Peter McCullough Tells All

I have served with all kinds of people over the years of many colors, religions and ethnicities. We served together in unfriendly places. They are ALL my bothers and sisters in arms. I would defend any of them if needed. Of course, like me most of them are retired or about to retire from the service now. Occasionally we find people on the internet who get a bug up their ass about one particular group of people of another and they display a rather unpleasant side of their personality. This seems to be the type of display we have going on here. No one member of a particular demographic is responsible for the actions of other members of their demographic, ever. PERIOD. We are all our own people and are responsible for our own actions. No one here that wasn’t alive when it occurred is responsible for the atrocities of the past. We have to stop fighting amongst ourselves and look at where the true blame for the shit mess we find ourselves in is. I will tell you one thing I bet my ass that no one on here has enough money or power to be part of that in-crowd no matter what race, religion, ethnicity, gender etc they happen to be. So, why don’t we drop this line of blaming one group of people and focus on the problem at hand.


“The issue I don’t hear mentioned is the adverse reaction to acquiring natural immunity. What I am seeing is that the vast majority of people getting vaccinated have relatively mild reactions. What I don’t see is relatively mild reactions to catching Covid as a means of acquiring immunity.”
One does not have to get sick from the SARS-CoV-2 virus to develop natural immunity.
Today I spoke in person to a patient of mine who just retired; he was the #2 guy running [administration and treatment] the respiratory unit of a large Atlanta Hospital. He went over many types of immunity that can occur without getting sick.
One we didn’t mention today was nutrition, like high serum D3 levels. Here is another, which was passed on to me by someone from this website:
“Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 generates T-cell memory in the absence of a detectable viral infection”

He reveals that he has never before seen so many deaths from thromboses (i.e. blood clots) as in the past year with those deaths occurring almost exclusively in those who have received the jab. The ages of the dead range from 20s on up. None were noted in children. Thromboses obviously can cause death via pulmonary emboli, heart attacks, or strokes, depending upon if they occur in the lungs, heart, or brain (for those who may not be knowledgeable about such matters).
I thought the comment by the interviewer (at around 18:23) about a former VP of Pfizer coming on TV and stating, why would you take something that is 50x more likely to kill you than the disease it’s supposed to protect you from, were noteworthy.
Just another pebble to add to the mountain of evidence against the jab and perhaps something to share with others.


It has been called to my attention that a series of comments have gone way off topic from what Dr. McCollough spoke to Chris about. In my judgment, I agree despite a single razor thin connecting string in the web. As such, I will begin to Spam/eliminate the offending comments. If you have a concern about that, feel free to PM me and I will address it as soon as I am able, but I will not guarantee a change of heart. I don’t want to chill good discussions, but when a discussion about the politics and medical management of Covid turns into debates about racial/religious extermination
the conversation has gone awry. This website’s viability is more important than a single debate. As a reminder, here are the key rules:

  • Hijacking: Posts in blatant disregard of purpose for which a specific thread was created
  • relevance: Posts that do not add enough (or anything at all) towards advancing the topic under discussion.
CONSEQUENCES Consequences for violating the forum rules may include a warning, editing or removal of the offending material, or suspension of posting privileges, potentially up to and including account deactivation and/or permanent banning from posting on the site. Moderators have the complete authority to act in what they see as the site’s best interests. The line is not always crisp, and the job is not easy. They deserve your support. OFF-LIMIT TOPICS Regretfully, through much trial and even more error, we’ve determined that there are several topics that seem to escape the ability of otherwise careful and considerate people to discuss pleasantly in an online forum:
  • Religion
  • Abortion
  • Politics (from a partisan standpoint or otherwise seen as pushing an agenda)
These topics are not allowed, and any threads or posts containing them will be promptly removed. We wish it could be otherwise, but our hard-earned experience is that these topics are not worth the trouble. We appreciate your understanding. Have a nice evening. M. Stewart Peak Prosperity Content Manager
If you can refute the facts of the books cited, not just third-hand biased accounts, make your case. Clearly a "Cabal" exists that has been fabricating false narratives for a long time. War Propaganda for over 70 years all to serve their agenda. The same is true with the Covid War. The Great Reset. Technological Tyranny. Global Dominion. All are connected. Remain blind to your own peril and future.
See, just the social distancing is enough to disrupt most dating and childbirth that would otherwise have occurred. Now if only Our Masters can force Africa, and maybe Florida, to get with the program.


