Peter McCullough Tells All

When Chris says - “We’re up against a real darkness, a real sickness and it lies within each of us. All of us have it. It’s not “out there” in some other people. You have it. I have it.It can emerge under certain conditions, which are being carefully evoked by some people.”
I believe he meas that all of us are capable of dark thoughts and actions. Each of us has a different threshold as to when we would cross over into dark thoughts and then dark actions. Jordan Peterson explains this very well in a podcast with Jocko Willink.
Chris alluded to learning from history rather than debate what has already happened. There have always been seemingly normal people who always contribute to darkness. They cross their individual threshold for darkness. From what I’ve seen this is due to the need to fit in with the larger group, or for mere survival. It’s a battle for each of us, everyday to not draw closer to darkness. There’s a song by the band Disturbed that I like to listen to at least once per week to remind me of this. It’s called “Saviour of Nothing.” Give it a listen.


The “darkness within” or just “self-defense”?
Even a brave chicken will fight when forced into a corner.
We didn’t start this war, the “Cabal” did so, but, we will finish it.
Once and for all.
This is not a game.
Either you are for individual Freedom and for All Life or you are not?


A member of an online community I co-host described a Match.comexchange in which her prospective date, upon finding she was only partially vaccinated, wished her death—the sooner the better. It was one of many similar, she said.
Now it is probably a good idea to eliminate from the dating pool people who disagree with you on basic issues like religion, health care, child-rearing, or politics. But to wish them death? Wow.
Given that at least 30% of Americans are unvaccinated (and many more unboosted), it does not bode well for this country if this kind of vitriol spreads. The media and social media are profuse with hateful sentiments about how the unvaccinated deserve to die, should be denied medical care, are immoral, ignorant, narcissistic, sociopathic, and so on.
I am sorry to observe hate on the other side of the vaccine divide too. Sometimes I see in health freedom communities half-hopeful, gloating posts about how the vaccinated will someday wail and gnash their teeth in abject regret when mass vaccine-induced death shows them the error of their ways. Monikers like “sheeple,” “normies,” and “vaxtards” play into the most dangerous controller agenda of all—to divide and conquer by fostering internecine hatred.
If we who oppose vaccine mandates wish to live in a world based on dignity, we should do everything we can to affirm the dignity of all human beings. By dehumanizing those with opposing views, we reinforce the same pattern that dehumanizes ourselves, the dissidents.
In my writing I have tried to avoid language that dehumanizes anyone, even as I have voiced strong opinions about Covid policy and especially mandates. Nonetheless, the prevailing pattern is so strong that some people took my last essay, A Path Will Rise to Meet Us, as an indictment of the vaccinated. No. As I’ve written in other essays, people including my own family members get vaccinated for reasons that seem good to them. It is not that some are smart and others are stupid, that some are ethical and others wicked. It is that each, by dint of chance and biography, occupies a different vantage point on the information landscape. Each is subject to different influences."


Hello Again Les, With everything I have seen with my own eyes in these last 24 months, I just can’t take for granted what the definition of “unvaccinated” is. The word jugglery, omissions, and outright lies I have lived through has come at a great cost: my permanent state of being jaded. Pretty much every publication’s credibility and each claim made by an authority must be examined with great clarity and until then, every thing is suspect.


Edited subject line after posting.
[video width=“854” height=“480” mp4=“”][/video]


Am sharing far and wide.
I have had 3 friends who bailed out on me over the summer on FB (due to my incessant poking and prodding with data and facts that didn’t comport with Le Narrative) suddenly come out of the woodwork and be, like…friendly. As if they’re calling a mulligan on their dissing me and it’s back to old times.
So, an essay like this one comes along at an interesting moment. Here’s hoping they read it. I teased the link with this portion of the essay:
"Sometimes it happens in the midst of conflict that both sides awaken to its absurdity. Often, laughter accompanies the breaking of tension as each party steps out of the role of enemy. They recognize that the whole drama is something of a joke. It’s not that there is no valid matter of contention; it’s that the drama has overshadowed the original issue. Shedding their roles and their self-righteous identification with them, the warring parties can often come to a quick solution. Or maybe they realize that the conflict has become obsolete.

