Peter McCullough Tells All

I live in Costa Rica. This is an incorrect depiction of reality.
Costa Rica is famous for creating laws that are never enforced. Every indication is that this is an example of one of those laws. The law was created in the middle of October. It was then challenged in court by members of the tourist bureau. The court ruled that no government agency can enforce this law. The president then countered with an offer to businesses that they could open to 100% capacity if they enforced the vaccine mandate. This phase started Dec 4. I have been in many restaurants, stores, etc since Dec 4 and NO ONE is checking vaccination status.
If you want to whatā€™s going on on the ground here, check out the video below:


Hey Stph,
Iā€™m glad youā€™ve found relief there. In normal times, Iā€™d never consider going back there. Lived there twice. Once in the late 70ā€™s to early '80ā€™s and a second time, for a few years leaving in 2003. I still have one family member down there but everyone else I knew has left. Just be careful, drivers will hit your car stating ā€œthatā€™s what bumpers are forā€. Itā€™s the biggest con state in the country. Be suspicious of every person you hire to do any work. Also, be prepared if your home is damaged by a hurricane. FEMA and Floridaā€™s state insurance will not help you.
However, considering these insane times and only with DeSantis running the ship even Iā€™d reconsider going back though Iā€™d stay clear of the southern half for sure. Haha and pigs are flying, let me tell you! My mother is also rolling over in her grave.
I hope it continues to be a safe haven for all!


Thanks, Bruce ā€“ itā€™s always great to get the boots on the ground info.

So, perhaps if you talk everyone into reducing their BMI to below 25 and get them to reverse their age to under 60 and stock a supply of ivermectin, then perhaps there is no role for vaccines in fighting this pandemic (now endemic).
Happy you recognize early treatments. It sounds like you agree that the under-60 and normal-weight group don't need the shot, assuming early treatment is accessible. Which, fortunately it is. The under-30 and the normal-weight group really don't need the shot. And the under-12 and normal-weight group REALLY don't need the shot. I happen to be under-60, with a BMI of 24, and I have early treatment available. (So do most in the US - "monoclonal antibodies", among other treatments). I make an effort to keep that BMI where it is. I make an effort to engage in daily activity, and to keep my vit-D levels > 50 ng/ml. As a result of my efforts, I don't need the shot. It is really irritating that they are trying hard to coerce me into taking it. If Pfizer had tested them on people with various comorbidities - "BMI > 30 results in this outcome", and "hypertension people results in this outcome", I'd have a lot more faith in what the capabilities of the shots really are. They didn't do this. Instead, they lumped everyone into one group, which showed that the shots killed more people than they saved. That's not me editorializing, that's just math. See that top line (below) with the #15 under BNT? That's how many died after taking the shot. And the line with #14 under Placebo? That's how many died in the salt water group, 2 of which died from COVID19. They are trying to corral us into the "must take the shot" space, by pretending there are no treatments, there are no mitigations, there is no prophylaxis. Even your plant-based diet appears to be protective. Do they mention this? No, of course not. If they mentioned plant-based diets, and how they reduced mortality, that would cause "vaccine hesitancy." This tactic makes me 100% suspicious of everything they do. Kinda like this cow below:

Is it by Gary Larson?
The ā€œcattleā€ meme is more accurate than you might realize!
Because that is exactly how the ā€œCabalā€ views everyone else!


My niece and her sig other are both ~30 YO professionals in NYC. They are both very social, both by nature and by profession. They got Covid around a year ago (travelling in a car where 5 out of 6 later got diagnosed). They both experienced classic loss of sense of smell and tested positive at that time. Over the summer, wanting to travel to Turkey, they both got double jabbed.
Today I got news that they both are sick again: they went to a small party and something like 11 out of 12 people are now reporting sick. My nieceā€™s beau got tested for Covid and came back positive. THEN he got tested again, supposedly specific for Omicron and that is positive. My niece is awaiting her test result and, if it is positive, she will go and get the test specific for Omicron (I donā€™t know if it is just good medical or otherwise that they are getting an Omicron specific test, but it helps in my telling the story, for sure).
So, I am reporting, second hand (but based on two people I know directly): YOU CAN GET OMICRON AFTER NATURAL IMMUNITY.
Still, this really shocked me: Did the double jab possibly make them more susceptible to Omicron than they would have been if they had only natural immunity? Or does Omicron simply ignore natural immunity??
We already know, Omicron appears to ignore the double jab. Indeed, since Omicron is pretty mild in everyone, it is curious that the media and Our Masters keep pushing the narrative that one will get only mild Omicron if they have been double jabbed. I donā€™t know how that confusion will eventually be resolved, but meantime it looks like we have an interesting case to consider: Natural recovery from a confirmed case of Covid (probably alpha); Double jabbed (I think Moderna); NOW confirmed Omicron (in recovery after about five days).


