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Strict enforcement of building codes on private land like a ranch, somewhere out in the boonies or an addition to your house is not really a thing in Mexico and other latin america locales. High end residential and gated communities do have HOA’s and those can be a pain.

It’s all going to be about location, location, location and the RIGHT community of somewhere between 50 and 150 people.


Yeah, still working on that…

From Seneca

“To-day it is you who threaten me with these terrors; but I have always threatened myself with them, and have prepared myself as a man to meet man’s destiny. If an evil has been pondered beforehand, the blow is gentle when it comes. To the fool, however, and to him who trusts in fortune, each event as it arrives “comes in a new and sudden form,” and a large part of evil, to the inexperienced, consists in its novelty. This is proved by the fact that men endure with greater courage, when they have once become accustomed to them, the things which they had at first regarded as hardships. Hence, the wise man accustoms himself to coming trouble, lightening by long reflection the evils which others lighten by long endurance.”


E Bikes

2 years ago we installed a solar system in our property and we added another 6 540 watt panels this month bringing the total up to 20, this covers nearly all our daytime usage!
At the moment I feel the cost of batteries to be too expensive. However, the plan is to get a fully electric car early next year which can be hooked up to a Bi-directional charger, this would store excess production during the day and provide us with power when the sun is not shining.
In the meantime we bought 2 ADO 120F 500 watt e bikes costing $700 each which are great fun. Just for info, an inexpensive upgrade of the controller and LCD display has boosted the top speed of the bikes from 40km/h to 53 km/h available in 100% throttle mode or 4 pedal assist levels. Great Fun!

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Can you please provide the link for where you purchased these along with the speed upgrade. When I looked it said 25km/hr

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Hence, the wise man accustoms himself to coming trouble,

Very crucial.

I’ve been doing some bartering for avocados and figs on Nextdoor and have found there’s a HUGE market for eggs from our girls. Unlike the neighbors with lemon trees, which virtually everyone has, I always get a reply and have gotten some wonderful fruit on a regular basis. Avocados for months ! I’ve been studying fruit tree pruning and doing our own trees and offer that as well. Grafting is next. Yes I have a lot of extra booze, mostly vodka I use to make extracts, but I’m not sure how great a barter item it will prove be. It’s heavily touted but I’m still not convinced…maybe because I can take it or leave it? Coffee yes, if it comes to that. Praying it does not, but ready (and climbing) if it does.

We are considering Mexico, and are on our way to Guadalajara as I write this. My husband is Mexican, he grew up in Querétaro and we’ve spent quite a bit of time traveling there over the years. It is more dangerous now but it’s still on the table as an option. He added a second story on a house with no permits. Permits aren’t a thing there, for sure.