Peak Davos and Tyrants - LIVE

Who Are We Up Against? Does This Link Help?

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with AI and other technology out there, itā€™s hard to tell if anything is real anymore.

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My first thought was that it was faked but, as the saying goes: The best place to hide a secret is to do so in plain sight.
Their game plan just might be to make their plans out in the open but make them so wildly absurd as to leave even the most skeptical thinking: Naw, they couldnā€™t possibly be that stupidā€¦

Great Podcast, But Why ā€œwater Turdā€ Again @01:00?

Really Chris, please stop given a platform to this despicable creature. Now I have to heal the gaps in my aura again.
Btw, I listened to Ed Dowd commenting about Davos. Supposedly that Pfizer guy Boulimia stated that a flood of new products would hit the market. Itā€™s somewhere at the beginning of this roundtable:
These frauds keep on giving!

In other words: one side is somewhat tethered to reality the other side are delusional and drunk on their own power.
Hubris meet Nemesis.
The ancient, ever repeating story.
We know how this endsā€¦

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There is this brilliant Southpark episode about ā€˜Smugā€™. In this episode, people were so ā€˜smugā€™ that they were kind of addicted to the smell of their own farts. This caused a major (climate) emergency.
We just saw Kerry being high on the smell of his own farts. And those people laughing and applauding were high on his, theirs, and the farts of the others.


Thought You Guys Would Enjoy The Irony

ā€œIā€™ve been trying to promote our upcoming event ā€œFree Speech on Trial: From Socrates to Social Mediaā€ onā€¦ social media. And guess what? 
Our ads were rejected: . . . Yup, apparently ā€œFree Speechā€ is apparently a controversial topicā€¦ something to beā€¦ censored.ā€


Yes, and no.
Yes, there is scepticism.
No, pfizer and other criminal companies will flood the market with new (mrna?) vaccines against myocarditis, etc etc. I bet ye, the majority of people will obediently take it, medical professionals will obediently give it, MSM will obediently promote it, politicians will obediently lie about it, medical personnel will obediently lie about the side effects, funeral homes will obediently burn the evidence. Parents, children, and friends will cry, and celebrate the courageous fight against so much bad luck of their loved onesā€¦


If so, why is Nancy Pellosi so damn hot?
Just kidding


Give it some time.

Think their strategy is to turn off all the engines that make society run. Disrupt all supply chains, take over the food production from farm to shelf. Halt production of fossil fuels. They have to have something up their sleeve because they are herding everything and everyone to the electrical grid. This is illogical given the need for electricity and right now you canā€™t charge your electric car between 4 -9 pm. The only way they can control everything is to have it all hooked up to the electrical grid, therefore you need to get rid of any alternative supply of energy. A lot of new rules for solar power. Smart meters for everyone. 5G for everyone. Electric vehicles for everyone. Vaccine passports for everyone. Digital dollars for everyone. It all points to herding people to the grid.
Recently there was a lot of media hype for fusion energy straight from the horses mouth - i.e.
If you search youtube there are a lot of videos on this.

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Do you remember what was happening in 2019 prior to the election? Protests everywhere including in Hong Kong! They were saying then we only had 10 years of fossil fuels. Then covid shutdown came along. With no demand for gas/oil the markets reacted. All of a sudden along with their poisonous shots, we suddenly have no oil/gas to speak of. Yes - itā€™s all manipulation.


I truly hope you are correct, just havenā€™t seen any signs of them taking any action, yet. Historically, it is the youth who lead on the ā€œfront linesā€, and they are sorely needed in this fight!

Thatā€™s methā€™d up, man.

Chris, could you interview Ben at Suspicious Observers? He talks about the magnetic poles shifting. The whole process is causing weather changes, among other things

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It has always been one particular three letter agency in the lead;


For Jan And Our Other Canadian Friends


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John Kerry Was Wrong

I thought the Peak Insiders were the ā€œSelect group of human beingsā€ I donā€™t know where John Kerry got the idea that it was them.