’ tall platform and is 6 foot something [roughly 10 foot elevation]
The bleachers are 15 feet 3 inches [top H Bar] according to the design specs.

The inconsistency :
A shot from Crooks position to Trumps ear is a FLAT to DOWNWARD angle [-Z]
The shot that hit the bleachers was near the top for the bleachers FLAT or UPWARD angle [+Z]

Did we check to see if the FLAT’s overlapped? or if its a magic bullet?

I agree with you.
I pointed out to the Peak team, but they dismissed it.

A few sevonds later, flashes can be seen from that window.

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Taken from the bodycam footage.

Why was the shooter (Crooks?) In ziptie handcuffs with his hands behind his back when Medic Michelle first attended to him?

The picture of Crooks’s bloodied head, which is widely distributed on the Internet, is a fake or photoshopped.

Take a look at Crooks’ head while being attended to by medic Michelle.
No blood next to his head.

Also the dirt pattern on the roof pannel is different.

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No I haven’t, but will do so now, thanks for the heads up!

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I think this is totally standard for police. They don’t decide what medical condition people are in. They secure situations and then allow in experts. Even if it seems obvious that a perp is dead or not in any condition to fight, they may cuff them.

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Gee, why do you suppose? Could it be he (apparently) shot and killed 1 person, injured 3, assaulted thousands, in an attempted and near successful Presidential assassination attempt? I’d be willing to bet, that has something to do with it.

Honestly, do people even think for 1 second before they post questions like, “why is his rifle 10 feet away?” Or “Why is the 1st floor window red in some images,” or “Why is there blood in the 1st floor bathroom?”

Folks, please actually think about the facts before posting time-wasting questions.

100% correct. Thank you. It’s a safety concern and clearly a cost/benefit analysis. Flex cuffs cost almost nothing. But a still living violent perp with a suicide bomb vest or access to a weapon could kill people. OBVIOUSLY the first cop on scene is going to move the weapon away and flex cuff the guy even if he appears dead.

It’s actually been the topic of HEAVY discussion for days and after careful assessment fairly easy to dismiss. It would actually be helpful to online forums and threads if folks would bother actually reading the entire discussion instead of coming in days later and posting the same questions discussed at length.

  1. These windows clearly not broken, not opened at any time, not tampered with immediately before, during, or after the shooting.

There were dozens of witnesses, several police, looking carefully at the building, the windows, etc. before, during, and after and this is captured on videos. There is at no time any window opened, closed, or broken. TWO cops immediately carefully look at these 1st floor windows carefully and nothing out of the ordinary is presumably observed.

It would require a shooter several minutes to open the window, set up his rifle, obtain a sight picture perfectly aligned, fire 3 shots, then close the window and leave. There simply is not sufficient unobserved time for this to have occurred from the 1st floor windows.

  1. These windows are showing this phenomena called “light reflections.” I know, I know, it’s a crazy theory where if you look at an angled window from different directions or angles it reflects colors or lights differently! We can see the reflection of the red barn, dark and light spots reflecting trees, sunlight, other lighting phenomena! The window directly in front of the camera has the most variation because the angle variants are the greatest. The ones towards the end, maintain roughly the same angle and same reflection! Shocking, I’m sure, but you too can test this theory by putting your phone down and looking at the outside world! Go try it!

  2. Using this skill called reasoning and observation, the lighting in that window does not occur during any gunshot, but some moments afterwards. So it cannot be a gun shot flash. So, let’s take a moment to apply logic. What else do we know causes small round lights? A flashlight! What do we believe police were doing at that time? Looking thru the building to clear it of suspects! I bet, this might have been a policeman using a flashlight to quickly search all rooms!

  3. Finally, if you study the area with any casual level of interest, the 1st floor windows do not provide a good shot for a professional assassin to shoot and evade capture leaving Crooks as the patsy (which is what we are assuming given this 2nd shooter theory). This position is highly visible and vulnerable to everyone on the ground, a cop or armed citizen could walk up and shoot you easily, the shooting lane is obstructed by people, a chain link fence, and bleachers, and it would be hard to escape that building since it’s surrounded by police.

