Pardons, Propaganda and Power Plays

But with changes in the policies once they enter the country, that won’t be an issue anymore right? I thought Trump is rounding them all up and shipping them out. Why would a family try to enter the country in those kind of conditions?

Right, but that was only a problem because they knew that once they crossed the border, the border patrol was compelled to pick them up and welcome them into the country. With that policy changing, why would anyone hike miles through the desert to get in the US, knowing full well that with Trump’s new policies they’ll just get shipped right back out?


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A lot of people move back and forth delivering drugs, children or worse. They don’t do this because of policy.

The illegals who are coming for opportunity are, as a whole, certainly influenced by policy, but the lack of friendly policy will send the most stubborn to the unfenced areas.

Build a wall. Good fences make good neighbors. Build a wall seal that border, get rid of the criminals, then give it some time and see how we can handle those left.

I am a softy and lean toward letting those who came and have not committed crimes and who found work while our policies beckoned them stay with a path to citizenship.

But I believe the wall needs built first then policies need corrected. Then people can start waiting their turn for legal immigration again.

Additionally there needs to be more scrutiny of industries know to hire illegals and exploit them. It wrong for so many to be working and to not have the security that being legal would afford them. They become victims to criminal gangs from their homes countries and such as that.

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I still don’t understand this logic. A lack of friendly policy will keep everyone out who is looking for a better life in the US. For the insavories who have other agendas in coming across, they will find a way across regardless. There is no need to go into desert wilderness to build a wall.

I will try to re-word it. I opine that the majority of the illegals are coming for opportunity even though they are breaking the law to do so. The easy terms of recent policies make being caught as an illegal a mere bump in the road. Many come through crowded check points with fake papers, others are transported by non profits or even our own government agencies. If those policies change, and resources dry up the more stubborn or desperate will avoid border crossings and more population dense crossings and seek places further from likely detection so they don’t risk being picked up. I think that a change in policy will drive them to the more remote places to enter the USA.

The drug dealers and child traffickers and such already use remote areas to come in. Making it hard by having a fence they cannot simply drive a truck full of whatever across will slow things down.

To clarify I have been discussing illegal immigrants, not those who are applying to come in and waiting their turn, those folks are immigrants not illegal immigrants.

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I just posted an excerpt from my PP comment below to your recent Twitter/X post.

Agree that the Biden last minute pardons may be deemed null and void on Constitutional issues for improper delegation of Executive authority and incapacity – but there may be more utility in keeping them in place in the near-term (. . . @ PP members discussion)”.

My understanding is that for a “pardonee” (the pardoned individual) to get the benefit of the Presidential pardon the individual must expressly legally “accept” the pardon.

There is a legally binding quid pro quo it seems when a pardonee accepts a Presidential pardon – such that the pardonee is admitting guilt to all applicable offenses covered by the pardon AND the accepted pardon is then contingent on the pardonee disclosing in good faith all the details regarding the offenses (criminal or otherwise) upon request to Government authorities conducting an investigation into the scope and nature of the pardonee offenses.

The Biden Presidential pardons – may be prima facie null and void for Constitutional reasons – but strategically may have value in the near-term for the purpose of applying leverage in connection with investigation aimed at uncloaking and taking down the Deep State (DS) and DS operations more broadly.

Presumably, if a pardonee that accepts a Presidential pardon then breaches the assumed duty to cooperate and disclose in a timely manner and in good faith all the details of the pardonee offenses covered by the pardon – the pardon becomes null and void for breach – and then the corresponding binding of the Federal Government not to prosecute the pardonee under the same is dissolved.

Therefore, the Biden-last-minute-pardonees might be very valuable assets for the incoming Trump Administration – in connection with investigating, identifying, and perhaps publicly uncloaking DS decision makers, and kneecapping and derailing ongoing DS sponsored activities.

The potential risk here is that just as the DS controlled puppet Biden pretendency weaponized the DOJ and used selective investigation and prosecution to attack political enemies – some in the Trump Administration may be tempted to do the same – and keep (give a free-pass to) “correctly” aligned or re-aligned elements of the DS and the corrupted puppets in the intel complex.