I really think the whole debate regarding immunity is moot, whether you think you can get from vaccinating, or natural or what strain.
The whole problem with vaccinations for coronavirus for decades vs the flu, is simply you can get it over and over again , same strain another strain doesnt matter. There is no way than to become immune from corona. You have a temporary effect that is not really immunity. Its more or less, you are still sick. Can you get corona while you have corona? I dont think so. But some idiots ā€œexpertsā€ are warning that you can get with a ā€œmonster virusā€ combo of delta and omicron. Neither sounds like a monster to me. or together. The truth is the only immunity you can get to corona actually while you are still sick. Your body is already primed and fighting. when it finishes and the army packs up and leaves shore , its over. The problem what we think is immunity, is just a few forces left for a few months to keep things secure from the original threat re-engaging. Sort of like what was supped to happen in Afghanistan. But the taking the vaccine over and over and over again is keeping your immunity taxed sort of like what really happened in Afghanistan. Until you are defeated. The US is experienced in this type of warfare , they dont know how to fight it differently.


Omicron ignores the double jabbed? Iā€™ve seen UK and Danish data that suggests double jabbed are the most susceptible. I wonder if maybe the shots made them more likely to contract it again due to immune system damage?



It has been going on for too long a while, and I commiserate with it feeling exhausting, I even gave you the first thumbs up for your thoughtful post. Unfortunately, it is an issue which is of penultimate importance, yet is not being settled in the court of public and governmental opinion, because Our Masters find it more profitable for it to not be settled by close examination, free debate, and free choice.


Good God! this makes me sickā€¦how could you!

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if the want to prevent the unvaxed from getting health insurance And most of the unvaxed are younger and healthier people or people with natural immunity, can they also ban the overweight from getting health insurance too? Letā€™s drop the rehab coverage from insurances too. Why not. All of these things involve personal choice!



Covid is a real problem for our health care system. It causes real disease that causes real lasting issues for many. It also causes PCPs to refuse to see their patients in person. This causes ER crowding. Not seeing their patients causes delays in diagnoses of diseases like cancer, diabetes, hypertension. No PCP in person causes people to present much later in a disease process increasing hospitalizations.
Covid itself is causing hospitalizations almost equal to the peak in my states of Maryland and Delaware.
Covid causes us to have fewer nurses working because so many quit due to the increased stress, so we now have fewer inpatient beds we can fill.
Covid caused a financial burden on hospitals keeping us from keeping up with the pay at the local WAWA so we lost techs and housekeeping and kitchen staff, increasing the burden on nurses to take on more during a shift.
For the first time ever, I have had a patient die because I donā€™t have a bed available within my entire state of Maryland, ( nor in Delaware )where there are specialists who can treat my patient. Even though my patient did not have Covid. And due to ER overcrowding, the tertiary care hospitals also will not transfer patients to the ER at a larger hospital.
Covid may not be a direct threat to you today. But it is a huge threat to someone every day in some way at every moment. Iā€™m not trying to be disrespectful or argumentative. Iā€™m not saying get the shot, donā€™t get the shot, mask no mask, stay home or go out. Iā€™m saying please take it seriously and do what you feel is best for you.
Thanks for listening to your rural hospital front line ER doc.


I think many here would agree that Covid has the potential to be serious (for anyone) and that the whole situation is causing problems.
This is exactly why early treatment is so important.
The suppression of early treatments and basic prophylaxis (like even ā€œgo for a walk and take vitamin Dā€) is despicable. How different could the situation be of the news stopped fear mongering and recommended a brisk 30 minute walk? How different could it be if the government mailed everyone some vitamin D and carrageenan nasal spray?


The reaction and responses to it by the politicians and mass media is the problem.
Jab Mandates and lockdowns have created those shortages in staff and equipment.
It will only get worse as long as people keep allowing their fear and morons to rule.


Overcrowding has numerous possible contributing factors:

  1. Covid hospitalizations
  2. Vaccine injury hospitalizations
  3. Media-driven irrational fear that causes PCPs to not want to see their patients in person.
  4. Medical personnel quitting due to burnout and fear.
  5. Medical personnel quitting/being fired due to vaccine mandates.
  6. Suppression of early treatments (this alone would reduce the impact of #1 by perhaps 80%)
  7. Suppression of immune support and healthy life style info.
I think covid hospitalizations would be a minor issue if 2-7 were handled well. Here's how I would do it:
  1. for #2, get a real handle on vaccine injuries relative to benefit in different risk groups. Remove approval for the vaccine in groups that have a net negative benefit. Recognize and treat vaccine injuries. Compensate the injured.
  2. Regarging #3, stop getting the media in a frenzy with all of the fear-mongering sound-bites and other propaganda from our own government.
  3. Regaring #5, end the mandates, hire back all fired personnel who want to return.
  4. Regarding #6 and 7, promote early treatments, immune support and healthy lifestyle.
  5. All of these actions go a long way to reducing numbers 2 through 5.
  6. The net result is that covid hospitalizations become a minor issue on the order of the flu or maybe less (We should implement several of these actions on the list with regards to the flu as well).

I agree that we donā€™t want ERā€™s to be overrun, but isnā€™t this why we should be offering up early treatment for Covid at home to prevent a trip to the hospital?

  1. A general intentional lack of preparedness for a pandemic that has been predicted and anticipated for decades, due to the profit motive of the healthcare system. It doesnā€™t make sense income-wise to have the extra beds and trained caregivers available if they arenā€™t needed 99% of the time.

Thatā€™s exactly why ā€œno treatment for youā€ is such a criminal policy. As Chris reminds us from time to time ā€œIt didnā€™t have to be this wayā€.