If someone had the intent to use force against you, it’s highly unlikely that they need YOU to provide ammo. They would arrive fully loaded.
Yeah. I think that is an excellent point. But ammo has high risk high reward.
I noticed the excessive emotion when the bad Orange man won.
It’s almost as if some integrated plan had been thwarted and some obsessive aliens were unable to process the fact.
Here’s my take. Advanced civilizations have to move beyond mere violence. Technology renders their weapons “very destructive”.
To wit. The Towers turned into a dust finer than talcum that blew miles away; a result unachievable by our civilization. Ref: Dr. Judy Woods, forensic architect.
Therefore, competing civilizations have come up with a set of rules about the circumstances by which a new planet can be colonized.
Hence the, “they must agree to be injected” injunction. The inhabitants of a newly revealed world have to also offer an invitation to be ruled. Hence the fear and despair. “Please save us from ourselves”.
“Newly revealed” nonsense? A case is mounting that the cosmos is powered by Birkland currents. Saturn was, until recently, our star; a red “dwarf”. (Saturn, Mars and Earth share a common axis of rotation)
We orbited beneath Saturn’s weak (hence red) discharge ionosphere. Safe from prying eyes.
Wal Thornhill predicted that Europa’s water and the water of Saturn’s rings would have the same isotope ratio as Earths. He was correct. (How did he know? I have my suspicions about Wal. He is putting us on a very steep learning curve.)
Our Birkland current was siezed by the sun and after a bit of argy-bargy, (in which Mars got the short end of the stick, and Venus was conceived), and here we are, butt naked.
Of cause I have left a lot out- this is not the place for a thesis.
More can be found on the Thunderbolts Project. Dr. Paul Robitaille takes the kudgels to the Standard model in “Sky Scholar”, as does Dr. Pari Spolter who spares not Newton.
Thanks for reading.
Add. Our plants are tuned for Red light, hence they are green. The red light of Saturn’s erstwhile Carona discharge.
At around 22 minutes in the above video, Chris talks about Plan A, B and maybe C for where he thinks it might be good to relocate to, away from the U.S. should things turn badly. In addition to what he adds, there are some other thoughts to be considered while considering “where” to go.
In addition to concerns for a failing community one may find themselves, there are concerns for Covid-19 policies, local politics, and economy. But too, there are massive concerns for climate change issues, which is everything when thinking about the future “where.”
If one has been watching weather events taking place throughout the world these past 5 years, it is very clear there are major weather changes taking place regularly everywhere via unprecedented severe weather events, which are rewriting real estate markets and economies. Areas in California which are affluent have become devastated by wildfires and drought. Local real estate markets have contracted due to people no longer wanting to live in such areas. Insurance companies are no longer willing to offer coverage for high risk properties. Funds are not being allocated for rebuilding in devastated areas Many homes are being purchased by FEMA due their becoming designated as unihabitable with a 100% chance of future climate damage.
Changes to jet streams are being closely monitored by NASA as they drift further northwards due to changes involving increased manmade CO2 and green house gases. And this is happening while Earth’s magnetosphere is very low due to the current pole shift taking place, which is part of a recurring Earth process, happening approximately every 20,000 years.
To further add to the problems, the sun is undergoing Solar Cycle 25, which is becoming one of the most active cycles recorded. Increasing numbers of strong coronal mass ejections are overcharging the troposphere. Recently, Elon Musk lost 40 satellites in a launch due to an overcharged Troposphere. https://nypost.com/2022/02/09/a-geomagnetic-storm-had-disastrous-consequences-for-spacexs-latest-effort-to-launch-starlink-satellites-into-orbit/
And there was also another load of satellites launched during this time frame, and they too were lost for the same reasons. CME’s push the Earth’s outer atmosphere with charged particles, which are responsible for the auroras in northern latitudes, and rather like a large finger pushing down into a soft pillow, the sudden force of cold air rushes down to the surface dramatically affecting surface temperatures. Scientists have discovered flash frozen Mammoths in Russia with chewed food still in their mouths. Not only are there risk from extreme cold air events, but the weakened magnetosphere is not there to protect our environment from charged particles from space. These particles are responsible for helping to heat up the planet as well. There are on average approximately 45-50 volcanoes currently active every day, adding metric tons of sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and water vapor, etc., to already stressed atmospheres.
