Outrage! Why The US Government Lied To Us About Masks

Not characterizing the Chinese people as evil. I too have experience with China. I know several Chinese dissidents. I know people who were forced to have abortions in the one child policy. And I’ve seen photos of the concentration camps where the Uighur muslims are held. I coudl go on, but I won’t. As far as I am aware, despite our many faults we don’t yet have that sort of thing going on in the US. Let’s not create false dichotomies. I characterize these sorts of things as vicious - they offend my moral sensibility.

Yes, M Mast, glad you told that story. I remember it. It is truly horrifying how the American worker has been cut off at the knees. Like you, I have been unable to find anything not made in China. The odd thing is made in Malaysia or Bangladesh. I have no problem supporting workers in the developing world, but I take serious issue with paying slave wages and deliberate currency manipulation to artificially lower the price of your product to undercut the US worker and drive our companies out of business. Just Play Fair. The only thing I have recently bought made in the USA was Weathertech. I support small entrepeneurs when I can. I live in a midwern farm state. I recently bought a package of pumpkin seeds from a local distributor here. I kid you not, pumpkin seeds, you know, from the pumpkin farms around here?. Turn the package over: Product of China. The point of my original post had nothing to do with the Chinese people. My point was that we negotiated away our manufacturing base for political and economic reasons , including financing our deficits. Now we are beholden for all things manufactured and since we are also the borrower we are enslaved to the lender. So no masks, ok, because 3M makes them not in Minnesota but in China. Don’t even get me started on the tech industry, we were lulled into creating monopolies - Microsoft, Amazon, Google etc. Now they are the only game in town you have to join a subscription service and can’t even own your own software, movies etc anymore. I’ll admit I was duped.

I am going to flat out tell not a chance in hell. They would never keep blood samples from november for the flu. or any other illness. I have worked in the hospital and i have a relative that works in the lab and is phlebotomist, I assure they do not keep samples this long. In fact they should keep them about 24-48 hours in case the doctor will need to repeat a test or add a test, but 100% of the time when they call the lab to do so, the blood is gone already and they need new blood draw… Even though we take about 1o times as much blood to run the tests for this purpose. Its just not practiced. If you were to start to save blood from your random patient for the flu or other health issues, we would be buried in blood knee deep. So, as someone on the inside. I am sure they didnt go back and test flu victims blood and find covid. I am sure of it. this only tells me more deception.

Great information Mohammed! Also covered in the Tom Hanks movie Hologram

Anyone who wants more in depth treatments of what Chris is talking about should avail themselves of: medcram.com and drbeen.com

Not wanting to pick sides here as I think China does and has done some terrible things and Europe/US has and does some terrible things, but just my 2 cents on a few things that stand out as being irrational IMHO:

And I've seen photos of the concentration camps where the Uighur muslims are held. I coudl go on, but I won't. As far as I am aware, despite our many faults we don't yet have that sort of thing going on in the US.
Let's not forget our recent history; that in forming the US, Europeans believing themselves to be racially superior committed mass genocide of indigenous populations and at the same time introduced mass slavery and slaves to the continent. I don't see why China's moral compass should be aligned to ours when it hasn't gone through the same things we have.
They banned traveling in and out of Wuhan, except international flights out of Wuhan, ensuring worldwide spread.
This makes it sound like it was China's intention to infect the world. Apart from there being no rational motive, at the time Western governments were busy repatriating their citizens from Wuhan by plane, so obviously our governments wanted international flights to be allowed. I was skeptical about the risk of this at the time and I doubt proper quarantine was observed in all cases, but that's not China's fault, that's on us.


Let's not forget our recent history; that in forming the US, Europeans believing themselves to be racially superior committed mass genocide of indigenous populations and at the same time introduced mass slavery and slaves to the continent. I don't see why China's moral compass should be aligned to ours when it hasn't gone through the same things we have.
I'd say the CCP's current moral compass is more aligned with, say, that of Germany circa 1938, versus that of the modern-day EU. An observation: the closer you are to the tip of this particular spear, the less "theoretical" it turns out to be. One man's distant concern over "moral compass alignment" is another man's very real concern over a possible forced organ transplant experience. And history may have some relevance for us today. Do we remember what happened when Germany decided to expand its "sphere of influence"? It was a disagreeable experience for the neighboring countries. And it was also pretty expensive to roll back.

A couple of comments on Chris’s latest video.
Firstly, he again seems to imply that New Zealand did well with Covid-19 partly through the use of masks. I wish he would stop doing that, as it is simply untrue.
Secondly, in the article by Peter Turchin he read this phrase, “In some cases, societies come through relatively unscathed by adopting a series of judicious reforms initiated by elites who understand that we are all in this together.” I can’t get to the full Bloomberg article due to a paywall but wonder if he mentioned any examples of this or is it just wishful thinking?

Not the greatest study, but, hey, it’s a start…

One man's distant concern over "moral compass alignment" is another man's very real concern over a possible forced organ transplant experience.
Nasty business for sure, and I'm all for nudging China towards more human rights as we in the West see them, but I think a bit of historical humility is called for considering our forefathers committed just as nasty genocidal acts in the not too distant past. One sidely calling China viscious, comparing them to Nazi Germany and saying that we don't do those sorts of things in the West only helps to polarize and we all know where that leads. I don't want to be too relativistic here, because as you say there are real world consequences to these things in the here and now, but in my opinion the moral compasses of the governments of all 3 world 'super power' countries are losing their way. I think fundamentally because they've all abandoned any form of religion other than the worship of their own ego's.