Your messaging is loud and clear notwithstanding its incoherence and capriciousness.
I pointed out that the ADL is behind hate speech in a post - and my post gets deleted. ?? WTF. Did the ADL get to you?
If we can’t talk about certain topics, particularly the suppression of thought and ideas, then what’s the point of talking at all

  • Religion
  • Abortion
  • Politics (from a partisan standpoint or otherwise seen as pushing an agenda)
These topics are not allowed, and any threads or posts containing them will be promptly removed.
GK Chesterton said that Religion and Politics are in fact the only two topics worthy of discussion. Seriously, WTF are we talking about here on this site that does not involve religion (individual's beliefs/ethics) and politics (covid/finance/oil/etc?) The site is risking becoming a bubble echo chamber with arbitrary policies such as above. Good evening.
No one member of a particular demographic is responsible for the actions of other members of their demographic, ever. PERIOD.
This is my view and I'm going to enforce this here. In every single group of people, a few of them are untrustworthy sociopathic cretins, some are literal saints and the rest fall in between. In all my years I haven't noticed a bit of difference between different groups. It's why I don't do left-right and prefer up-down. Some great people in China. Some not-so-great. Some great people in Saudi Arabia. Some not-so-great. Some great people in France. Some not-so-great. Etc. Regardless, I fail to see how any particular opinion about anything at all helps us much around here. Data and context help to move the needle. When I discuss the Great Reset I have names, statements and powerpoints in their own words to build from and discuss. Historical events become a bit trickier to rely upon because the context is gone, the people dead, and the stories written poorly and by the victors. If you think Hitler was bad, you should read up on the firebombing of Dresden. I cannot, for the life of me, distinguish civilians/noncombatants dying in one truly awful way from another. Plenty of horror to go around. Instead of re-debating such a period of time, why not spend our efforts trying to figure out how to avoid repeating those horrors? Because surely we are well on our way. If you believe the numbers, as I do, hundreds of thousands of my own citizens died unnecessarily as they were deprived of early treatments. That's a gruesome way to go. And if you think that's bad...wait until things really get rolling along here... We're up against a real darkness, a real sickness and it lies within each of us. All of us have it. It's not "out there" in some other people. You have it. I have it. It can emerge under certain conditions, which are being carefully evoked by some people. I'd really rather not 'go there' again if we can avoid it. So how do we do that? That's what I'd rather be focusing on here.

At any point in time, hospitals could solve the Covid problem if they wanteed; all they would need to do is send people home with Ivermectin or give them monoclonal antibodies, as well as several other lower cost treatments. Hospitals could also stop firing doctors and nurses who have natural immunity, which would help staffing issues.
As I understand it-- and I might be wrong – Covid positive people are sent home with no treatment, and are told to return when they’re desperately ill. Then they are sedated and put on a ventilator-- the government pays them extra for the vent treatment. Many do not survive the vent; the hospitals are then paid more money when a person dies of Covid. The hospital receives a bonus for the vent, the death of a patient and is not able to be sued for said death because they followed the given procedure. This does not seem to be a problem for most hospitals, and it’s been going on for two years.
Although individual hospitals may be genuinely trying to work outside of the constraints of the system, there are doctors, nurses and administrators that simply do what they’re told by the government , even if it turns out people don’t live through the mandated treatment.


The unproductive tangents might be better seen as a ‘nudges’, and ‘triggers’, that are intentional undermining of the site’s threads, to take threads down a path(s) that are distracting and easily used to discredit. Ignoring the seemingly benign triggering, baiting and ‘piling on’ is necessary.