Additionally, 8 new large sinkholes have been located around the Arctic, which are really blast sites from large methane deposits. Spanning hundreds of feet in depth and width great concern is there will be many more as permafrost continues to melt at an unprecedented rate. Worse, the amount of methane currently being released is not included in current estimates for green house gases and climate change models.
Putting together all of the pieces of the climate change puzzle, many factors are colluding to create extreme weather events everywhere. The where of plan B or even C will be VERY impacted by these factors. Migrations are already happening for people and creatures inhabiting areas undergoing drastic changes. They will become more and more amplified as the climate changes escalate, especially with jet streams greatly changing flow patterns. So when looking at where to set up a plan B or C, research the weather history of any area one may be thinking about. This is a rapidly changing situation for many areas.
For myself, after asking the “where” question for over a decade, I have decided to stay where I am. The new health, economic and political situations are changing as quickly as the weather, adding so much complexity to such important decisions, that make it seem there are no areas.
Important issues such as water, are now prevalent in the entire western United States in the form of drought, which is causing record wildfires. What used to be a large 25 year fire is now happening every year. Lands that were safe to inhabit are no longer safe. Lands that were water safe, are now in uncertainty.
In areas of Utah, they have run out of water. Areas like Denver and surrounding areas are nearly out of water. But too, water troubles are also increasing in the mid-west and southern parts of the country in the form of flooding. With more heat in the atmospheres, there is more water in them, driving more severe flooding, tornados and hurricanes. What used to be a safe area from past flooding is no longer safe. With greater heat in the atmosphere, winds of all types are also increasingly worse. Old tsunami inundation levels and records are now no longer valid due to increasingly rising sea levels. And these are also affected by increased vulcanism activity, which is being affected by every increasing larger CME’s. A complex and nasty loop.
While considering your Plan A, B, and C’s, please consider adding climate change and the changes it is causing locally, to the current financial, political and health concerns. Turns out for many, the “where” of things is quite the question.
I don’t believe in Climate change, other than the earth’s natural one. And judging by hundreds of years of data and the link between the Sun and earth, we are now going into a global cooling cycle. Given that climate change happens over years, it is not a factor. Sorry
Arthur said: “One of the advantages of being a Berserker.” (or Scots/Pictish blood, with a big side order of Neanderthal DNA)
Dave Fairtex said: “One thing I always try to remember: we all have free will. We just need to choose to exercise it. Sometimes there is no cost; sometimes the cost is large. But in just about every case, we do have free will.”
I guess it’s time to go re-watch Braveheart…
There are so many uncertainties it is better to keep as many options open as possible.
My dream solution is an airship, only because I have only a tenuous grasp on anti-gravity.
Collect all the trash polyethylene terapthalate that is garbage. (The stuff plastic Coke bottles are made of.)
Put them through a masticator. (Go look it up.)
The PET bottles are lightweight, reasonably uv resistant and tough. A coke bottle can withstand 3 atmospheres of pressure. In other words, if you fill it with air at sea level and take it into space, it won’t explode.
Extrude sheets of PET from the masticator (have you looked it up yet?). The sheets form the body. Wrap the body with carbon fiber, for extra strength.
Take the body down to the ocean and fill it up with water. (Sink it). Pressure test it.
Fill the body with Hydrogen, sans any other gas, to one atmosphere. There, you’ve got a vessel that will take you into space.
Build your living quarters separately. Place photocells on top. Attach the gondola under the vessel. Sunlight will shine through the vessel onto the photocells for power. (My calculations indicate ~142 kW. for a 120m ship.
The vessel remains at one atmosphere, regardless of altitude.
If the PET can handle the voltages, Townsend Brown’s propulsion is used to move the airship. (That’s how the stealth bomber works. It’s jet is a Van der graff generator, its leading edge an anode (?)
Then you have many more options than my yacht.
About those 40 lost Starlink Satellites…someone linked me this video and it really caught my attention. 3:50 and worth your time.