I have zero interest in comparing Germany to China. I cannot change what happened 90 years ago. I cannot change what is happening now. What I can do is bring attention to the complete destruction of a people, culture and environment by the CCP.
What is happening in real time now is genocide. Yes it is what white Euros did to Native Americans. That is in no way an excuse for the Chinese. Are there dissidents in China? Of course, and they are as powerless as Amerikaans to effect change.
China is at economic war with the west. This is an indisputable fact. With a population of 1.4 billion people it has to suck up every resource it can and sell it to as many people as it can. If it doesn’t the fat cat politicos will have trouble maintaining their heads on their torsos.
The Chinese have no problem doing economically to everyone else what they are doing to Tibet. I get that Amerikaans are geographically challenged and myopic when it comes to the rest of the world. Most could not have located Vietnam, Libya, Iraq, etc. until we bombed the shit out of them.
There is a great big world out there, unfortunately it is a giant geopolitical chessboard on which we are the pawns. The only vote we have is with our feet. We can choose to support a totalitarian regime that is committing genocide or not. The evidence is clear if one cares to look. Just take a drive through the “rust belt” . That is not the past that is the future.

I respect what you are saying and your experience, but I am not making this up.
This is one of the stories on it.
In this particular case, the man was ill in November. He was not ill since. It was originally thought to be a flu but later, on testing, he showed antibodies for Covid 19, indicating that the disease he had in November was Covid -19. Now, this wasn’t specifically the testing of an old blood sample but, in other stories, I read that there were plans to test blood samples as far back as June or July. Now, in the other stories, I do not remember the details of who planned on doing the testing or how the samples were preserved or by whom they had been retained, but that is what the articles said. I read these stories quite a while ago because it was (and still is) unclear how long this disease has been in the population. But I clearly remember the concept of back testing and the intent of the researchers to back test blood samples.

What is happening in real time now is genocide. Yes it is what white Euros did to Native Americans. That is in no way an excuse for the Chinese.
Just to be clear I'm not saying that this is an excuse. Just that if we start thinking of the Chinese as viscous barbarians, then we're just lining up another world war, where genocides could well be around every corner.  

I will now start thinking of the Chinese as a convent of Mother Theresa’s
Thanks for the course correction

I thought we were having a grown up discussion? Please come back when you’ve outgrown flippant sarcasm.

If there is profit to be made, why hasn’t the market been flooded with masks? How long would it take a company that has never produced an N95 mask to produce an N95 mask? Feels like something is in the way. Regulations? New masks need an FDA sticker? How are imported N95 masks certified?
What is really going on?

The genocide is going on in real time not just around "your " corner.
The Chinese are vicious barbarians. I have seen it. Just because you haven’t doesn’t mean it isn’t true. You want a grown up conversation present some facts. Or better yet go to Mcleod Ganj. You can see for yourself the effects of Chinese benevolence.

https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-06-19-conservatives-freak-out-over-masks-nonsense-irrational-fear.html Very good article from Mike Adams on this.p on how some well have a case of stupid 19.

Hi Chris,
I hope you read this. I think it would be great to showcase a jurisdiction in North America that has experienced success managing the virus. Our Provincial Health Officer in British Columbia is the same person who showed the world how to squash SARS back in 2003 when she lived in Toronto. Dr. Bonnie Henry has had write ups in the New York Times (see below). BC has a population slightly more than New Zealand. Most of the people live in the crowded lower mainland. There are 5 health authorities. My health authority (approx 800,000 popn) has not found a single case of COVID 19 for 30 days on Vancouver Island. The test positive rate is ridiculously low now. Early in the pandemic they discovered flaws with the testing kits so UBC developed a replacement testing kit. I think it is back in early March our province had tested more people than the entire US. The BC government is currently run by a coalition of a socialist party and the Green Party. The government put the PHO in charge of the pandemic right from the beginning. Also, BC’s universal health care system enabled the hospitals to align services to handle the pandemic. Since the government owns every bed they aren’t reliant upon patients paying for those beds. BC also bought hotels to house homeless people to isolate those infected or at risk of infection. There is one negative result with all these positive actions, the opioid epidemic has actually killed more people than the virus in BC. Fentanyl no longer comes up from the states since the border was closed back in March. I also attached an NYT article on how government run health care and private health care played out differently between Canada and the US. Remember, in Canada health care is administered by the provinces and territories. We do not have single health care system we have more than 13. Dr. Tam is only our federal health officer. The federal health officer only coordinates between provinces. We did have a coordinated response for PPE. Alberta ordered tons of PPE in January. When Trump blocked our supply of PPE Alberta supplied the country with its surplus.
If you do want to use my name, just “Andrew” will do. I have also posted a government chart where you can see some stats.
here is the current dashboard for BC https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/a6f23959a8b14bfa989e3cda29297ded

Just to be clear, “Chinese” aren’t vicious barbarians. It’s their government, the CCP.
I have many, many Chinese friends - from the mainland, and from Hong Kong, and from Taiwan, and those born in America from Chinese parents who fled communism. These people are NOT barbarians. They are really good people. Good people, with fine morals, a rich culture - hard working, well educated, trustworthy - the whole bit.
The government? This is the same gang who lied about “no human-to-human transmission.” Who deliberately allowed travelers from Wuhan to infect the rest of the world. (Yes. They really did that.) Who lied about the “wet market”. Who stuffed that poor Chinese doctor who tried to tell everyone, and (I believe) eventually killed him when he became too well-known. (Best hero: a dead hero). The same group puppeted the WHO to lie about “masks not working” while they ran around buying up all the PPE. And of course their seizure of Hong Kong 27 years early. “Just because.”
And I’m not even going into the concentration camps, and the forced organ harvesting.
The CCP are not good actors. We should decouple. Let them sort things out on their own. I have learned the hard way in life that you should only do business with people that have a moral compass. Otherwise, regardless of how good things look initially, you’ll end up being sorry.
Decouple. Pull the plug. Don’t look back.