I too recently had a comment removed as “spam.” The comment contained a link to a website that contained the same information that Dr. Kory discussed on his recent FLCCC update. I have emailed you requesting an explanation of why the post was deleted. As requested there, it would be nice to give a brief explanation as to why a comment was deleted rather than simply deleting as “spam.” Thank you, and have a joyous, safe, and Blessed Christmas.


Freyans repeatedly assume that all people have the same Values. I the case of Saxons, they naively assert that all cultures value Freedom above all else.
This is a grave error, and causes endless friction between the races. The Chinese, for instance, value Stability above all else. The Tibetans, spirituality. The Africans, Belonging. And so on and so forth.
The Mongols under Genghis Kahn saw cities as a blight upon God’s perfect creation.
And who are we to prescribe their Values to them? The Oera Linda says that the Wr-alda has a plan for each, and He certainly doesn’t need our advice in this matter.



Was looking for the full interview between Joe Rogan and the good Dr. M and found a post by Dr. Zelenko. This is a beautiful statement that I agree with 110%. I don’t think it violates PP rules; it’s not about religion but rather spirituality and very poignant:


I agree, but, all of those of any demographic that support, defend, and that cover-up all of the crimes of those “individuals” or any “Cabal” of organized criminals are equally guilty and complicit by being “three monkeys” all in “denial” of the actual facts and history and data.
If you really want to know how we all got here, you first must have a clue to retrace the past through the labyrinth of many “false narratives” by using the strings of actual facts and accurate data to navigate.
Otherwise, you will just get lost in all of the dead-ends of false narratives, lies, damned lies, and statistics.
Those that do fail to learn the true lessons of history, are doomed to repeat them, or at least, they will rhyme.
“Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.”–JC
“And whom the gods would destroy, they first make insane.”
If you can’t even name your actual and true enemy,
then how do you really expect to actually defeat it?
“Willful ignorance”, is not actually “telling it all” by not providing the true factual historical context.
Don’t conflate conversation as being “unproductive” with what is factual “truth-telling”
or you do just completely undermine:
only your own, and all others that continue to still do so,
“personal integrity”- moral, intellectual, and spiritual.
If you really want to know just where you and we are going,
find the trend line from the past for as long as one can do so.
Don’t murder the truth, or at least, don’t be any accomplice.


I agree that this is focused on spiritual warfare. Dr. Zelenko is uniquely qualified to speak about our battle against forces of evil. He may well have been the first courageous doctor to stand strong and treat his patients against this disease.
Truly inspiring
.a great message for this holiday season.


You write well; I know as I communicate with several highly intelligent/educated family and close friends who are DC’s, DO’s, MD’s, engineers, attorneys, or have MS or PhD degrees. They include the senior managing editor of the CDC’s E.I.D. publication, the journal’s head administrator, people doing research, etc.
I thought this comment was good, but the way it ended made me feel like I was left hanging:
“We’re up against a real darkness, a real sickness and it lies within each of us. All of us have it. It’s not “out there” in some other people. You have it. I have it.It can emerge under certain conditions, which are being carefully evoked by some people. I’d really rather not ‘go there’ again if we can avoid it. So how do we do that? That’s what I’d rather be focusing on here.”
I’d be interested in you expanding from this point.


Because mixing truth with fiction is the most effective and deceptive propaganda.
The “Cabal” are the ones behind this Agenda of World Dominion and because they are psychopaths and sociopaths they psychologically project their own actual “issues” onto all others.
Very clever, but, seen through when you do know the truth vs. such “false narratives”.
Aaron Russo told the whole truth: it’s the “Cabal”.


But he is a useful reflection of what “reasonable” people want to hear. So he is useful to monitor to gage changes one way or the other. Including how effective the shills working for big Pharma are at pulling down on the scales with “stud-ees” and “X-perrts” and “dock-tors” and stat-is-ticks.
“Lyme suicides” are up.


That video you just posted was inspiring. Thank you very much for that.