The idea here, that the earth’s poles are going walkabout and due for a reversal (which explains why the satellites were lost to otherwise completely unremarkable solar storms), is huge.
Nobody knows what life on earth will be like during the flipping event. Will too many charged particles and high-energy solar and cosmic rays penetrate for some species to carry on as normal? Will more clouds develop due to cosmic ray nucleation cooling the earth? Will high altitude wind patterns shift completely upending the last 10,000 years of rainfall patterns?
Nobody knows.
That’s why the above video has stuck with me since I first saw it a few days ago. I know nobody needs “one more thing” right now, but I couldn’t shake it, so here it is.
Wow. Eyes open. No fear!
The international community still can’t admit that SARS-CoV-2 was produced through gain-of-function research in a virology lab run by the Chinese military. Chinese defector virologist Li-Meng Yan warns that the Communist Party may use the Winter Olympics to initiate a new round of global biowarfare.
Some additional details here for anyone who may be interested:
Virologist Li-Meng Yan: China to use Olympics to spread hemorrhagic fever virus | Peak Prosperity
Chris: I’m so delighted to see you post the above Video! Of course you know what’s going on— you’re my favorite “know stuff” guy I’ve ever (not)met!
Thank you for all that you do! You have been a yuuuuge part of our family over the last few years, and it’s so refreshing to have a voice of reason among the bunch. Don’t ever change. (Unless the data does first).
—Sending some Alabama Love to you and Evie
Might the scheduling of this “walkabout” (which I’ve definitely heard about before) be known, and the timing of which drove my now-famous “Ticking Clock” - why the pandemic timing, getting rid of Bad Orange Man, etc?
I’m still looking for what started that ticking clock.
Well Dave, I know we’re casting about for some grand unifying theory to explain the urgency of Team Elite and just how brazen they are.
Is it Peak Oil?
Climate change?
A live awareness of how absolutely irrecoverably farked the financial system actually is?
Or is it something like this?
(Source - Historical Declination Viewer)
Note that the poles have moved more in the past 5 years than they did in the 250 years between 1590 and 1840.
"There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen" ~ Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.Maybe this frame of reference helps to explain Klaus' fixation on Lenin?

I think they will release small pox rather than hemorrhagic fever. My guess is they want something really scary with a high fatality rate that they can have a real working vax against but they can use it to get all the vax may sayers to take their “new and improved mrna smallpox vax”. They will get the real vax and all the peons will get the mrna kill shot. Since its smallpox with a 30% case fatality rate people will line up for the shot.
I am not sure exactly what is going on in the cosmos but solar cycles seem to be a likely cause. There are other people besides the suspicious observers crew with better credentials who think there is a huge solar influence in this. If I can remember the name of the people I will get a link and post it. Talking to my British coworkers and their weather has been pretty crazy lately. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/feb/20/storm-franklin-threatens-uk-weather-with-more-travel-chaos-and-power-cuts
we’re more used to crazy weather here in the US midwest so many of us have home generators and other things but the guys over there in the UK don’t have that nearly as often.
as far as peak oil I would worry more about the petrochemical industry for plastics and such than fuel for my vehicle. There are quite a few ethanol and biodiesel plants in this area. Food will become stupidly expensive as a result though. All bets are off for other areas of the country that don’t have these types of operations. The military has also shown that they can fly planes And power tanks on a coal based fuel product. However, the government seems to be anti coal at this point. Electricity supplies will be hurt. They are forcing coal plants out of operation, even ones that spend huge amounts of money to put on scrubbers. So, if oil is running out, they are anti coal and no new nuclear plants have been built in years, where do these tools think they are going to get the power for all these electric cars, or their homes and businesses? Now when the natural gas runs out… BAD things are going to happen. Industries use the crap out of natural gas in their processes.
I was reviewing my notes from the PP seminar that was just two weeks ago.
From George Gammon’s session I wrote the following:
“Freedom lovers could be labeled ‘Domestic Terrorists’ which per patriot act means you can’t have a bank account. Need other ways to hold cash”
I wrote that just TWO WEEKS AGO. Now look at what is happening in Canada. My mind is blown about how fast that prediction came true.