Something like that may be possible with Covid—the decreasing virulence of variants, the development of effective treatments, and the spread of natural resistance could render many Covid debates, including those around vaccines, obsolete. Many people are sick of the whole thing and are ready to move on. However, powerful vested interests prolong the drama by stoking further fear and rage, drawing from the long-festering resentments of our fevered society."
So -- we'll see if anyone is moved out of their fear into compassion.
A man can dream. In the meantime, I'll be in the garden...
May Fortune Smile! -- Sager

Dear Bruno, whenever I see your name on a post title now I know there will be something about The Cabal. It’s kind of become your trademark. So please educate me as to what it is, so that we too can root against it. So far, I know it’s not a religion. Is it a state of mind? A set of beliefs held in common by a particular group? Who are the folks in The Cabal and do they know they are in it? You drop hints that it goes back thousands of years. How is the Cabal transmitted from generation to generation? Through ethnicity and/or conscious indoctrination? Exactly who are these people and why should I join with you in wanting to destroy them? Apparently they are not Jews so my apologies for assuming so. I’d like to at least be able to identify my enemy if I’m going to destroy him.


I have always wondered this as well. My understanding , you are correct. it is the Jews. However, it seems to be a very specific subset of both elites and the Jews. Not all elites are Jews and neither all Jews elites. However, if you see an elite that is a Jew, you can pretty much rest assure they are the Cabal. For sure they are represented in virtually all Media ownership and the central bank. And likely the majority of big pharma and FDA. Also represented as heads in many governments.


“The Cabal” is best understood as an ancient, super wealthy, and very well-organized crime family.


In a recent video, Clif High mentioned something which I really liked. He mentioned unknown-unknowns. Not specifically, but he said, “we have to acknowledge that we don’t know what we don’t know.”
I think Cabals and Bugs fall into that category for me. I can’t say who they are (Blackrock and Vanguard and the other Wall Street cutouts mask ownership identity nicely), but we can see the impact of everything they do.
I can see the outlines of something global (Mr. Global?) in COVID19 for sure. The medical journals, Fauci’s bad behavior with trials (both ones he likes, and the ones he doesn’t), his 40 year survival in place, and Pharma/Sickcare and its 20%/GDP harvesting operation - keeping people sick on purpose. Just for money? Or is it something more?
And in other areas - the end of the nation state (an open southern border, vax requirements for legal entry but none for illegal entry, effective open borders in Europe), the Afghanistan disaster, the “supply chain” problems => inflation which affects Plebes far more than the Oligarchy, worldwide vax mandates for a subscription-model-shot that works for just six months and kills more than it saves, which appears to be a prelude to global digital ID gated by social credit, effectively CCP-izing the entire world.
Not to mention the debt slavery system, centralized control over search (google), information (wiki), publication (youtube/twitter), and location monitoring (GPS linked to the ubiquitous cell phone).
If it isn’t a planned central control/Plebe enslavement system, what has emerged is a fascinating accident that just so happens to enable such a thing with just a few extra tweaks around the edges.
“Just use this App with a QR code to get permission to do everything and you’re good.”
Who is behind it? Just Bill? Or is he just a member of a much larger group?
I don’t know.
Have they always existed? Empires sure are popular. We’ve had Empires in one form or another for quite a long time. America is the latest empire-incarnation, and we’re seeing a attempted-forced-end-of-Empire situation happening right now. (Afghanistan! is your clue there, as is the easily-manipulated President Grandpa himself, as is the open southern border).
So have they always existed?
I don’t know.


I looked at #43, and I’m not sure which part of the post you believe falls under the same rules as your post that got moderated.
Perhaps you could be more specific?

"In post #43, the poster said "this" - seems to break rule number "that" - but wasn't moderated. While my post said "this", which they claim I broke rule number "that", and I got moderated."
For Bugs, perhaps? Not the "Cabal". By their deeds, not just their words, you will know them.
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So you made some kind of a holocaust reference. Well that’s tacky. No wonder.
All Americans could easily be on the hook for all the horrid things our Empire has done. I mean, how long are we gonna let Fauci set COVID policy? Every day he remains in power, more people die.
Are all Americans to blame for this?
I wonder sometimes.

