Peak Personalities: Dr. Pierre Kory (Part 1)

Most farmers I know also work a job in addition to farming because 120 acre farm with corn and soy beans is not enough to support a family on. I like to volunteer my time to help drive the grain wagons during harvest time because it helps them and they teach me about farming. That is how a normal mutually beneficial social interaction works. Both sides benefit. It seems to me like some people here are demanding something for free but have not offered anything in return. Remember kids, you are not owed anything from anyone.

Unfortunately, Wealthion (Adam’s baby) is owned by Gold Bullion International , LLC (aka. GBI) via Greylock Holdings LLC which owns Greylock Peak. The affiliations and ownerships are disclosed here ; read item 10). I agree with Dave: if it’s “free” then you are the product.

Chris and Dr. Kory recounted a great success story using treatments like corticosteroids and intravenous Vitamin C, but failed to point out that the cohort of US society discussed, those sick enough for hospitalization in ICUS, is an extremely small percentage of US society. It reaches crisis levels in large cities like those mentioned - Seattle, San Francisco, Detroit, NYC - which contain a large at risk population due to a rotten health care system for low income Americans. A focus on the effects of Covid 19 in these crisis areas as if they were typical effects of the virus everywhere is misleading. Surveys of other cohorts of society show that the virus is not more dangerous generally than other infectious respiratory diseases, especially when treated in a timely fashion with ivermectin, etc. It is important to avoid even the suggestion that the virus is as dangerous as the scare tactics of the governing authorities and MSM would like us to believe.

I don’t know if it helps, but I dissolve 2 grams of sodium ascorbate in a liter of water and drink it over about 6 hours. I imagine, I could do a gram in a liter twice and drink it over most of the day.

Of course it is. How do you expect him to keep his website running? How do you expect him to do all of our research for us and interviews with no funding? People expect great stuff for free because they’ve been conditioned by Google to expect that. Which is why we’re in the mess we’re in now. If you’re not paying for a product but you’re getting it “free” - you’re the product.

I came across a website that maintains a rolling count of C-19 deaths that could have been prevented with early available treatments but misplaced the link. Anyone have that link could you please forward? The site had a blue background with white text (count continuously updating).

I subscribed for the access to the second half of this interview, but I cannot see it on this page. I am currently logged in and I can see my subscription active.

You should be able to access it here:

Scroll up to the top of the page. On the right-hand side, the first link should be the one that goes to the second video.

How much do I owe to PP for saving my husband’s and my lives? If I set a value for that, and subtract the subscription cost; I will will be paying for a long time to come.
I donate my artwork to charities for fundraising events. Generally people bid on a perceived value of my art. One auctioneer said something quite remarkable. “There are two values to consider. The value of the item up for auction, plus the value of the organization that you are supporting. Bid accordingly.” I believe in that from both sides. Buyer and donor.
It’s all a matter of priorities and choices.

You only have to talk to a number of content producers of far lesser quality to know that’s nonsense.

in my country the average monthly income is about 300$, and i am sure there are more poor countries out there. asking 30$ a month for the global community is too much
Listen or read.

…I do not write these words for my contemporaries. We are the damned. It is our lot now to watch as the lamp of liberty is extinguished, our burden to bear witness to the final flickering of the flame of freedom. No, I don’t write these words for my peers; I write them for those yet to come. The inhabitants of that future dystopia whose birth pangs we are experiencing. The remnant of once-free humanity who might—through some miracle I can’t even imagine—come across this electronic message in a bottle. I know that it’s almost hopeless. That the chance of these words surviving the coming internet purge are slim at best. That even if—against all odds—this message does wash up on your digital shores, the chance of these words being understood by you is even slimmer. Not because you don’t understand English, but because you no longer use these words I’m writing: Freedom. Humanity. Individual. Still, I am here to record the end of an era. So I will press on in the hope against hope that someone, somewhere in that future Digital Dark Age, will have eyes to see and ears to hear. The darkness is descending. Let there be no mistake: We all know this.…

FYI JFK jr has a new book out called the Real Anthony Fauci. Here is a link to an interview with him. Scroll down to podcast number 4.

Apologies podcast link did not stick. You can listen to the interview about Fauci and the book on Spotify. The RFK Jr The defender podcast.
Great to see everyone at Polyface!

Hi Chris,
this news just in…
I really hope this will help people in Indo.

Don’t walk, run!

Running a website, spending the time editing, researching, networking… is work, and ppl should get compensated when they work.

I agree that $10 would make me a subscriber, but I sent an email awhile ago suggesting Chris go on Patreon as I would contribute to his work even not being given subscriber access as I find great value in it. Just not able to add another monthly bill of $30 per month right now. Unfortunately they never did that so I ended up buying a shirt. Patreon may be corrupted as the other people I contribute to are saying they may have to move due to censorship so maybe find a freer platform to send donors to.