It seems progress is stalled by the continual rehashing of questions long ago asked and discussed and resolved.

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Thanks, please tell me what you think.

the glass is not removed or damaged on the windows directly after the shooting. i got some software that dumps all the frames of a mp4 as singles


How many minutes passed between Crooks shot and the first person on the roof. I wish they had secured the scene, observe Crooks and take action if he moves. Protect the crime scene for the investigators who do a proper job recording everything pictures and all…

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AFAIK, this is a state secret. In the report released by Grassley called “FPOTUS After Action Beaver County ESU/SWAT”, the timeline is 18:12 shots fired followed by 18:23 so-and-so climbs a ladder to the roof. But by the time we see that happen on the famous bodycam footage, there are already like four people up there who have been doing whatever they like for over ten minutes.


According to LTC Tony Shaffer, he believes the crime scene was purposely contaminated. That this was a DS action all along.

On a different program, he said the protective detail that got Trump off the stage was a combination of US-SS and HSI. That you can tell because, the US-SS badge is a ‘Star’ and the HSI badge is a ‘Shield’.

On further research this not correct. The current US-SS badge is a ‘shield’ style badge, too. The difference is what is inside the border of each.


Hello Aaron Peak Prosperity… I have been gathering a lot of info about the J-13 Event and there is VERY credible evidence that the USSS Code Name Hercules #2 CS team on the South Red Barn DID NOT take out the threat… According to info from former USSS Agent Dan Bongino (who still has USSS insider info) he said the shot that shut down the perps operating system was taken from about 400 yds away Also President Trump in his speech today 8/3 @ Atlanta said the perp was taken out with a shot almost 4 times the distance the perp took his 8 shots from
( DJT should know) & the only CS Team that was at that distance was the CS Team In the Large Covered Grandstand (The Grandstand CS team is documented in the data from Sen, Grassley’s Documents) which was in the large covered grandstand near the showground lake this info is also backed up by the brother of a youtuber @Guidedhunts (who has a related video on Youtube Here >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpF3TTflITg
(WHO REALLY SHOT THE SHOOTER? NOT WHO YOU THINK) His Brother Jeff WAS AT THE RALLY in the bleachers directly behind President Trump and he witnessed the CS team setting up in the Grandstands with rifles on tripods the morning of the rally. Bongino said it was a difficult shot from about 400 yds also (I think there were 2 CS shots 1 suppressed miss from Hercules CS Team #2 that made the perp set up and turn his rifle toward the crowd around the AGR building 12 after he took the 8th shot then the “Kill” Shot 300 Win Mag. from Grandstand CS Team last 10th shot…Chris of Peak Prosperity also mentioned in his video that one thing he had questions about the lack of Damage to the perps body & that frangible bullets might be the reason the perps head was still somewhat intact in answer to that question the answer is YES there is 300 Win Mag Frangible Ammo one brand Dynamic Research Technolgies make them in 200gr BTHP that might explain why there was no “Pink Mist” and why the perps dome stayed half way intact and didnt leave a 120 degree “Cone of Gore” behind the threat… this would also explain why no bullet holes were found in the building or roof behind the threat. It also makes sense that the Teams would use frangible rounds in an area where friendlies could be collateral damage from “normal” High-Powered rounds It would also be interesting to see somebody do the “Ballistics Gel Head” test with Frangible ammo @ 400 yds … Hope this helps Thanks for your series of videos…from A Concerned Citizen & Anti-Communist

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Garrand Thumb did a test shoot to debunk the “Exploded Ear” myth with ballistic gel it just passed through with a clean 223 hole hopw this helps


lots of people speculated that Biden is dead until Biden showed up alive. wasted energy and media time.

Trump can hold details of his wound to himself until he see the right opportunity. thats how politics work.

and comparison. Does it look photoshopped to you?

Ray, do you happen to have a link? I couldn’t locate it, thanks!