Other Forensics of the Assassination Attempt

I am pretty sure he was seriously wounded but still ALIVE.
On another photo a gunman points his rifle towards the body.
Why should anyone threaten a dead person?
On bodycam footage his rifle is far away.
I guess policemen has taken out from his hands.

How on Earth his rifle is far away?

On the extended bodycam footage it seems to me the amount of blood is still increasing. How could it be on an allegedly hot rooftop? Can someone check?

H1: My first conclusion was - he was not dead at thet time.
Or maybe…
H2: It is not real blood at all.

Would different bullet weight impact it’s acoustic signature? Shooter was found with 90 rounds having purchased 50 rounds that day. The following is an example of the ballistic range of 5.56 with different grains.
Fort Scott Munitions 40 grain - 3,464 fps at 100 yards.
Fort Scott Munitions 70 grain - 2,631 fps at 100 yards.

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This looks without purpose. If the rounds all missed, what is the point? If they have ballistic knowledge of subsonic fires in that wind condition why even bother? There is more evidence (audio modeling) that the audible shots came from Crooks position. The water tower sniper was disproved a long time ago. Not saying that it didn’t happen, but can’t see the purpose.

i doubt it. its the same pic flipped horizontally.

the spot below the ear is the entry wound imho. exit thru the left eye.

i read somewhere in this group that skynews video from helicopter was later that day after all the cops left.

I read elsewhere that next morning coroner nd fbi went to recover the body if i remember correctly. means they left the crime scene as it is overnight with the body on the roof.


We’re keeping all the latest versions of video here in this dropbox location which anyone can access (read only).


I’ve just put the mp4 files in there in case anyone wants to perform the MP3 conversion themselves to gather the best sample. I just use a free converter, so not sure that’s the best?

That latest video (Source 4, high quality) has been downloaded directly from YouTube and is now in there.


This is beyond suspect. Way beyond.

First, the DS video is full of him bumping into things and tripping at one point (skinned his knee) which create audio 'thumps" that look a whole lot like ‘shots.’

They are distinct spikes on the audio file that I can correlate with bumps and his fall. I’m 99.95% sure that’s what he’s directing everyone’s attention to.

Slowing them down to say ‘they sound like suppressed rounds’ is not evidence of anything at all. It is, once again, John Cullen interpreting something subjective, but doing it with great confidence and authority which pulls in quite a number of people.

But where is the control for this? Where is the corresponding audio of suppressed rounds being fired and compared? It’s not hard. I can scare up a dozen YouTube videos of people shooting 300 blackout suppressed and subsonic.

Next, where did all these janky rounds go? Who was shot, what was pinged off of, and where did they land?

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Hi, I’m not sure this is the right place to put my remarks. Anyway…

This is first time I saw the null hypotesis used not by theoretical matematics.
What I have learnt, we must update our estimetion of probabilities.
(In case of non-reoccuring events they use another word, but that means similar.)

240807 c mantain credentials
What I can see here, you made three categories instead of numerical percentage.
I was surprised a little, but it is OK.

Eh, I am simplifying for ease of communication. In truth, I have a full spectrum that runs from Green to Red passing through Yellow in between.

There’s Deep Green, and Orangey-Yellow, but which really have percentages that I hold in my head because those cannot really be defined or defended.

So it becomes a matter of high confidence, medium confidence and then low and finally no confidence.


I did some back-of-the-napkin trajectory analysis of 1) the Mills bullet photo and of 2) the opposite side “alleged” bullet in flight video. The best guess flight of the Mills bullet is about 5 feet above the roof of Crooks’ building. For the alleged bullet in flight video, the shot would have had to have originated from within 60 feet of Trump (out in the audience - there are no buildings that close). Here is the link with the analysis: From Where Did the Whizzing Bullet Originate?

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Maybe you can count the pros and contras.
However not necessarily with the same weight.

Let me tell you somethong about liquids.
240807 d resonance

Liquids are incompessible - we leart in high school.
But actually it is not the case. Sound waves do propagate in liquids.
Also they have resonance frequencies and modes. It may depend on the boundary conditions, and they are actually not ideal.
In this case of headshot, we shold take into count the skull stiffness too.
(But I don’t know too much about the hydrodinamics.)

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Some images trying to make sense of things:

More about these images and the work in progress can be found at:


If they want to test the shot then they should shoot a pig’s head.

Hey Chris, I tried posting this above, but it gets easily buried in the sea of posts coming in… I’m insisting because I think it’s important.

I have been following Chris’ videos on the assassination attempt for a while and as always Chris has done a great job.

However, I believe the echoes are not as straightforward proof as it might seem at first glance - and rightly so, Chris only mentions that the echoes’ incongruences “need to be explained”.

I am attaching a quick sketch that I put together that, in my opinion could very easily explain the incongruences in the echo delay differences.

I didn’t take any elements of the scene, terrain or actual buildings in consideration, but the sketch is only meant to explain the concept of how such incongruences could easily be explained.

Sketch explanation:

  1. Let’s consider the camera (and mic) have moved from point A to point B between shots 1-3 and 5-9.
  2. Let’s also assume there are two reflecting objects (surface A and surface B)
  3. The audio of the shot would reflect on these surfaces and propagate mostly likely as shown on the sketch.
  4. This means not only different echoes signature can be heard depending where the mic is at, but the delay from shot to echo would vary depending on the distances of surfaces A and B to the shot location.
  5. So by moving from point A to B, the mic could have easily captured two different echoes from two different objects, even if the shots originated from the same spot/gun.

In terms of audio sounding different, unfortunately I think that is highly inconclusive when considering it has been captured by moving smartphones. Regarding smartphones recordings, we need to consider a few things (and I know, I designed a few of those):

  • Most smartphones around have 3 mics or more
  • Normally one is omnidirectional and the other ones are directional mics

The sounds captured by these microphones are modified via software to optimise for different functions of the phone (video calls, voice recognition, video and audio recording, etc.).

So when video recording the smartphone software is constantly messing up with the audio in order to optimise it for whatever it “thinks” will give you the best output.

For video, normally clear audio of someone speaking is the most important feature, so there is a LOT of NOISE REDUCTION going on, which could definitely affect the sound signatures of background noises, especially if the device is on the move and pointing at different directions.

I believe all smartphone audio captures are good to look at, but ONLY the stage microphone recoding can give reliable data for audio analysis.

Just wanted to share my 2 cents on this.

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By looking at the red truck and that white lift Trump location is more on the right side of that frame. That footage was taken far away from Crooks view point. Probably near the orange circle in the left image.

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The ear is bothering me.

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But this one is awsome:

That line of fire take to Crooks position in the bottom left footage.

here is the original footage: