Outrage! Why The US Government Lied To Us About Masks

If you take the time to read the article linked in my first comment you might start to see things differently.
I will stick to resistance to what ‘is’ as being futile until I see the plebs everywhere lined up, united, with pitchforks in hand, ready willing and able to do what it takes to reclaim our lives and freedoms, which also means bringing crimes against humanity against all the bastards who are behind all the blatant evil and brazen theft that has been ongoing for generations. I don’t have much confidence left, seeing as we have let them get away with it for well over 100 years now… As was said in the podcast, how is it no one is questioning ever rising stock markets in the face of disastrous news everywhere? That is pure indifference in the ignorant masses. As long as that indifference & ignorance persists, resistance will indeed be futile.

Hi Jan! If TPTB wanted a mass extinction event this would have been a doozy. Just decide together that we don’t do anything to fight it, just claim that it’s best for everyone to have herd immunity and let this thing go do what it do. It’s a snap for these guys. Why ruin the entire World Economy has me scratching my head. So, how’s the rock garden doing! Feeding the block?! yet? LOL…Be Good and stay healthy.

I understand differences of opinion, no problem. I come to learn and accepting alternate views is a good thing. Sparky, I have been with my Lady since high school, 17 and 19 we were married and some how have arrived to this point in our lives better friends and each others greatest support. If I don’t share this then who am I? She is my life, everything I do I do for her. No different that Chris and Evie. Every day is a flirt, small romance and a common purpose. When someone has this as the core in their lives they rejoice and are thankful for every minute. I am liked and I am not, I live with this as I do sleeping and eating, just life. I don’t have all the answers for everyone but I’m pretty good at the answers that Barb and I appreciate and rely on so my gut serves us well. Be Good, you are a valid and important person here, so keep it up. We ARE heading in the same direction. Peace.

@Island Girl,
A few notes.
I know the story about Admiral Yamamoto’s visit to the United States before World War II. After visiting Detroit and Pittsburgh (which were then great manufacturing centers) he returned to Japan. He had been awed by the manufacturing capacity of the United States. At a meeting with the Japanese War Cabinet Yamamoto told them, “if you make war against the United States, the only way you will make peace is on your knees.”
We have indeed been gutting our manufacturing sector. But in 2018 we were still second in the world in manufacturing after China. China had about 28% of the world’s manufacturing. The United States had almost 17%. The numbers are probably worse by now. But we still had enough manufacturing capacity to have solved this problem if we had the political will.
Finally, I must respectfully disagree that China is a “vicious regime.” I have been to China a few times in the past decade. I have even lived with a Chinese family on more than one occasion. I have visited other Chinese families in the countryside. I have seen the continuing and astonishing improvement of their standard of living, especially the poor. I have seen massive infrastructure improvements, countrywide anti-pollution initiatives, urban beautification initiatives, programs directed at the improvement of the quality of life of minorities and more. Even the militarization of the Spratley Islands should be seen in context. The United States and Australia ran a “war game” to cut off sea routes through the Malacca Straits, through which a huge amount of China’s trade (including a large amount of their oil imports ) traverses. The militarization of the Spratly Islands was an attempt by the Chinese to protect that crucial sea lane as well as sea lanes through the South China Sea.
The hatred of the Chinese regime, which one finds in the Western media, does not seem to be deserved. I don’t see them as a vicious regime. What I see is a nation that cares about its people. To give you an example, I know something about China response to the Covid 19 situation. I was in China when the pandemic broke out. The picture that I uploaded (below) is a picture I took on or about January 25th of this year. It was taken in Yunnan Province. The boxes in the picture contain health protective masks. They had been delivered for distribution to the public. This is just one distribution point. It was about two or three blocks from where I was staying. I left China shortly after this photo was taken but I can’t imagine that this was the only mass delivery of masks and I just happened to stumble upon it. I imagine that it was one of many mass deliveries. And this was in January!
After I left, I was still in contact with people in China. Within a week after I left, Yunnan Province was shutdown except for essential services. At that point, you could not go into, say, a grocery store without a mask. They simply would not let you in.
The government started subsidizing the sale of groceries. That reduced their price to only forty percent of usual. That was deliberately designed to compensate for the loss of income attributable to the shutdown of non-essential businesses. Additionally, people who were quarantined were entitled to free food delivery to their homes so as to encourage them to obey the quarantine.
Shortly after that they developed quick response teams.
In response to each new discovered infection, those teams engaged in contact tracing, quarantine, provision of necessities, treatment of the ill and so on.
Within about two months the disease had been virtually eliminated from Yunnan Province.
Yunnan Province has an area about the same as the State of California. It has a population of almost 50 million people.
Now, compare that to the response of the United States.
I know that I went on a bit about this but - due to my experience - I get really offended when people attack China. It is not a simple matter of “China evil” as the Western media portrays.


I’m with you on this point and imagine that they have done some incredible things. What I like about the Chinese people is they collectively ban together as a village and protest everything. All the time and often. They do this with such vigor and seldom does the media tell this. They will protest everything, unafraid, and China’s powers to be know this and do not want to over stimulate the masses because they DO understand what the people will do if they make mistakes. I think China’s people weld a lot more power than we do but, we are a sleeping giant too and if pushed, we do have weapons to complicate things. We have history to show we do have our limits and we have always been encourage by our own constitution to make change if we don’t like things and then change. Personally, I do hope China and the US find some common ground because as a culture I love China. What they did at their Olympics was unbelievable. Really beautiful and they couldn’t have done better to show how they see themselves. Maybe the best Olympics, top five anyway in the History of the games. Very powerful. I too give this respectfully, they have their flaws but last I looked we grind knees into the necks of black people, guilty as charged people until their life expires. What a great way to show the world how we’ve digressed. Peace

We will have to agree to disagree Mike.
Fuck China
I work with Tibetan refugees in Mcleod Ganj (Dharamshala) I have been there. I have been through the Tibet museum. I have seen 15,000 photos depicting the absolute devastation of a country, people and culture by the Chinese. Simply put they are barbarians.
There is hardly a day goes by when I don’t see in my mind’s eye a photo of a young Tibetan woman lying face down in the snow in a Himalayan pass at 20,000 ft. who had just been shot by Chinese soldiers. Her crime? She had given up everything and was walking to freedom. By the time Tibetans get to Dharamshala they have nothing, absolutely nothing. They get to the Nepalese border and Nepalese soldiers used to take whatever they had to let them pass. Now the Chinese pay them to send them back. I could go on and on about the genocide but I would be here for days.
So Mike Fuck China.

I don’t claim to know everything about China. I had planned a trip to Tibet, but it fell through. I hope to still get there as well as Xinjiang Province.
Peace, my friend.

If you don’t think you need to mask up while riding, consider this: When I’m through with a fairly hard ride, my mask is quite moist inside. And that’s on a sunny day in high-altitude Colorado, which means it would have been downright wet on a humid ride at sea level. So where do you think all that moisture would have gone without the mask? Right in the face of any rider behind you. That’s why I try to avoid riding in anyone’s slipstream. Same goes for runners of course.
At a minimum, you can wear a bandana, but what works best for me is a mask with ties - I tie the top ties behind my neck and leave the bottom ties undone to allow for drinks when needed.

@planfortomorrow ...I'm still here! Yippee! I haven't nor will I get sick. Why? I wear a mask. I wear rubber gloves. No exceptions. I clean myself and I stay home unless I have to go out or escape to our property
I'm going to suggest that that's overkill... unless you're living with someone particularly vulnerable. I mean, how long do you intend to be locked in your home? If the bad guys get their way (which they certainly won't for too long), this will go on for as long as possible, let's say well into next year. And you might not acquire immunity while other people do, by being exposed to tiny amounts of viral load. I'd say fear is one of the biggest factors to take into account: it shuts down your immune system (by overactivating the sympathetic nervous system thus attenuating the parasympathetic) and attracts to your experience scenarios/happenings/concepts of like vibration.
Additionally, we just assume all politicians are liars and never, ever believe them any longer.
Well if you learned this, you've already benefited from the pandemic. ;) But add the formerly-mainstream corporate legacy media; the politicians wouldn't be able to do anything without them.
I can't do shit and I'm damn tired of the debates, the racism, the cop killers and cop killings others.
Remember that the racism layer is one generated by the MSM and their neomarxist narrative of white oppressors vs black victims, and that the BLM and Antifa protesters and rioters are funded and deployed by Soros and the globalists as destabilization forces. Americans are now so anti-racist that most are willing to go along with the black privilege narrative, which normalizes violence, theft, and destruction of private property so long as the color of their skin is dark because "muh racism" (notice how incredibly racist that actually is -- see the linked article).
No more, I hate this shit and I am leaving, going into the woods and live as quietly as I can.
Though if it's for this reason, then it's understandable. Learn to meditate if you don't know already, under a tree, away from noise if you can -- it can reduce stress, create centeredness, discern purpose/priorities, and even make one more intelligent. You can combine this with some relaxant (tea, gotu kola, cannabis, mild GABAergic...) to make it easier at first to get into a meditative state.  
@sofistek Chris, could you revisit the Dexamethosone trial results? It looks like you may have misrepresented what the results show. For seriously ill patients on ventilators it seems to improve their chances of survival quite significantly. Of course other better treatments should have been used early on but having a 30% better chance of surviving, if you get to that serious state, doesn't seem like something that should so easily be dismissed.
It's just another corticosteroid, like methylprednisolone. It's already being used in hospital protocols; it was already known that it should be used early on, before inflammation goes out of control.  
@westcoastjan Loss of trust in institutions is the big line in the sand. Once irrevocably crossed it is game over. If other people feel the same as I do, or in the coming weeks and months start to get that feeling, the descent into chaos is will be swift. It is time to bear down and get ready for a ride that I think will be like nothing most of us have ever seen or experienced. I hope not, but trusting my gut...
You're right, but the biggest secret is that it's really all about YOU, and the YOUniverse that you are. All the lies in (geo)politics are downstream from the lies about ourselves, the true nature of reality/self. External factors aren't as relevant as we have been led to believe. Ultimately, you are in control.  
@Mike from Jersey Finally, I must respectfully disagree that China is a "vicious regime." I have been to China a few times in the past decade. I have even lived with a Chinese family on more than one occasion. I have visited other Chinese families in the countryside. I have seen the continuing and astonishing improvement of their standard of living, especially the poor. I have seen massive infrastructure improvements, countrywide anti-pollution initiatives, urban beautification initiatives, programs directed at the improvement of the quality of life of minorities and more.
That's only because they went from a genocide of 70,000,000 people, many via artificial famine, to flowing more with the capitalist order of markets after Deng Xiaoping took over after the death of Mao. It's like if I take over your house and kick your family out, then years later I let you back in under conditions of my choosing, for the purpose of me becoming more powerful.
The hatred of the Chinese regime, which one finds in the Western media, does not seem to be deserved. I don't see them as a vicious regime.
That's because you're not paying attention. They banned traveling in and out of Wuhan, except international flights out of Wuhan, ensuring worldwide spread. They lied and had their WHO parrot their disinformation about no human-to-human transmission and face masks not being useful and stopping incoming flights being 'racist'. They disappeared and killed whistleblowers trying to alert about the virus (which many are accurately calling the CCP virus). They're waging economic war against Australia and anyone else who dares push for an international investigation into the source of the outbreak. And this is just in relation to the most recent events. You don't know history at all.
I know that I went on a bit about this but - due to my experience - I get really offended when people attack China. It is not a simple matter of "China evil" as the Western media portrays.
That's likely because of communist brainwashing. It literally is Stockholm Syndrome. You're not allowed to criticize your masters under threat of severe punishment, so the fear they induce in you causes you to end up accepting their premises as true, regardless of any logic/rationale/evidence (which can't be true by definition, because they are good guys, as thinking otherwise is unacceptable/dangerous). Sorry to be this blunt. That's not referring at all to the Chinese people, of course. They are an awakening giant soon to overthrow their Draconian (more literally than most people imagine) overlords. In the long run criminal destructive ideologies like communism won't last.

I am not even going to respond to all that.
I am not Chinese nor am I a communist.
And the sheer virulence with which you repeat every negative media story about China betrays your biases.

You pretty well nailed it except you left out Walmart.
There is the story of Rubbermaid. The Ceo (CR) met with the Ceo of Walmart. (CW).
CW told CR you need to get your prices down. CR said we are as low as we can go. CW said well you will have to cut down on your labor costs. CR said these are Americans and we cannot cut their wages, it would damage them, their families and communities. CW said well “tough shit” we will be getting our supplies from Sterilite. They manufacture in China and we can sell their product cheaper. CR " we have over 300 employees at out Indiana plant. I can’t just tell them they have no jobs" CW “tough shit” This exchange was face to face extremely heated and ended up with Rubbermaid off Walmart shelves. Eventually those jobs were lost anyway and Rubbermaid is back in Walmart.
This is just one manufacturer out of thousands, that Walmart put pressure on. I have a friend who is a manufacturer and his product is the only product made in the US. He uses a local organization that helps disabled people to work. They do all his packaging. A new buyer came in and said they needed to source the product from China. He was told about the local disabled organization and the matter was dropped. It would have been extremely bad publicity for Walmart to throw disabled people out of work.
Walmart is nothing but a Chinese outlet store. The rise of Walmart corresponds exactly with the rise of China. Amerikaans have had to shop there because good paying jobs are and have been shipped overseas. I absolutely refuse to shop there.
Shopping at Walmart and other Chinese outlet stores is like crack. It feels good at the time but you will suffer down the road. It should be noted that a large portion of our manufacturing is in the production of raw materials such as lumber and mining which are shipped overseas.
I am currently building and trying to find products made in the US is damn near impossible. I could not find one NOT ONE ceiling fan made in the US. Porter Cable used to be made in Jackson Tenn. They are now in China and their tolls are shit. The town of Breaux Bridge La. has a crawfish festival every year. This is right on the edge of the Atchafalaya Basin the 2nd largest swamp in the US. It used to produce vast amounts of crawfish. The crawfish served at the festival now comes from China. Frozen apple juice and apple juice from concentrate comes from China. As Amerikaan as Chinese apple pie. China is one of the most polluted places on the planet and we import food from there. There is no USDA or FDA (not that I am a big fan of them) regulating anything in regards to food production.
China is not the only reason the US is in decline economically, in manufacturing, etc but it is a very large piece and so called Amerikaan companies are contributing big time, along with politicians like the Clintons etc. You cannot have a strong inverted totalitarian surveillance state with a strong middle class. There has been a systematic decimation of the middle class for over 4 decades, from the killing jobs to the killing of unions.
So Island Girl I am definitely with you.
I guess we are on our own

No Need to go to Tibet if you have been to China. There is no more Tibet. The people are worse off than Native Americans living on the res. The culture is destroyed, the monasteries are almost all gone and have either been turned into ruins or warehouses. Thousands of years of artifacts and manuscripts are gone. The native population has largely been replaced by Chinese.
The Tibetan people are the kindest, gentlest, most loving people I have ever met. What the Chinese have done to Tibet is a crime against humanity. I will never ever forgive China for what it has done to those people and that land.
btw my partner has adopted 2 young Tibetan girls. They are the sweetest girls you would ever want to meet.They live in India and like other Tibetan refugees their fate is determined by the goodwill of the Indian government now under the control of that wacko Modi.
Peace back atya

I like to see things with my own eyes, talk to people and make my own decisions on things like that.
Also, I love mountains. I also want to see the Central Asian plateau. I have been in the Himalayas before but never in Tibet.
The problem is that I am almost 70 and I better do this soon or I won’t have the strength to do it at all.

Bob, I am doing well, thank you. No, not feeding the block yet - will need the park across the street for that LOL. But the City & many locals are actively planning for lots more community and helping to develop personal gardening for any and all living situations & spaces. I plan to get involved in that as a volunteer when it is safer to do so from the Covid-19 risk perspective.
Re the economy, I do believe the answer to why it is being trashed can be found in that saying crisis = opportunity. The globalists will just step in and buy up / take over all businesses, real estate and resources on the cheap after mass failures everywhere, thereby furthering their control. They do not care one whit about what happens to the people. The more of us who perish the better as far as they are concerned, IMHO. Those that survive the pandemic and the economic fallout will live a highly controlled, dystopian communist style existence. I think there will be pockets here and there that are less affected than other areas, but life will still be very different. As discussed in the Kunstler podcast, it is only a matter of time before obtaining the necessities of life for the majority will become challenging, to say the least.
Your plans are coming together nicely from what you have said Bob. I am happy for you and your wife! Your longtime solid relationship, a real rarity in today’s world, is a form of real wealth, serving as a foundation supporting all else that you do. Best wishes to you both going forward, and stay well!

The face of the “enemy” often looks quite different when you are on the ground among them. Another “enemy” that the US has been trying to overthrow for 40 years is Cuba.
It is interesting to look at how Cuba has responded to the CORVID19 pandemic and compare it to the US.
Cuba has twice the per-capita # of doctors as in the US. In fact it has more doctors per capita than any other country. It remains a poor country hobbled by economic warfare from the global Empire at it’s doorstep, or by an inefficient economic system---- take your pick according to your ideological bias. Fact is that it has a highly developed public health system in part due to being ravaged regularly by hurricanes.
Cuba also has long term experience developing anti-viral medicines to combat tropical diseases like malaria and dengue fever. As a result it has available a full portfolio of potential anti-corvid19 inhibitors like Interferon-alpha-2. So when the corvid19 landed on it’s beaches in the form of Italian tourists it was better prepared than most other countries. Not by having thousands of mechanical ventilators (with their 80-90% kill rate) but with hundreds of thousands of health care workers who were able to knock on every door once a week and identify those who showed signs of illness. And once the potentially infected were identified, they could be treated by antiviral medicines to minimize the severity of the disease.
As of June 9 Cuba has joined New Zealand as the only two countries who have officially declared the corvid19 virus under control after 9 days without a single death.
The facts couldn’t be more stark.
Cuba: Population 11,326,616
#of confirmed cases: 2295

of deaths: 85

New York City: Population: 18,804,000

of confirmed corvid19 cases: 208,097

of confirmed deaths: 17,507

Plus additional probable deaths: 4,692
Looks like a health care system that was designed to maximize the profits of the owners leaves something to be desired.

Coronavirus was present in Italy as early as December 2019 (study of the Turin Institute of Health).
Result obtained from the historical samples of the water from the purifiers of the cities of Turin and Milan.
Here is the link to the newspaper article (italian language):


The mainstream racism narrative is one extreme (anti-black racism needs to be addressed). Yours (the story of anti-black racism has been misused to justify racism in the other direction - even violent crime) seems to be close to the other extreme. I would argue that it’s more nuanced than this and that there is most likely truth to both.

It has been confirmed in my state - New Jersey in the USA - as of November of 2019.
The medical authorities went back and tested blood samples from unknown diseases (which they thought had just been a bad version of the flu) and found out it was Covid -19.

After admitting that he lied to the American people, thereby putting millions at risk of infection, shouldn’t Fauci and his entire staff be fired and face prosecution. Reckless endangerment? Is Pence guilty of lying also? Millions of masks could have been made at home for basic protection if the “good” doctor had been honest and asked for the public to help. Thousands were made by volunteers. I’m so weary of the lies.

Sorry, thought you were, I’d hardly characterize this community as the Borg