You have an intriguing perspective.
So, the practice of taking the vaccine over and over and over again is keeping your immune system taxed, in perpetual sick-mode, until (who knows) maybe your immune system becomes permanently compromised.
The government medical establishment is pushing the narrative that this is the only way to fight a viral pandemic. In reality, a much better strategy is to optimize your health, increase your overall immune function, and treat infections early and aggressively with proven drugs and methodologies. This still does not produce lasting immunity to specific infections, but what it does do is greatly increase a person's immune capability across the board, and make us far less likely to succumb to serious disease in any form.

I posed a question criticizing that tacky racist anti-German and anti-German culture rant.


The “Cabal” is responsible for all of this Tyranny.
Americans are all responsible for tolerating this abuse of our rights by this “Cabal”.
The censorship of the Facts by them is proof that it is no accident at all.

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Could we please move on from this incessant topic or at least give it its very own thread where it can do what it likes? As things stand, it is hijacking almost every thread it can find like a self-replicating SarsCov-2 virus highjacking cells. As for the incessant “I’m not talking about the Jews but oh yes they happen to be Jewish”, it is offensive in the extreme. Zev Zelenko is also Jewish and I am in awe of his humanity and leadership and courage. This discussion topic is leading nowhere and is only dragging down the reputation of this whole site and distracting us from far more urgent concerns, like how to respond to the current and fast-approaching circumstances. I am calling for more active moderation.

I posed a question criticizing that tacky racist anti-German and anti-German culture rant.
Really? I thought a post of yours got "moderated", and you were complaining that someone else's post didn't get "moderated." Did I get this wrong? As for cultural rants - here are my thoughts. From my observation, the German society does appear to be ... let's just say rules-driven. They see it as a big plus. "German agriculture has the strongest rules in the world", one German fellow said to me proudly. BIO levels 1-4 are just the start. (I admit it, I'm a fan of this particular BIO rule.) And sugar levels for wines. I thought French wine labeling requirements were strict. Nope. Germany wins. The overall approach permeates the culture. Very minor drugs require prescriptions. Free antigen tests are easy to find - and required for entry into some businesses. (One unfortunate thing: the local trains definitely don't run on time. So that stereotype - busted). The problem with this cultural structure is, once Germany starts in on the whole "othering" (say, the leadership says "unvaxxed are bad") then the German culture seems able to take this "rules enforcement" thing to an entirely new level of enthusiasm. I suspect that's what Stph was talking about. That's what I saw too. "Follow the rules" appears to be the cultural imperative. And there are plenty of police to enforce these rules. So for BIO 1-4, its good. For the "unvaxxed"? Right now, they are being yanked off trains by police. Tough when most transit - especially for the Plebes - involves ... trains. What's next? As another member noted, you already have to present your "papers" to go into most shops. If you don't have the right G at the right shop: Eingang Verboten. (Your COVID-recovery is good for just six months; amusing that it "doesn't last as long" as the vaccine-that-doesn't-work. Smarter than NYC for sure, though. So is the testing infrastructure). But - how soon until the filthy-dirty unvaxxed (soon: "unboosted") aren't allowed to share apartment buildings with the squeaky-clean vaxxed? Is this a culture rant? Just observations from an outsider. I am, truth be told, not so fond of "too many rules." Especially ones that don't make sense, and are strongly enforced by a large police presence. Now we just need a report from someone in NYC.

It seems like alot of us are going through huge awakenings. I have been really slow to understand this one about “the cabal”… but the penny has dropped. I’ve been watching a docuseries on Bitchute called Europa The Last Battle. It’s forbidden history obviously from the German perspective of WWII and it seems as though all the things pointing towards a modern cabal are the same things openly known as the motivations behind the Nazi’s rise to power (media control, cultural marxism, bought politicians, war profiteers). It’s a real Matrix red pill head fuck.


You wrote:

This discussion topic is leading nowhere and is only dragging down the reputation of this whole site and distracting us from far more urgent concerns, like how to respond to the current and fast-approaching circumstances.
I agree completely.