Now how fast will it happen in the US?
Pardon me while I vent a little:
Thanks to WestCoastJan, we quickly heard the story about the woman being trampled by a horse (Trucker rally) and the fact that the woman was “OK”.
Today the CBC has a headline about how the truckers were spreading misinformation about her dying. IOW, the police who trampled the woman are being made out to be the victims here.
The state media in Canada is beyond despicable.
Also, Jan had put up a post about Cops drinking and partying afterwards and reveling in beating down the protestors. I can’t find the post now, but all night I was thinking about other stories Ive heard of nations falling into autocracy.
One thing they have in common is the kind of people who were once petty street thugs or even murderers suddenly find themselves elevated and given an important role in society.
Looks like thats happening here now. A percentage of people in any nation are willing to beat strangers with a baton. Now there are going to be plenty of job openings for them to work for our handsome leader.
Rant over…
Chris, although your general conclusions are correct I would stop using the M1 graphic (as shown at 12 min in) because it will lead to a debunk that is more complicated. The M1 spike was because the Fed changed the definitions of M1 such that other savings accounts normally counted in M2 would be instead counted as M1. This caused most of the spike but obfuscates the reality that M2 also was spiking so the effect on M1 is confused. I think you will need to subtract out the increase to M2 or just use M2 to show the effect on money out in the consumer space. The effect is still there, but just less dramatic.
So, is it more likely the solar system (particularly the sun) has a bigger effect on the earth’s climate vs. the result of man’s behavior up until this point? History has shown humans tend to think inside out vs. outside in ( sun revolves around the earth, etc) Could geomagnetic changes be on the horizon? I’ll leave it up others to ponder.
My latest conspiracy theory that I have wondeed about for some time centers around the test swabs everyone is using without thinking twice. Chris, I think they are more than just cotton on a stick. We know the vaccines are not as advertised, why would the billions of free test kits be any different. I, for one, will not even take a covid test.
Thank you for what you have done and continue to do. You are my early warning system and because of you I am ever vigilant.
The sun has very regular, predictable 11 year cycles such that the sun’s geomagnetic field gets stronger up to a 11yr maximum, and then progresses to a minimum field 11 years after the maximum. However, these 11 year cycles are embedded in larger geomagnetic cycles by the sun which are on 200, 400, 1000, etc year cycles. These larger cycles can lead to extreme climate changes for decades at a time every 200, 400, 1000, etc years. See the Maunder Minimum starting around 1645 through 1700 or so (Charles Hugh Smith, who Chris has interviewed many times before here at PP, compared today with this timeframe without specifically referring to the Maunder Minimum & referenced a book which chronicled 1641-1710 which corresponds exactly with this time period.)
Here is a PBS video just out which talks about the 11 year cycles, but not the larger more powerful cycles. The immediate concern is that the earth’s protective electromagnetic field is getting weaker in the much larger context despite a relatively smaller uptick in the sun’s 11 year cycle. CME’s are coming off the sun with the increased activity, but the weaker geomagnetic fields of both the sun & earth are such that the CMEs can do more damage. A week or two ago a huge CME ripped off the far side of the sun going away from the earth. Had it been earth facing it likely would have caused some degree of damage to the electrical grid.
Btw, in addition to the extreme climate changes globally has anyone taken note of the increased seismic activity with both volcanoes & earthquakes the past 2 years? The news doesn’t report this stuff ?. It’s related to increased solar electrical energy entering the magnetic North Pole, going through the center of the earth which is likely very highly charged hot plasma, and then out the South Pole, and then completing the circuit in a donut fashion back to the North Pole.
I definitely could be wrong, and time will tell if we are approaching a GSM of the 400 year type, but IMO there’s certainly enough info & real world events that could support it. Also, I’ve come across some highly reputable people who think there’s a good chance the GSM is a “thing”. Time will tell.
Pay attention to the climate, seismic activity, solar storms & CME’s, the northern/southern lights, unusual natural phenomena such as increased amount of lightning or very unusual hail storms, rain storms which dump never seen before amounts of rain in extremely short timeframes, wondering magnetic north/south poles, extreme changes in jet streams, etc.