Peak Insider Live Replay Available!

I am hoarding Kirkland Vodka for the potential barter system :slight_smile:


If easily available, I would classify current situation as a DEF CON 0.

My neighbor is transferring a church cemetary to a private new corporation. They want him to post a federal & state labor law poster in the cemetary.
I am dying to see what happens.


Geez !

I am dying to see what happens.
That's funny, but only in the very "Darkest" sense of the word. You can't even leave this world without paying your "Exit Tax." The "tax" just for being here. And the people who benefit ? Same old crew. Yup. same old crew. -- Chuck

I donā€™t knowā€¦Iā€™m about to chuck it!!

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How Did I Miss This?

I didnā€™t get the e mail about this podcast. So sorry I missed it live.

When I get to feeling this way, I chuck wood.
Or, rather, I saw some wood, or I build something lasting out of wood.
Or, I just run some wood through my Router Table to make a moulding that I happen to like. We have wood from the Rain Forest that many woodworkers would give their eyeteeth for, and I can buy it from the Mennonites for fifty cents a board foot.
So, thatā€™s what I do. I take what we have here, and try to turn it into something beautiful and long-lasting.
The world will little note nor long remember, but Iā€™ve come to terms with that.
Taking that attitude has definitely improved my mental well-being.
Plus, sooner or later, somebody is going to need people who can take gorgeous wood and turn it into to gorgeous furniture.
Thatā€™s kind of what Iā€™m banking on.
But the principle would be the same no matter what a personā€™s individual talents might be.
This is not a time to decide to quit.
This is a time to decide what to quit, and what to keep doing.
My two cents.
ā€“ Chuck


I Missed This

So sorry I missed this last night. I didnā€™t get the e mail.

I swear this came from a Mennonite lady at a singles group long ago.
What does a religious lady like you want in life?
ā€œTwo Mennonite.ā€



In the recent Peak Insider, a tribe member mentioned relocating to Ecuador. I lived in Ecuador for almost 8 years. I was there for the transition from the Sucre to the US dollar. Interesting times. Also, Iā€™ve worked abroad in developing countries for 20+ years. Iā€™m happy to share what I know if itā€™s useful. Reach out if youā€™re interested.

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Completely relate. Iā€™m trying to build a cabin right now and the rules are a struggle.

Not planning on relocation but would appreciate your conclusions. Please feel free to private message me if you would prefer. Thanks

Hi CindyB, I read your post with great interest as I have bought a property a year ago in Saint David, AZ with the thought of trying to start a small permaculture cooperative community - of only 4 houses. It is only 1.25 acres but it has an artisan well that flows well without any pump and 2 100 year old houses plus an adobe small dwelling that needs refurbishing. Also a beautiful healthy pond that is 50x90 feet so it is not your desert landscape. I am like you but a little older, 74, and have always wanted to be off grid and a homesteader. Iā€™ve been close to that many times. The gardening potential of this lot is very good. And I am sure from what you said that we would be of like mind for sure. So if you would want to look into this we should talk. Not sure how to privately message people on this site but Iā€™ll figure it out. Or you can go to my website - google my name - Iā€™m an artist - and there is a contact form on it. Anyway, best of luck in your move back to the states. Take care, Jan

Doctor, Not Subsistence Farmer

The question from the anonymous doctor really hit home with me. I am also a physician, single, no kids. Iā€™ve been experimenting with growing a few things on my balcony in North Texas. But as a single, female of a ā€œcertain ageā€ there is no way I could fully operate a homestead all by myself. Especially since i have to keep doing my doctor job as I canā€™t afford to ā€œretireā€ yet.
I think too many people think they need to buy their own farm and do everything themselves. Iā€™m already realized that wonā€™t work. What works is having a community where everyone has diverse skills sets, diverse assets and physical resources. While I can do more than doctor stuff (for example, Iā€™d be better at contributing to security as itā€™s easier for me to go to the range every week to practice with firearms than it is for me to try to grow a lot of food), I also have a higher income that would allow me to contribute more financially to the right community. In such a community, there would likely be times when itā€™s all hands on deck for a particular task-say to prepare the garden and plant stuff, or at harvest time. Iā€™d be willing and able to participate in that. But I couldnā€™t spend a lot of time daily maintaining a farm.
We canā€™t be a bunch of lone wolfs. We have to figure out how to participate in communities in which different people bring different skills/knowledge/assets to the table.
By the way, in many states some basic insulins are available without a prescription. Sold at Walmart, itā€™s the older humalin, so higher risk of low blood sugar than more recent types. But for Type 1 diabetics, it will do the job. You have to ask for it at the pharmacy.


A New Way

There are quite a few videos out there of native American chiefs sharing their wisdom. One of them that stayed with me talked about how in days past they used to live according to their own schedule. If the preparations for a ceremony needed another day or two, they didnā€™t think anything of it. They started when it was ready and there was no need to rush. If someone felt like staying in bed and resting that day, they did and they didnā€™t feel guilty for it. If they felt like going out to hunt, they did. Life flowed.
The chief compared that with life today. Everything runs on a schedule and is governed by the clock. In many businesses itā€™s all about releasing a product before the competition. We must get this thing done so we donā€™t hold this other thing up. Hereā€™s an arbitrary deadline from on high that we must meet, for reasons. Make it happen. Rush rush rush. Tick tock. Tick tock.
The cult wants their great reset. I think we can count on one however something tells me itā€™s not going to be quite what the cult is expecting.
In a recent video Chris went over the psychological manipulations the cult uses. While they recognize behaviors that they can twist to their advantage, Iā€™m not sure that they have accounted for all aspects and the unintended consequences. Many have had significant time to reflect on their lives and recognize at the deepest level that they want something different. They may not be consciously aware however I suspect many have begun to recognize it and that awareness is rising. Itā€™s not natural to demand that everyone live according to an arbitrary schedule.
Itā€™s become obvious to me now that itā€™s impossible to plan for all possible outcomes. I feel like a broken record saying itā€¦ butā€¦ the answers are within and I believe the only way anyone is going to be able to navigate what is coming is to quiet the mind and learn to tune into what they already intuitively know. Change is coming.


To me ā€œFuck itā€ is simply the recognition that itā€™s impossible to predict the future.
I think itā€™s a natural reaction after tiring ourselves out by looking for answers from outside vs looking inside and listening to our intuition. Fighting the current vs letting life flow.

Good idea. I think Iā€™ll pick some up on the next Costco trip. Plus some more coffee, salt and spices. All for barter ļ»æ?ļ»æ

There is something about woodworking that speaks to me. The smells and textures. Just something about it.
Iā€™m hoping to move to a place with a large work shed and now that I think about it, getting back into woodworking would do me a lot of good.

Yep, family members with more resources than I think itā€™s funny that I have water, deep pantry, extra propane, etc, they joke that I should open a grocery store.

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No theyā€™re not, be sure to get the electric high pressure compressor and extra tanks though.