Peak Davos and Tyrants - LIVE

Can’t Be More Blatant Than This…

The Davos crowd is so smug with themselves in their self-appointed positions as ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ that they feel comfortable and self-righteous enough to unveil their intentions and don’t need to hide it anymore.
It fits right into Desmet’s theory of mass formation that the more absurd the sacrifice required, the more the masses will fawn over the supposed saviour and rush to fulfill the requirements of maintaining subscription to the group.
It is obvious to me that all of the economic leaders that belong to this Davos crowd have succumbed to the mass formation because nobody who has the mental ability to have amassed fortunes and businesses such as theirs would ever accept the “Davos- proposed” solutions unless they themselves have become irrational in their thinking.

I just read an interesting article at Naked Capitalism. The author puts it succinctly. The Davos crowd sees national governments as the enforcement arms of global-capitalist-technocrats. The technocrats, themselves, have no national affiliation. They have only a class affiliation to their co-global-capitalist-technocrats. National governments are just their tools.
Real democracy is a threat to these people. It is the absolute last thing they want. They have nothing but contempt for those outside their class. And that is why the current democracy simulation is more and more being seen by most people as only a simulation. The Davos crowd, arrogant in their power, don’t even care about keeping the pretext up anymore.
You can see this arrogance in Kerry’s statements to the WEF. These people see themselves as the rulers of the world.


To back this up, well, pictures don’t lie. Running that shitshow in NZ has taken its toll.


I think that it was Sartre said, “by the age of 50 you have the face you deserve.”


Same Haircuts

If you are a Beatles fan, the haircuts were to cover up Billy Shears’ aka Faul’s, plastic surgery scars. They all got brain implants so the puppet masters don’t have to worry about anyone slipping up on the script.

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Sorry I Missed This Live


Did I actually hear that right? Wish I’d been a fly on the wall to be certain…

unfortunately yes from my observation of the woke mob on the front lines… because of helicopter parenting they were never allowed to grow up… of sure you’ll have the 1% fanatics in there but for 99% of em
A. They don’t understand consequences exist, anything remotely uncomfortable is a trigger and they have the establishment protect them and beat on those making them uncomfortable “cancel culture”
B. Because of Wealthy parents/government tit “DMV job or Welfare” they don’t have to work or at least be half awake and functioning, they are just bored and dissatisfied with life and looking for any purpose to feel important…ANY purpose "mommy and daddy said they were special! why are they not rich and powerful like Elon Musk too its not fair!.. it must be “XYZ’s” fault they are evil plotters who took away their dream life they were entitled too.
C. Just like high school they want to be popular and be welcomed in the in crowd… “think rich kids that wear the current name brand styles that change every month vs the poor one that can’t afford to keep up” and the poor kid that desperately wants to join…for an example they are die hard loyal to Ralph Lauren jeans while they are popular, but dump em in a heart beat when Guess jeans are all the rage… but they have absolutely no loyalty to the brand… just to the crowd… they are in a constant struggle for the crowd to affirm they are important… no self esteem, no self worth…
Now don’t get me wrong they are dangerous and powerful as a crowd… Stand 20 feet from 400 of of em when they are working up the courage to charge as a group and you know what I mean… but individually they are weak… and they don’t have loyalty to any particular cause because its right… oh they are passionate about it for sure… but just because its popular not because it stands for anything for them… other than a scapegoat enemy for their own lack of self confidence…
Its not like a bunch of people drawing a line and standing together and fighting for their freedom… willing to die on the sword if necessary… they have no real alliance, no real loyalty to the cause or each other , no real individual strategy… just herd riot mentality… Their true power is #'s, Fear through Bullying, and random violence… and of course the WEF system funding/supporting/protecting and using them…


Somewhere i read they thought the maximum # of people to control was 500 million… and 8 billion was just too much to control… too many variable … now I cant fathom how either # can be controlled and don’t know if that’s because the inner circle can only get so big before it can’t be controlled… but in the Limits to growth report they did back in the 70’s they were for sure worried about gas and nitrogen reserves running out… it may really just be the useless eaters argument and finite resources…


And she’s only 42! It’s either that ring or maybe a morgul syringe, I tell you.

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Part of me is starting to wonder if PEAK OIL wasn’t prematurely engineered to happen now… Now I’m not saying peak oil isn’t real and will definitely happen but 2 things are gnawing at me…
First Chris showed charts of oil exploration the last 5 years and its what 5 or 6 trillion short?? sure we can say thats because of market forces and low oil prices etc… but Chris has already demonstrated the market is rigged. So why was it rigged this way?
Second Blackrock and Vanguard own a major share in all the oil and gas companies… they guys that are pushing ESG to stop using oil and gas… and as stated before the CEO works for the board, who are elected by the investors who are Blackrock and Vanguard… what if Black and Vanguard INTENTIONALLY had the board pressure the oil and gas CEO’s to cut the investment in oil and gas exploration 6 years ago to bring on peak oil now… to enable the Great Reset by 2030? If we would have spent the 6 trillion 6 years ago would the world be in as dire straights as it is now?
Then of course add on the perfect timing of COVID as a great opportunity for the 2030 great reset… its starts to hurt my head how deep this rabbit hole can go…


I read comments in response saying that it is fake. I don’t know, just putting it out there to be skeptical. I think there is a longer original version you can see where he is referring to something else, but I haven’t looked it up. In this day and age of AI we need to be ever vigilant to not believe anything that pops up.


Spiritual Battle

This is, at its core, a spiritual battle between two visions. One is awed by the source of creation, humbled by its majesty, respectful of our shared place in it. The other seeks to control and transcend it. There is nothing like arrogance and contempt to give a soulless life meaning. They must destroy to build back better, in their own image and likeness, transcending human limitation and even the inevitability of death.


It’s edited. Not real.

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Where are the young people? Well lately, going to the funerals of their friends and siblings.
There is nothing like watching people your own age trade in a mountain bike for a walker or go from rave to grave to make a person question authority.
I love the generation that is now. The young who are free are very, very passionate about their freedoms, because they’ve had to fight their culture to earn it. The culture that the young face now is a death cult, and the kids who are awake know it.
To me, the young people are the ones who listen and consider what you have to say. Not the purple haired gender dysphoric young people screaming slogans, but the regular young people. I like talking to them. It’s the unwoke Boomers who are zombies.


Climate Chain

Maybe they need to quit messing with the Earths Biosphere.

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Nuclear Power

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Cimate Change

Check out Dane Wigington of Geoengineering Watch.Org

I have mentioned this on other forums where Dane Wigington has been interviewed. Dane is doing the exact same mistake as the Climate Change crowd. He is blaming every aspect of weather on geoengineering. If it’s too cold, too hot, too wet, too dry, too sunny, too cloudy, too humid , too dry on geoengineering.
The Climate Change crowd does the same thing. Every rock they kick over exposes climate change. Every rock Dane kicks over, he says it exposes geoengineering.


Ever see George Lucas’s early sci-fi THX-1138? There is another way to enforce “happiness.” In the film they use drugs.

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