My sense is that the DS complex is not monolithic in ideology, strategy and tactics - regarding maintaining a system of elitist hierarchical dominance, control and repression of the-little-people. A faction of the DS may be employing a pivoting strategy - to a Trump-centric-orbit (at least for now).

The latter point is very disturbing to the Constitutional libertarians that conditionally and tentatively supported Trump and are substantially responsible for his election as the current U.S. President.

Some early emerging Trump foreign policy tactics and initiatives appear to be complementary to the indicated emerging DS pivoting strategy. In this regard, it appears that toxic U.S. imperialism perhaps is alive and well – but just re-branded - say hello to the new boss just like the old boss?

Evidence of the DS “pivot strategy” - can be seen in the Trump geopolitical territory expansionist agendas – regarding Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal – putatively justified under the tried-and-true State sponsored “National Security” narrative. Trump last month stated that “ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity” for US national security – and apparently has not ruled out using military force? Wow!

Just to be clear there may be very real strategic national security issues visa vee Canada (aka having a potentially hostile controlled crypto-communist State on the U.S. border) or the Panama Canal (now apparently substantially under Chi-com control). The Greenland play just seems to be based on the U.S. wanting to take someone else’s stuff – by force if necessary.

My sense is that some supporters of Trump (non-forever-Trumpers) are having trouble conceptually distinguishing between the old DS expansionist strategy under the rubric of U.S. exceptionalism and the emerging expansionist strategy under the incoming Trump Administration. The distinguishing feature that I can see right now is that the former is based on pluralist-Globalism ideology – and the latter is based on neo-protectionist Nationalism; and both are window-dressing – and perhaps complementary facades for an ongoing morphing DS system of elitist hierarchical dominance, control and repression.

Just to be clear – Trump appears to be doing some excellent things to take-down the DS and reverse toxic activities from the same – however, other emerging Trump activities optically look very bad to me and other Trump supporters. Some forever-Trumpers will automatically without critical substantive analysis - simply label the above observations and comments as subversive, misguided and counter-productive to what they see as the endgame. My response is that never-Trumpers and forever-Trumpers are two sides of the same programed-political-coin – used by the DS to enslave us.

The question (I think) is how to support Trump and at the same time not become what we-the-people have been fighting against and continue to be part of the ongoing positive, non-violent, plenary, spiritual non-sectarian populist Great Awakening.

Aside: Can someone at PP tell me - when does it get easy?? :blush:

As always thanks for your reporting and analysis.



Apparently it’s all in the book

Yup. “All the President’s Money”, by Rep. James Comer, tells all. See for the summary

For four years and then what? If Regan had been able to get the wall built back in the 80’s, we would be in a very different place.

A wall will continue as policies change, it will detour people from even starting.

Many travel back and forth across that border. The wall would make it a harder decision to come here, by making it harder to go home and back.

There was a murder trial involving a pedophile years ago. An online crime solver community had posted some details related to the case. The suspect, an American, had traveled back and forth to Mexico and was known too have literally walk back into the United States after having been engaged in pedophilia in Mexico. In some cases he took a cruise and did not reboard the ship then found his way home, perhaps unfortunately.

No, it was MY bad, you were right, Trump did not have his hand on the Bible, but Vance did. It is a tradition but not a requirement. It’s very strange because Melania was holding 2 Bibles right next to him. You would think she would have reminded him if he forgot.

Possible explanation: he feels he never lost the Presidency to begin with, so didn’t need to do it?

If he just forgot, I really think he should re-do it, because people are upset and confused by this.

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…It is also true that some people believe it is wrong to swear on the Bible, but it would be nice if he would give an explanation. Why have the Bible there at all?

Thank you for clarifying!
Yeah it’s kind of odd especially knowing Melanie is deeply faithful person…
Would be interesting to got his explanation…

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Yep, Biden’s pardons are judicially reviewable and unconstitutional.


:pray: :hugs: :clap:

It was reported shortly after; they began the swearing in before Melania got to him with the Bible. He should have stopped the proceeding until the Bibles got to him but I suspect he was preoccupied.

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I was sent it by a D.C. law firm, but Googling it, I’m now not sure the Twitter story is true, but the conclusion must be.

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