Peak Davos and Tyrants - LIVE

I posed this question to Brandon Smith from Alt-Media and he said the mRNA vaccine has to be kept at a certain temperature which is pretty cold or else it goes bad. He said that it would be very hard if not impossible for humans to digest mRNA vaccines in their food. However he mentioned that it can kill our food supply.
This is a topic I have requested that Chris Martenson would cover because he would do the research to know if it is possible.
The good news is that more and more of the Plebs are waking up to the WEF and Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros, Pfizer etc. If word got out that mRNA technology was being used in our food supply there could be violent protests around the world.

Interesting Thinking On Totalitarian Control From Cs Lewis And Jrr Tolkien

This is really long, but it has a lot of food for thought. Particularly around totalitarianism as an outcome of technology.
“In such a world, in which techniques of technological control must come to be applied to man just as they are applied to tree or iron, it is not “Mankind” as a whole that will gain such power. Rather, inevitably, “the power of Man to make himself what he pleases” means in truth “the power of some men to make other men what they please.””
Here’s another long piece by the same author on war.

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Yep and this was when facebook was actively censoring any qualified doctor saying the exact same thing about the jabs on facebook

If we look at logic and actions

So are we to believe Mark was just a really smart and observant individual? if so why did he intentionally censor this knowledge from the public and only share with his direct staff?..
OR did his handlers know it was bad stuff and tip him off because they needed him around to control the platform and couldn’t risk him disappears with SADS
 and he made the call “probably without approval to tip off his staff?”
Here is another individual that deserves a silver engraved invitation to NB 2.0

This ends with me hopefully staying the !#$% out of the way while it all comes to wrack and ruin.,

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Both the dynamic duo, Bret Weinstein / Heather Heying, and Robert Malone have recently mentioned this animal vaccine topic (as it relates to mRNA too). Is this part of the WEF’s plan to kill off our livestock and by way of them, us (i.e., even those who didn’t get the shots)?
Via Dark Horse, episode 155 (Dec. 31; this topic starts around 36’18"): 
Organic 101: Allowed and Prohibited Substances | USDA (Jul. ’22)

"Likewise, vaccines for animals are important disease prevention tools against many infectious diseases, especially since antibiotic therapy is prohibited in organic livestock."
Via Robert Malone (Jan. 11):
"The searchable website was made available to the public via the internet on February 29, 2000. makes searching for human clinical trials easy. For instance, a quick search reveals that there are over 50 clinical trials for mRNA vaccines in progress and over 200 registered.  

With animals, there is no such database. mRNA vaccines in the “animal health” or veterinary markets are difficult to track until the company or the USDA is ready to release information on that product’s development or release. The USDA and/or the NIH have no mechanism for tracking potential new vaccines, drugs or biologics for the animal market."
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Malone Posted My Dc March Sign!

I’m not the kind to toot my own horn, but I was beyond thrilled to see my sign amidst the resistance on Dr. Malone’s site today, honoring those great people who spoke in Lincoln’s shadow a year ago!
My sign (attached) was/is a tribute to all I’ve learned on this site from Chris and all of you. Speaking of, remember when a vlogger in a red coat was stopped in livestream that day to see if she was part of PP? :wink:
Thanks to all of you for being so inspiring!
PS Chris, could you please thank Dr. Malone for me? (I’m not on social media.)


Couple Of My Favourites From The Princesses Exit

Wef; Eugenics; Transhumanism, Etc. Vance Packard 1977–1yuD8AhXzMlkFHYtXBQE4FBAWegQICRAB&

Very well said. ???

Well said. I have been following these developments for decades now. They are slowly rolled out

“they thought the maximum # of people to control was 500 million
Perhaps that explains why they wrote “maintain humanity under 500,000,000” on the Georgia Guidestones.

Chrystia Freeland The Sbf Of Canada

Will Canada prove to be the FTX of sovereign(ish) states? Newland (the SBF of Canada) wants to invest $B’s to buy shares in a company that doesn’t exist. (dig for it)

Good To Hear Laughter

Chris, it was nice to hear you and Evie laughing. It made me realize the importance, resilience-wise, of injecting some levity amidst it all.
I especially want to thank-you for your segment starting ~12:10, “Point to the doll, John”. That got a good guffaw out of me!

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Konstanti Kisin And Jordan Peterson

[00:40:42] Evie: Who is that guy that ended up making a speech? I forget where what his name was, but he was speaking to younger, young, a younger crowd about what the real issue is and how it’s about, you know, poor people needing resources, creating a lot of the world’s sort of pollution, as it were. But they don’t they’re not there at that point of survival where they can’t think about, you know, climate change because whatever, like they’re just in that in that lower tier of of the hierarchy of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. And so the only way that we’re actually going to make the environment a little bit better. Do you know how are you. [00:41:23][41.1]
[00:41:23] Chris: Talking about the Konstantin Kisin was dressed in a in a yes, in a very nice tux. Yes. But he was speaking to I think Oxford students. Yes. Or might have been Cambridge. I can’t remember what it was, but. [00:41:32][8.8]
Reminds me of Jordan Peterson at Cambridge Union . See 23:20
“The data I’ve read indicate that if you can get the GDP of people up to about $5,000 a year, then they start caring about the environment and the environment cleans up.”